private void parseCharacterDefinition(string line, ccBMFontDef characterDefinition)
            // line to parse:
            // char id=32   x=0     y=0     width=0     height=0     xoffset=0     yoffset=44    xadvance=14     page=0  chnl=0

            // Character ID
            int    index  = line.IndexOf("id=");
            int    index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            string value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);

            characterDefinition.charID = ccUtils.ccParseInt(value.Replace("id=", ""));
            //CCAssert(characterDefinition->charID < kCCBMFontMaxChars, "BitmpaFontAtlas: CharID bigger than supported");

            // Character x
            index  = line.IndexOf("x=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.origin.x = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(value.Replace("x=", ""));

            // Character y
            index  = line.IndexOf("y=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.origin.y = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(value.Replace("y=", ""));

            // Character width
            index  = line.IndexOf("width=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.size.width = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(value.Replace("width=", ""));

            // Character height
            index  = line.IndexOf("height=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.size.height = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(value.Replace("height=", ""));

            // Character xoffset
            index  = line.IndexOf("xoffset=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.xOffset = ccUtils.ccParseInt(value.Replace("xoffset=", ""));

            // Character yoffset
            index  = line.IndexOf("yoffset=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.yOffset = ccUtils.ccParseInt(value.Replace("yoffset=", ""));

            // Character xadvance
            index  = line.IndexOf("xadvance=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.xAdvance = ccUtils.ccParseInt(value.Replace("xadvance=", ""));
        private void parseCharacterDefinition(string line, ccBMFontDef characterDefinition)
            int    num  = line.IndexOf("id=");
            int    num1 = line.IndexOf(' ', num);
            string str  = line.Substring(num, num1 - num);

            characterDefinition.charID = ccUtils.ccParseInt(str.Replace("id=", ""));
            num  = line.IndexOf("x=");
            num1 = line.IndexOf(' ', num);
            str  = line.Substring(num, num1 - num);
            characterDefinition.rect.origin.x = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(str.Replace("x=", ""));
            num  = line.IndexOf("y=");
            num1 = line.IndexOf(' ', num);
            str  = line.Substring(num, num1 - num);
            characterDefinition.rect.origin.y = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(str.Replace("y=", ""));
            num  = line.IndexOf("width=");
            num1 = line.IndexOf(' ', num);
            str  = line.Substring(num, num1 - num);
            characterDefinition.rect.size.width = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(str.Replace("width=", ""));
            num  = line.IndexOf("height=");
            num1 = line.IndexOf(' ', num);
            str  = line.Substring(num, num1 - num);
            characterDefinition.rect.size.height = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(str.Replace("height=", ""));
            num  = line.IndexOf("xoffset=");
            num1 = line.IndexOf(' ', num);
            str  = line.Substring(num, num1 - num);
            characterDefinition.xOffset = ccUtils.ccParseInt(str.Replace("xoffset=", ""));
            num  = line.IndexOf("yoffset=");
            num1 = line.IndexOf(' ', num);
            str  = line.Substring(num, num1 - num);
            characterDefinition.yOffset = ccUtils.ccParseInt(str.Replace("yoffset=", ""));
            num  = line.IndexOf("xadvance=");
            num1 = line.IndexOf(' ', num);
            str  = line.Substring(num, num1 - num);
            characterDefinition.xAdvance = ccUtils.ccParseInt(str.Replace("xadvance=", ""));
        private void parseConfigFile(string controlFile)
            CCContent data = CCApplication.sharedApplication().content.Load<CCContent>(controlFile);
            string pBuffer = data.Content;
            long nBufSize = data.Content.Length;
            Debug.Assert(pBuffer != null, "CCBMFontConfiguration::parseConfigFile | Open file error.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pBuffer))

            // parse spacing / padding
            string line;
            string strLeft = pBuffer;
            while (strLeft.Length > 0)
                int pos = strLeft.IndexOf('\n');

                if (pos != -1)
                    // the data is more than a line.get one line
                    line = strLeft.Substring(0, pos);
                    strLeft = strLeft.Substring(pos + 1);
                    // get the left data
                    line = strLeft;
                    strLeft = null;

                if (line.StartsWith("info face"))
                    // XXX: info parsing is incomplete
                    // Not needed for the Hiero editors, but needed for the AngelCode editor
                    //			[self parseInfoArguments:line];
                // Check to see if the start of the line is something we are interested in

                if (line.StartsWith("common lineHeight"))

                if (line.StartsWith("page id"))
                    this.parseImageFileName(line, controlFile);

                if (line.StartsWith("chars c"))
                    // Ignore this line

                if (line.StartsWith("char"))
                    // Parse the current line and create a new CharDef
                    ccBMFontDef characterDefinition = new ccBMFontDef();
                    this.parseCharacterDefinition(line, characterDefinition);

                    // Add the CharDef returned to the charArray
                    m_pBitmapFontArray.Add(characterDefinition.charID, characterDefinition);

                if (line.StartsWith("kernings count"))

                if (line.StartsWith("kerning first"))
        private void parseCharacterDefinition(string line, ccBMFontDef characterDefinition)
            // line to parse:
            // char id=32   x=0     y=0     width=0     height=0     xoffset=0     yoffset=44    xadvance=14     page=0  chnl=0

            // Character ID
            int index = line.IndexOf("id=");
            int index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            string value = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.charID = int.Parse(value.Replace("id=", ""));
            //CCAssert(characterDefinition->charID < kCCBMFontMaxChars, "BitmpaFontAtlas: CharID bigger than supported");

            // Character x
            index = line.IndexOf("x=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.origin.x = float.Parse(value.Replace("x=", ""));

            // Character y
            index = line.IndexOf("y=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.origin.y = float.Parse(value.Replace("y=", ""));

            // Character width
            index = line.IndexOf("width=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.size.width = float.Parse(value.Replace("width=", ""));

            // Character height
            index = line.IndexOf("height=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.size.height = float.Parse(value.Replace("height=", ""));

            // Character xoffset
            index = line.IndexOf("xoffset=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.xOffset = int.Parse(value.Replace("xoffset=", ""));

            // Character yoffset
            index = line.IndexOf("yoffset=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.yOffset = int.Parse(value.Replace("yoffset=", ""));

            // Character xadvance
            index = line.IndexOf("xadvance=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.xAdvance = int.Parse(value.Replace("xadvance=", ""));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private bool ParseConfigFile(string pBuffer, string fntFile)
            long nBufSize = pBuffer.Length;

            Debug.Assert(pBuffer != null, "CCBMFontConfiguration::parseConfigFile | Open file error.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pBuffer))
                return false;

            // parse spacing / padding
            string line;
            string strLeft = pBuffer;
            while (strLeft.Length > 0)
                int pos = strLeft.IndexOf('\n');

                if (pos != -1)
                    // the data is more than a line.get one line
                    line = strLeft.Substring(0, pos);
                    strLeft = strLeft.Substring(pos + 1);
                    // get the left data
                    line = strLeft;
                    strLeft = null;

                if (line.StartsWith("info face"))
                    // XXX: info parsing is incomplete
                    // Not needed for the Hiero editors, but needed for the AngelCode editor
                    //			[self parseInfoArguments:line];

                    // Check to see if the start of the line is something we are interested in
                else if (line.StartsWith("common lineHeight"))

                else if (line.StartsWith("page id"))
                    parseImageFileName(line, fntFile);

                else if (line.StartsWith("chars c"))
                    // Ignore this line
                else if (line.StartsWith("char"))
                    // Parse the current line and create a new CharDef
                    var characterDefinition = new ccBMFontDef();
                    parseCharacterDefinition(line, characterDefinition);

                    m_pFontDefDictionary.Add(characterDefinition.charID, characterDefinition);
                    //else if (line.StartsWith("kernings count"))
                    //    this.parseKerningCapacity(line);
                else if (line.StartsWith("kerning first"))

            return true;
        private void parseConfigFile(string controlFile)
            CCContent data     = CCApplication.sharedApplication().content.Load <CCContent>(controlFile);
            string    pBuffer  = data.Content;
            long      nBufSize = data.Content.Length;

            Debug.Assert(pBuffer != null, "CCBMFontConfiguration::parseConfigFile | Open file error.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pBuffer))

            // parse spacing / padding
            string line;
            string strLeft = pBuffer;

            if (strLeft.StartsWith("<?xml"))
                throw (new ArgumentException("FNT control file is XML, expecting it to be plain text."));
            // TDOO: Add an xml parser
            while (strLeft.Length > 0)
                int pos = strLeft.IndexOf('\n');

                if (pos != -1)
                    // the data is more than a line.get one line
                    line    = strLeft.Substring(0, pos);
                    strLeft = strLeft.Substring(pos + 1);
                    // get the left data
                    line    = strLeft;
                    strLeft = null;

                if (line.StartsWith("info face"))
                    // XXX: info parsing is incomplete
                    // Not needed for the Hiero editors, but needed for the AngelCode editor
                    //			[self parseInfoArguments:line];
                // Check to see if the start of the line is something we are interested in

                if (line.StartsWith("common lineHeight"))

                if (line.StartsWith("page id"))
                    this.parseImageFileName(line, controlFile);

                if (line.StartsWith("chars c"))
                    // Ignore this line

                if (line.StartsWith("char"))
                    // Parse the current line and create a new CharDef
                    ccBMFontDef characterDefinition = new ccBMFontDef();
                    this.parseCharacterDefinition(line, characterDefinition);

                    // Add the CharDef returned to the charArray
                    m_pBitmapFontArray.Add(characterDefinition.charID, characterDefinition);

                if (line.StartsWith("kernings count"))

                if (line.StartsWith("kerning first"))
Exemplo n.º 7
        private bool ParseConfigFile(string pBuffer, string fntFile)
            long nBufSize = pBuffer.Length;

            Debug.Assert(pBuffer != null, "CCBMFontConfiguration::parseConfigFile | Open file error.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pBuffer))

            // parse spacing / padding
            string line;
            string strLeft = pBuffer;

            while (strLeft.Length > 0)
                int pos = strLeft.IndexOf('\n');

                if (pos != -1)
                    // the data is more than a line.get one line
                    line    = strLeft.Substring(0, pos);
                    strLeft = strLeft.Substring(pos + 1);
                    // get the left data
                    line    = strLeft;
                    strLeft = null;

                if (line.StartsWith("info face"))
                    // XXX: info parsing is incomplete
                    // Not needed for the Hiero editors, but needed for the AngelCode editor
                    //			[self parseInfoArguments:line];

                // Check to see if the start of the line is something we are interested in
                else if (line.StartsWith("common lineHeight"))

                else if (line.StartsWith("page id"))
                    parseImageFileName(line, fntFile);

                else if (line.StartsWith("chars c"))
                    // Ignore this line
                else if (line.StartsWith("char"))
                    // Parse the current line and create a new CharDef
                    var characterDefinition = new ccBMFontDef();
                    parseCharacterDefinition(line, characterDefinition);

                    m_pFontDefDictionary.Add(characterDefinition.charID, characterDefinition);
                //else if (line.StartsWith("kernings count"))
                //    this.parseKerningCapacity(line);
                else if (line.StartsWith("kerning first"))

        private void parseConfigFile(string controlFile)
            string    str;
            CCContent cCContent = CCApplication.sharedApplication().content.Load <CCContent>(controlFile);
            string    content   = cCContent.Content;
            int       length    = cCContent.Content.Length;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
            string str1 = content;

            if (str1.StartsWith("<?xml"))
                throw new ArgumentException("FNT control file is XML, expecting it to be plain text.");
            while (str1.Length > 0)
                int num = str1.IndexOf('\n');
                if (num == -1)
                    str  = str1;
                    str1 = null;
                    str  = str1.Substring(0, num);
                    str1 = str1.Substring(num + 1);
                if (str.StartsWith("info face"))
                if (str.StartsWith("common lineHeight"))
                if (str.StartsWith("page id"))
                    this.parseImageFileName(str, controlFile);
                if (str.StartsWith("chars c"))
                if (str.StartsWith("char"))
                    ccBMFontDef _ccBMFontDef = new ccBMFontDef();
                    this.parseCharacterDefinition(str, _ccBMFontDef);
                    this.m_pBitmapFontArray.Add(_ccBMFontDef.charID, _ccBMFontDef);
                if (str.StartsWith("kernings count"))
                if (!str.StartsWith("kerning first"))
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void createFontChars()
            int    item            = 0;
            int    mUCommonHeight  = 0;
            int    num             = -1;
            int    num1            = 0;
            CCSize cCSize          = new CCSize(0f, 0f);
            int    num2            = 0;
            int    mUCommonHeight1 = 0;
            int    num3            = 1;
            int    length          = this.m_sString.Length;

            if (length == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
                if (this.m_sString[i] == 10)
            mUCommonHeight1 = this.m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight * num3;
            mUCommonHeight  = -(this.m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight - this.m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight * num3);
            for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                int mSString = this.m_sString[j];
                if ((long)mSString >= (long)2048)
                    object[] objArray = new object[] { "LabelBMFont: character ", this.m_sString[j], " outside of max font characters, which is ", (uint)2048 };
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat(objArray));
                if (mSString != 10)
                    num1 = this.kerningAmountForFirst(num, mSString);
                    if (!this.m_pConfiguration.m_pBitmapFontArray.ContainsKey(mSString))
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat("Character ", mSString, " in LabelBMFont is not in the font definition."));
                    ccBMFontDef _ccBMFontDef = this.m_pConfiguration.m_pBitmapFontArray[mSString];
                    CCRect      cCRect       = _ccBMFontDef.rect;
                    CCSprite    childByTag   = (CCSprite)base.getChildByTag(j);
                    if (childByTag != null)
                        childByTag.setTextureRectInPixels(cCRect, false, cCRect.size);
                        childByTag.visible = true;
                        childByTag.Opacity = 255;
                        childByTag = new CCSprite();
                        childByTag.initWithBatchNodeRectInPixels(this, cCRect);
                        this.addChild(childByTag, 0, j);
                    float single = (float)(this.m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight - _ccBMFontDef.yOffset);
                    childByTag.positionInPixels = new CCPoint((float)(item + _ccBMFontDef.xOffset) + _ccBMFontDef.rect.size.width / 2f + (float)num1, (float)mUCommonHeight + single - cCRect.size.height / 2f);
                    item = item + this.m_pConfiguration.m_pBitmapFontArray[mSString].xAdvance + num1;
                    num  = mSString;
                    childByTag.IsOpacityModifyRGB = this.m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB;
                    childByTag.Color = this.m_tColor;
                    if (this.m_cOpacity != 255)
                        childByTag.Opacity = this.m_cOpacity;
                    if (num2 < item)
                        num2 = item;
                    item           = 0;
                    mUCommonHeight = mUCommonHeight - this.m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight;
            cCSize.width             = (float)num2;
            cCSize.height            = (float)mUCommonHeight1;
            base.contentSizeInPixels = cCSize;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// updates the font chars based on the string to render
        /// </summary>
        public void createFontChars()
            int nextFontPositionX = 0;
            int nextFontPositionY = 0;
            int prev          = -1;
            int kerningAmount = 0;

            CCSize tmpSize = new CCSize(0, 0);

            int longestLine = 0;
            int totalHeight = 0;

            int quantityOfLines = 1;

            int stringLen = m_sString.Length;

            if (0 == stringLen)

            for (int i = 0; i < stringLen - 1; ++i)
                ushort c = m_sString[i];
                if (c == '\n')

            totalHeight       = m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight * quantityOfLines;
            nextFontPositionY = -(m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight - m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight * quantityOfLines);

            for (int i = 0; i < stringLen; i++)
                int c = m_sString[i];
                if (c >= kCCBMFontMaxChars)
                    throw (new ArgumentException("LabelBMFont: character " + m_sString[i] + " outside of max font characters, which is " + kCCBMFontMaxChars));
                if (c == '\n')
                    nextFontPositionX  = 0;
                    nextFontPositionY -= (int)m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight;

                kerningAmount = this.kerningAmountForFirst(prev, c);

                if (!m_pConfiguration.m_pBitmapFontArray.ContainsKey(c))
                    throw(new ArgumentException("Character " + c + " in LabelBMFont is not in the font definition."));
                ccBMFontDef fontDef = m_pConfiguration.m_pBitmapFontArray[c];

                CCRect rect = fontDef.rect;

                CCSprite fontChar = (CCSprite)(this.getChildByTag(i));
                if (fontChar == null)
                    fontChar = new CCSprite();
                    fontChar.initWithBatchNodeRectInPixels(this, rect);
                    this.addChild(fontChar, 0, i);
                    // reusing fonts
                    //fontChar = new CCSprite();
                    fontChar.setTextureRectInPixels(rect, false, rect.size);

                    // restore to default in case they were modified
                    fontChar.visible = true;
                    fontChar.Opacity = 255;

                float yOffset = (float)(m_pConfiguration.m_uCommonHeight - fontDef.yOffset);
                fontChar.positionInPixels = (new CCPoint(nextFontPositionX + fontDef.xOffset + fontDef.rect.size.width / 2.0f + kerningAmount,
                                                         (float)nextFontPositionY + yOffset - rect.size.height / 2.0f));

                //		NSLog(@"position.y: %f", fontChar.position.y);

                // update kerning
                nextFontPositionX += m_pConfiguration.m_pBitmapFontArray[c].xAdvance + kerningAmount;
                prev = c;

                // Apply label properties
                fontChar.IsOpacityModifyRGB = m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB;
                // Color MUST be set before opacity, since opacity might change color if OpacityModifyRGB is on
                fontChar.Color = m_tColor;

                // only apply opaccity if it is different than 255 )
                // to prevent modifying the color too (issue #610)
                if (m_cOpacity != 255)
                    fontChar.Opacity = m_cOpacity;

                if (longestLine < nextFontPositionX)
                    longestLine = nextFontPositionX;

            tmpSize.width  = (float)longestLine;
            tmpSize.height = (float)totalHeight;

            this.contentSizeInPixels = tmpSize;