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PayX - Payment Gateway API Build Status codecov

PayX is a Payment Gateway API designed to easily allow shoppers to process bank payments.


  • .NET Core SDK 3.1.200
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 - Developer Edition
  • Docker (For container image management)


Work directory

Make sure that your work directory is the src folder and not the root folder.

If it is not, navigate to the src folder and use it as the work directory in your command line.


Set your .NET Core environment to Development by setting the Enviroement Variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to Development.

Database configuration

Check your server database in the Default property of the ConnectionStrings section in appsetting.Development.json, mine is localhost because of SQL Server 2019. If you are using SQL Express it should be .\SQLExpress.

Change the user id and password for a user with admin access in your SQL Server database. You can also user sa user and change its password to the one I'm using here MyComplexPassword!234.

In my file I have this:

server=localhost; database=PayX; user id=sa; password=MyComplexPassword!234

Where server is my database server, database is the PayX database, user id is a user with admin access to your database server and password is this users password.

Dependencies restore

Restore all packages with:

dotnet restore

Create database

If you don't have the dotnet-ef cli tool, install with:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Now let's create our database structure with:

dotnet ef --startup-project ./PayX.Api/PayX.Api.csproj database update

Application run

To run the application just run the following command:

dotnet run -p ./PayX.Api/PayX.Api.csproj

You can access the application on one of the following URLs::



A default Admin user is seeded to the database. You can authenticated by entering the following credentials in the /signin endpoint through swagger UI:

password: 1234

The endpoint will return a valid JWT Token. You can copy it then click on the Authorize green button and then enter the words Bearer following by the JWT Token, like the example below:

Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>

Then click on the small Authorize green button and then on Close. Now you should be authenticated to use the API.

The project

The solution is a multi-layer API designed in 5 projects. The main point behind this approach is that we can provide a better separation of concerns and to decouple one project from another.

Basic Behaviour

The basic behaviour is allow a Merchant to process payments and retrive payments information. Some behaviours to consider:

  • A Merchant can only process payments if it is registered and logged into the API (have a valid JWT Token)
  • Merchant can only retrieve payments information from payments that he sent to process. For example:
    • Merchant with email "" cannot see payments from Merchant with email "".
    • In this implementation not even admins can see other merchants payments
  • Only admins can add new currencies
  • Anyone can see supported currencies


This is our API entry point.


This is our business logic layer.


This is our persistence layer, where we make connections to any data persistence provider (Databases, JSON Files, ...).


This is our application’s foundation, it will hold our contracts (interfaces, …), our models and everything else that is essential for our application to work.


This is our Acquiring Bank implementation (here we are mocking a banking service).


Here are the Unit Tests for our projects. To run them just go to the src folder and run:

dotnet test

It is also set to generate a code coverage file with coverlet . To generate a coverage file just run:

dotnet test ./src/PayX.sln /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover

This will generate a coverage.opencover.xml file in the PayX.UnitTests project folder.


Swashbuckle (Swagger)

Swagger was added to present a nice UI for interacting with the API and add documentation. Also it was configured so that you can authenticated with a valid JWT Token with the green Authorize button.

Repository and Unit of Work pattern

For data management it is used the Repository and Unit Of Work patterns to decouple and absctract our business logic from our data layer.


Authorization was implemented in a simplistic way to link Payments to Users. Making it impossible for other users see payments that are not theirs.

It is possible for a user to sign up and sign in through the Auth endpoints.

Payments endpoints were protected to be only accessible by Merchants or Admins. This was implemented with a policy "CanManagePayments".

Only Admin users can create currencies.


Logging was implemented using Serilog package.

It was configured to log to the console and to log to a file. File location can be configured by changing the FilePath property in the Serilog section of the appsettings.json.

Default is set to /var/PayX/Logs/log.log, which is translated to C:\var\PayX\Logs\log.log on Windows OS.

Global Exception Handling

A middleware was set to globally handle any exception that is thrown inside the application. It's purpose is to log the exception using our logging implementation and return a formatted response to the user.


Metrics were implemented using Prometheus-net package.

The default metrics and Http metrics were set in Startup.cs . Also a custom metrics was set for counting the number of Exceptions thrown in the application. It was set through the MetricsService.cs for setting a Prometheus counter and applied in a Metrics Middleware using MetricsMiddleware.cs.

Note that if more metrics are required, you just need to add a property to MetricsService.cs and initialize it in there with Prometheus-net.

You can check metrics by going to /metrics URL (like: http://localhost:5000/metrics).

Object Mapping

Mappings between Domain and Resource models is done using AutoMapper package.

Mapping profile is defined in the Mappings folder in MappingProfile.cs.


A Dockerfile was written to allow the build of docker production image.

Unit Tests

A few unit tests were implemented.

Also it is able to generate a code coverage reports by running the following code in the solution folder:

dotnet test ./src/PayX.sln /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover

This will generate a opencover report in the PayX.UnitTests folder.

Continuous Integration Pipeline

A continuous integration pipeline was set using Travis CI . It is set to build and tests the application. It generates and pushes a docker production image to docker hub. It also generates and push our code coverage to Codecov .

You can check pipeline and code coverage status through the badges in this README file.


Improvement Points


More tests can be written to increase code coverage and confiability.


Authorization is done in a basic email-password approach, it could be improved in a implementation where the Merchant wouldn't need to login to get a new JWT token. Or even not use email and just a username.


Encryption could be added for saving critical payment information and/or Acquiring Bank connections.


Throttling could be applied for limitting number of requests per second to protect against attacks.

JWT Token Generation

GenerateToken method in AuthController could be extracted to a JwtService class.


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