protected void Ekle()
     using (sfKalDataEntities ent = new sfKalDataEntities())
         EFDal ed = new EFDal();
         referans oreferans = new referans();
         oreferans.LABKOD = txtLABKOD.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.CIHAZ = txtCIHAZ.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.DBASNO = txtDBASNO.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.MARKA = txtMARKA.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.TIPMODEL = txtTIPMODEL.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.SERINO = txtSERINO.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.OLCARALIGI = txtOLCARALIGI.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.OLCBUYUKLUGU = txtOLCBUYUKLUGU.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.BAKKARTNO = txtBAKKARTNO.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.SINIF = txtSINIF.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.KALPERIYOT = txtKALPERIYOT.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.TEMINTAR = raddtTeminTar.SelectedDate.Value;
         oreferans.TEMINDURUMU = txtTEMINDURUMU.Text.Trim();
         oreferans.KAPSAMDISI = chkKAPSAMDISI.Checked;
         oreferans.BOLGEKODU = ed.kal_BolgeKoduDon(Context.User.Identity.Name);
         oreferans.NICK = txtNICK.Text.Trim();
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new referans object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Initial value of the ID property.</param>
 /// <param name="bAKKARTNO">Initial value of the BAKKARTNO property.</param>
 /// <param name="sINIF">Initial value of the SINIF property.</param>
 /// <param name="kAPSAMDISI">Initial value of the KAPSAMDISI property.</param>
 /// <param name="bOLGEKODU">Initial value of the BOLGEKODU property.</param>
 public static referans Createreferans(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.String bAKKARTNO, global::System.String sINIF, global::System.Boolean kAPSAMDISI, global::System.Int32 bOLGEKODU)
     referans referans = new referans();
     referans.ID = id;
     referans.BAKKARTNO = bAKKARTNO;
     referans.SINIF = sINIF;
     referans.KAPSAMDISI = kAPSAMDISI;
     referans.BOLGEKODU = bOLGEKODU;
     return referans;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the referans EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToreferans(referans referans)
     base.AddObject("referans", referans);