Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Change the name of the tab.</summary>
        /// <param name="newTabName">New name of the tab.</param>
        public void ChangeTabText(string newTabName)
            TabbedExplorerView ownerview = Owner as TabbedExplorerView;

            if (Owner != null)
                ownerview.SetTabLabelText(this.MainWidget, newTabName);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Ask the user if they wish to save the simulation.</summary>
        /// <returns>Choice for saving the simulation</returns>
        public Int32 AskToSave()
            TabbedExplorerView owner = Owner as TabbedExplorerView;

            if (owner != null)
                Notebook      notebook = owner.MainWidget as Notebook;
                string        name     = notebook.GetMenuLabelText(notebook.CurrentPageWidget);
                string        message  = "Do you want to save changes for " + name + " ?";
                MessageDialog md       = new MessageDialog(MainWidget.Toplevel as Window, DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo, message);
                md.Title = "Save changes";
                int result = md.Run();
                switch ((Gtk.ResponseType)result)
                case Gtk.ResponseType.Yes: return(0);

                case Gtk.ResponseType.No: return(1);

                default: return(-1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// A helper function that asks user for a SaveAs name and returns their new choice.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldFilename">The old filename.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the new file name or null if action cancelled by user.
        /// </returns>
        public string SaveAs(string oldFilename)
            TabbedExplorerView parentView = this.Parent.Parent.Parent as TabbedExplorerView;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public MainForm(string[] args)
            : base(null)
            commandLineArguments = args;

            // Gtk.Settings.Default.SetLongProperty("gtk-button-images", 1, "");
            // Gtk.Settings.Default.ThemeName = "Raleigh";

            // The following code for changing theme settings comes from https://github.com/picoe/Eto/issues/442
            // The XftRgba setting makes a big difference on Windows
            // Get the Global Settings

            //Settings setts = Gtk.Settings.Default;
            // This enables clear text on Win32, makes the text look a lot less crappy
            //setts.XftRgba = "rgb";
            // This enlarges the size of the controls based on the dpi
            //setts.XftDpi = 96;
            // By Default Anti-aliasing is enabled, if you want to disable it for any reason set this value to 0
            // setts.XftAntialias = 0;
            // Enable text hinting
            // setts.XftHinting = 1;
            // setts.XftHintstyle = "hintslight";
            // setts.XftHintstyle = "hintfull";

            // Load the Theme
            // Gtk.CssProvider css_provider = new Gtk.CssProvider();
            // css_provider.LoadFromPath("themes/DeLorean-3.14/gtk-3.0/gtk.css");
            // css_provider.LoadFromPath("themes/DeLorean-Dark-3.14/gtk-3.0/gtk.css");
            // Gtk.StyleContext.AddProviderForScreen(Gdk.Screen.Default, css_provider, 800)

            // Glade can generate files in two different formats: libglade or GtkBuilder.
            // libglade is the older format; GtkBuilder is intended to eventually replace it.
            // However, in the GtkSharp layer (well, version 2 anyway), the support for
            // GtkBuilder lacks the ability to autoconnect widgets and events contained
            // in the glade descriptions. The connections must be done manually.
            // In GtkSharp version 3, though, Builder does have an Autoconnect member for
            // event connections.

            // What is the better way to add resources to a .NET assembly?
            // Should we use the .resx mechanism, or just add things and
            // set their Build Action to "Embedded Resource"?
            // Depending on how the resources are added, they are read in
            // slightly different ways, apparently. So we might instead have:
            // Builder Gui = new Builder();
            // Gui.AddFromString(ApsimNG.Properties.Resources.MainForm);

            // Here's how we load the form description using an embedded GtkBuilder file
            // Builder Gui = new Builder("ApsimNG.Resources.Glade.MainForm.glade");
            // window1 = (Window)Gui.GetObject("window1");
            // hpaned1 = (HPaned)Gui.GetObject("hpaned1");

            // And here's part of how it works with libglade format.
            // The "[Widget]" attributes are part of the libglade
            // autoconnection stuff, replacing the need for the .GetObject
            // calls used with GtkBuilder.
            //Stream s = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ApsimNG.Resources.Glade.MainForm.glade");
            //Glade.XML gxmla = new Glade.XML(s, "mainWindow", null);
            Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML("ApsimNG.Resources.Glade.MainForm.glade", "mainWindow");

            _mainWidget = mainWindow;

            mainWindow.Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf(null, "ApsimNG.Resources.apsim logo32.png");
            Presenter1 = new Presenters.TabbedExplorerPresenter();
            Presenter2 = new Presenters.TabbedExplorerPresenter();
            TabbedExplorerView ExplorerView1 = new TabbedExplorerView(this);
            TabbedExplorerView ExplorerView2 = new TabbedExplorerView(this);
            hpaned1.Pack1(ExplorerView1.MainWidget, true, true);
            hpaned1.Pack2(ExplorerView2.MainWidget, true, true);
            hpaned1.PositionSet = true;
            hpaned1.Child2.NoShowAll = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Getting assembly version");
            // Get the version of the current assembly.
            Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
            if (version.Major == 0)
                mainWindow.Title = "APSIM (Custom Build)";
                mainWindow.Title = "APSIM " + version.ToString();

                if (Utility.Configuration.Settings.MainFormMaximized)
                    System.Drawing.Point location = Utility.Configuration.Settings.MainFormLocation;
                    System.Drawing.Size size = Utility.Configuration.Settings.MainFormSize;
                    mainWindow.Move(location.X, location.Y);
                    mainWindow.Resize(size.Width, size.Height);
            catch (System.Exception)

            // Look for a script specified on the command line.
            if (commandLineArguments != null && commandLineArguments.Length > 0)
                if (commandLineArguments[0].EndsWith(".cs"))
                    catch (Exception err)
                        ErrorMessage = err.Message;
                        if (err.InnerException != null)
                            ErrorMessage += "\r\n" + err.InnerException.Message;
                        ErrorMessage += "\r\n" + err.StackTrace;
                        queryClose = false;
                        mainWindow.Destroy();  // Is this right?
                else if (commandLineArguments[0].EndsWith(".apsimx"))