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Mirror is a high level Networking API for Unity, built on top of the low level Telepathy library.

Mirror is built and tested for MMO Scale Networking by the developers of uMMORPG, uSurvival and Cubica.

Mirror is optimized for ease of use and probability of success. Projects that use Mirror are small, concise and maintainable. uMMORPG was possible with <6000 lines of code. We needed a networking library that allows us to launch our games, period.

With Mirror, the Server & Client are ONE project (hence the name). Instead of having one code base for the server and one for the client, we simply use the same code for both of them.

  • [Server] / [Client] tags can be used for the server-only and client-only parts.
  • [Command] are used for Client->Server, and [ClientRpc] / [TargetRpc] for Server->Client communication.
  • [SyncVar]s and SyncLists are used to automatically synchronize state.

What previously required 10.000 lines of code, now takes 1.000 lines of code. Therein lies the magic of Mirror.

Note: Mirror is based on Unity's abandoned UNET Networking system. We fixed it up and pushed it to MMO Scale.

Why fork Mirror?

I have worked on Mirror for over a year, I am the one that came up with the name and the second contributor. It has served me well and there are some really smart people working on it.

However, the project is not moving forward as fast as I would like. There is a big emphasis on keeping backwards compatiblity, which is really good for many users, but it is seriously slowing me down.

In addition, Mirror relies heavily on manual testing. Manual testing does not scale. I can cover so much more code with automated tests, and have much more confidence on my changes. This will require large breaking changes that will be hard to swallow for many people, but at the end of the date I should be able to reduce the amount of defects significantly.

Mirror employes some anti-patterns that I am not happy with. I want to adhere as much as possible to the SOLID principles. Mirror employs singletons heavily because they are easy, but they are plain evil. They are much more evil in light of the upcoming Unity 2019.3. A lot of people will disable domain reloading which completely breaks singletons.

Mirror has it's own code conventions based on one person's preference. I prefer following official C# code conventions. Anybody that speaks C# should feel right at home with this code.

Code review takes too long in Mirror. I think code reviews are top priority.


These are some notable differences between Mirror and MirrorNG:

  • [Done] CI/CD pipeline. Tests are executed with every pull request, quality is enforced
  • [Done] Unity package manager. Makes it easier to install and upgrade MirrorNG in your project
  • [WIP] Code quality, the goal is to turn this Quality Gate Status green. Help welcome. This will have a great impact on reducing the amount of defects.
  • [WIP] Make it work in unity 2019.3.0 with domain reload turned off
  • [WIP] Allow connection to multiple servers simultaneously


Check out our Documentation.

If you are migrating from UNET, then please check out our Migration Guide. Don't panic, it's very easy and won't take more than 5 minutes.


The preferred installation method is Unity Package manager.

  1. Open your project in unity 2019.1 or later
  2. Click on Windows -> Package Manager
  3. Click on the plus sign on the left and click on "Add package from git URL..."
  4. enter
  5. Unity will download and install MirrorNG

Alternatively you can it from Download Mirror


We included several smaller example projects.


MirrorNG supports many different low level networking transports:

The MirrorNG Mantra

So many quotes to chose from. This one in particular really encapsulates why this exists:

_“All code is guilty, until proven innocent.” – Anonymous

I assume every line of code I write is broken in some random obscure corner case. The only way to ensure it's quality is by testing. I don't have time to test my software, I would rather the machine tested it for me while I work on something else.


There are several ways to contribute to this project:

  • Pull requests for bug fixes and features are always appreciated.
  • Pull requests to improve the documentation is also welcome
  • Make tutorials on how to use this
  • Test it and open issues
  • Review existing pull requests

When contributing code, please keep these things in mind:

  • KISS principle. Everything needs to be as simple as possible.
  • An API is like a joke, if you have to explain it is not a good one. Do not require people to read the documentation if you can avoid it.
  • Follow C# code conventions.

Pull Requests for bug fixes are always highly appreciated. New features will be considered very carefully and will only be merged if they are the most simple solution to the given problem.


A community replacement for Unity's abandoned UNET Networking System.







No packages published


  • C# 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%