Inheritance: FrameworkElement, ICaptureElement
        public ViewModelMain(ref CaptureElement cameraControlView)
            CameraControl = cameraControlView;
            TakePhotoManager = new MediaCapture();

            var task = CameraTest_task(); 
            var task2 = PictureLoading_task();

            CameraViewCommand = new Pomocnicze.RelayCommand(pars => CameraViewButton());
            ImageListCommand = new Pomocnicze.RelayCommand(pars => ShowImagesList_async());
            ShareCommand = new Pomocnicze.RelayCommand(pars => ShareButton());
            PictureTapCommand = new Pomocnicze.RelayCommand(pars => SetNextPicture());

            Windows.UI.Core.SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested +=BackRequested;

            DataTransferManager ShareManager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView();
            ShareManager.DataRequested += new TypedEventHandler<DataTransferManager, DataRequestedEventArgs>(this.ShareImageHandler);

            CameraButtonName = "Camera View";
            ImageListButtonName = "Images List";
            ShareButtonName = "Share";

            ShareButtonIsEnable = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task InitializePreview(CaptureElement captureElement)
            captureManager = new MediaCapture();

            var cameraID = await GetCameraID(Panel.Back);

            if (cameraID == null)

            await captureManager.InitializeAsync(new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings
                StreamingCaptureMode = StreamingCaptureMode.Video,
                PhotoCaptureSource = PhotoCaptureSource.Photo,
                AudioDeviceId = string.Empty,
                VideoDeviceId = cameraID.Id



Exemplo n.º 3
        public FaceTrackerProxy (Canvas canvas, MainPage page, CaptureElement capture, MediaCapture mediacapture ) {

            if (this.faceTracker == null)
                this.faceTracker = FaceTracker.CreateAsync().AsTask().Result;

            rootPage = page;
            VisualizationCanvas = canvas;


            mediaCapture = mediacapture;

            var deviceController = mediaCapture.VideoDeviceController;
            this.videoProperties = deviceController.GetMediaStreamProperties(MediaStreamType.VideoPreview) as VideoEncodingProperties;
            currentState = ScenarioState.Streaming;

            // Ensure the Semaphore is in the signalled state.

            // Use a 66 milisecond interval for our timer, i.e. 15 frames per second 
            TimeSpan timerInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200);
            this.frameProcessingTimer = Windows.System.Threading.ThreadPoolTimer.CreatePeriodicTimer(new Windows.System.Threading.TimerElapsedHandler(ProcessCurrentVideoFrame), timerInterval);

 public UposleniciViewModel(CaptureElement previewControl)
     //incijalicacija uredjaja
     eksterniServis = new ExterniServis();
     CreateUposlenik = new Uposlenik();
     rfid = new Rfid();
     Camera = new CameraHelper(previewControl);
     DodajUposlenika = new RelayCommand<object>(dodajUposlenika, (object parametar) => true);
     Uslikaj = new RelayCommand<object>(uslikaj, (object parametar) => true);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task InitPreview(CaptureElement captureElement)
            this.CameraCaptureElement = captureElement;
            this.CameraMediaCapture = new MediaCapture();

            // Initialize capture settings for Video mode
            MediaCaptureInitializationSettings settings = new Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();
            settings.PhotoCaptureSource = PhotoCaptureSource.VideoPreview;

            // Select proper Video device to match back camera (depending on whether or not the device has front+back cameras or only back camera)
            DeviceInformationCollection Videodevices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(DeviceClass.VideoCapture);

            if (Videodevices.Count == 0)
                // No camera available
                captureElement.Tag = "NoCamera";
                this.CameraCaptureElement.Tag = "CameraFound";
                if (Videodevices.Count == 1)
                    settings.VideoDeviceId = Videodevices[0].Id; // Videodevices[0].Id; -> back camera
                    settings.VideoDeviceId = Videodevices[1].Id; // Videodevices[0].Id; -> front camera, Videodevices[1].Id; -> back camera
            // Set settings and source on Camera
            await this.CameraMediaCapture.InitializeAsync(settings);

            // Adjust camera preview orientation
            DisplayInformation displayInfo = DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView();
            displayInfo.OrientationChanged += DisplayInfo_OrientationChanged;
            DisplayInfo_OrientationChanged(displayInfo, null);

            this.CameraCaptureElement.Source = this.CameraMediaCapture;            

            // Start Camera preview
            await this.CameraMediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync();
        public async Task InitialAsync(CaptureElement captureElement, MediaEncodingProfile profile = null, bool BackCamera = false)
            if (initialized)
            initialized = true;

            this.captureElement = captureElement;
            this.activeProfile = profile;
            if (CameraDeviceList == null)
                await EnumerateCameras();

            mediaCapture = null;
            mediaCapture = new MediaCapture();

            IsBackCamera = BackCamera;
            captureInitSettings = InitCaptureSettings(IsBackCamera);
            await mediaCapture.InitializeAsync(captureInitSettings);
            mediaCapture.VideoDeviceController.DesiredOptimization = MediaCaptureOptimization.LatencyThenQuality;
            mediaCapture.CameraStreamStateChanged += MediaCapture_CameraStreamStateChanged;
            mediaCapture.Failed += MediaCapture_Failed;
            mediaCapture.FocusChanged += MediaCapture_FocusChanged;
            mediaCapture.PhotoConfirmationCaptured += MediaCapture_PhotoConfirmationCaptured;
            mediaCapture.RecordLimitationExceeded += MediaCapture_RecordLimitationExceeded;
            mediaCapture.ThermalStatusChanged += MediaCapture_ThermalStatusChanged;
            await SetResolutionAsync();

            if (Manager.DeviceService.CurrentDevice() == DeviceTypes.Mobile)
                if (IsBackCamera)
            activeProfile = CreateProfile();
            mediaCapture.VideoDeviceController.PrimaryUse = CaptureUse.Video;

            captureElement.Source = mediaCapture;
		void SetupUserInterface ()
			takePhotoButton = new AppBarButton {
				VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
				HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
				Icon = new SymbolIcon (Symbol.Camera)

			var commandBar = new CommandBar ();
			commandBar.PrimaryCommands.Add (takePhotoButton);

			captureElement = new CaptureElement ();
            captureElement.Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill;
			var stackPanel = new StackPanel ();
			stackPanel.Children.Add (captureElement);

			page = new Page ();
			page.BottomAppBar = commandBar;
			page.Content = stackPanel;
			page.Unloaded += OnPageUnloaded;
        public ViewModelMain(ref CaptureElement ce)
            camera_source = ce;
            takephotoManager = new MediaCapture();

            var task = CameraTest(); 

            CameraViewCommand = new Pomocnicze.RelayCommand(pars => CameraViewButton());
            ImageListCommand = new Pomocnicze.RelayCommand(pars => ImageListButton());
            ShareCommand = new Pomocnicze.RelayCommand(pars => ShareButton());
            TheTapCommand = new Pomocnicze.RelayCommand(pars => NastepnyObrazek());

            var wczytywanie_obr = wczytywanie_obrazka();
            Windows.UI.Core.SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested +=App_BackRequested;

            DataTransferManager dataTransferManager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView();
            dataTransferManager.DataRequested += new TypedEventHandler<DataTransferManager, DataRequestedEventArgs>(this.ShareImageHandler);

            CameraButtonName = "Camera View";
            ImageListButtonName = "Images List";
            ShareButtonName = "Share";

            ShareButtonIsEnable = true;
Exemplo n.º 9
 private async void OnFrameworkElementLoaded(FrameworkElement frameworkElement)
     m_PreviewVideoElement = (CaptureElement)frameworkElement;
     await StartPreviewAsync();
Exemplo n.º 10
 public CameraFeedUtility(CaptureElement captureElement, CoreDispatcher dispatcher)
     this.captureElement = captureElement;
     this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the preview
        /// </summary>
        private async Task StartPreviewAsync()
            if (_cap == null)
                _cap = new CaptureElement();
            _cap.Source = _mediaCapture;

            // Start the preview
            await _mediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync();
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call ApplyTemplate.
        /// In simplest terms, this means the method is called just before a UI element displays in your app.
        /// Override this method to influence the default post-template logic of a class.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnApplyTemplate()
            _captureElement = (CaptureElement)GetTemplateChild(CaptureElementName);

            if (MediaCapture != null)
                _captureElement.Source = MediaCapture;

            _webCamSelectorPopup = GetTemplateChild(WebCamSelectorPopupName) as Popup;
            _webCamSelector = GetTemplateChild(WebCamSelectorName) as Selector;
            _recordingIndicator = GetTemplateChild(RecordingIndicatorName) as LayoutPanel;
            _recordingAnimation = GetTemplateChild(RecordingAnimationName) as Storyboard;
            _countdownControl = GetTemplateChild(CountdownControlName) as CountdownControl;
            _flashAnimation = GetTemplateChild(FlashAnimationName) as Storyboard;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the size and location of the rectangle that contains the preview stream within the preview control, when the scaling mode is Uniform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previewResolution">The resolution at which the preview is running</param>
        /// <param name="previewControl">The control that is displaying the preview using Uniform as the scaling mode</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Rect GetPreviewStreamRectInControl(Size previewResolution, CaptureElement previewControl)
            var result = new Rect();

            // In case this function is called before everything is initialized correctly, return an empty result
            if (previewControl == null || previewControl.ActualHeight < 1 || previewControl.ActualWidth < 1 ||
                previewResolution.Height < 1 || previewResolution.Width < 1)
                return result;

            var streamWidth = previewResolution.Width;
            var streamHeight = previewResolution.Height;

            // Start by assuming the preview display area in the control spans the entire width and height both (this is corrected in the next if for the necessary dimension)
            result.Width = previewControl.ActualWidth;
            result.Height = previewControl.ActualHeight;

            // If UI is "wider" than preview, letterboxing will be on the sides
            if ((previewControl.ActualWidth / previewControl.ActualHeight > streamWidth / (double)streamHeight))
                var scale = previewControl.ActualHeight / streamHeight;
                var scaledWidth = streamWidth * scale;

                result.X = (previewControl.ActualWidth - scaledWidth) / 2.0;
                result.Width = scaledWidth;
            else // Preview stream is "wider" than UI, so letterboxing will be on the top+bottom
                var scale = previewControl.ActualWidth / streamWidth;
                var scaledHeight = streamHeight * scale;

                result.Y = (previewControl.ActualHeight - scaledHeight) / 2.0;
                result.Height = scaledHeight;

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the camera.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capturePreview">The capture preview.</param>
        public async Task LoadCamera(CaptureElement capturePreview)
            _capturePreviewElement = capturePreview;

                await _cameraEngine.InitCamera();
                await _cameraEngine.StartPreviewAsync();
            catch (CameraNotFoundException)
                await _dialogService.ShowNotification("CameraNotFound_Message", "CameraNotFound_Title");
            catch (Exception)
                await _dialogService.ShowNotification("GenericError_Message", "GenericError_Title");
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Invoked when application execution is being suspended.  Application state is saved
        ///     without knowing whether the application will be terminated or resumed with the contents
        ///     of memory still intact.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the suspend request.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Details about the suspend request.</param>
        private async void OnSuspending(object sender, SuspendingEventArgs e)
            var deferral = e.SuspendingOperation.GetDeferral();
            if (MediaCapture != null)
                await MediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync();
                MediaCapture = null;
                PreviewElement.Source = null;
                PreviewElement = null;
            // TODO: Save application state and stop any background activity
Exemplo n.º 16
 public async Task InitAsync(CaptureElement captureElement)
     await _mediaCapture.InitializeAsync();            
     captureElement.Source = _mediaCapture;
     await _mediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync();
 public override void Initialize(VideoCaptureInitializeArgs captureArgs)
     Preview = new CaptureElement();
Exemplo n.º 18
 public CameraHelper(CaptureElement previewControl)
     PreviewControl = previewControl;
 public MediaCapturePreviewer(CaptureElement previewControl, CoreDispatcher dispatcher)
     _previewControl = previewControl;
     _dispatcher = dispatcher;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Dispose(bool threadSafe)
            //Called at run time by user, use to clear managed resource
            if (threadSafe)
                if (isRecording)
                    //    await StopRecordingAsync();
                if (isPreviewing)
                    //    await StopPreviewAsync();
                if (this.captureElement != null)
                    this.captureElement.Source = null;
                    this.captureElement = null;

                if (lowlag != null)
                    //    await lowlag.FinishAsync();
                    lowlag = null;
                //Clear unmanaged resource here

            if (this.mediaCapture != null)
                mediaCapture.CameraStreamStateChanged -= MediaCapture_CameraStreamStateChanged;
                mediaCapture.Failed -= MediaCapture_Failed;
                mediaCapture.FocusChanged -= MediaCapture_FocusChanged;
                mediaCapture.PhotoConfirmationCaptured -= MediaCapture_PhotoConfirmationCaptured;
                mediaCapture.RecordLimitationExceeded -= MediaCapture_RecordLimitationExceeded;
                mediaCapture.ThermalStatusChanged -= MediaCapture_ThermalStatusChanged;
                this.mediaCapture = null;

            //Hack to prevent green screen
Exemplo n.º 21
        private async void StartPreview(CaptureElement captureElement)
            captureElement.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            captureElement.Source = captureManager;

            await captureManager.StartPreviewAsync();

            isPreviewing = true;

            if (GetDisplayAspectRatio() == DisplayAspectRatio.FifteenByNine)
Exemplo n.º 22
        private async void ScanButton(object sender, object e)
            string result = null;

                var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();

                StackPanel sp = new StackPanel() { Margin = new Thickness(20) };


                if (Device == null)
                    Windows.Foundation.Size initialResolution = new Windows.Foundation.Size(640, 480);
                    wbm = new WriteableBitmap(640, 480);
                    Device = await PhotoCaptureDevice.OpenAsync(CameraSensorLocation.Back, initialResolution);
                                  Device.SensorLocation == CameraSensorLocation.Back ?
                                  Device.SensorRotationInDegrees : -Device.SensorRotationInDegrees);
                    Device.SetProperty(KnownCameraGeneralProperties.AutoFocusRange, AutoFocusRange.Macro);
                    Device.SetProperty(KnownCameraPhotoProperties.SceneMode, CameraSceneMode.Macro);
                    Device.SetProperty(KnownCameraPhotoProperties.FocusIlluminationMode, FocusIlluminationMode.Off);

                Rectangle previewRect = new Rectangle() { Height = 480, Width = 360 };
                VideoBrush previewVideo = new VideoBrush();
                previewVideo.RelativeTransform = new CompositeTransform()
                    CenterX = 0.5,
                    CenterY = 0.5,
                    Rotation = (Device.SensorLocation == CameraSensorLocation.Back ?
                        Device.SensorRotationInDegrees : -Device.SensorRotationInDegrees)
                previewRect.Fill = previewVideo;

                Grid combiner = new Grid() { Height = previewRect.Height, Width = previewRect.Width };
                Grid.SetColumnSpan(previewRect, 3);
                Grid.SetRowSpan(previewRect, 3);

                int windowSize = 100;
                combiner.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(previewRect.Height / 2 - windowSize) });
                combiner.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(windowSize) });
                combiner.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(previewRect.Height / 2 - windowSize) });
                combiner.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(previewRect.Width / 2 - windowSize) });
                combiner.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(windowSize) });
                combiner.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(previewRect.Width / 2 - windowSize) });
                var maskBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 0, 0));
                Canvas v1 = new Canvas() { Background = maskBrush };
                Canvas v2 = new Canvas() { Background = maskBrush };
                Canvas v3 = new Canvas() { Background = maskBrush };
                Canvas v4 = new Canvas() { Background = maskBrush };
                combiner.Children.Add(v1); Grid.SetRow(v1, 0); Grid.SetColumnSpan(v1, 3);
                combiner.Children.Add(v2); Grid.SetRow(v2, 2); Grid.SetColumnSpan(v2, 3);
                combiner.Children.Add(v3); Grid.SetRow(v3, 1); Grid.SetColumn(v3, 0);
                combiner.Children.Add(v4); Grid.SetRow(v4, 1); Grid.SetColumn(v4, 2);

                BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
                DateTime last = DateTime.Now;

                bw.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
                bw.DoWork += async (s2, e2) =>
                    var reader = new BarcodeReader();
                    while (!bw.CancellationPending)
                        if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(last).TotalSeconds > 2)
                            await Device.FocusAsync();
                            last = DateTime.Now;

                            var codeVal = reader.Decode(wbm);
                            if (codeVal != null)
                                result = codeVal.Text;
                                e2.Cancel = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)


                var cameras = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(DeviceClass.VideoCapture);
                if (cameras.Count < 1)

                var settings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings { VideoDeviceId = cameras.Last().Id };
                var imageSource = new MediaCapture();
                await imageSource.InitializeAsync(settings);
                CaptureElement previewRect = new CaptureElement() { Width = 640, Height = 360 };
                previewRect.Source = imageSource;
                await imageSource.StartPreviewAsync();

                bool keepGoing = true;
                Action a = null;
                a = async () =>
                    if (!keepGoing) return;
                    var stream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
                    await imageSource.CapturePhotoToStreamAsync(ImageEncodingProperties.CreateJpeg(), stream);


                    var tmpBmp = new WriteableBitmap(1, 1);
                    await tmpBmp.SetSourceAsync(stream);
                    var writeableBmp = new WriteableBitmap(tmpBmp.PixelWidth, tmpBmp.PixelHeight);
                    await writeableBmp.SetSourceAsync(stream);

                    Result _result = null;

                    var barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader
                        // TryHarder = true,
                        AutoRotate = true

                        _result = barcodeReader.Decode(writeableBmp);
                    catch (Exception ex)


                    if (_result != null)
                        result = _result.Text;
                        keepGoing = false;
                        var x = RunOnUIThread(a);

                await RunOnUIThread(a);

                CustomMessageBox messageBox = new CustomMessageBox()
                    Title = "Scan Tag",
                    Message = "",
                    Content = sp,
                    LeftButtonContent = "OK",
                    RightButtonContent = "Cancel",
                    IsFullScreen = false,

                messageBox.Unloaded += (s2, e2) =>

                await tcs.Task;

                keepGoing = false;
                await imageSource.StopPreviewAsync();

                Debug.WriteLine("result: '" + result + "'");
                string loc = null;
                string building = null;
                string floor = null;
                string room = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                    var s = result.Split(new char[] { '?' }, 2);
                    if (s.Length == 2)
                        var paramList = s[1].Split('&')
                            .Select(p => p.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2))
                            .Where(p => p.Length == 2);
                        loc = pick(paramList, "cp");
                        building = pick(paramList, "bld");
                        floor = pick(paramList, "flr");
                        room = pick(paramList, "rm");

                GeoCoord? locVal = GeoCoord.Parse(loc);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(building) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(floor))
                    await ShowMap(RoomInfo.Parse(building + "/" + (room == null ? floor : room)), locVal);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public CameraService(CaptureElement el)
     _captureElement = el;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the size and location of the rectangle that contains the preview stream within the preview control, when the scaling mode is Uniform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previewResolution">The resolution at which the preview is running</param>
        /// <param name="previewControl">The control that is displaying the preview using Uniform as the scaling mode</param>
        /// <param name="displayOrientation">The orientation of the display, to account for device rotation and changing of the CaptureElement display ratio compared to the camera stream</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Rect GetPreviewStreamRectInControl(VideoEncodingProperties previewResolution, CaptureElement previewControl, DisplayOrientations displayOrientation)
            var result = new Rect();

            // In case this function is called before everything is initialized correctly, return an empty result
            if (previewControl == null || previewControl.ActualHeight < 1 || previewControl.ActualWidth < 1 ||
                previewResolution == null || previewResolution.Height == 0 || previewResolution.Width == 0)
                return result;

            var streamWidth = previewResolution.Width;
            var streamHeight = previewResolution.Height;

            // For portrait orientations, the width and height need to be swapped
            if (displayOrientation == DisplayOrientations.Portrait || displayOrientation == DisplayOrientations.PortraitFlipped)
                streamWidth = previewResolution.Height;
                streamHeight = previewResolution.Width;

            // Start by assuming the preview display area in the control spans the entire width and height both (this is corrected in the next if for the necessary dimension)
            result.Width = previewControl.ActualWidth;
            result.Height = previewControl.ActualHeight;

            // If UI is "wider" than preview, letterboxing will be on the sides
            if ((previewControl.ActualWidth / previewControl.ActualHeight > streamWidth / (double)streamHeight))
                var scale = previewControl.ActualHeight / streamHeight;
                var scaledWidth = streamWidth * scale;

                result.X = (previewControl.ActualWidth - scaledWidth) / 2.0;
                result.Width = scaledWidth;
            else // Preview stream is "wider" than UI, so letterboxing will be on the top+bottom
                var scale = previewControl.ActualWidth / streamWidth;
                var scaledHeight = streamHeight * scale;

                result.Y = (previewControl.ActualHeight - scaledHeight) / 2.0;
                result.Height = scaledHeight;

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public async Task StartCameraAsync(CaptureElement captureElement)
     await _camera.InitAsync(captureElement);