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ToolsPack: collection of useful codes targeting .NET Standard

My collection of many small useful code-snippets .net, wrapping in reusable library on NuGet with unobtrusive dependencies.

This repository won't got much updates because the codes are very stable through years of battle-testing on production hence nearly Zero-maintenance is needed.

Navigate to the in each packages for more information.


We'll connect to the database to get all "Payment Method"; feed them to a List<string>, and finally display this list, while evaluating time spent on each steps.

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using ToolsPack.Sql;
using log4net;
using ToolsPack.Log4net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ToolsPack.Displayer;

namespace Payment.Tests
  public class CallDboTests
    private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(CallDboTests));

    public void SetUp()
      //Tell log4net to write all log to Console // see: ToolsPack.Log4net

      Log.Info("Init test"); //print to console: same as Console.WriteLine("Init test")

    /// <summary>
    /// This example will make "select" in the database to get all Payment Method Name to a list
    /// then print the list to console.
    /// </summary>
    public void MakeQuery()
      var paymentMethods = new List<string>();

      //read the connection string from app.config or use the default value //see ToolsPack.Config
      var connectionString = ConfigReader.Read("connectionString", @"Data Source=;Initial Catalog=toto;User ID=dev_user;Password=papapapap;");

      //setup a micro-benchmark, to mesure each step //see ToolsPack.Log4net
      using (var etw = ElapsedTimeWatcher.Create(Log, "MakeQuery"))
        //Use ADO.NET helper to access the database //see ToolsPack.Sql
        using (var db = new AdoHelper(connectionString))
          //we use 'etw' to log message and the benchmark
          etw.DebugFormat("Database connect OK, {0}", connectionString); //it will also display elapsed time to connect to database

          db.BeginTransaction(); //show how to make transaction (useless in this example)

          const string query = "select * from payments_methods where operation_type=@tpy";
          using (var reader = db.ExecDataReader(query, "@tpy", 0))
            etw.Debug("Exec query OK"); //it will also display elapsed time to execute the query

            while (reader.Read())
              //use another ADO.Net sugar helper to read cells value
              var name = reader.GetValue<string>("payment_method");

              paymentMethods.Add(name); //feed the list
            etw.Debug("Collect data OK"); //it will also display elapsed time to read all the rows

          db.Commit(); //show how to make transaction (useless in this example)
      } // end of the micro-benchmark, it will display the total time spent in this block

      //Convert an Array/List to a readable string //see ToolsPack.Displayer
      Log.InfoFormat("Payment method found {0}", paymentMethods.Display());

Console Output

11:37:17,379 [INFO ] Init test [CallDboTests:24]
11:37:17,402 [DEBUG] Begin MakeQuery [CallDboTests:0]
11:37:17,695 [DEBUG] MakeQuery - 288412 mcs - Database connect OK, Data Source=;Initial Catalog=toto;User ID=dev_user;Password=papapapap; [CallDboTests:0]
11:37:17,801 [DEBUG] MakeQuery - 106062 mcs - Exec query OK [CallDboTests:0]
11:37:17,812 [DEBUG] MakeQuery - 11381 mcs - Collect data OK [CallDboTests:0]
11:37:17,869 [INFO ] End MakeQuery : Total elapsed 462548 mcs [CallDboTests:0]
11:37:17,869 [INFO ] Payment method found { CARD, RIB, PRELEVEMENT, CHEQUE, VOILA, OHMYGOD } [CallDboTests:71]

Imagine How much line of codes you would have to write without help of [ToolsPack.NetCore]


These codes snippets are collected from different sources, you won't see much unit tests in this repository because I'm too lazy to port them from the old repositories.


The NetStandard version of ToolsPack.Net







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