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ToxikkServerLaucher (2.41)

This tool centralizes configurations for many server instances on multiple machines.

Main features:

  • update TOXIKK and workshop items through steamcmd.exe
  • allow non-workshop items to be installed from HTTP .zip archives
  • automatically copies downloaded workshop items to TOXIKK and HTTP redirect folders
  • single centralized configuration file used to dynamically generate config folders and files for multiple machines and instances.
  • workaround for UE3's config wipe every time daylight saving time changes
  • builds the command line with server specific options needed to launch TOXIKK.exe as a dedicated server.
  • friendly settings names instead of the real INI or command line option names.
  • allows use of =, .=, +=, *= and -= to set/add/remove a value for/to/from an .ini setting array, option URL parameter or the TOXIKK command line.
  • machine specific setting overrides by using sections like [<section>:<machine>], so the same config file can be used on multiple machines.
  • variables and macros for the values of ini/option settings

Special names recognized on the left hand side of an assignment:

  • @Import=sectionname,... allows you to reuse common configuration parts. It can import other sections from the current file, or sections from other files, even in subdirectories. When using subdirectories, it also sets the source directory for files used with @Copy.
  • @Keep=pattern,... specifies a list of patterns for files which should not be deleted in the configuration folder. Only works directly in [DedicatedServerX]
  • @Copy=file[:newname],... copies (and renames) configuration files for specific servers (e.g. MyMapList_CC.ini:DefaultMapList.ini).
  • @CmdLine+=... adds startup parameters to the command line (-= can be used to remove default startup options).
  • @ServerName=... sets the label for the server in the menu (to override the server's ServerName shown in the server browser)
  • @myVar@=... defines a variable "myVar" and assigns a value
  • @env.varname@=... sets an environment variable "varname=..." for the server process
  • @SteamSockets=true activates the use of Steam Sockets, which are supposed to help NAT traversal, but can cause issues on their own
  • @SeekfreeLoading=false removes the "-seekfreeloading" option from the command line, which is added by default

Assignment operators: = sets the setting to the right-hand-side of the assignment (overwriting previously defined values) ?= sets the setting to the right-hand-side, if the current value is undefined or empty != unsets the setting (useful to reset a list before adding values) := same as != .= appends the RHS value to the setting, allowing duplicates += appends the RHS value to the setting, avoiding duplicates *= prepends the RHS value to the setting, avoiding duplicates -= removes the RHS value from the setting

Special values for the right hand side of an assignment:

  • @myVar@ is expanded with the value assigned to @myVar@.
  • @port,10000,2 calculates a port number as 10000 + 2*(X-1), where X is the number of [DedicatedServerX]
  • @skillClass,X converts the value X used for Toxikk's skill classes to a value for UDK's Difficulty setting
  • @env,varname returns the value of the environment variable "varname"
  • @loop {a1,a2,a3}{b1,b2}:line_with_placeholders ... repeats the line for all combinations of (a1,a2,a3) x (b1,b2) x ... Within the line_with_placeholders you can use @1@ to get the value of the 1st list. A list value can contain sub-values separated by '|'. You can use @1.1@ to get the 1st sub-value of @1@ Enclose values with double quotes if they contain commas or '|'. The double quotes will be removed from @1@

Variables automatically defined by the launcher (useful for @Copy instruction):

  • @ToxikkDir@: full path to the TOXIKK folder, either from the [ServerLauncher] configuration or auto-detection
  • @WorkshopDir@: value of [ServerLauncher] WorkshopDir. It's where steamcmd downloads the TOXIKK items to (steamapps\workshop\content\324810).
  • @HttpRedirectDir@: value of [ServerLauncher] HttpRedirctDir. It's where your HTTP server picks up the files for the HTTPRedirectUrl.
  • @ConfigDir@: set to ...\TOXIKK\UDKGame\Config\DedicatedServerX for the server configuration currently being generated.
  • @id@: returns the X of [DedicatedServerX] for the current server. The value is 0 when generating a base/client configuration.
  • @1@, @2@, ...: current value(s) of the @loop arguments
  • @1.1@, @1.2@, ...: parts of @1@ separated by |


See FIRST STEPS inside ServerConfig.ini and edit the necessary settings. The file will be automatically renamed to MyServerConfig. The first time you start the .exe it will import your old server settings from TOXIKKServerLauncher\ServerConfigList.ini into MyServerConfig.ini. (You can force a re-import by removing all [DedicatedServerX] sections from MyServerConfig.ini.)


When you start the .exe without any command line parameters, you'll get a list of available server configurations. Enter the configuration ID (or multiple separated by spaces) to start server instances.
You can also specify the configuration IDs on the command line to start the server(s) without user input.
To auto-download updates from Steam, all TOXIKK.exe processes must be terminated first to unlock files. Use the command line option "-h" to get a list of all command line options.

What it does

The launcher copies SteamApps\Common\TOXIKK\UDKGame\Config\Default*.ini to a DedicatedServerX subdirectory, overwriting any existing files. It also copies all UDK*.ini files which don't have a corresponding Default*.ini. (Such files are needed for custom mutators to solve a race condition between accessing the UDK* file and generating it from a Default* file.)
It then copies all UDK*.ini files found in the launcher's directory to the DedicatedServerX config directory. After that, it applies the INI changes and file copy operations defined in your MyServerConfig.ini [DedicatedServerX] sections to the files in the subdirectory. All settings in MyServerConfig.ini which don't refer to an INI file are used as the command line options for toxikk.exe.


There are a lot of comments inside the file to help you build your own config.

An optional [Hosts] section can contain lines with <logical-machine-name> = <physical-machine-name>[,...]. This can be used to use more readable names than VPS machine names or use the same machine-specific config for multiple machines.

The [ServerLauncher] section contains some settings for the launcher itself, mostly directory names you need to adjust. If you use the file for multiple machines, you can also define a [ServerLauncher:<machinename>] section to set/override settings specific for a machine.

The [SteamWorkshop] section contains your login information and the workshop item numbers you want to download/update. If you use the file for multiple machines, you can also define a [SteamWorkshop:<machinename>] section which will replace the default section as a whole for a machine. The value for Item=... entries can either be a numeric steam workshop ID, a URL to a .zip file or a local subdirectory name of your workshop folder. You can use DeleteItem=... to specify workshop IDs/folder names to be deleted.

The [SimpleNames] section can be used to define friendlier names to be used inside your other sections instead of the full INI path or command line option name. There are no machine specific overrides for this section.

The [Client] sections contain modification that will be applied to the base configuration in TOXIKK\Config when selected, which also affects the client configuration.

The [DedicatedServerX] sections contain your actual server configurations, or more precicely the settings that need to be changed from the standard settings.
If you use the file for multiple machines, you can also define a [DedicatedServerX:<machinename>] section to set/override settings specific for a machine.

Machine specific override sections work for [ServerLauncher], [Client], [DedicatedServerX] and [SteamWorkshop]. The [SteamWorkshop:<machine>] section replaces the default [SteamWorkshop] entirely, the other sections only override individual settings.

All other sections have no implicit meaning, but can be used with @Import=<section-name> to re-use common settings in multiple server configurations, i.e. for Bloodlust or Cell Capture servers. @Import works in the Client and DedicatedServerX sections and all sections imported from there.

Example ServerConfig.ini

Command line options

Start the launcher with command line option -?, -h, -help or enter "help" on the server-id prompt to get the list of supported command line options.

Compiling from source

I used VS2015 and .NET 4.0.


Manage multiple server configurations through a single ServerConfig.ini file






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