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ITNews site (for creating and publishing news).

Thematic online newspaper, where users can read, create and publish posts. Each user has his personal page on which he manages a list of his news (table with filtering and sorting, the ability to create / delete / edit news), fields with information about yourself (in-place editing). Editing functions are not available for other users on someone else’s personal page (unless admin). The news contains text with support for markdown formatting and the ability to add pictures (drag-n-drop, a link is inserted into the Markdown). The main page displays: the latest updated news, news with the highest ratings, tag cloud. The news displays comments. Implemented automatic loading of comments without refreshing the page. Each user can add a rating to the news (from 1 to 5 stars, no more than one rating from one user to the news) - the news shows an amount rating. The site supports two themes (dark and light).

Environment: ASP.NET Core 2.1, Entity Framework, Identity Framework, SignalR, MailKit, JavaScript


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