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VimeoOpenApi - the C# library for the Vimeo API

Build something great. Vimeo's API supports flexible, high-quality video integration with your custom apps.

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 3.4
  • SDK version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen For more information, please visit

Frameworks supported

  • .NET Core >=1.0
  • .NET Framework >=4.6
  • Mono/Xamarin >=vNext


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Generate the DLL using your preferred tool (e.g. dotnet build)

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using VimeoOpenApi.Api;
using VimeoOpenApi.Client;
using VimeoOpenApi.Model;

Getting Started

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using VimeoOpenApi.Api;
using VimeoOpenApi.Client;
using VimeoOpenApi.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void Main()

            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new APIInformationEssentialsApi(config);
            var openapi = true;  // bool? | Return an OpenAPI specification. (optional) 

                // Get the API specification
                Endpoint result = apiInstance.GetEndpoints(openapi);
            catch (ApiException e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling APIInformationEssentialsApi.GetEndpoints: " + e.Message );
                Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
APIInformationEssentialsApi GetEndpoints GET / Get the API specification
AuthenticationExtrasAuthenticateApi ClientAuth POST /oauth/authorize/client Authorize a client with OAuth
AuthenticationExtrasConvertApi ConvertAccessToken POST /oauth/authorize/vimeo_oauth1 Convert an OAuth 1 access token to an OAuth 2 access token
AuthenticationExtrasEssentialsApi DeleteToken DELETE /tokens Revoke the current access token
AuthenticationExtrasEssentialsApi VerifyToken GET /oauth/verify Verify an OAuth 2 access token
AuthenticationExtrasExchangeApi ExchangeAuthCode POST /oauth/access_token Exchange an authorization code for an access token
CategoriesChannelsApi GetCategoryChannels GET /categories/{category}/channels Get all the channels in a category
CategoriesEssentialsApi GetCategories GET /categories Get all categories
CategoriesEssentialsApi GetCategory GET /categories/{category} Get a specific category
CategoriesGroupsApi GetCategoryGroups GET /categories/{category}/groups Get all the groups in a category
CategoriesUsersApi CheckIfUserSubscribedToCategory GET /users/{user_id}/categories/{category} Check if the user follows a category
CategoriesUsersApi CheckIfUserSubscribedToCategoryAlt1 GET /me/categories/{category} Check if the user follows a category
CategoriesUsersApi GetCategorySubscriptions GET /users/{user_id}/categories Get all the categories that the user follows
CategoriesUsersApi GetCategorySubscriptionsAlt1 GET /me/categories Get all the categories that the user follows
CategoriesUsersApi SubscribeToCategory PUT /users/{user_id}/categories/{category} Cause the user to follow a specific category
CategoriesUsersApi SubscribeToCategoryAlt1 PUT /me/categories/{category} Cause the user to follow a specific category
CategoriesUsersApi UnsubscribeFromCategory DELETE /users/{user_id}/categories/{category} Cause the user to stop following a category
CategoriesUsersApi UnsubscribeFromCategoryAlt1 DELETE /me/categories/{category} Cause the user to stop following a category
CategoriesVideosApi CheckCategoryForVideo GET /categories/{category}/videos/{video_id} Get a specific video in a category
CategoriesVideosApi GetCategoryVideos GET /categories/{category}/videos Get all the videos in a category
CategoriesVideosApi GetVideoCategories GET /videos/{video_id}/categories Get all the categories to which a video belongs
CategoriesVideosApi SuggestVideoCategory PUT /videos/{video_id}/categories Suggest categories for a video
ChannelsCategoriesApi AddChannelCategories PUT /channels/{channel_id}/categories Add a channel to a list of categories
ChannelsCategoriesApi CategorizeChannel PUT /channels/{channel_id}/categories/{category} Add a channel to a specific category
ChannelsCategoriesApi DeleteChannelCategory DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/categories/{category} Remove a channel from a category
ChannelsCategoriesApi GetChannelCategories GET /channels/{channel_id}/categories Get all the categories to which a channel belongs
ChannelsEssentialsApi CreateChannel POST /channels Create a channel
ChannelsEssentialsApi DeleteChannel DELETE /channels/{channel_id} Delete a channel
ChannelsEssentialsApi EditChannel PATCH /channels/{channel_id} Edit a channel
ChannelsEssentialsApi GetChannel GET /channels/{channel_id} Get a specific channel
ChannelsEssentialsApi GetChannelSubscriptions GET /users/{user_id}/channels Get all the channels to which a user subscribes
ChannelsEssentialsApi GetChannelSubscriptionsAlt1 GET /me/channels Get all the channels to which a user subscribes
ChannelsEssentialsApi GetChannels GET /channels Get all channels
ChannelsModeratorsApi AddChannelModerator PUT /channels/{channel_id}/moderators/{user_id} Add a specific moderator to a channel
ChannelsModeratorsApi AddChannelModerators PUT /channels/{channel_id}/moderators Add a list of moderators to a channel
ChannelsModeratorsApi GetChannelModerator GET /channels/{channel_id}/moderators/{user_id} Get a specific moderator of a channel
ChannelsModeratorsApi GetChannelModerators GET /channels/{channel_id}/moderators Get all the moderators of a channel
ChannelsModeratorsApi RemoveChannelModerator DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/moderators/{user_id} Remove a specific moderator from a channel
ChannelsModeratorsApi RemoveChannelModerators DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/moderators Remove a list of moderators from a channel
ChannelsModeratorsApi ReplaceChannelModerators PATCH /channels/{channel_id}/moderators Replace the moderators of a channel
ChannelsPrivateChannelMembersApi DeleteChannelPrivacyUser DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/privacy/users/{user_id} Restrict a user from accessing a private channel
ChannelsPrivateChannelMembersApi GetChannelPrivacyUsers GET /channels/{channel_id}/privacy/users Get all the users who can access a private channel
ChannelsPrivateChannelMembersApi SetChannelPrivacyUser PUT /channels/{channel_id}/privacy/users/{user_id} Permit a specific user to access a private channel
ChannelsPrivateChannelMembersApi SetChannelPrivacyUsers PUT /channels/{channel_id}/privacy/users Permit a list of users to access a private channel
ChannelsSubscriptionsAndSubscribersApi CheckIfUserSubscribedToChannel GET /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id} Check if a user follows a channel
ChannelsSubscriptionsAndSubscribersApi CheckIfUserSubscribedToChannelAlt1 GET /me/channels/{channel_id} Check if a user follows a channel
ChannelsSubscriptionsAndSubscribersApi GetChannelSubscribers GET /channels/{channel_id}/users Get all the followers of a channel
ChannelsSubscriptionsAndSubscribersApi SubscribeToChannel PUT /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id} Subscribe the user to a specific channel
ChannelsSubscriptionsAndSubscribersApi SubscribeToChannelAlt1 PUT /me/channels/{channel_id} Subscribe the user to a specific channel
ChannelsSubscriptionsAndSubscribersApi UnsubscribeFromChannel DELETE /users/{user_id}/channels/{channel_id} Unsubscribe the user from a specific channel
ChannelsSubscriptionsAndSubscribersApi UnsubscribeFromChannelAlt1 DELETE /me/channels/{channel_id} Unsubscribe the user from a specific channel
ChannelsTagsApi AddChannelTag PUT /channels/{channel_id}/tags/{word} Add a specific tag to a channel
ChannelsTagsApi AddTagsToChannel PUT /channels/{channel_id}/tags Add a list of tags to a channel
ChannelsTagsApi CheckIfChannelHasTag GET /channels/{channel_id}/tags/{word} Check if a tag has been added to a channel
ChannelsTagsApi DeleteTagFromChannel DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/tags/{word} Remove a tag from a channel
ChannelsTagsApi GetChannelTags GET /channels/{channel_id}/tags Get all the tags that have been added to a channel
ChannelsVideosApi AddVideoToChannel PUT /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a specific video to a channel
ChannelsVideosApi AddVideosToChannel PUT /channels/{channel_id}/videos Add a list of videos to a channel
ChannelsVideosApi DeleteVideoFromChannel DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a specific video from a channel
ChannelsVideosApi GetAvailableVideoChannels GET /videos/{video_id}/available_channels Get all the channels to which the user can add or remove a specific video
ChannelsVideosApi GetChannelVideo GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id} Get a specific video in a channel
ChannelsVideosApi GetChannelVideos GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos Get all the videos in a channel
ChannelsVideosApi RemoveVideosFromChannel DELETE /channels/{channel_id}/videos Remove a list of videos from a channel
EmbedPresetsCustomLogosApi CreateCustomLogo POST /users/{user_id}/customlogos Add a custom logo for the user
EmbedPresetsCustomLogosApi CreateCustomLogoAlt1 POST /me/customlogos Add a custom logo for the user
EmbedPresetsCustomLogosApi GetCustomLogo GET /users/{user_id}/customlogos/{logo_id} Get a specific custom logo for the user
EmbedPresetsCustomLogosApi GetCustomLogoAlt1 GET /me/customlogos/{logo_id} Get a specific custom logo for the user
EmbedPresetsCustomLogosApi GetCustomLogos GET /users/{user_id}/customlogos Get all the custom logos that belong to the user
EmbedPresetsCustomLogosApi GetCustomLogosAlt1 GET /me/customlogos Get all the custom logos that belong to the user
EmbedPresetsEssentialsApi EditEmbedPreset PATCH /users/{user_id}/presets/{preset_id} Edit an embed preset
EmbedPresetsEssentialsApi EditEmbedPresetAlt1 PATCH /me/presets/{preset_id} Edit an embed preset
EmbedPresetsEssentialsApi GetEmbedPreset GET /users/{user_id}/presets/{preset_id} Get a specific embed preset
EmbedPresetsEssentialsApi GetEmbedPresetAlt1 GET /me/presets/{preset_id} Get a specific embed preset
EmbedPresetsEssentialsApi GetEmbedPresets GET /users/{user_id}/presets Get all the embed presets that a user has created
EmbedPresetsEssentialsApi GetEmbedPresetsAlt1 GET /me/presets Get all the embed presets that a user has created
EmbedPresetsTimelineEventsApi CreateVideoCustomLogo POST /videos/{video_id}/timelinethumbnails Add a timeline event thumbnail to a video
EmbedPresetsTimelineEventsApi GetVideoCustomLogo GET /videos/{video_id}/timelinethumbnails/{thumbnail_id} Get a timeline event thumbnail
EmbedPresetsVideosApi AddVideoEmbedPreset PUT /videos/{video_id}/presets/{preset_id} Add an embed preset to a video
EmbedPresetsVideosApi DeleteVideoEmbedPreset DELETE /videos/{video_id}/presets/{preset_id} Remove an embed preset from a video
EmbedPresetsVideosApi GetEmbedPresetVideos GET /users/{user_id}/presets/{preset_id}/videos Get all the videos that have a specific embed preset
EmbedPresetsVideosApi GetEmbedPresetVideosAlt1 GET /me/presets/{preset_id}/videos Get all the videos that have a specific embed preset
EmbedPresetsVideosApi GetVideoEmbedPreset GET /videos/{video_id}/presets/{preset_id} Check if an embed preset has been added to a video
FoldersEssentialsApi CreateProject POST /users/{user_id}/projects Create a folder
FoldersEssentialsApi CreateProjectAlt1 POST /me/projects Create a folder
FoldersEssentialsApi DeleteProject DELETE /users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id} Delete a folder
FoldersEssentialsApi DeleteProjectAlt1 DELETE /me/projects/{project_id} Delete a folder
FoldersEssentialsApi EditProject PATCH /users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id} Edit a folder
FoldersEssentialsApi EditProjectAlt1 PATCH /me/projects/{project_id} Edit a folder
FoldersEssentialsApi GetProject GET /users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id} Get a specific folder
FoldersEssentialsApi GetProjectAlt1 GET /me/projects/{project_id} Get a specific folder
FoldersEssentialsApi GetProjects GET /users/{user_id}/projects Get all the folders that belong to the user
FoldersEssentialsApi GetProjectsAlt1 GET /me/projects Get all the folders that belong to the user
FoldersVideosApi AddVideoToProject PUT /users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a specific video to a folder
FoldersVideosApi AddVideoToProjectAlt1 PUT /me/projects/{project_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a specific video to a folder
FoldersVideosApi AddVideosToProject PUT /users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id}/videos Add a list of videos to a folder
FoldersVideosApi AddVideosToProjectAlt1 PUT /me/projects/{project_id}/videos Add a list of videos to a folder
FoldersVideosApi GetProjectVideos GET /users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id}/videos Get all the videos in a folder
FoldersVideosApi GetProjectVideosAlt1 GET /me/projects/{project_id}/videos Get all the videos in a folder
FoldersVideosApi RemoveVideoFromProject DELETE /users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a specific video from a folder
FoldersVideosApi RemoveVideoFromProjectAlt1 DELETE /me/projects/{project_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a specific video from a folder
FoldersVideosApi RemoveVideosFromProject DELETE /users/{user_id}/projects/{project_id}/videos Remove a list of videos from a folder
FoldersVideosApi RemoveVideosFromProjectAlt1 DELETE /me/projects/{project_id}/videos Remove a list of videos from a folder
GroupsEssentialsApi CreateGroup POST /groups Create a group
GroupsEssentialsApi DeleteGroup DELETE /groups/{group_id} Delete a group
GroupsEssentialsApi GetGroup GET /groups/{group_id} Get a specific group
GroupsEssentialsApi GetGroups GET /groups Get all groups
GroupsSubscriptionsApi JoinGroup PUT /users/{user_id}/groups/{group_id} Add the user to a group
GroupsSubscriptionsApi JoinGroupAlt1 PUT /me/groups/{group_id} Add the user to a group
GroupsSubscriptionsApi LeaveGroup DELETE /users/{user_id}/groups/{group_id} Remove the user from a group
GroupsSubscriptionsApi LeaveGroupAlt1 DELETE /me/groups/{group_id} Remove the user from a group
GroupsUsersApi CheckIfUserJoinedGroup GET /users/{user_id}/groups/{group_id} Check if a user has joined a group
GroupsUsersApi CheckIfUserJoinedGroupAlt1 GET /me/groups/{group_id} Check if a user has joined a group
GroupsUsersApi GetGroupMembers GET /groups/{group_id}/users Get all the members of a group
GroupsUsersApi GetUserGroups GET /users/{user_id}/groups Get all the groups that the user has joined
GroupsUsersApi GetUserGroupsAlt1 GET /me/groups Get all the groups that the user has joined
GroupsVideosApi AddVideoToGroup PUT /groups/{group_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a video to a group
GroupsVideosApi DeleteVideoFromGroup DELETE /groups/{group_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a video from a group
GroupsVideosApi GetGroupVideo GET /groups/{group_id}/videos/{video_id} Get a specific video in a group
GroupsVideosApi GetGroupVideos GET /groups/{group_id}/videos Get all the videos in a group
LikesEssentialsApi CheckIfUserLikedVideo GET /users/{user_id}/likes/{video_id} Check if the user has liked a video
LikesEssentialsApi CheckIfUserLikedVideoAlt1 GET /me/likes/{video_id} Check if the user has liked a video
LikesEssentialsApi GetLikes GET /users/{user_id}/likes Get all the videos that a user has liked
LikesEssentialsApi GetLikesAlt1 GET /me/likes Get all the videos that a user has liked
LikesEssentialsApi GetVideoLikes GET /videos/{video_id}/likes Get all the users who have liked a video
LikesEssentialsApi GetVideoLikesAlt1 GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/likes Get all the users who have liked a video
LikesEssentialsApi GetVodLikes GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/likes Get all the users who have liked a video on an On Demand page
LikesEssentialsApi LikeVideo PUT /users/{user_id}/likes/{video_id} Cause the user to like a video
LikesEssentialsApi LikeVideoAlt1 PUT /me/likes/{video_id} Cause the user to like a video
LikesEssentialsApi UnlikeVideo DELETE /users/{user_id}/likes/{video_id} Cause a user to unlike a video
LikesEssentialsApi UnlikeVideoAlt1 DELETE /me/likes/{video_id} Cause a user to unlike a video
OnDemandBackgroundsApi CreateVodBackground POST /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/backgrounds Add a background to an On Demand page
OnDemandBackgroundsApi DeleteVodBackground DELETE /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/backgrounds/{background_id} Delete a background on an On Demand page
OnDemandBackgroundsApi EditVodBackground PATCH /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/backgrounds/{background_id} Edit a background on an On Demand page
OnDemandBackgroundsApi GetVodBackground GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/backgrounds/{background_id} Get a specific background on an On Demand page
OnDemandBackgroundsApi GetVodBackgrounds GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/backgrounds Get all the backgrounds on an On Demand page
OnDemandEssentialsApi CreateVod POST /users/{user_id}/ondemand/pages Create an On Demand page
OnDemandEssentialsApi CreateVodAlt1 POST /me/ondemand/pages Create an On Demand page
OnDemandEssentialsApi DeleteVodDraft DELETE /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id} Delete an On Demand page
OnDemandEssentialsApi EditVod PATCH /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id} Edit an On Demand page
OnDemandEssentialsApi GetUserVods GET /users/{user_id}/ondemand/pages Get all the On Demand pages of the user
OnDemandEssentialsApi GetUserVodsAlt1 GET /me/ondemand/pages Get all the On Demand pages of the user
OnDemandEssentialsApi GetVod GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id} Get a specific On Demand page
OnDemandGenresApi AddVodGenre PUT /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/genres/{genre_id} Add a genre to an On Demand page
OnDemandGenresApi DeleteVodGenre DELETE /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/genres/{genre_id} Remove a genre from an On Demand page
OnDemandGenresApi GetGenreVod GET /ondemand/genres/{genre_id}/pages/{ondemand_id} Get a specific On Demand page in a genre
OnDemandGenresApi GetGenreVods GET /ondemand/genres/{genre_id}/pages Get all the On Demand pages in a genre
OnDemandGenresApi GetVodGenre GET /ondemand/genres/{genre_id} Get a specific On Demand genre
OnDemandGenresApi GetVodGenreByOndemandId GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/genres/{genre_id} Check whether an On Demand page belongs to a specific genre
OnDemandGenresApi GetVodGenres GET /ondemand/genres Get all On Demand genres
OnDemandGenresApi GetVodGenresByOndemandId GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/genres Get all the genres of an On Demand page
OnDemandPostersApi AddVodPoster POST /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/pictures Add a poster to an On Demand page
OnDemandPostersApi EditVodPoster PATCH /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/pictures/{poster_id} Edit a poster on an On Demand page
OnDemandPostersApi GetVodPoster GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/pictures/{poster_id} Get a specific poster on an On Demand page
OnDemandPostersApi GetVodPosters GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/pictures Get all the posters on an On Demand page
OnDemandPromotionsApi CreateVodPromotion POST /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/promotions Add a promotion to an On Demand page
OnDemandPromotionsApi DeleteVodPromotion DELETE /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/promotions/{promotion_id} Delete a promotion on an On Demand page
OnDemandPromotionsApi GetVodPromotion GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/promotions/{promotion_id} Get a specific promotion on an On Demand page
OnDemandPromotionsApi GetVodPromotionCodes GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/promotions/{promotion_id}/codes Get all the codes of a promotion on an On Demand page
OnDemandPromotionsApi GetVodPromotions GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/promotions Get all the promotions on an On Demand page
OnDemandPurchasesAndRentalsApi CheckIfVodWasPurchasedAlt1 GET /me/ondemand/purchases/{ondemand_id} Check if a user has made a purchase or rental from an On Demand page
OnDemandPurchasesAndRentalsApi GetVodPurchases GET /users/{user_id}/ondemand/purchases Get all the On Demand purchases and rentals that the user has made
OnDemandPurchasesAndRentalsApi GetVodPurchasesAlt1 GET /me/ondemand/purchases Get all the On Demand purchases and rentals that the user has made
OnDemandRegionsApi AddVodRegion PUT /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/regions/{country} Add a specific region to an On Demand page
OnDemandRegionsApi DeleteVodRegion DELETE /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/regions/{country} Remove a specific region from an On Demand page
OnDemandRegionsApi DeleteVodRegions DELETE /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/regions Remove a list of regions from an On Demand page
OnDemandRegionsApi GetRegion GET /ondemand/regions/{country} Get a specific On Demand region
OnDemandRegionsApi GetRegions GET /ondemand/regions Get all the On Demand regions
OnDemandRegionsApi GetVodRegion GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/regions/{country} Get a specific region on an On Demand page
OnDemandRegionsApi GetVodRegions GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/regions Get all the regions on an On Demand page
OnDemandRegionsApi SetVodRegions PUT /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/regions Add a list of regions to an On Demand page
OnDemandSeasonsApi GetVodSeason GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/seasons/{season_id} Get a specific season on an On Demand page
OnDemandSeasonsApi GetVodSeasonVideos GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/seasons/{season_id}/videos Get all the videos in a season on an On Demand page
OnDemandSeasonsApi GetVodSeasons GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/seasons Get all the seasons on an On Demand page
OnDemandVideosApi AddVideoToVod PUT /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a video to an On Demand page
OnDemandVideosApi DeleteVideoFromVod DELETE /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a video from an On Demand page
OnDemandVideosApi GetVodVideo GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/videos/{video_id} Get a specific video on an On Demand page
OnDemandVideosApi GetVodVideos GET /ondemand/pages/{ondemand_id}/videos Get all the videos on an On Demand page
PortfoliosEssentialsApi GetPortfolio GET /users/{user_id}/portfolios/{portfolio_id} Get a specific portfolio
PortfoliosEssentialsApi GetPortfolioAlt1 GET /me/portfolios/{portfolio_id} Get a specific portfolio
PortfoliosEssentialsApi GetPortfolios GET /users/{user_id}/portfolios Get all the portfolios that belong to the user
PortfoliosEssentialsApi GetPortfoliosAlt1 GET /me/portfolios Get all the portfolios that belong to the user
PortfoliosVideosApi AddVideoToPortfolio PUT /users/{user_id}/portfolios/{portfolio_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a video to a portfolio
PortfoliosVideosApi AddVideoToPortfolioAlt1 PUT /me/portfolios/{portfolio_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a video to a portfolio
PortfoliosVideosApi DeleteVideoFromPortfolio DELETE /users/{user_id}/portfolios/{portfolio_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a video from a portfolio
PortfoliosVideosApi DeleteVideoFromPortfolioAlt1 DELETE /me/portfolios/{portfolio_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a video from a portfolio
PortfoliosVideosApi GetPortfolioVideo GET /users/{user_id}/portfolios/{portfolio_id}/videos/{video_id} Get a specific video in a portfolio
PortfoliosVideosApi GetPortfolioVideoAlt1 GET /me/portfolios/{portfolio_id}/videos/{video_id} Get a specific video in a portfolio
PortfoliosVideosApi GetPortfolioVideos GET /users/{user_id}/portfolios/{portfolio_id}/videos Get all the videos in a portfolio
PortfoliosVideosApi GetPortfolioVideosAlt1 GET /me/portfolios/{portfolio_id}/videos Get all the videos in a portfolio
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseLogosApi CreateShowcaseLogo POST /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/logos Add a custom logo to a showcase
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseLogosApi DeleteShowcaseLogo DELETE /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/logos/{logo_id} Delete a custom showcase logo
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseLogosApi GetShowcaseLogo GET /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/logos/{logo_id} Get a specific custom showcase logo
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseLogosApi GetShowcaseLogos GET /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/logos Get all the custom logos of a showcase
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseLogosApi ReplaceShowcaseLogo PATCH /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/logos/{logo_id} Replace a custom showcase logo
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseThumbnailsApi CreateShowcaseCustomThumb POST /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/custom_thumbnails Add a custom thumbnail to a showcase
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseThumbnailsApi DeleteShowcaseCustomThumbnail DELETE /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/custom_thumbnails/{thumbnail_id} Delete a custom showcase thumbnail
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseThumbnailsApi GetShowcaseCustomThumbnail GET /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/custom_thumbnails/{thumbnail_id} Get a specific custom showcase thumbnail
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseThumbnailsApi GetShowcaseCustomThumbs GET /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/custom_thumbnails Get all the custom thumbnails of a showcase
ShowcasesCustomShowcaseThumbnailsApi ReplaceShowcaseCustomThumb PATCH /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/custom_thumbnails/{thumbnail_id} Replace a custom showcase thumbnail
ShowcasesEssentialsApi CreateShowcase POST /users/{user_id}/albums Create a showcase
ShowcasesEssentialsApi CreateShowcaseAlt1 POST /me/albums Create a showcase
ShowcasesEssentialsApi DeleteShowcase DELETE /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id} Delete a showcase
ShowcasesEssentialsApi DeleteShowcaseAlt1 DELETE /me/albums/{album_id} Delete a showcase
ShowcasesEssentialsApi EditShowcase PATCH /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id} Edit a showcase
ShowcasesEssentialsApi EditShowcaseAlt1 PATCH /me/albums/{album_id} Edit a showcase
ShowcasesEssentialsApi GetShowcase GET /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id} Get a specific showcase
ShowcasesEssentialsApi GetShowcaseAlt1 GET /me/albums/{album_id} Get a specific showcase
ShowcasesEssentialsApi GetShowcases GET /users/{user_id}/albums Get all the showcases that belong to the user
ShowcasesEssentialsApi GetShowcasesAlt1 GET /me/albums Get all the showcases that belong to the user
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi AddVideoToShowcase PUT /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a specific video to a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi AddVideoToShowcaseAlt1 PUT /me/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id} Add a specific video to a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi GetAvailableShowcaseVideos GET /albums/{album_id}/available_videos Get all the user's videos that can be added to or removed from a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi GetAvailableVideoShowcases GET /videos/{video_id}/available_albums Get all the showcases to which the user can add or remove a specific video
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi GetShowcaseVideo GET /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id} Get a specific video in a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi GetShowcaseVideoAlt1 GET /me/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id} Get a specific video in a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi GetShowcaseVideos GET /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/videos Get all the videos in a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi GetShowcaseVideosAlt1 GET /me/albums/{album_id}/videos Get all the videos in a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi RemoveVideoFromShowcase DELETE /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a video from a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi RemoveVideoFromShowcaseAlt1 DELETE /me/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id} Remove a video from a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi ReplaceVideosInShowcase PUT /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/videos Replace all the videos in a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi ReplaceVideosInShowcaseAlt1 PUT /me/albums/{album_id}/videos Replace all the videos in a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi SetVideoAsShowcaseFeatured PATCH /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id}/set_featured_video Set the featured video of a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi SetVideoAsShowcaseFeaturedAlt1 PATCH /me/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id}/set_featured_video Set the featured video of a showcase
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi SetVideoAsShowcaseThumbnail POST /users/{user_id}/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id}/set_album_thumbnail Create a thumbnail for a showcase from a showcase video
ShowcasesShowcaseVideosApi SetVideoAsShowcaseThumbnailAlt1 POST /me/albums/{album_id}/videos/{video_id}/set_album_thumbnail Create a thumbnail for a showcase from a showcase video
TagsEssentialsApi GetTag GET /tags/{word} Get a tag
TeamMembersEssentialsApi GetTeamInformation GET /teammembers/{code} Get membership information about a team
TutorialEssentialsApi DeveloperTutorial GET /tutorial Get started with the Vimeo API
UsersEssentialsApi EditUser PATCH /users/{user_id} Edit the user
UsersEssentialsApi EditUserAlt1 PATCH /me Edit the user
UsersEssentialsApi GetUser GET /users/{user_id} Get the user
UsersEssentialsApi GetUserAlt1 GET /me Get the user
UsersFeedsApi GetFeed GET /users/{user_id}/feed Get all the videos in the user's feed
UsersFeedsApi GetFeedAlt1 GET /me/feed Get all the videos in the user's feed
UsersFollowersApi CheckIfUserIsFollowing GET /users/{user_id}/following/{follow_user_id} Check if the user is following another user
UsersFollowersApi CheckIfUserIsFollowingAlt1 GET /me/following/{follow_user_id} Check if the user is following another user
UsersFollowersApi FollowUser PUT /users/{user_id}/following/{follow_user_id} Follow a specific user
UsersFollowersApi FollowUserAlt1 PUT /me/following/{follow_user_id} Follow a specific user
UsersFollowersApi FollowUsers POST /users/{user_id}/following Follow a list of users
UsersFollowersApi FollowUsersAlt1 POST /me/following Follow a list of users
UsersFollowersApi GetFollowers GET /users/{user_id}/followers Get all the followers of the user
UsersFollowersApi GetFollowersAlt1 GET /me/followers Get all the followers of the user
UsersFollowersApi GetUserFollowing GET /users/{user_id}/following Get all the users that the user is following
UsersFollowersApi GetUserFollowingAlt1 GET /me/following Get all the users that the user is following
UsersFollowersApi UnfollowUser DELETE /users/{user_id}/following/{follow_user_id} Unfollow a user
UsersFollowersApi UnfollowUserAlt1 DELETE /me/following/{follow_user_id} Unfollow a user
UsersPicturesApi CreatePicture POST /users/{user_id}/pictures Add a picture to the user's account
UsersPicturesApi CreatePictureAlt1 POST /me/pictures Add a picture to the user's account
UsersPicturesApi DeletePicture DELETE /users/{user_id}/pictures/{portraitset_id} Delete a picture from the user's account
UsersPicturesApi DeletePictureAlt1 DELETE /me/pictures/{portraitset_id} Delete a picture from the user's account
UsersPicturesApi EditPicture PATCH /users/{user_id}/pictures/{portraitset_id} Edit a picture in the user's account
UsersPicturesApi EditPictureAlt1 PATCH /me/pictures/{portraitset_id} Edit a picture in the user's account
UsersPicturesApi GetPicture GET /users/{user_id}/pictures/{portraitset_id} Get a specific picture that belongs to the user
UsersPicturesApi GetPictureAlt1 GET /me/pictures/{portraitset_id} Get a specific picture that belongs to the user
UsersPicturesApi GetPictures GET /users/{user_id}/pictures Get all the pictures that belong to the user
UsersPicturesApi GetPicturesAlt1 GET /me/pictures Get all the pictures that belong to the user
UsersSearchApi SearchUsers GET /users Search for users
UsersWatchHistoryApi DeleteFromWatchHistory DELETE /me/watched/videos/{video_id} Delete a specific video from the user's watch history
UsersWatchHistoryApi DeleteWatchHistory DELETE /me/watched/videos Delete the user's watch history
UsersWatchHistoryApi GetWatchHistory GET /me/watched/videos Get all the videos that a user has watched
VideosContentRatingsApi GetContentRatings GET /contentratings Get all content ratings
VideosCreativeCommonsApi GetCcLicenses GET /creativecommons Get all Creative Commons licenses
VideosCreditsApi AddVideoCredit POST /videos/{video_id}/credits Credit a user in a video
VideosCreditsApi AddVideoCreditAlt1 POST /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/credits Credit a user in a video
VideosCreditsApi DeleteVideoCredit DELETE /videos/{video_id}/credits/{credit_id} Delete the credit for a user in a video
VideosCreditsApi EditVideoCredit PATCH /videos/{video_id}/credits/{credit_id} Edit the credit for a user in a video
VideosCreditsApi GetVideoCredit GET /videos/{video_id}/credits/{credit_id} Get a specific credited user in a video
VideosCreditsApi GetVideoCredits GET /videos/{video_id}/credits Get all the credited users in a video
VideosCreditsApi GetVideoCreditsAlt1 GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/credits Get all the credited users in a video
VideosEmbedPrivacyApi AddVideoPrivacyDomain PUT /videos/{video_id}/privacy/domains/{domain} Add a domain to a video's whitelist
VideosEmbedPrivacyApi DeleteVideoPrivacyDomain DELETE /videos/{video_id}/privacy/domains/{domain} Remove a domain from a video's whitelist
VideosEmbedPrivacyApi GetVideoPrivacyDomains GET /videos/{video_id}/privacy/domains Get all the domains on a video's whitelist
VideosEssentialsApi CheckIfUserOwnsVideo GET /users/{user_id}/videos/{video_id} Check if the user owns a video
VideosEssentialsApi CheckIfUserOwnsVideoAlt1 GET /me/videos/{video_id} Check if the user owns a video
VideosEssentialsApi DeleteVideo DELETE /videos/{video_id} Delete a video
VideosEssentialsApi EditVideo PATCH /videos/{video_id} Edit a video
VideosEssentialsApi GetAppearances GET /users/{user_id}/appearances Get all the videos in which the user appears
VideosEssentialsApi GetAppearancesAlt1 GET /me/appearances Get all the videos in which the user appears
VideosEssentialsApi GetVideo GET /videos/{video_id} Get a specific video
VideosEssentialsApi GetVideos GET /users/{user_id}/videos Get all the videos that the user has uploaded
VideosEssentialsApi GetVideosAlt1 GET /me/videos Get all the videos that the user has uploaded
VideosEssentialsApi SearchVideos GET /videos Search for videos
VideosLanguagesApi GetLanguages GET /languages Get all languages
VideosLiveM3U8PlaybackApi GetOneTimeEventM3u8Playback GET /users/{user_id}/videos/{video_id}/m3u8_playback Get an M3U8 playback URL for a one-time live event
VideosLiveM3U8PlaybackApi GetOneTimeEventM3u8PlaybackAlt1 GET /me/videos/{video_id}/m3u8_playback Get an M3U8 playback URL for a one-time live event
VideosPrivateVideosApi AddVideoPrivacyUser PUT /videos/{video_id}/privacy/users/{user_id} Permit a specific user to access a private video
VideosPrivateVideosApi AddVideoPrivacyUsers PUT /videos/{video_id}/privacy/users Permit a list of users to access a private video
VideosPrivateVideosApi AddVideoPrivacyUsersAlt1 PUT /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/privacy/users Permit a list of users to access a private video
VideosPrivateVideosApi DeleteVideoPrivacyUser DELETE /videos/{video_id}/privacy/users/{user_id} Restrict a user from viewing a private video
VideosPrivateVideosApi GetVideoPrivacyUsers GET /videos/{video_id}/privacy/users Get all the users who can view a private video
VideosPrivateVideosApi GetVideoPrivacyUsersAlt1 GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/privacy/users Get all the users who can view a private video
VideosRecommendationsApi GetRelatedVideos GET /videos/{video_id}/videos Get all the related videos of a video
VideosShowcasesApi AddOrRemoveMultipleAlbums PATCH /videos/{video_id}/albums Add or remove a video from a list of showcases
VideosShowcasesApi GetVideoAlbums GET /videos/{video_id}/albums Get all the albums that contain a video
VideosTagsApi AddVideoTag PUT /videos/{video_id}/tags/{word} Add a specific tag to a video
VideosTagsApi AddVideoTags PUT /videos/{video_id}/tags Add a list of tags to a video
VideosTagsApi CheckVideoForTag GET /videos/{video_id}/tags/{word} Check if a tag has been added to a video
VideosTagsApi DeleteVideoTag DELETE /videos/{video_id}/tags/{word} Remove a tag from a video
VideosTagsApi GetVideoTags GET /videos/{video_id}/tags Get all the tags of a video
VideosTagsApi GetVideosWithTag GET /tags/{word}/videos Get all the videos with a specific tag
VideosTextTracksApi CreateTextTrack POST /videos/{video_id}/texttracks Add a text track to a video
VideosTextTracksApi CreateTextTrackAlt1 POST /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/texttracks Add a text track to a video
VideosTextTracksApi DeleteTextTrack DELETE /videos/{video_id}/texttracks/{texttrack_id} Delete a text track
VideosTextTracksApi EditTextTrack PATCH /videos/{video_id}/texttracks/{texttrack_id} Edit a text track
VideosTextTracksApi GetTextTrack GET /videos/{video_id}/texttracks/{texttrack_id} Get a specific text track
VideosTextTracksApi GetTextTracks GET /videos/{video_id}/texttracks Get all the text tracks of a video
VideosTextTracksApi GetTextTracksAlt1 GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/texttracks Get all the text tracks of a video
VideosThumbnailsApi CreateVideoThumbnail POST /videos/{video_id}/pictures Add a video thumbnail
VideosThumbnailsApi CreateVideoThumbnailAlt1 POST /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/pictures Add a video thumbnail
VideosThumbnailsApi DeleteVideoThumbnail DELETE /videos/{video_id}/pictures/{picture_id} Delete a video thumbnail
VideosThumbnailsApi EditVideoThumbnail PATCH /videos/{video_id}/pictures/{picture_id} Edit a video thumbnail
VideosThumbnailsApi GetVideoThumbnail GET /videos/{video_id}/pictures/{picture_id} Get a specific video thumbnail
VideosThumbnailsApi GetVideoThumbnails GET /videos/{video_id}/pictures Get all the thumbnails of a video
VideosThumbnailsApi GetVideoThumbnailsAlt1 GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/pictures Get all the thumbnails of a video
VideosUploadsApi CompleteStreamingUpload DELETE /users/{user_id}/uploads/{upload_id} Complete a streaming upload
VideosUploadsApi GetUploadAttempt GET /users/{user_id}/uploads/{upload_id} Get an upload attempt
VideosUploadsApi UploadVideo POST /users/{user_id}/videos Upload a video
VideosUploadsApi UploadVideoAlt1 POST /me/videos Upload a video
VideosVersionsApi CreateVideoVersion POST /videos/{video_id}/versions Add a version to a video
VideosVersionsApi DeleteVideoVersion DELETE /videos/{video_id}/versions/{version_id} Delete a video version
VideosVersionsApi EditVideoVersion PATCH /videos/{video_id}/versions/{version_id} Edit a video version
VideosVersionsApi GetVideoVersion GET /videos/{video_id}/versions/{version_id} Get a specific video version
VideosVersionsApi GetVideoVersions GET /videos/{video_id}/versions Get all the versions of a video
VideosVersionsApi GetVideoVersionsAlt1 GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/versions Get all the versions of a video
VideosVideoCommentsApi CreateComment POST /videos/{video_id}/comments Add a video comment to a video
VideosVideoCommentsApi CreateCommentAlt1 POST /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/comments Add a video comment to a video
VideosVideoCommentsApi CreateCommentReply POST /videos/{video_id}/comments/{comment_id}/replies Add a reply to a video comment
VideosVideoCommentsApi DeleteComment DELETE /videos/{video_id}/comments/{comment_id} Delete a video comment
VideosVideoCommentsApi EditComment PATCH /videos/{video_id}/comments/{comment_id} Edit a video comment
VideosVideoCommentsApi GetComment GET /videos/{video_id}/comments/{comment_id} Get a specific video comment
VideosVideoCommentsApi GetCommentReplies GET /videos/{video_id}/comments/{comment_id}/replies Get all the replies to a video comment
VideosVideoCommentsApi GetComments GET /videos/{video_id}/comments Get all the video comments on a video
VideosVideoCommentsApi GetCommentsAlt1 GET /channels/{channel_id}/videos/{video_id}/comments Get all the video comments on a video
WatchLaterQueueEssentialsApi AddVideoToWatchLater PUT /users/{user_id}/watchlater/{video_id} Add a video to the user's Watch Later queue
WatchLaterQueueEssentialsApi AddVideoToWatchLaterAlt1 PUT /me/watchlater/{video_id} Add a video to the user's Watch Later queue
WatchLaterQueueEssentialsApi CheckWatchLaterQueue GET /users/{user_id}/watchlater/{video_id} Check if the user has added a video to their Watch Later queue
WatchLaterQueueEssentialsApi CheckWatchLaterQueueAlt1 GET /me/watchlater/{video_id} Check if the user has added a video to their Watch Later queue
WatchLaterQueueEssentialsApi DeleteVideoFromWatchLater DELETE /users/{user_id}/watchlater/{video_id} Remove a video from the user's Watch Later queue
WatchLaterQueueEssentialsApi DeleteVideoFromWatchLaterAlt1 DELETE /me/watchlater/{video_id} Remove a video from the user's Watch Later queue
WatchLaterQueueEssentialsApi GetWatchLaterQueue GET /users/{user_id}/watchlater Get all the videos in the user's Watch Later queue
WatchLaterQueueEssentialsApi GetWatchLaterQueueAlt1 GET /me/watchlater Get all the videos in the user's Watch Later queue

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: Bearer Authentication


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: application
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
    • create: Create new albums, channels, and so on
    • delete: Delete videos, albums, channels, and so on
    • edit: Edit existing videos, albums, channels, and so on
    • email: Access to email addresses
    • interact: Interact with Vimeo resources on a member's behalf, such as liking a video or following another member
    • private: Access private member data
    • promo_codes: Add, remove, and review Vimeo On Demand promotions
    • public: Access public member data
    • purchase: Purchase content
    • purchased: Access a member's Vimeo On Demand purchase history
    • stats: Access video stats
    • upload: Upload videos
    • video_files: Access video files belonging to members with a PRO subscription or higher


No description, website, or topics provided.






No packages published
