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Nova Bindings Build status

  • Model first approach to WPF view designs.
  • Decouple view markup from your data. Instead, define metadata on your (view)models to shape your view through the use of attributes.
  • You can even go a step further and retrieve the metadata at startup from your server's database. This allows you to change field types and labels without having to redeploy.
  • Contains:
    • LabelFor markup extension
    • ValueBinding markup extension

These markup extensions will resolve the property path passed to them and configure your labels and controls accordingly.

nova bindings


Merge Nova.Bindings's pack URI to your project's ResourceDictionary.

		<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Nova.Bindings;component/ValueEditor.xaml" />


Views become as simple as the following Label and Editor. It will be the only editor you'll ever use again!

A change in the model? No problem! The Bindings will take care of it for you!

<TextBlock   Grid.Column="0" Text="{LabelFor Model.Property}" />
<ValueEditor Grid.Column="1" Value="{ValueBinding Model.Property}" />

The LabelFor binding has a property AppendColon, default true, which will append a colon to the label.

The ValueBinding binding has two properties that can be set:

  • Mode ( == BindingMode, default BindingMode.Default )
  • Converter ( Default null )


Implement IHaveSettingsManager on your ViewModel. The bindings will try to resolve this Manager (from the control up) to try and find the control's settings.


public class ViewModel : IHaveSettingsManager
	public ISettingsManager SettingsManager { get; private set; }
	public ViewModel()
		SettingsManager = new NovaSettingsManager();

###Settings Manager

Next, create a settings manager.

public class NovaSettingsManager : ISettingsManager
	private readonly Dictionary<string, IDefinition> _definitions;
	private readonly DefinitionFactory _factory;
	public NovaSettingsManager()
		_definitions = new Dictionary<string, IDefinition>();
		_factory = new ComboBoxFactory(); //Good starter since it's a special case.
			    .SetSuccessor<TextBoxFactory>(); //Decent Fallback in case nothing matches.
	public IDefinition GetDefinition(string id)
		IDefinition definition;
		if (_definitions.TryGetValue(id, out definition))
			return definition;
		definition = _factory.Create(id);
		_definitions.Add(id, definition);
		return definition;

//Sample [Chain Of Responsilibity](
abstract class DefinitionFactory
	protected DefinitionFactory _successor;
	public DefinitionFactory SetSuccessor(DefinitionFactory successor)
		return _successor = successor;

	public DefinitionFactory SetSuccessor<T>()
		where T : DefinitionFactory, new()
		return _successor = new T();
	public IDefinition Create(string id)
		var definition = CreateDefinition(id);
		if (definition != null)
			return definition;
		if (_successor != null)
			definition = _successor.Create(id);
			if (definition != null)
				return definition;
		throw new NotSupportedException(id);
	protected abstract IDefinition CreateDefinition(string id);

###Meta Data

The id the GetDefinition method receives is determined by the metadata you have to place on the model. (Hence model first) This is done by adding attributes.

	public string Name { get; set;}

In this specific case, the id will be PersonName. Sometimes, fields can have multiple definitions, depending on the situations. Imagine a class where a second property determins if the decorated property is shown as a combobox or a normal text field. This can't be decorated by a simple attribute.

In this case, we can use a second provided attribute.

	public string Property { get; set;}

When using Dynamic Settings, the class that has said property must implement IHaveDynamicPropertySettings.

public class Model : IHaveDynamicPropertySettings
	public string ProvideDynamicSettings(string field)
		if (field == "SomeDynamicProperty")
			if (SecondProperty == "Something")
				return "PersonName";
				return "PersonList";
		return field;

The string returned will be the id used in the settings manager to find the correct IDefinition.



A definition has the following properties:

public interface IDefinition
	string Id { get; }
	string Label { get; }
	string Editor { get; }
  • Id is the id from the GetDefinition method.
  • Label is the text used for the LabelFor extension.
  • Editor is the type of editor that needs to be used.

This will do for most settings. Two control types require a specific interface to be implemented;


public interface IComboBoxDefinition : IDefinition
    IEnumerable ItemsSource { get; }


public interface IRadioButtonDefinition : IDefinition
    string GroupName { get; }

To make life easier, constants are available! The Editor is defined as a string rather than an enum to make it easier to add your own implementations!



A template can easily be added by adding a similar template into the App's Resource Dictionary. Samples can be found here.

Note that the Template keys are the same as the Editor constants that IDefinition supplies!

<ControlTemplate x:Key="ValueTextEditor" TargetType="n:ValueEditor">
    <TextBox x:Name="PART_ValueEditor"
             Text="{Binding Value, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Mode=TwoWay}" />


Model first approach to WPF view designs.







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