Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <JsonResult> MakeDirAsync(FullPath path, string name, IEnumerable <string> dirs)
            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                // Create directory
                var newDir = new AzureStorageDirectory(AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(path.Directory.FullName, name));
                await newDir.CreateAsync();

                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(newDir, path.RootVolume));

            if (dirs.Any())
                foreach (string dir in dirs)
                    string dirName = dir.StartsWith("/") ? dir.Substring(1) : dir;
                    var    newDir  = new AzureStorageDirectory(AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(path.Directory.FullName, dirName));
                    await newDir.CreateAsync();

                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(newDir, path.RootVolume));

                    string relativePath = newDir.FullName.Substring(path.RootVolume.RootDirectory.Length);
                    response.Hashes.Add($"/{dirName}", path.RootVolume.VolumeId + HttpEncoder.EncodePath(relativePath));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task RemoveThumbsAsync(FullPath path)
            if (path.IsDirectory)
                string thumbPath = path.RootVolume.GenerateThumbPath(path.Directory);

                if (thumbPath == null)

                await AzureStorageAPI.DeleteDirectoryIfExistsAsync(thumbPath);
                string thumbPath = await path.RootVolume.GenerateThumbPathAsync(path.File);

                if (thumbPath == null)

                await AzureStorageAPI.DeleteFileIfExistsAsync(thumbPath);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> FileAsync(FullPath path, bool download)
            // Check if path is directory
            if (path.IsDirectory)
                return(new ForbidResult());

            // Check if path exists
            if (!await AzureStorageAPI.FileExistsAsync(path.File.FullName))
                return(new NotFoundResult());

            // Check if access is allowed
            if (path.RootVolume.IsShowOnly)
                return(new ForbidResult());

            string contentType = download ? "application/octet-stream" : MimeHelper.GetMimeType(path.File.Extension);

            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            await AzureStorageAPI.GetAsync(path.File.FullName, stream);

            stream.Position = 0;
            return(new FileStreamResult(stream, contentType));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <JsonResult> RenameAsync(FullPath path, string name)
            var response = new ReplaceResponseModel();

            await RemoveThumbsAsync(path);

            if (path.IsDirectory)
                // Get new path
                var newPath = AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(path.Directory.Parent.FullName, name);

                // Move file
                await AzureStorageAPI.MoveDirectoryAsync(path.Directory.FullName, newPath);

                // Add it to added entries list
                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageDirectory(newPath), path.RootVolume));
                // Get new path
                var newPath = AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(path.File.DirectoryName ?? string.Empty, name);

                // Move file
                await AzureStorageAPI.MoveFileAsync(path.File.FullName, newPath);

                // Add it to added entries list
                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(newPath), path.RootVolume));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <JsonResult> ListAsync(FullPath path, IEnumerable <string> intersect)
            var response = new ListResponseModel();

            // Get all files and directories
            var items = await AzureStorageAPI.ListFilesAndDirectoriesAsync(path.Directory.FullName);

            // Add visible files
            foreach (var file in items.Where(i => i is CloudFile))
                var f = new AzureStorageFile(file as CloudFile);
                if (!f.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))

            // Add visible directories
            foreach (var dir in items.Where(i => i is CloudFileDirectory))
                var d = new AzureStorageDirectory(dir as CloudFileDirectory);
                if (!d.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))

            if (intersect.Any())
                response.List.RemoveAll(l => !intersect.Contains(l));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 6
        private async Task <SizeResponseModel> DirectorySizeAndCount(string dir)
            var response = new SizeResponseModel();

            // Get all files and directories
            var items = await AzureStorageAPI.ListFilesAndDirectoriesAsync(dir);

            foreach (var file in items.Where(i => i is CloudFile))
                var cloudFile = file as CloudFile;
                await cloudFile.FetchAttributesAsync();

                response.Size += cloudFile.Properties.Length;

            // Add subdirectory sizes.
            foreach (var directory in items.Where(i => i is CloudFileDirectory))

                var subdir = await DirectorySizeAndCount(directory.Uri.LocalPath.Substring(1)); // Get path without leading '/'

                response.DirectoryCount += subdir.DirectoryCount;
                response.FileCount      += subdir.FileCount;
                response.Size           += subdir.Size;

Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <JsonResult> DimAsync(FullPath path)
            using var stream = await AzureStorageAPI.FileStreamAsync(path.File.FullName);

            var response = new DimResponseModel(path.RootVolume.PictureEditor.ImageSize(stream));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <JsonResult> PasteAsync(FullPath dest, IEnumerable <FullPath> paths, bool isCut, IEnumerable <string> renames, string suffix)
            var response = new ReplaceResponseModel();

            foreach (var src in paths)
                if (src.IsDirectory)
                    var newDir = new AzureStorageDirectory(AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(dest.Directory.FullName, src.Directory.Name));

                    // Check if it already exists
                    if (await newDir.ExistsAsync)
                        await newDir.DeleteAsync();

                    if (isCut)
                        await RemoveThumbsAsync(src);

                        await AzureStorageAPI.MoveDirectoryAsync(src.Directory.FullName, newDir.FullName);

                        // Copy directory
                        await AzureStorageAPI.CopyDirectoryAsync(src.Directory.FullName, newDir.FullName);
                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(newDir, dest.RootVolume));
                    string newFilePath = AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(dest.Directory.FullName, src.File.Name);
                    await AzureStorageAPI.DeleteFileIfExistsAsync(newFilePath);

                    if (isCut)
                        await RemoveThumbsAsync(src);

                        // Move file
                        await AzureStorageAPI.MoveFileAsync(src.File.FullName, newFilePath);

                        // Copy file
                        await AzureStorageAPI.CopyFileAsync(src.File.FullName, newFilePath);

                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(newFilePath), dest.RootVolume));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task <JsonResult> PutAsync(FullPath path, byte[] content)
            var response = new ChangedResponseModel();

            // Write content
            await AzureStorageAPI.PutAsync(path.File.FullName, content);

            response.Changed.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(path.File, path.RootVolume));
            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task <JsonResult> MakeFileAsync(FullPath path, string name)
            var newFile = new AzureStorageFile(AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(path.Directory.FullName, name));
            await newFile.CreateAsync();

            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(newFile, path.RootVolume));
            return(await Json(response));
        public async Task <JsonResult> MakeDirAsync(FullPath path, string name)
            // Create directory
            var newDir = new AzureStorageDirectory(AzureStorageAPI.UrlCombine(path.Directory.FullName, name));
            await newDir.CreateAsync();

            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.Create(this, newDir, path.RootVolume));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <JsonResult> OpenAsync(FullPath path, bool tree, IEnumerable <string> mimeTypes)
            var response = new OpenResponse(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(path.Directory, path.RootVolume), path);

            // Get all files and directories
            var items = await AzureStorageAPI.ListFilesAndDirectoriesAsync(path.Directory.FullName);

            // Add visible files
            foreach (var file in items.Where(i => i is CloudFile))
                var f = new AzureStorageFile(file as CloudFile);
                if (!f.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                    if (mimeTypes != null && mimeTypes.Count() > 0 && !mimeTypes.Contains(f.MimeType) && !mimeTypes.Contains(f.MimeType.Type))

                    response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(f, path.RootVolume));

            // Add visible directories
            foreach (var dir in items.Where(i => i is CloudFileDirectory))
                var d = new AzureStorageDirectory(dir as CloudFileDirectory);
                if (!d.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                    response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(d, path.RootVolume));

            // Add parents
            if (tree)
                var parent = path.Directory;

                while (parent != null && parent.FullName != path.RootVolume.RootDirectory)
                    // Update parent
                    parent = parent.Parent;

                    // Ensure it's a child of the root
                    if (parent != null && path.RootVolume.RootDirectory.Contains(parent.FullName))
                        response.Files.Insert(0, await BaseModel.CreateAsync(parent, path.RootVolume));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task <JsonResult> GetAsync(FullPath path)
            var response = new GetResponseModel();

            // Get content
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                await AzureStorageAPI.GetAsync(path.File.FullName, stream);

                stream.Position  = 0;
                using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                response.Content = reader.ReadToEnd();

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 14
        private async Task <string> CreateNameForCopy(IFile file, string suffix)
            string parentPath = file.DirectoryName;
            string name       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name);
            string extension  = file.Extension;

            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                var newName = $"{parentPath}/{name}{suffix ?? "-"}{i}{extension}";
                if (!await AzureStorageAPI.FileExistsAsync(newName))

            return($"{parentPath}/{name}{suffix ?? "-"}{Guid.NewGuid()}{extension}");
        public async Task <JsonResult> ParentsAsync(FullPath path)
            var response = new TreeResponseModel();

            if (path.Directory.FullName == path.RootVolume.RootDirectory)
                response.Tree.Add(await BaseModel.Create(this, path.Directory, path.RootVolume));
                // Not root level

                // Go back to root
                var parent = path.Directory;

                while (parent != null && parent.Name != path.RootVolume.RootDirectory)
                    // Update parent
                    parent = parent.Parent;

                    // Ensure it's a child of the root
                    if (parent != null && path.RootVolume.RootDirectory.Contains(parent.Name))
                        response.Tree.Insert(0, await BaseModel.Create(this, parent, path.RootVolume));

                // Check that directory has a parent
                if (path.Directory.Parent != null)
                    var items = await AzureStorageAPI.ListFilesAndDirectories(path.Directory.Parent.FullName);

                    // Add all visible directories except the target
                    foreach (var dir in items.Where(i => i is CloudFileDirectory && ((CloudFileDirectory)i).Name != path.Directory.Name))
                        var d = new AzureStorageDirectory(dir as CloudFileDirectory);
                        if (!d.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                            response.Tree.Add(await BaseModel.Create(this, d, path.RootVolume));
            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task <JsonResult> TreeAsync(FullPath path)
            var response = new TreeResponseModel();

            var items = await AzureStorageAPI.ListFilesAndDirectoriesAsync(path.Directory.FullName);

            // Add visible directories
            foreach (var dir in items.Where(i => i is CloudFileDirectory))
                var d = new AzureStorageDirectory(dir as CloudFileDirectory);
                if (!d.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                    response.Tree.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(d, path.RootVolume));

            return(await Json(response));
        public async Task <JsonResult> CropAsync(FullPath path, int x, int y, int width, int height)

            // Crop Image
            ImageWithMimeType image;

            using (var stream = await path.File.OpenReadAsync())
                image = path.RootVolume.PictureEditor.Crop(stream, x, y, width, height);

            await AzureStorageAPI.Put(path.File.FullName, image.ImageStream);

            var output = new ChangedResponseModel();

            output.Changed.Add((FileModel)await BaseModel.Create(this, path.File, path.RootVolume));
            return(await Json(output));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task <JsonResult> RotateAsync(FullPath path, int degree)
            await RemoveThumbsAsync(path);

            // Crop Image
            ImageWithMimeType image;

            using (var stream = await path.File.OpenReadAsync())
                image = path.RootVolume.PictureEditor.Rotate(stream, degree);

            await AzureStorageAPI.PutAsync(path.File.FullName, image.ImageStream);

            var output = new ChangedResponseModel();

            output.Changed.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(path.File, path.RootVolume));
            return(await Json(output));
Exemplo n.º 19
        // https://github.com/fsmirne/elFinder.NetCore.AzureStorage/issues/2
        protected override async Task AddDirectoryToArchiveAsync(ZipArchive zipFile, IDirectory directoryInfo, string root)
            string entryName = $"{root}{directoryInfo.Name}/";

            var dirs = await directoryInfo.GetDirectoriesAsync();

            foreach (var dir in dirs)
                await AddDirectoryToArchiveAsync(zipFile, dir, entryName);

            var files = await directoryInfo.GetFilesAsync(null);

            foreach (var file in files)
                var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, await AzureStorageAPI.FileBytesAsync(file.FullName));
                zipFile.CreateEntryFromFile(filePath, entryName + file.Name);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <JsonResult> RemoveAsync(IEnumerable <FullPath> paths)
            var response = new RemoveResponseModel();

            foreach (FullPath path in paths)
                await RemoveThumbsAsync(path);

                if (path.IsDirectory && await path.Directory.ExistsAsync)
                    await AzureStorageAPI.DeleteDirectoryAsync(path.Directory.FullName);
                else if (await path.File.ExistsAsync)
                    await AzureStorageAPI.DeleteFileAsync(path.File.FullName);

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public async Task <JsonResult> UploadAsync(FullPath path, IEnumerable <IFormFile> files, bool?overwrite, IEnumerable <FullPath> uploadPaths, IEnumerable <string> renames, string suffix)
            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            // Check if max upload size is set and that no files exceeds it
            if (path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize.HasValue && files.Any(x => x.Length > path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize))
                // Max upload size exceeded

            foreach (string rename in renames)
                var    fileInfo    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(path.Directory.FullName, rename));
                string destination = Path.Combine(path.Directory.FullName, $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rename)}{suffix}{Path.GetExtension(rename)}");
                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(destination), path.RootVolume));

            foreach (var uploadPath in uploadPaths)
                var dir = uploadPath.Directory;
                while (dir.FullName != path.RootVolume.RootDirectory)
                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageDirectory(dir.FullName), path.RootVolume));
                    dir = dir.Parent;

            var i = 0;

            foreach (var file in files)
                string destination = uploadPaths.Count() > i?uploadPaths.ElementAt(i).Directory.FullName : path.Directory.FullName;

                var azureFile = new AzureStorageFile(AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(destination, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)));

                if (await azureFile.ExistsAsync)
                    if (overwrite ?? path.RootVolume.UploadOverwrite)
                        await azureFile.DeleteAsync();

                        await AzureStorageAPI.UploadAsync(file, azureFile.FullName);

                        response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(azureFile.FullName), path.RootVolume));
                        var newName = await CreateNameForCopy(azureFile, suffix);

                        await AzureStorageAPI.UploadAsync(file, AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(azureFile.DirectoryName, newName));

                        response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(newName), path.RootVolume));
                    await AzureStorageAPI.UploadAsync(file, azureFile.FullName);

                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(azureFile.FullName), path.RootVolume));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public async Task <JsonResult> DuplicateAsync(IEnumerable <FullPath> paths)
            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            foreach (var path in paths)
                if (path.IsDirectory)
                    var    parentPath = path.Directory.Parent.FullName;
                    var    name       = path.Directory.Name;
                    string newName    = $"{parentPath}/{name} copy";

                    // Check if directory already exists
                    if (!await AzureStorageAPI.DirectoryExistsAsync(newName))
                        // Doesn't exist
                        await AzureStorageAPI.CopyDirectoryAsync(path.Directory.FullName, newName);
                        // Already exists, create numbered copy
                        var newNameFound = false;
                        for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
                            newName = $"{parentPath}/{name} copy {i}";

                            // Test that it doesn't exist
                            if (!await AzureStorageAPI.DirectoryExistsAsync(newName))
                                await AzureStorageAPI.CopyDirectoryAsync(path.Directory.FullName, newName);

                                newNameFound = true;

                        // Check if new name was found
                        if (!newNameFound)
                            return(Error.NewNameSelectionException($@"{parentPath}/{name} copy"));

                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageDirectory(newName), path.RootVolume));
                else // File
                    var parentPath = path.File.Directory.FullName;
                    var name       = path.File.Name.Substring(0, path.File.Name.Length - path.File.Extension.Length);
                    var ext        = path.File.Extension;

                    string newName = $"{parentPath}/{name} copy{ext}";

                    // Check if file already exists
                    if (!await AzureStorageAPI.FileExistsAsync(newName))
                        // Doesn't exist
                        await AzureStorageAPI.CopyFileAsync(path.File.FullName, newName);
                        // Already exists, create numbered copy
                        var newNameFound = false;
                        for (var i = 1; i < 100; i++)
                            // Compute new name
                            newName = $@"{parentPath}/{name} copy {i}{ext}";

                            // Test that it doesn't exist
                            if (!await AzureStorageAPI.FileExistsAsync(newName))
                                await AzureStorageAPI.CopyFileAsync(path.File.FullName, newName);

                                newNameFound = true;

                        // Check if new name was found
                        if (!newNameFound)
                            return(Error.NewNameSelectionException($@"{parentPath}/{name} copy"));

                    response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(newName), path.RootVolume));
            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public async Task <JsonResult> ExtractAsync(FullPath fullPath, bool newFolder)
            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            if (fullPath.IsDirectory || fullPath.File.Extension.ToLower() != ".zip")
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only .zip files are currently supported.");

            var rootPath = fullPath.File.Directory.FullName;

            if (newFolder)
                // Azure doesn't like directory names that look like a file name i.e. blah.png
                // So iterate through the names until there's no more extension
                var path = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath.File.Name);
                while (Path.HasExtension(path))
                    path = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

                rootPath = AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(rootPath, path);
                var rootDir = new AzureStorageDirectory(rootPath);
                if (!await rootDir.ExistsAsync)
                    await rootDir.CreateAsync();
                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(rootDir, fullPath.RootVolume));

            // Create temp file
            var archivePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

            File.WriteAllBytes(archivePath, await AzureStorageAPI.FileBytesAsync(fullPath.File.FullName));

            using (var archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(archivePath))
                var separator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();
                foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)
                        var file = AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(rootPath, entry.FullName);

                        if (file.EndsWith(separator)) //directory
                            var dir = new AzureStorageDirectory(file);

                            if (!await dir.ExistsAsync)
                                await dir.CreateAsync();
                            if (!newFolder)
                                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(dir, fullPath.RootVolume));
                            var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                            entry.ExtractToFile(filePath, true);

                            using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
                                await AzureStorageAPI.PutAsync(file, stream);


                            if (!newFolder)
                                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(file), fullPath.RootVolume));
                    catch //(Exception ex)
                        //throw new Exception(entry.FullName, ex);


            return(await Json(response));
        public async Task <JsonResult> UploadAsync(FullPath path, IEnumerable <IFormFile> files)
            int fileCount = files.Count();

            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            // Check if max upload size is set and that no files exceeds it
            if (path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize.HasValue && files.Any(x => x.Length > path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize))
                // Max upload size exceeded

            // Loop files
            foreach (var file in files)
                // Validate file name
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file.FileName))
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(IFormFile.FileName));

                // Get path
                var p = new AzureStorageFile(AzureStorageAPI.UrlCombine(path.Directory.FullName, Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)));

                // Check if it already exists
                if (await p.ExistsAsync)
                    // Check if overwrite on upload is supported
                    if (path.RootVolume.UploadOverwrite)
                        // If file already exist we rename the current file.
                        // If upload is successful, delete temp file. Otherwise, we restore old file.
                        var tmpPath = p.FullName + Guid.NewGuid();

                        // Save file
                        var uploaded = false;

                            await AzureStorageAPI.Upload(file, tmpPath);

                            uploaded = true;
                        catch (Exception) { }
                            // Check that file was saved correctly
                            if (uploaded)
                                // Delete file
                                await p.DeleteAsync();

                                // Move file
                                await AzureStorageAPI.MoveFile(tmpPath, p.FullName);
                                // Delete temporary file
                                await AzureStorageAPI.DeleteFile(tmpPath);
                        // Ensure directy name is set
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Directory.Name))
                            throw new ArgumentNullException("Directory");

                        // Save file
                        await AzureStorageAPI.Upload(file, AzureStorageAPI.UrlCombine(p.Directory.FullName, await AzureStorageAPI.GetDuplicatedName(p)));
                    // Save file
                    await AzureStorageAPI.Upload(file, p.FullName);

                response.Added.Add((FileModel)await BaseModel.Create(this, new AzureStorageFile(p.FullName), path.RootVolume));
            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public async Task <JsonResult> ArchiveAsync(FullPath parentPath, IEnumerable <FullPath> paths, string filename, string mimeType)
            var response = new AddResponseModel();

            if (paths == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (mimeType != "application/zip")
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only .zip files are currently supported.");

            // Parse target path

            var directoryInfo = parentPath.Directory;

            if (directoryInfo != null)
                filename ??= "newfile";

                if (filename.EndsWith(".zip"))
                    filename = filename.Replace(".zip", "");

                var newPath = AzureStorageAPI.PathCombine(directoryInfo.FullName, filename + ".zip");
                await AzureStorageAPI.DeleteFileIfExistsAsync(newPath);

                var archivePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                using (var newFile = ZipFile.Open(archivePath, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
                    foreach (var tg in paths)
                        if (tg.IsDirectory)
                            await AddDirectoryToArchiveAsync(newFile, tg.Directory, "");
                            var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, await AzureStorageAPI.FileBytesAsync(tg.File.FullName));
                            newFile.CreateEntryFromFile(filePath, tg.File.Name);

                using (var stream = new FileStream(archivePath, FileMode.Open))
                    await AzureStorageAPI.PutAsync(newPath, stream);

                // Cleanup

                response.Added.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageFile(newPath), parentPath.RootVolume));

            return(await Json(response));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public async Task <JsonResult> InitAsync(FullPath path, IEnumerable <string> mimeTypes)
            if (path == null)
                var root = Roots.FirstOrDefault(r => r.StartDirectory != null);
                if (root == null)
                    root = Roots.First();

                path = new FullPath(root, new AzureStorageDirectory(root.StartDirectory ?? root.RootDirectory), null);

            var response = new InitResponseModel(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(path.Directory, path.RootVolume), new Options(path));

            // Get all files and directories
            var items = await AzureStorageAPI.ListFilesAndDirectoriesAsync(path.Directory.FullName);

            // Add visible files
            foreach (var file in items.Where(i => i is CloudFile))
                var f = new AzureStorageFile(file as CloudFile);
                if (!f.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                    if (mimeTypes != null && mimeTypes.Count() > 0 && !mimeTypes.Contains(f.MimeType) && !mimeTypes.Contains(f.MimeType.Type))

                    response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(f, path.RootVolume));

            // Add visible directories
            foreach (var dir in items.Where(i => i is CloudFileDirectory))
                var d = new AzureStorageDirectory(dir as CloudFileDirectory);
                if (!d.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                    response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(d, path.RootVolume));

            // Add roots
            foreach (var root in Roots)
                response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(new AzureStorageDirectory(root.RootDirectory), root));

            if (path.RootVolume.RootDirectory != path.Directory.FullName)
                // Get all files and directories
                var entries = await AzureStorageAPI.ListFilesAndDirectoriesAsync(path.RootVolume.RootDirectory);

                // Add visible directories
                foreach (var dir in entries.Where(i => i is CloudFileDirectory))
                    var d = new AzureStorageDirectory(dir as CloudFileDirectory);
                    if (!d.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden))
                        response.Files.Add(await BaseModel.CreateAsync(d, path.RootVolume));

            if (path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSize.HasValue)
                response.Options.UploadMaxSize = $"{path.RootVolume.MaxUploadSizeInKb.Value}K";

            return(await Json(response));