Exemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SearchController"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="marketing">The marketing.</param>
		/// <param name="priceListClient">The price list client.</param>
		/// <param name="storeClient">The store client.</param>
		/// <param name="catalogClient">The catalog client.</param>
        public SearchController(MarketingHelper marketing, PriceListClient priceListClient, StoreClient storeClient,
                                CatalogClient catalogClient)
            _marketing = marketing;
            _priceListClient = priceListClient;
            _storeClient = storeClient;
            _catalogClient = catalogClient;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SearchController" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="marketing">The marketing.</param>
 /// <param name="priceListClient">The price list client.</param>
 /// <param name="storeClient">The store client.</param>
 /// <param name="catalogClient">The catalog client.</param>
 /// <param name="searchFilter">The search filter.</param>
 public SearchController(MarketingHelper marketing, PriceListClient priceListClient, StoreClient storeClient,
                         CatalogClient catalogClient, ISearchFilterService searchFilter)
     _marketing = marketing;
     _priceListClient = priceListClient;
     _storeClient = storeClient;
     _catalogClient = catalogClient;
     _searchFilter = searchFilter;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AccountController" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="catalogClient">The catalog client.</param>
 /// <param name="userClient">The user client.</param>
 /// <param name="countryClient">The country client.</param>
 /// <param name="orderClient">The order client.</param>
 /// <param name="settingsClient">The settings client.</param>
 /// <param name="identitySecurity">The web security.</param>
 /// <param name="orderService">The order service.</param>
 public AccountController(CatalogClient catalogClient,
                          UserClient userClient,
                          CountryClient countryClient,
                          OrderClient orderClient,
                          SettingsClient settingsClient,
                          IdentityUserSecurity identitySecurity,
                          IOrderService orderService)
     _catalogClient = catalogClient;
     _userClient = userClient;
     _countryClient = countryClient;
     _orderClient = orderClient;
     _settingsClient = settingsClient;
     _identitySecurity = identitySecurity;
     _orderService = orderService;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AccountController" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="catalogClient">The catalog client.</param>
 /// <param name="userClient">The user client.</param>
 /// <param name="countryClient">The country client.</param>
 /// <param name="orderClient">The order client.</param>
 /// <param name="settingsClient">The settings client.</param>
 /// <param name="webSecurity">The web security.</param>
 /// <param name="oAuthSecurity">The o authentication security.</param>
 /// <param name="orderService">The order service.</param>
 public AccountController(CatalogClient catalogClient,
                          UserClient userClient,
                          CountryClient countryClient,
                          OrderClient orderClient,
                          SettingsClient settingsClient,
                          IUserSecurity webSecurity,
                          IOAuthWebSecurity oAuthSecurity,
                          IOrderService orderService)
     _catalogClient = catalogClient;
     _userClient = userClient;
     _countryClient = countryClient;
     _orderClient = orderClient;
     _settingsClient = settingsClient;
     _webSecurity = webSecurity;
     _oAuthSecurity = oAuthSecurity;
     _orderService = orderService;
		private void ValidateItems()
			//We don't need to validate quantity in the wish list
			var orderForms = CurrentOrderGroup.OrderForms.ToArray();
			var lineItems = orderForms.SelectMany(x => x.LineItems.ToArray());
			var validLineItems = lineItems.Where(x => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.CatalogItemId) && !x.CatalogItemId.StartsWith("@"));

			foreach (var lineItem in validLineItems)
				var changeQtyReason = new List<string>();
				bool isUsingBackordersAndPreorders;
				var newQty = GetNewLineItemQty(lineItem, changeQtyReason, out isUsingBackordersAndPreorders);
				if (newQty == 0)
					// Remove item if it reached this stage
					RegisterWarning(WorkflowMessageCodes.ITEM_NOT_AVAILABLE, lineItem, String.Format("Item \"{0}\" has been removed from the cart because it is no longer available", lineItem.DisplayName));
					var delta = lineItem.Quantity - newQty;
					if (delta != 0)
						lineItem.Quantity -= delta;
						ChangeShipmentsLineItemQty(lineItem, delta);
						RegisterWarning(WorkflowMessageCodes.ITEM_QTY_CHANGED, lineItem, String.Format("Item \"{0}\" quantity has been changed", lineItem.DisplayName));

					// update Shipment Status if LineItem InStockQuantity was insufficient and Backorders/Preorders were used.
					if (isUsingBackordersAndPreorders)
						var catalogHelper = new CatalogClient(CatalogRepository, null, null, CacheRepository, null);
						var catalogItem = catalogHelper.GetItem(lineItem.CatalogItemId);
						if (catalogItem != null && catalogItem.TrackInventory)
							var allShipmentContainingLineItem = orderForms
								.SelectMany(x => x.Shipments)
								.Where(x => x.ShipmentItems.Select(si => si.LineItem).Contains(lineItem))
							allShipmentContainingLineItem.ForEach(x => x.Status = ShipmentStatus.AwaitingInventory.ToString());
		private void CalculateTaxes(OrderGroup order)
			var catalogHelper = new CatalogClient(CatalogRepository, null, null, CacheRepository, null);

			foreach (var form in order.OrderForms)
				decimal totalTaxes = 0;

			    foreach (var shipment in form.Shipments)
					decimal itemTax = 0;
					decimal shippingTax = 0;
					foreach (var shipItem in shipment.ShipmentItems)
						if (shipItem.LineItem == null)

						decimal lineItemTaxTotal = 0m;

						// Try getting an address
						var address = GetAddressByName(form, shipment.ShippingAddressId);
						if (address != null) // no taxes if there is no address
							// Try getting an item
							var item = catalogHelper.GetItem(shipItem.LineItem.CatalogItemId);
							if (item != null) // no entry, no tax category, no tax
								var taxCategory = item.TaxCategory;
								// calls the method that returns all the tax values
								var taxes = GetTaxes(taxCategory, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name, address.CountryCode, address.StateProvince, address.PostalCode, address.RegionName, string.Empty, string.Empty, address.City);

								if (taxes != null && taxes.Any())
									foreach (var tax in taxes)
										if (tax != null)
                                            var taxAmount = Math.Round(shipItem.LineItem.ExtendedPrice * (tax.Percentage / 100), 2);
											if (tax.Tax.TaxType == (int) TaxTypes.SalesTax)
												itemTax += taxAmount;
												lineItemTaxTotal += taxAmount;
												totalTaxes += taxAmount;
											else if (tax.Tax.TaxType == (int) TaxTypes.ShippingTax)
                                                shippingTax += Math.Round(shipment.ShippingCost * (tax.Percentage / 100), 2);
												totalTaxes += shippingTax;
						shipItem.LineItem.TaxTotal = lineItemTaxTotal;

					//TODO Round taxes to money
					shipment.ItemTaxTotal = itemTax;
					shipment.ShippingTaxTotal = shippingTax;
				form.TaxTotal = totalTaxes;
			order.TaxTotal = order.OrderForms.Sum(x=>x.TaxTotal);
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Cart controller constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="catalogClient">Catalog client used to access catalog repository methods through caching and other helpers</param>
 /// <param name="countryClient">Allows to get countries from repository through caching</param>
 public CartController(CatalogClient catalogClient, CountryClient countryClient)
     _catalogClient = catalogClient;
     _countryClient = countryClient;
 public StoreSearchFilterService(StoreClient client, ICustomerSessionService customerSession, CatalogClient catalogClient)
     _storeClient = client;
     _customerSession = customerSession;
     _catalogClient = catalogClient;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CatalogController" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="catalogClient">The catalog client.</param>
        /// <param name="templateClient">The template client.</param>
        public CatalogController(CatalogClient catalogClient,
                                 DisplayTemplateClient templateClient)
			_catalogClient = catalogClient;
            _templateClient = templateClient;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the items.
        /// </summary>
		private void ValidateItems()
			var orderForms = CurrentOrderGroup.OrderForms.ToArray();
			var lineItems = orderForms.SelectMany(x => x.LineItems.ToArray());
			var validLineItems = lineItems.Where(x => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.CatalogItemId) && !x.CatalogItemId.StartsWith("@")).ToArray();

			string catalogId = null;

            // get the store and compare
			if (validLineItems.Any())
                var store = new StoreClient(StoreRepository, CustomerSessionService, CacheRepository).GetStoreById(CurrentOrderGroup.StoreId);
                catalogId = store.Catalog;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(catalogId))
                var catalogHelper = new CatalogClient(CatalogRepository, null, CustomerSessionService, CacheRepository, InventoryRepository);
                var catalogItemIds = (from i in validLineItems select i.CatalogItemId).ToArray();
                var items = catalogHelper.GetItems(catalogItemIds);

                foreach (var lineItem in validLineItems)
                    var item = items.SingleOrDefault(i => i.ItemId.Equals(lineItem.CatalogItemId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                    if (item != null && catalogHelper.GetItemAvailability(item.ItemId, lineItem.FulfillmentCenterId).IsAvailable)
                        //Inventory Info
                        if (item.TrackInventory)
                            var inventory = catalogHelper.GetItemInventory(lineItem.CatalogItemId, lineItem.FulfillmentCenterId);
                            PopulateInventoryInfo(inventory, lineItem);

                        //Variation Info
                        PopulateVariationInfo(item, lineItem);
                    else // remove item from the list
            else // since no catalog is associated with a store, remove all items
        private void AdjustStockItemQuantity(LineItem lineItem)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lineItem.CatalogItemId) ||

            var catalogHelper = new CatalogClient(CatalogRepository, null, CustomerSessionService, CacheRepository, InventoryRepository);
            var item = catalogHelper.GetItem(lineItem.CatalogItemId);

			if (item != null && item.TrackInventory)
                var repo = InventoryRepository;
                var inventory = catalogHelper.GetItemInventory(lineItem.CatalogItemId, lineItem.FulfillmentCenterId, false);
			    if (inventory != null)
				    if (AdjustStockInventoryQuantity(lineItem, inventory))
					    throw new InvalidWorkflowException(string.Format("Failed to adjust inventory for lineItem {0}", lineItem.LineItemId));