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🚧 TeamBarometer 1.0 🚀 under construction... 🚧

💻 About the project

⏲ Team Barometer - is a self-evaluation tool created by Jimmy Janlén so that a team can measure if they get tighter and better as a team over time, it is executed as a survey in a workshop and it consists of some team characteristics, packaged as a deck of cards. Team members vote green, yellow or red for each card in the meeting. Once all cards have been run through, the team reflects and discusses the results.

This project is a software to run this meeting and help to evaluate and improve the main characteristics of a team, the idea is to use this project to experiment practices, architectures and technologies, but I believe so many teams can take advantage using this tool.

For more detailed information about this meeting you can read these articles:

🎨 Layout


Home Meeting


🚧 under construction... 🚧

👨‍🎓 Practices

As a TDD practioner, the code was writed using TDD all the time, this practice gives me short feedback cycle that I use to analyse and improve the design trough continuous Refactoring, with these two practices I control the design of my code so that I can create loosely coupled expressive objects with behaviours that represents domain concepts. The goal is to create a code that is simple, clear and expressive, these practices gives me the opportunity to acomplish this.

🏛 Architecture and Organization

This project was created with concepts from DDD, Clean Architecture and Hexagonal Architecture.

  • I have implemented some DDD tactical tools like Domain Events, Aggregation, Entity, Domain Service and Repository Pattern. I also had a special care to include the correct terms and concepts into the code even without a domain expert to help me.

  • From Clean Architecture I like the idea to emphasize the Use Cases and I have implemented my Domain Services so they can express the use cases, they interact with Aggregations and Entities so that the Use Cases can be acomplished.

  • Hexagonal Architecture helps me to segregate layers based on concerns and level of abstraction and brings discipline to not create undesirable dependencies between these layers, a special layer that I like to maintain isolated and has the greatest level of abstraction is the Domain Layer, so this architecture fits well with DDD concepts. I didn't implemented all the concepts of Hexagonal Architecture because the problem is simple and some architectural details could influence negatively to create a simple solution.

🛠 Technologies

The following tools were used to construct and build the project:

🚀 How to execute the project

This project can be executed in two ways:

  1. Docker
  2. Cloning the repository and running the applications

🐳 Docker


The project is divided in two applications, a client web developed in React and a server developed in ASP.NET Core, both applications are dockerized, which means there is an image for each of them published on Docker Hub: Server Image, Client Image.

You can build a container based on these images or run the application in an easiest way through docker-compose:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Access the project folder
$ cd TeamBarometer

# Run docker-compose command (this command will download the client and server images and build a container for each of them)
$ docker-compose up -d

# The server will start on port:5554 - access http://localhost:5554 
# The client will start on port:5555 - access http://localhost:5555

🧱 Cloning the repository and running the applications


🎲 Running the Back End (Server)

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Run the application
$ dotnet run --project ./TeamBarometer/server/src/API/API.csproj

🧭 Running the Front End (Client)

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Access the client application folder
$ cd TeamBarometer/client/react

# Install the dependencies
$ npm install

# Execute the application
$ npm run start

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