Exemplo n.º 1
        // Get the blog information from the XML data via Linq to XML,
        //  and set it in the returned blog info object
        private static BlogInfo getBlogInfoLinqXML(XDocument xmlDoc)
            var blogInfo = new BlogInfo();

            // Get the blog information XML node
            var blogInfoXML = xmlDoc.Element("rss").Element("channel");

            // Set the blog information in the blog info object
            blogInfo.Description = blogInfoXML.Element("description").Value;
            blogInfo.Link = blogInfoXML.Element("link").Value;
            blogInfo.Title = blogInfoXML.Element("title").Value;

            return blogInfo;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Get the blog posts from the XML data via Linq to XML,
        //  and return a PostList object
        private static PostList getBlogPostsLinqXML(XDocument xmlDoc, BlogInfo blogInfo)
            var postList = new PostList();

            //XNamespace contentNameSpace = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/";
            XNamespace contentNameSpace = getContentNameSpace(xmlDoc);

            var docNameSpace = xmlDoc.Root.Name.Namespace;

            // Get the blog posts from the XML document
            // They are in <item> tags, which are under <channel> under <rss>
            postList.Posts =
                xmlDoc.Element("rss").Element("channel").Descendants("item").Select(post => new Post
                //xmlDoc.Descendants("item").Select(post => new Post
                    BlogInformation = blogInfo,
                    Content = post.Element(contentNameSpace + "encoded").Value,
                    Description = post.Element("description").Value,
                    Link = post.Element("link").Value,
                    PublicationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(post.Element("pubDate").Value),
                    Title = post.Element("title").Value

            var blogPosts = xmlDoc.Element("rss").Element("channel").Descendants("item");
            foreach (var post in blogPosts)
                var newPost = new Post();

                newPost.BlogInformation = blogInfo;

                XElement contentElement = post.Element(contentNameSpace + "encoded");
                newPost.Content = post.Element(contentNameSpace + "encoded").Value;

                newPost.Link = post.Element("link").Value;
                newPost.PublicationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(post.Element("pubDate").Value);
                newPost.Title = post.Element("title").Value;
                newPost.Description = post.Element("description").Value;


            return postList;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Get the blog posts from the XML data via XMLDocument,
        //  and return a PostList object
        private static PostList getBlogPostsXMLDoc(XmlDocument xmlData, BlogInfo blogInfo)
            var postList = new PostList();

            // Get the list of blog post XML nodes
            XmlNodeList blogPostXMLNodes = xmlData.SelectNodes(Constants.BlogPostXMLNode);

            // Set up a post object from each blog post data
            foreach (XmlNode blogPostXML in blogPostXMLNodes)
                postList.Posts.Add(new Post
                    BlogInformation = blogInfo,
                    Content = blogPostXML.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogPostXMLContentIndex).InnerText,
                    Description = blogPostXML.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogPostXMLDescriptionIndex).InnerText,
                    Link = blogPostXML.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogPostXMLLinkIndex).InnerText,
                    PublicationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(blogPostXML.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogPostXMLPublicationDateIndex).InnerText),
                    Title = blogPostXML.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogPostXMLTitleIndex).InnerText

                string blogPostPubDateXMLNodeName =
                string blogPostTitleXMLNodeName =
                string blogPostLinkXMLNodeName =
                string blogPostDescrXMLNodeName =
                string blogPostContentXMLNodeName =

            return postList;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Get the blog information from the XML data via XMLDocument,
        //  and set it in the returned blog info object
        private static BlogInfo getBlogInfoXMLDoc(XmlDocument xmlData)
            var blogInfo = new BlogInfo();

            // Get the blog information XML node
            XmlNode blogInfoXMLNode = xmlData.SelectSingleNode(Constants.BlogInfoXMLNode);

            // Set the blog information in the blog info object
            blogInfo.Title = blogInfoXMLNode.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogInfoXMLTitleIndex).InnerText;
            blogInfo.Description = blogInfoXMLNode.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogInfoXMLDescriptionIndex).InnerText;
            blogInfo.Link = blogInfoXMLNode.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogInfoXMLLinkIndex).InnerText;

            string blogInfoXMLNodeName = blogInfoXMLNode.Name;
            string blogInfoTitleXMLNodeName = blogInfoXMLNode.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogInfoXMLTitleIndex).Name;
            string blogInfoDescrXMLNodeName = blogInfoXMLNode.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogInfoXMLDescriptionIndex).Name;
            string blogInfoLinkXMLNodeName = blogInfoXMLNode.ChildNodes.Item(Constants.BlogInfoXMLLinkIndex).Name;

            return blogInfo;