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Script and Style Resources:

- localization resources located in specific folders are passed to the client as JavaScript after being minified.
- all CSS is bundled and minified into a single stylesheet.
- static JS is bundled and minified into a single script file. views are to contain the smallest amount of JS code possible.
- view-specific code that is static should be invoked from the view, but be in the bundled script file.
- sometimes razor parameters are to be passed to these static files, keep them out of the static files, and pass them as arguments when invoked from the view.
- not all javascript resources are actually referenced in the website, some are just for intellisense or code lookups, like the un-minified version of jquery.

Exception Handling:

- if the Request was non-AJAX, the UnhandledError view will be displayed instead, and display the message.
- for exceptions that do not occur in the context of a controller (say a resource was not found), the global handler will take care of that.
- all exceptions are logged through log4net into a database log table.
- SQL exceptions are also logged through log4net.
- realtime application logs thanks to SignalR and log4net.


- HTML 5 semantic markup.
- CSS 3 and graceful degration to earlier browsers.
- CSS Bundling, and minification.
- LESS stylesheets to make CSS more DRY.
- responsively designed tooltips (that gracefully degrade).
- Mobile First Responsive Web Design.
- html5shiv for IE browsers lower than IE9, which don't support HTML5 tags.
- JS Bundling and Minification.
- Progressive enhancement and unobtrusive javascript.
- Unobtrusive javascript further enhanced by using a convention where .js.cshtml files are the javascript counterpart to views (separation of concerns).
- Unobtrusive AJAX automation converting action ViewResults into AjaxViewResults.
- SignalR persistent client/server connections for realtime updates.

- MVC architecture.
- Custom "Mini" membership schema and providers, including Principal and Identity injection.
- Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection via constructors and properties.
- POCO Entities.
- Dapper Micro-ORM, for performance boost and simplified database querying.
- DbUp for automatic build-step database schema upgrading.
- Log4Net logging, which tracks exceptions, stack traces, SQL code and request endpoints.
- Mvc MiniProfiler implementation to rapidly identify performance bottlenecks.
- Quartz.NET job scheduling for long running background tasks.
- Both server and client-side validation using FluentValidation.
- DRY approach to string resource handling.
- Unit Tests over the application logic.
- nuget packaging to reduce overall digital footprint of the solution.


Boilerplate MVC 3 Application






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