Exemplo n.º 1
        private void PageLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get the needed objects from application properties
            model                    = Application.Current.Properties["Model"] as Game;
            desc                     = Application.Current.Properties["GameDescriptionProxy"] as GameStringDescriptionProxy;
            oppInfo                  = Application.Current.Properties["OpponentsInfo"] as OpponentsInfo;
            gameLoadSaveManager      = Application.Current.Properties["GameLoadSaveOperationsManager"] as GameLoadSaveOperationsManager;
            speechRecognitionManager = Application.Current.Properties["SpeechRecognitionManager"] as SpeechRecognitionManager;

            // load the last game

            gameBoard.Model = model;

            // set the promotion handler
            model.Promote = new PromotionHandler(GetPromotionPiece);

            // set the target of the speech commands
            speechRecognitionManager.Target  = this;
            speechRecognitionManager.Enabled = false;

            // set the data contexts
            gameStatusItem.DataContext = desc;
            sideToMoveItem.DataContext = desc;
            oppInfoItem.DataContext    = oppInfo;
            speechRecoItem.DataContext = speechRecognitionManager;
            moveHistory.DataContext    = desc.MoveHistoryStringDescriptionList;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AppStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs args)
            // put all the necessary objects in application properties
            // so they could be available in all windows

            // set the model
            Game model = new Game();

            Properties["Model"] = model;

            // set the opponent info
            OpponentsInfo oppInfo = new OpponentsInfo();

            oppInfo.Model = model;
            Properties["OpponentsInfo"] = oppInfo;

            // set the game description proxy
            GameStringDescriptionProxy desc = new GameStringDescriptionProxy();

            desc.Model = model;
            Properties["GameDescriptionProxy"] = desc;

            // set the autosave manager
            GameLoadSaveOperationsManager gameLoadSaveManager = new GameLoadSaveOperationsManager();

            gameLoadSaveManager.Proxy = desc;
            Properties["GameLoadSaveOperationsManager"] = gameLoadSaveManager;

            // set the speech recognizer manager
            SpeechRecognitionManager speechRecognitionManager = new SpeechRecognitionManager();

            Properties["SpeechRecognitionManager"] = speechRecognitionManager;

            // set the text-to-speech manager
            TTSManager ttsManager = new TTSManager();

            ttsManager.Model         = model;
            ttsManager.OppInfo       = oppInfo;
            Properties["TTSManager"] = ttsManager;