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cleanLayer by miceiken

* Broad framework for WoW
* Injection based (allows detours, drawing, calling engine functions etc)
* Script system, either on their own or while a bot runs
* Ingame drawing using SlimDx (includes sample script)
* Combat brain system (easy to create combat handlers for all classes and talent specializations)
* Bot system (easy to create and extend bots)
* Neat and accesible GUI
* Fishbot as a script

* .NET Framework 4.0
* SlimDX (for .NET 4.0)
* Microsoft XNA 4.0
* World of Warcraft

Extract the archive into a folder.
Extract navmeshes into the ./Build/Meshes (continents has their individual folder while .dmesh file stays in the root folder)
Get Loader_IA32.exe (by Cypher) and put it in ./Build/
Compile and run cleanInjector.exe
Select a WoW instance on the sidebar, click at the big picture that appears when you decide to inject

cleanLayer is released under GPL v3 (LICENSE file in root directory)

I wouldn't have anything other than a OOP health and playername reader if it wasn't for these people:

The author of cleanCore which I extended the framework on. Without him this project wouldn't exists.
Not to mention the countless times he's been wonderful and helped me with my project.
I admire his patience, because if I was in his position I'd be raging mad at some points.
Big thanks for help, code and patterns caytchen! My bot would run on waypoints if it wasn't for this guy.
Now I have a navmesh!

King of reversing, really, helped me a lot on reversing and understanding basic stuff!
Another person that has been invaluable to this project!

The father of the Memory Editing section. I have probably copied countless pages of code that you released there.
Thank you Apoc.

I thank you for all the information and insight on navmeshes you provided on the forums.
Your sharing has been invaluable for me on the road to getting a navmesh.

 the loldev team (ultimateparadox, naa, scorpion, beans and garion and MAYBE thunder)
You are in not very affiliated with this bot, but you all introduced me to the coding side of botting.
Big thanks to you all for all the great moments with NaaBot, MMOTotus and so on.
I'd like to thank the #loldev community for the good times we've had.

 Hamut & Mercury
This one goes especially to Hamut because he's just an awesome person.
Thanks for all the times you stopped by #Pather for a chat, and of course
thanks to you both for giving birth to WoW-botting with Glider.


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