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Azure Automation PowerShell ISE Add-On


The Azure Automation PowerShell ISE add-on makes it easy to author and test your runbooks in your local PowerShell ISE.

Note: This project is currently in development. Please open issues found or provide feedback in the feedback section of the add-on.


  • Use Automation activities (Get-AutomationVariable, Get-AutomationPSCredential, etc) in local PowerShell Workflows and scripts
  • Create and edit Automation assets locally
  • Easily track local changes to runbooks and assets vs the state of these items in an Azure Automation account
  • Sync runbook / asset changes between a local runbook authoring environment and an Azure Automation account
  • Test PowerShell workflows and scripts locally in the ISE and in the automation service


From PowerShell Gallery (recommended)

To install from the PowerShell Gallery:

  • Open the PowerShell console
  • Run Install-Module AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit -Scope CurrentUser

If you want the PowerShell ISE to always automatically load the Azure Automation ISE add-on:

  • Run Install-AzureAutomationIseAddOn

If not:

  • Any time you want to use the Azure Automation ISE add-on in the PowerShell ISE, run Import-Module AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit in the PowerShell ISE

From GitHub Releases

Follow the instructions for our latest release

From Source

To build from source:

  • Download or clone this repository, and extract from zip if necessary
  • Open AutomationISE/AutomationISE.sln in Visual Studio
  • Build the solution. NuGet will pull the required packages.
  • Put the resulting binaries in the AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit/ISEaddon directory
  • Place the AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit folder somewhere in your PSModulePath, ex: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

If you want the PowerShell ISE to always automatically load the Azure Automation ISE add-on:

  • Open the PowerShell ISE, and run Install-AzureAutomationIseAddOn
  • The Azure Automation ISE add-on should appear on the right side of the PowerShell ISE: alt text If not:
  • Any time you want to use the Azure Automation ISE add-on in the PowerShell ISE, run Import-Module AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit in the PowerShell ISE


  • Open the PowerShell console
  • Run Uninstall-AzureAutomationIseAddOn
  • Run Uninstall-Module AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit
  • If the PowerShell ISE was open, reopen it
  • From now on, opening the PowerShell ISE will no longer cause the Azure Automation ISE add-on to be loaded


  • The AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit cmdlets are currently incompatible with SMA's EmulatedAutomationActivities module due to name conflicts
  • The AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit cmdlets may not run correctly on a SMA runbook worker or Automation Hybrid runbook worker due to name conflicts


The Azure Automation PowerShell ISE Add-On makes it easy to author and test your runbooks in your local PowerShell ISE







No packages published


  • C# 91.7%
  • PowerShell 8.3%