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API for the TimeTable2 system built in the ICTLAB project on the Hogeschool Rotterdam

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An API for the TimeTable2 system created as project on the University of Applied Sciences of Rotterdam.
The project is about creating a room booking/management system to extend the existing functionalities of the schedules to allow for classrooms to be booked by teachers/students using a mobile app.
The system must also be capable of handling (support) messages for the support/maintenance desk of the building.

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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


The following prerequisites are needed for the API

* Correct installation of Microsoft Visual Studio including the Azure SDK
* Valid Azure Subscription
* SQL Database
* Firebase project & Firestore project
* HINT API secret. Obtainable by webmaster @

To make use of the API, the following Repository can be used: ICTLab-Application


A step by step guide to get you started with setting up the API for debugging purposes

Clone the repository
Configure your DBConnectionString in the Web.config file
Apply the database scheme using the Package Manager Console with 'Update-Database' command.
- Set the TimeTable2 project as default startup project
- Set the TimeTable2.Data project as default project in the package manager console

Try the /api/timetable/health endpoint to retrieve a [200 OK] response code.


A step by step guide to get you started with setting up the API for live purposes

Clone the repository
Publish the TimeTable2 project to an app service.
Configure the app service application settings according to the web.config file.
Apply the database scheme using the Package Manager Console with 'Update-Database' command (within Visual Studio).
- Set the TimeTable2 project as default startup project
- Set the TimeTable2.Data project as default project in the package manager console

Try the /api/timetable/health endpoint to retrieve a [200 OK] response code.

Built With


This project was build as project for the University of Applied Sciences of Rotterdam. Therefore Contributing to this project has been limited to the formed group in class.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


API for the TimeTable2 system built in the ICTLAB project on the Hogeschool Rotterdam






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