Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool DeletePostByTitle(string title, IE ie)

            var tblPosts = ie.Table("Posts");

            if (tblPosts != null)
                foreach (var row in tblPosts.TableRows)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Id) && row.InnerHtml.Contains(title))
                        ie.Link("a-" + row.Id).Click();
                        return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void FetchLeetCode()
            using (var browser = new IE("https://leetcode.com"))

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Directory + @"template\solution.html"))
                    string solutionTemplate = sr.ReadToEnd();

                    using (StreamReader questionReader = new StreamReader(Directory + @"template\question.html"))
                        string questionTemplate = questionReader.ReadToEnd();

                        var toHtml = new IE("http://hilite.me/");

                        browser.Link(Find.ByClass("btn btn-default")).Click();
                        browser.TextField(Find.ById("id_login")).SetAttributeValue("value", "*****@*****.**"); //TypeText("*****@*****.**");
                        browser.TextField(Find.ById("id_password")).SetAttributeValue("value", "Test123"); //.TypeText("Test123");
                        browser.Button(Find.ByText("Sign In")).Click();

                        for (int i = 115; i < 300; ++i)
                            var table = browser.Table(Find.ById("problemList"));
                            var body = table.TableBodies[0];
                            foreach (var row in body.OwnTableRows)
                                if (row.Elements != null && row.Elements.Count > 0 && "ac" == row.Elements[1].ClassName)
                                    var cell2 = row.Elements[2] as TableCell;
                                    string questionIndex = cell2.Text;

                                    if (Int32.Parse(questionIndex) == i)
                                        var cell = row.Elements[3] as TableCell;
                                        string questionName = cell.Text;

                                        var questionDiv = browser.Div(Find.ByClass("question-content"));

                                        string questionContent = "";

                                        for (int j = 0; j < questionDiv.Paras.Count; ++j)
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(questionDiv.Paras[j].Text) &&
                                            questionContent += "<p>" + questionDiv.Paras[j].Text + "</p>";

                                        //browser.Links.SelectMany(l => l.Text == "My Submissions");
                                        browser.Links.Filter(l => l.Text == "My Submissions").Where(l => l.Url != "https://leetcode.com/submissions/").First().Click();
                                        //browser.Link(Find.ByText("My Submissions") ).  .Click();

                                        var tableResult = browser.Table(Find.ById("result_testcases"));
                                        var resultBody = tableResult.TableBodies[0];

                                        string solutionCode = "";

                                        foreach (var resultRow in resultBody.OwnTableRows)
                                            if (resultRow.Elements[3].Text.Contains("Accepted"))
                                                var acceptedCell = resultRow.Elements[3] as TableCell;

                                                var div = browser.Div(Find.ByClass("ace_content"));
                                                solutionCode = div.Text;
                                                solutionCode = solutionCode.Replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n");

                                        toHtml.TextField(Find.ById("divstyles")).SetAttributeValue("value", "padding:.1em .3em;");

                                        toHtml.TextField(Find.ByName("code")).SetAttributeValue("value", solutionCode);




                                        string questionhtml = questionTemplate.Replace("<%QuestionName%>", questionName).Replace("<%QuestionContent%>", questionContent);
                                        string solutonhtml = solutionTemplate.Replace("<%QuestionName%>", questionName).Replace("<%SolutionTemplate%>", toHtml.TextField(Find.ById("html")).Text);
                                        solutonhtml = solutonhtml.Replace("margin: 0; line-height: 125%", "margin: 0; line-height: 125%; white-space: pre-wrap;");

                                        string solutionFilename = Directory + "output\\" + questionIndex + ".solution.html";
                                        string questionFileName = Directory + "output\\" + questionIndex + ".question.html";

                                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(solutionFilename, solutonhtml);
                                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(questionFileName, questionhtml);



Exemplo n.º 3
 public static object FindControlInBrowserByID(IE ie, string strID, Enumerators.ControlType ctrl)
     if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Span)
         Span sp = ie.Span(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(sp.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return sp;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Link)
         Link lnk = ie.Link(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(lnk.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return lnk;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Frame)
         Frame iFrame = ie.Frame(Find.ById(strID));
         return iFrame;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Image)
         Image img = ie.Image(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(img.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return img;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.TableCell)
         TableCell tCell = ie.TableCell(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(tCell.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return tCell;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Table)
         Table tbl = ie.Table(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(tbl.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return tbl;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.TableRow)
         TableRow row = ie.TableRow(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(row.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return row;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.CheckBox)
         CheckBox chk = ie.CheckBox(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(chk.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return chk;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Button)
         Button btn = ie.Button(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(btn.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return btn;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.TextField)
         TextField txt = ie.TextField(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(txt.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return txt;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.SelectList)
         SelectList sList = ie.SelectList(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(sList.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return sList;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Div)
         Div division = ie.Div(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(division.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return division;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.TableRow)
         TableRow tRow = ie.TableRow(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(tRow.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strID);
         return tRow;
     else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.FileUpload)
         FileUpload fileUpload = ie.FileUpload(Find.ById(strID));
         Assert.IsTrue(fileUpload.Exists, "Could not find: " + strID);
         return fileUpload;
         return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AES aes = new AES();

            //grab from the appSettings
            string username = AES.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"]);
            string password = AES.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"]);
            string shoreTelDirectorLogin = AES.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShoreTelDirectorLogin"]);
            string shoreTelUserList = AES.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShoreTelUserList"]);

            //nav to url
            IE myIE = new IE(shoreTelDirectorLogin);

            //sign in

            //nav to url containing userList
            IE myIE3 = new IE(shoreTelUserList);

            //change recPerPage to 3000 to ensure we grab all extensions

            var userListTable = myIE3.Table(Find.By("_t", "Users"));

            //create/overwrite javascript file
            string jspath = @"C:\SendShoreTelUsersHome.js";
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(jspath);

            //Prepare the ports!
            sw.WriteLine("var ports = new ActiveXObject('ShoreBusDS.Ports');");

            //writing go home line for each extension
            foreach (var tableRow in userListTable.TableRows)
                //sample text layout of each tr.Text: " Zac Glenn Headquarters Executives Personal 7777 7777 AB77 77 Zac Glenn Home "
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableRow.Text))
                    Match match = Regex.Match(tableRow.Text, @"\d{4}");
                    string extension = match.Value;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension))
                        sw.WriteLine("ports.UserGoHome('" + extension + "');");
            //close file connection because exceptions arise that the file is already in use etc

            //create your cmd process to execute js file using wscript
            Process process = new Process();
            process.StartInfo.FileName = "wscript.exe";
            process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"c:\";
            process.StartInfo.Arguments = "SendShoreTelUsersHome.js";

            //close everything we opened
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static object FindControlInBrowserByCustom(IE ie, string strCustomAttribute, string strToFind,
                                                          Enumerators.ControlType ctrl)
            if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Span)
                Span sp = ie.Span(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(sp.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return sp;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Link)
                Link lnk = ie.Link(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(lnk.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return lnk;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Frame)
                Frame frame = ie.Frame(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.AreEqual(frame.Name, strToFind);
                return frame;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Image)
                Image img;

                if (strCustomAttribute == "src")
                    img = ie.Image(Find.BySrc(strToFind));
                    img = ie.Image(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(img.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return img;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.TableCell)
                TableCell tCell = ie.TableCell(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(tCell.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return tCell;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Table)
                Table tbl = ie.Table(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(tbl.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return tbl;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.TableRow)
                TableRow row = ie.TableRow(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(row.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return row;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.CheckBox)
                CheckBox chk = ie.CheckBox(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(chk.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return chk;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Button)
                Button btn = ie.Button(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(btn.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return btn;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.TextField)
                TextField txt = ie.TextField(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(txt.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return txt;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.SelectList)
                SelectList sList = ie.SelectList(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(sList.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return sList;
            else if (ctrl == Enumerators.ControlType.Div)
                Div div = ie.Div(Find.By(strCustomAttribute, strToFind));
                Assert.IsTrue(div.Exists, "Could not Find: " + strToFind);
                return div;
                return null;