Exemplo n.º 1
    void TransformBone(uint userId, SkeletonJoint joint, Transform dest, bool move)
        //   SkeletonJointPosition sjp = this.joints[userId][joint];
         //   Point3D pos = sjp.position;

        //Debug.Log("joint " + joint + "x " + pos.X + " y " + pos.Y + " z " + pos.Z);

        SkeletonJointOrientation ori = new SkeletonJointOrientation();
        this.skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJointOrientation(userId, joint, ref ori);
           //float [] m = ori.Orientation.elements;


        // only modify joint if confidence is high enough in this frame
        if (ori.Confidence > 0.5)
             // Z coordinate in OpenNI is opposite from Unity. We will create a quat
            // to rotate from OpenNI to Unity (relative to initial rotation)
        //    Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-ori.m02, -ori.m12, ori.m22);
        //  elem1 elem2 elem3
        //  elem4 elem5 elem6
        //  elem7 elem8 elem9
           Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-ori.Orientation.elem3, -ori.Orientation.elem6, ori.Orientation.elem9);

         //   Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m01, trans.ori.m11, -trans.ori.m21);
           Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(ori.Orientation.elem2, ori.Orientation.elem5, -ori.Orientation.elem8);

            Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);

            Quaternion newRotation = (jointRotation * initialRotations[(int)joint]);

            // Some smoothing
            dest.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(dest.rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * 20);


        //if (move)
        //			dest.position = new Vector3(trans.pos.x/1000, trans.pos.y/1000 -1, -trans.pos.z/1000);
        //	dest.position = new Vector3(pos.X/1000, pos.Y/1000 -1, -pos.Z/1000);

Exemplo n.º 2
    void TransformBone(uint userId, SkeletonJoint joint, Transform dest, bool move)
        SkeletonJointPosition sjp = this.joints[userId][joint];
        Point3D pos = sjp.position;
        SkeletonJointOrientation ori = new SkeletonJointOrientation();
        this.skeletonCapbility.GetSkeletonJointOrientation(userId,joint, ori);
        float [] m = ori.Orientation.elements;
        // only modify joint if confidence is high enough in this frame
        if (ori.Confidence > 0.5)
            // Z coordinate in OpenNI is opposite from Unity. We will create a quat
            // to rotate from OpenNI to Unity (relative to initial rotation)
        //    Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-ori.m02, -ori.m12, ori.m22);
           Vector3 worldZVec = new Vector3(-m[2], -m[5], m[8]);

         //   Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(trans.ori.m01, trans.ori.m11, -trans.ori.m21);
           Vector3 worldYVec = new Vector3(m[1], m[4], -m[7]);

            Quaternion jointRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldZVec, worldYVec);

            Quaternion newRotation = jointRotation * initialRotations[(int)joint];

            // Some smoothing
            dest.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(dest.rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime * 20);

        if (move)
        //			dest.position = new Vector3(trans.pos.x/1000, trans.pos.y/1000 -1, -trans.pos.z/1000);
            dest.position = new Vector3(pos.X/1000, pos.Y/1000 -1, -pos.Z/1000);

Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Reset(UserID user)
     UInt32 status = OpenNIImporter.xnResetSkeleton(this.InternalObject, user);