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A framework to implement recommender system algorithms

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A toolkit to implement recommender system algorithms

WrapRec is a toolkit, implemented with C#, for recommender system algorithms.


  • Easy to use The most important feature of this toolbox is to be able to run a recommender algorithm in a few clear step.

  • Common interface for reading dataset with different format The toolbox is highly customizable to read any data format.

  • Cross-Domain recommendation The toolbox provide interfaces for Cross-Domain recommendation in a object-oriented manner.

  • Pipeline-base evaluation Evaluation of different algorithms can be done by a pipeline-based-pattern mechanism. This allow the easily use different evaluators for an experiment.

  • Context-aware recommendation The toolox is highly customizable to handle context-aware recommendation algorithms.

  • Relational data interface This toolbox provide additional layer of data management which allows the consumers of data to not only read relational data, but also enables users to access flat data files with a relational data-access manner. This feature allows to benefits from the advatages of [Micorsoft Entity Framework] ( as well as .Net Language Intergrated Query (LINQ) to do data access in a felixible way.

  • Exetensions on existing libraries The object model of RF2 allows this toolbox to easily integare exisign toolboxes into the model and benefits from the exisiting codes. Currently this toolbox have wrappers around [MyMediaLite] (, a recommendation framework wrriten in C#, and [LibFM] (, a library for factorization machines written in C++.

Usage Samples

Simple train and test scenario

With a few lines of code you can alreay run a full train/test scenario. This can be done in 3 steps: 1. Define a dataset 2. Define a recommender algorithm 3. Evaluate

Following is a sample code, which loads MovieLens data, split it into 70% trainset and 30% testset and evaluate it based on BiasedMatricFactorization algorithm. The evaluation metrics are RMSE and MAE.

// step 1: dataset            
var dataset = new Dataset<MovieLensItemRating>(new MovieLensReader("/ratings.dat"), 0.7);

// step 2: recommender
var recommender = new MediaLiteRatingPredictor(new BiasedMatrixFactorization());

// step3: evaluation
var ep = new EvaluationPipeline<ItemRating>(new EvalutationContext<ItemRating>(recommender, dataset));
ep.Evaluators.Add(new RMSE());
ep.Evaluators.Add(new MAE());


Custom Data Reader

RF2 is capable of easily incorporating custom data format into it. In the above example, you can replace class MovieLensReader with a custom dataset reader. Any class which implements the interface IDatasetReader<T> can be incoporated into the mode. Here is an example of a custom dataset reader.

public class MyCustomDataReader : IDatasetReader<ItemRating>
    string _datasetPath;

    public MyCustomDataReader(string datasetPath)
        _datasetPath = datasetPath;
    public IEnumerable<ItemRating> ReadSamples()
        // logic to read data is here

Custom Evaluator

The framework provide a configurable evaluation mechanism through pipeline pattern. If you want to have your own cutom evaluator, all you need is to implement the interface IEavluator. This method already provide you a context onbject which include the results of the tested samples.

public class CustomEvaluator : IEvaluator<ItemRating>
    public void Evaluate(EvalutationContext<ItemRating> context)
        // make sure that the test samples are predicted
        // here you can access to tested samples
        var testset = context.Dataset.TestSamples;

        // here is the evaluation logic
        double metric = LogicToCalculateMetic(testset);
        // here you update the context with calculated metric for posisble re-use by other evaluators
        context["CustomEvaluator"] = metric

Custom Recommender Algorithm

With a similar logic, custom recommenation algorithm can be implemented by implementing either interface IPredictor<T> for rating prediction tasks, or interface IItemRecommender for item recommendation tasks. Here we already wrrapped MyMediaLite rating algorithms into toolbox. Following you can see a sample of a custom recommender algorithm.

public class CustomRatingPredictor : IPredictor<ItemRating>
    bool _isTrained;
    Model _trainedModel;

    public void Train(IEnumerable<ItemRating> trainSet)
        // logic for training is here
        // ...
        // _trainedModel is build

        // if training was successfull
        _isTrained = true;

    public void Predict(ItemRating sample)
        // update the sample with the predicted rating
        sample.PredictedRating = _trainedModel.Predict(sample);
    public bool IsTrained
            return _isTrained;

Usage and Documentations

Currently this toolbox can be use either directly by downloading the source code or can be imported as a dll to your project. The dll can be downloaded [here] ( This project is quite new. The documenation will be completed in early future. Please contact Babak Loni, (babak dot loni At gmail dot com) for questions about this toolbox.


A framework to implement recommender system algorithms






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