Exemplo n.º 1
        public void phoneRinging(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string> mctabuff_msg)
            string cg  = mctabuff_msg["CALL_ID"];
            string ani = UrlGet(mctabuff_msg, "ANumber");
            string bni = UrlGet(mctabuff_msg, "BNumber");
            string cad = UrlGet(mctabuff_msg, "ExtraData");
            string rmi = UrlGet(mctabuff_msg, "REMOTE_INFO"); //remote info containing caller names

            Console.WriteLine("RMI in alerting phase: " + rmi);
            //ani = (rmi, "EN");
            //crete new phoneCall object
            phoneCall pcall = new phoneCall(cg, ani, bni, ani, cad, "InComing");

            //add call to dict to hold the ongoing calls
            callsDict.Add(pcall.callId, pcall);
            //add call also ToListView; display caller number; expecting an incoming call image to be in postion 0
            ListViewItem call = new ListViewItem(pcall.CallerNumber, 0);

            call.Tag = pcall.callId;
            if (listCalls.Items.Count == 1)
                listCalls.Items[0].Focused  = true;
                listCalls.Items[0].Selected = true;

            this.toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Ringing";

            //later update remote info on top of ani
            handleRemoteInfo(getRemoteInfo("EN", rmi), pcall.callId);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void callOut(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string> mctabuff_msg)
            string cg  = mctabuff_msg["CALL_ID"];
            string bni = UrlGet(mctabuff_msg, "BNumber");
            string cad = UrlGet(mctabuff_msg, "ExtraData");

            //create new phoneCall object
            phoneCall pcall = new phoneCall(cg, "Me", bni, bni, cad, "OutGoing");

            //add call to dict of ongoing calls
            callsDict.Add(pcall.callId, pcall);
            //add call ToListView; show calledNumber; expecting call out image to be in postion 1
            ListViewItem call = new ListViewItem(pcall.CalledNumber, 1);

            call.Tag = pcall.callId;
            if (listCalls.Items.Count == 1)
                listCalls.Items[0].Focused  = true;
                listCalls.Items[0].Selected = true;
            this.toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Calling..";