Exemplo n.º 1
        static void testfunction()
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to begin, or enter \"c\" to clear repos.");
            if (Console.ReadLine() == "c")
                RepoManagement.ClearRepo(Paths.DistributionRepo, Paths.ImageRepo);
            DateTime then = DateTime.Now;

            double              L          = 10;
            double              H          = 10;
            int                 n          = 38;
            RBounds2D           bounds     = new RBounds2D(0, L, 0, H);
            NCGrid_Distribution dist       = new NCGrid_Distribution(bounds, n, n);
            BoundaryConditions  conditions = new BoundaryConditions(bounds, n, n, BoundaryConditions.BoundaryConditionType.Dirichlet);
            double              dx         = L / (n - 1);
            double              max        = 5;
            string              fxn        = string.Format("{0}*Sin({1}*x/{2})*(Exp({1}*y/{2}) - Exp(-1*{1}*y/{2}))/(Exp({1}*{3}/{2}) - Exp(-1*{1}*{3}/{2}))", max, Math.PI, L, H);

            conditions.SetConstant(0, BoundaryConditions.Direction.Negative_X);
            conditions.SetConstant(0, BoundaryConditions.Direction.Negative_Y);
            conditions.SetConstant(0, BoundaryConditions.Direction.Positive_Y);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                double x = i * dx;
                double z = max * Math.Sin(Math.PI * x / L);
                conditions[i, BoundaryConditions.Direction.Positive_Y] = z;
            int solcount = 50;

            double[] errors              = new double[solcount];
            double[] iteration           = new double[solcount];
            DistributionSketchSettings S = DistributionSketchSettings.Fancy();

            S.SetFigureTitle("Temperature Distribution");
            for (int i = 0; i < solcount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(i.ToString() + " of " + solcount.ToString() + " iterations processed.");
                iteration[i] = i;
                BVPLinear2D problem = new BVPLinear2D(conditions, LinearOperatorOrder2.Laplace, dist);
                NCGrid_Distribution soln     = problem.Solve(Matrix.SystemSolvingScheme.Kaczmarz);
                NCGrid_Distribution analytic = ExactFunctionGeneratorVB2D.GenerateFunctionToGrid(fxn, soln);
                errors[i] = ErrorEstimation.NormDifference(soln, analytic);
                string title = "iterative-" + i.ToString();
                DistributionSketch2D sketch = new DistributionSketch2D(soln, S);
                dist = soln.Clone();
                sketch.SaveImage(title + "-plot", false);
            List <string> filestuff = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < iteration.Length; i++)
                filestuff.Add(iteration[i].ToString() + "," + errors[i].ToString());
            File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\Users\Will\Desktop\Folders\MATH435\repo\curves-1d\errors-temp.csv", filestuff.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void testfunction3()
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to begin, or enter \"c\" to clear repos.");
            if (Console.ReadLine() == "c")
                RepoManagement.ClearRepo(Paths.DistributionRepo, Paths.ImageRepo);
            DateTime then = DateTime.Now;

            double              L          = 10;
            double              H          = 10;
            int                 n          = 26;
            RBounds2D           bounds     = new RBounds2D(0, L, 0, H);
            NCGrid_Distribution dist       = new NCGrid_Distribution(bounds, n, n);
            BoundaryConditions  conditions = new BoundaryConditions(bounds, n, n, BoundaryConditions.BoundaryConditionType.Dirichlet);
            double              dx         = L / (n - 1);
            double              omega      = 4;
            double              max        = 8;

            conditions.SetConstant(0, BoundaryConditions.Direction.Negative_X);
            conditions.SetConstant(0, BoundaryConditions.Direction.Negative_Y);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                double x      = i * dx;
                double y      = i * dx;
                double ybound = max / (1 + Math.Exp(-1 * (omega * x / L)));
                double xbound = max / (1 + Math.Exp(-1 * (omega * y / H)));
                conditions[i, BoundaryConditions.Direction.Positive_Y] = ybound;
                conditions[i, BoundaryConditions.Direction.Positive_X] = xbound;
            int solcount = 15;
            LinearOperatorOrder2       op = LinearOperatorOrder2.Laplace;
            DistributionSketchSettings S  = DistributionSketchSettings.Fancy();

            S.SetFigureTitle("Double Logistic Boundary");
            for (int i = 0; i < solcount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(i.ToString() + " of " + solcount.ToString() + " iterations processed.");
                BVPLinear2D problem = new BVPLinear2D(conditions, op, dist);
                NCGrid_Distribution soln = problem.SolveSRDD();
                string title             = "iterative-" + i.ToString();
                DistributionSketch2D sketch = new DistributionSketch2D(soln, S);
                dist = soln.Clone();
                sketch.SaveImage(title + "-plot", false);
                //dist.ApplyMeshMorphGA(2, 0.0019);
                Random R = new Random();
                for (int h = 1; h < dist.Xcount - 1; h++)
                    for (int k = 1; k < dist.Ycount - 1; k++)
                        double  ddx  = (0.5 - R.NextDouble()) * dx * 0.6;
                        double  ddy  = (0.5 - R.NextDouble()) * dx * 0.6;
                        Vector3 move = new Vector3(ddx, ddy, 0);
                        dist[h, k] = dist[h, k] + move;