Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Grammar instance and sets it's GrammarDefiniton, LexerData and
        /// GrammarCode properties to provided values. The ParserData structure will be
        /// initialized and it's ProductionOutlines and SymbolNames properties will be set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grammarDefinition">The definition of the grammar.</param>
        /// <param name="lexerData">A structure defining the lexer's runtime behaviour.</param>
        /// <param name="grammarCode">The collection of user code describing the actions of the parser.</param>
        public Grammar(GrammarDefinition grammarDefinition, LexerData lexerData, GrammarCode grammarCode)
            this.grammarDefinition = grammarDefinition;
            this.lexerData         = lexerData;
            this.grammarCode       = grammarCode;

            ProductionOutline[] productionOutlines = new ProductionOutline[grammarDefinition.Productions.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < productionOutlines.Length; i++)
                productionOutlines[i] = new ProductionOutline(grammarDefinition.Productions[i].LHSSymbol, grammarDefinition.Productions[i].RHSSymbols.Count);

            this.parserData = new ParserData(grammarDefinition.SymbolNames, productionOutlines);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses input tokens supplied by the <i>lexer</i> and returns the result.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lexer">The ILexer which will supply the Parser with tokens.</param>
        /// <returns>An object containing the value returned for the root nonterminal.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ParsingException">when the lexer's output doesn't conform to the grammar's rules or
        /// when the lexer throws a ParsingException.</exception>
        public object Parse(ILexer lexer, object userObject)
            Stack <PartialResult> resultStack = new Stack <PartialResult>();
            Stack <int>           stateStack  = new Stack <int>();

            //počáteční stav

            bool  done      = false;
            Token nextToken = lexer.GetNextToken();
            int   state     = stateStack.Peek();

            while (!done && (lexer.HasTokens || ((state >= 0) && (parseTable[state, nextToken.SymbolCode].ActionType != ParserActionType.Fail))))
                ParserAction nextAction = parseTable[state, nextToken.SymbolCode];

                switch (nextAction.ActionType)
                case ParserActionType.Shift:
                    resultStack.Push(new PartialResult(nextToken.Value, symbolNames[nextToken.SymbolCode],
                                                       nextToken.LineNumber, nextToken.ColumnNumber));
                    state     = stateStack.Peek();
                    nextToken = lexer.GetNextToken();

                case ParserActionType.Reduce:
                    //podle informací o patřičném přepisovacím pravidle odebereme ze zásobníků
                    //příslušný počet prvků
                    ProductionOutline     production   = productions[nextAction.Argument];
                    Stack <PartialResult> constituents = new Stack <PartialResult>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < production.NumRHSSymbols; i++)
                    state = stateStack.Peek();

                    // We take the values of the constituents and compute the value of the composite
                    // element using the relevant action. This new result replaces the old ones on the
                    // result stack; the accompanying state for the state stack is found in the goto
                    // table of the parser. The line and column number for the new result are taken from
                    // the first constituent. If the nonterminal has no constituents, we take the position
                    // of the upcoming token.
                    int      numConstituents    = constituents.Count;
                    object[] constituentValues  = new object[numConstituents];
                    int[]    constituentLines   = new int[numConstituents];
                    int[]    constituentColumns = new int[numConstituents];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numConstituents; i++)
                        PartialResult constituent = constituents.Pop();
                        constituentValues[i]  = constituent.Value;
                        constituentLines[i]   = constituent.LineNumber;
                        constituentColumns[i] = constituent.ColumnNumber;
                    object result = actions[nextAction.Argument](constituentValues, constituentLines, constituentColumns, userObject);
                    if (numConstituents > 0)
                        resultStack.Push(new PartialResult(result, symbolNames[production.LHSSymbol],
                                                           constituentLines[0], constituentColumns[0]));
                        resultStack.Push(new PartialResult(result, symbolNames[production.LHSSymbol],
                                                           nextToken.LineNumber, nextToken.ColumnNumber));

                    stateStack.Push(gotoTable[state, production.LHSSymbol - numTerminals]);
                    state = stateStack.Peek();

                    //přepisovací pravidlo 0 je vždy $start ::= <start-symbol> $end a provedení
                    //redukce podle tohoto pravidla znamená, že jsme načetli i $end a podařilo
                    //se nám vstup rozparsovat, tudíž končíme;
                    //pokud by se nám snažil lexer ještě nějaké tokeny vrazit, tak to ohlásíme
                    if (nextAction.Argument == 0)
                        done = true;

                case ParserActionType.Fail:
                    StringBuilder expectedTerminals = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int terminal = 0; terminal < numTerminals; terminal++)
                        if (parseTable[state, terminal].ActionType != ParserActionType.Fail)
                            expectedTerminals.Append(", ");

                    throw new ParsingException(string.Format("Unexpected terminal {0}({1}) encountered by the parser, expected one of the following terminals: {2}.",
                                                             symbolNames[nextToken.SymbolCode], nextToken.Value, expectedTerminals.ToString(2, expectedTerminals.Length - 2)),
                                               nextToken.LineNumber, nextToken.ColumnNumber);

            if (lexer.HasTokens)
                //lexer nám chce něco říct, ale my už jsme hotovi; tohle by se s naším lexerem nemělo nikdy
                //stát, jelikož po tom, co vrátí $end, už další tokeny nenabízí
                nextToken = lexer.GetNextToken();
                throw new ParsingException(string.Format("There are additional symbols in the input string starting with terminal {0}({1}).",
                                                         symbolNames[nextToken.SymbolCode], nextToken.Value), nextToken.LineNumber, nextToken.ColumnNumber);
            else if ((resultStack.Count == 1) && (resultStack.Peek().SymbolName == "$start"))
                //vše je, jak má být
            else if (resultStack.Count == 0)
                throw new ParsingException("There were no symbols in the input.",
                                           nextToken.LineNumber, nextToken.ColumnNumber);
                //tohle znamená, že parser nebyl ještě se vstupem spokojen a očekává další symboly
                StringBuilder symbolsOnStack = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (PartialResult stackItem in resultStack.Reverse())
                    symbolsOnStack.Append(", ");

                throw new ParsingException("The entire input was reduced to more than one symbol: "
                                           + symbolsOnStack.ToString(2, symbolsOnStack.Length - 2) +
                                           ". Input text was probably incomplete.", nextToken.LineNumber, nextToken.ColumnNumber);