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A simple apk file viewer, developed using .Net Standard and .Net Framework.

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  • Support apk, aab and ipa file (ipa is not yet fully supported)
  • Drag and Drop file to open it
  • View basic information incl. package name, icon, version, sdk, etc
  • View Sign signiture
  • View file hash
  • Open in Google Play Store
  • install apk file using adb

To all passerby

Feel free to create issues for bug-report, feature-request, improvement-suggestion and so on. Especially if the project is many years old and has issue with newer OS or some special apks.

I need help for making macOS version. If you think you can do this and want to support this project, go for it and feel free to make Pull requests. I have a macOS machine to test in my workplace, and I appretiate your support.

My Plan

All bug fix will be done as soon as possible if I have time. Here are the features I'm considering to develop.

  • Multi-platform Support for MacOS and Linux. (I have zero experience on MacOS and Linux development)
  • UI Multi-language

But I don't think I'll do the following features.

  • Rename file
  • open in other apk website like apkpure
  • Hash Compare
  • Decompile or unpack apk
  • sign or resign apk or aab file
  • extract apk or aab file content

About this project

There is already a very good APK-Info out there, and it contains more features.

The reason I do this because:

  • I don't have any GitHub open source project experience, and this is my very first one.
  • I don't trust AutoIt, I noticed that many exes export from it will be recognised as virus. That's probably faulty report, but I still don't trust this tool.
  • I'm using .Net Standard for potencial multiplatform approach. I want it go multiplatform. And c# with .Net Standard is the only knowledge I have to create a multiplatform app with good UI.


This software is licensed under MIT License.

Bundletool is licensed under Apache License 2.0

ADB and AAPT is licensed under Apache License 2.0

The app icon is from ionic-team, and it is modified by me, the color is changed to green.