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Single-responsibility, idempotent units of business logic with clear dependency contracts and easy testability.

Commands that return a result are Functions and those that don't are Actions.

Basic Example

Step 1: Define your Command and result types

Commands are basically POCOs that encapsulate all input needed to execute your business logic. Commands that implement IFunction<TResult> return a result of type TResult.

💪 Best Practice: Organize your Command's associated classes (results and handlers) as inner classes. This convention makes it easy to find and predict all the various classes.

public class AuthenticateUserCommand : IFunction<AuthenticateUserCommand.Result>
    public int UserId { get; private set; }
    public string Password { get; private set; }

    public AuthenticateUserCommand(int userId, string password)
        UserId = userid;
        Password = password;

    public class Result
        public bool IsAuthenticated { get; set; }


Step 2: Define your CommandHandler

The business logic is implemented in the Command's Handler, which implements IFunctionHandler<TCommand, TResult>. Any dependencies the Handler needs must be injected into its constructor.

public class AuthenticateUserCommand : IFunction<AuthenticateUserCommand.Result>

    public class Handler : IFunctionHandler<AuthenticateUserCommand, AuthenticateUserCommand.Result>
        private readonly IUserService userService;

        public Handler(IUserService userService)
            this.userService = userService;

        public AuthenticateUserCommand.Result Execute(AuthenticateUserCommand command)
            var isAuthenticated =

            return new Result {
                IsAuthenticated = isAuthenticated

Step 3: Execute your Command

var command = new AuthenticateUserCommand(42, "P@ssw0rd");
var handler = new AuthenticateUserCommand.Handler(mockUserService);

var result = handler.Execute(command);



Commands that do not need to return a result should implement IAction.

public class ResetPasswordCommand : IAction
    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public class Handler : IActionHandler<ResetPasswordCommand>
        private readonly IUserService userService;

        public Handler(IUserService userService)
            this.userService = userService;

        public void Execute(ResetPasswordAction action)
            var user = userService.GetUser(action.UserId);

            if (user == null) {
                throw new Exception("user not found");



The CommandRouter is meant to help execute Commands without knowing at execution time exactly how to create the Handler and all its dependencies.

It abstracts CommandHandler location/creation/execution so that callers don't need to know about the Handlers. Since IFunction<TResult> is generic, the CommandRouter can infer Function result types from the Command's type.

var command =
    new AuthenticateUserCommand {
        UserId = UserId,
        Password = Password

var result = commandRouter.ExecuteFunction(command);


Domain Events

Based on the classic PubSub pattern with some C# help.

Basic Example

Step 1: Define your event

public class UserAuthenticatedEvent : IEvent
    public object EventSource { get; private set; }

    public DateTime EventTime { get; private set; } = DateTime.Now;

    public User User { get; private set; }

    public UserAuthenticatedEvent(
        object eventSource,
        User user
        EventSource = eventSource;
        User = user;

Step 2: Register a handler

// Define the handler
public class TrackAuthenticatedUsersEventHandler : IEventHandler<UserAuthenticatedEvent>
    public void HandleEvent(UserAuthenticatedEvent e)
        // Track the User
        log.Info("User logged in: " + e.User.Name);

// Register the Handler type for a specific Event type
EventBus.Default.Register<UserAuthenticatedEvent, TrackAuthenticatedUsersEventHandler>();

Step 3: Trigger your event

EventBus.Default.Trigger(new UserAuthenticatedEvent(this, user));

Event Handlers

You can register various types of Event Handlers for a given event.


The specified Action<TEvent> is executed each time the event is triggered.

EventBus.Default.Register<UserAuthenticatedEvent>(e => log.Info("User authenticated: " + e.User));

Singleton IEventHandler<TEvent>

The same handlerInstance is used each time the event is triggered.

var handlerInstance = new TrackAuthenticatedUsersEventHandler();

New IEventHandler<TEvent> for each trigger

A new instance of TEventHandler is created each time the event is triggered. TEventHandler must be an IEventHandler<TEvent> and have a default constructor.

EventBus.Default.Register<UserAuthenticatedEvent, TrackAuthenticatedUsersEventHandler>();

Use a custom IEventHandlerFactory to create handler instances

The specified instance of IEventHandlerFactory is used to create instances of IEventHandler<TEvent>. This is useful if your handlers need injected dependencies.

// Define your factory
public class TrackingEventHandlerFactory : IEventHandlerFactory
    public IEnumerable<IEventHandler> GetHandlers<TEvent>() where TEvent : IEvent
        if (typeof(TEvent) == typeof(UserAuthenticatedEvent))
            return new [] { new TrackAuthenticatedUsersEventHandler(someDependency) };
            throw new NotSupportedException();

// Register your factory
var factory = new TrackingEventHandlerFactory();


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