static void Main(string[] args)
            SimSensor sensor = new SimSensor(Math.PI/4, -Math.PI/4, 1*Math.PI/180, SensorType.Scan, 30);
            SimObstacleState obsState = new SimObstacleState();
            obsState.Position = new Coordinates(5, 5);
            obsState.Length = 4;
            obsState.Width = 2;
            obsState.Heading = new Coordinates(1, 0);
            Polygon[] poly = new Polygon[] { obsState.ToPolygon() };
            SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection clusters = new SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection();
            sensor.GetHits(poly, Coordinates.Zero, 0, clusters);

            SimulatorClient client = new SimulatorClient();
        public static Object Deserialize(Stream stream, string channelName)
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream);

            SceneEstimatorMessageID msgtype = (SceneEstimatorMessageID)br.ReadInt32();
            switch (msgtype)
                case SceneEstimatorMessageID.SCENE_EST_Info:
                    Console.WriteLine("SE Info:");
                case SceneEstimatorMessageID.SCENE_EST_Bad:
                    Console.WriteLine("SE BAD:");
                case SceneEstimatorMessageID.SCENE_EST_ParticleRender:
                case SceneEstimatorMessageID.SCENE_EST_PositionEstimate:
                case SceneEstimatorMessageID.SCENE_EST_Stopline:
                case SceneEstimatorMessageID.SCENE_EST_TrackedClusters:
                        if (channelName != SceneEstimatorObstacleChannelNames.TrackedClusterChannelName &&
                            channelName != SceneEstimatorObstacleChannelNames.AnyClusterChannelName)
                        int chunkNum = (int)br.ReadByte();
                        int numTotChunks = (int)br.ReadByte();
                        if (chunkNum==0) //first packet...
                            if (expChunkNum != chunkNum) badPackets++;
                            int lenToRead =(int)( br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position);
                            lock (trackStorageLock)
                                trackedClusterStorage = new MemoryStream(65000);
                                trackedClusterStorage.Write(br.ReadBytes(lenToRead), 0, lenToRead);
                            if (chunkNum == numTotChunks-1) //we are done
                                expChunkNum = 0;
                                //Console.WriteLine("Got Single Frame Packet OK " + " of " + numTotChunks);
                                Object o = null;
                                lock (trackStorageLock)
                                        o = ProcessTrackedClusterMsg(new BinaryReader(trackedClusterStorage));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message);
                                if (o != null)	return o;
                                expChunkNum = 1;
                                Console.WriteLine("Got Mulii Frame Packet " + expChunkNum + " of " + numTotChunks);
                        else if (chunkNum == expChunkNum) //nth packet....
                            lock (trackStorageLock)
                                int lenToRead = (int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position);
                                trackedClusterStorage.Write(br.ReadBytes(lenToRead), 0, lenToRead);
                            if (chunkNum == numTotChunks-1) //we are done
                                expChunkNum = 0;
                                Object o = null;
                                lock (trackStorageLock)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Got Mulii Frame Packet OK Len:" + trackedClusterStorage.Length + " Chunks " + numTotChunks);
                                        o = ProcessTrackedClusterMsg(new BinaryReader(trackedClusterStorage));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message);
                                    trackedClusterStorage = new MemoryStream(65000);
                                return o;
                                Console.WriteLine("Got Mulii Frame Packet " + expChunkNum + " of " + numTotChunks);
                        else //misaligned packet! yikes
                            lock (trackStorageLock)
                                trackedClusterStorage = new MemoryStream();
                            expChunkNum = 0;
                            Console.WriteLine("Bad Packet! ChunkNum: " + chunkNum + " ExpChunkNum: " + expChunkNum + " Total: " + numTotChunks);

                        if (totPackets % 100 == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("PACKET STATS: GOOD: " + goodPackets + " BAD: " + badPackets);
                case SceneEstimatorMessageID.SCENE_EST_UntrackedClusters:
                        if (channelName != SceneEstimatorObstacleChannelNames.UntrackedClusterChannelName &&
                                channelName != SceneEstimatorObstacleChannelNames.AnyClusterChannelName)

                        SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection ucc = new SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection();
                        int numClusters = br.ReadInt32();

                        ucc.clusters = new SceneEstimatorUntrackedCluster[numClusters];
                        ucc.timestamp = br.ReadDouble();
                        for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                            int numPoints = br.ReadInt32();
                            ucc.clusters[i].clusterClass = (SceneEstimatorClusterClass)br.ReadInt32();
                            ucc.clusters[i].points = new Coordinates[numPoints];
                            for (int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++)
                                Int16 tmpx = br.ReadInt16();
                                Int16 tmpy = br.ReadInt16();
                                ucc.clusters[i].points[j].X = (double)tmpx / 100.0;
                                ucc.clusters[i].points[j].Y = (double)tmpy / 100.0;
                        if (br.BaseStream.Position != br.BaseStream.Length)
                            Console.WriteLine("Warning: Incomplete parse of received untracked cluster message. length is " + br.BaseStream.Length + ", go to " + br.BaseStream.Position + ".");
                        return ucc;
                case (SceneEstimatorMessageID)LocalRoadModelMessageID.LOCAL_ROAD_MODEL:
                    if ((channelName != LocalRoadModelChannelNames.LocalRoadModelChannelName) && (channelName != LocalRoadModelChannelNames.LMLocalRoadModelChannelName))

                    LocalRoadModel lrm = new LocalRoadModel();
                    lrm.timestamp = br.ReadDouble();
                    lrm.probabilityRoadModelValid = br.ReadSingle();
                    lrm.probabilityCenterLaneExists = br.ReadSingle();
                    lrm.probabilityLeftLaneExists = br.ReadSingle();
                    lrm.probabilityRightLaneExists = br.ReadSingle();

                    lrm.laneWidthCenter = br.ReadSingle();
                    lrm.laneWidthCenterVariance = br.ReadSingle();
                    lrm.laneWidthLeft = br.ReadSingle();
                    lrm.laneWidthLeftVariance = br.ReadSingle();
                    lrm.laneWidthRight = br.ReadSingle();
                    lrm.laneWidthRightVariance = br.ReadSingle();

                    int numCenterPoints = br.ReadInt32();
                    int numLeftPoints = br.ReadInt32();
                    int numRightPoints = br.ReadInt32();

                    lrm.LanePointsCenter = new Coordinates[numCenterPoints];
                    lrm.LanePointsCenterVariance = new float[numCenterPoints];
                    lrm.LanePointsLeft = new Coordinates[numLeftPoints];
                    lrm.LanePointsLeftVariance = new float[numLeftPoints];
                    lrm.LanePointsRight = new Coordinates[numRightPoints];
                    lrm.LanePointsRightVariance = new float[numRightPoints];

                    for (int i = 0; i < numCenterPoints; i++)
                        //fixed point conversion!
                        Int16 x = br.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 y = br.ReadInt16();
                        UInt16 var = br.ReadUInt16();
                        lrm.LanePointsCenter[i] = new Coordinates((double)x / 100.0, (double)y / 100.0);
                        lrm.LanePointsCenterVariance[i] = ((float)var / 100.0f) * ((float)var / 100.0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < numLeftPoints; i++)
                        //fixed point conversion!
                        Int16 x = br.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 y = br.ReadInt16();
                        UInt16 var = br.ReadUInt16();
                        lrm.LanePointsLeft[i] = new Coordinates((double)x / 100.0, (double)y / 100.0);
                        lrm.LanePointsLeftVariance[i] = ((float)var / 100.0f) * ((float)var / 100.0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < numRightPoints; i++)
                        //fixed point conversion!
                        Int16 x = br.ReadInt16();
                        Int16 y = br.ReadInt16();
                        UInt16 var = br.ReadUInt16();
                        lrm.LanePointsRight[i] = new Coordinates((double)x / 100.0, (double)y / 100.0);
                        lrm.LanePointsRightVariance[i] = ((float)var / 100.0f) * ((float)var / 100.0f);
                    int offset = (LocalRoadModel.MAX_LANE_POINTS * 3) - (numCenterPoints + numRightPoints + numLeftPoints);
                    offset *= 6; //this is just the size of each "point"
                    if ((br.BaseStream.Position + offset) != br.BaseStream.Length)
                        Console.WriteLine("Warning: Incomplete parse of received local road model message. length is " + br.BaseStream.Length + ", go to " + br.BaseStream.Position + ".");
                    return lrm;
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid Scene Estimator Message Received: " + msgtype);
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic plan
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planningState"></param>
        /// <param name="navigationalPlan"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicles"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="blockage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver Plan(IState planningState, INavigationalPlan navigationalPlan, VehicleState vehicleState,
            SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection vehicles, SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection obstacles,
            List<ITacticalBlockage> blockages, double vehicleSpeed)
            // update stuff
            this.Update(vehicles, vehicleState);

            #region Plan Roads

            if (planningState is TravelState)
                Maneuver roadFinal = roadTactical.Plan(

                // return
                return roadFinal;


            #region Plan Intersection

            else if (planningState is IntersectionState)
                Maneuver intersectionFinal = intersectionTactical.Plan(

                // return
                return intersectionFinal;


            #region Plan Zone

            else if (planningState is ZoneState)
                Maneuver zoneFinal = zoneTactical.Plan(

                // return
                return zoneFinal;


            #region Plan Blockage

            else if (planningState is BlockageState)
                Maneuver blockageFinal = blockageTactical.Plan(

                return blockageFinal;


            #region Unknown

                throw new Exception("Unknown planning state type: " + planningState.GetType().ToString());

        private List<Obstacle> ProcessUntrackedClusters(SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection clusters, List<Obstacle> trackedObstacles, Rect vehicleBox)
            List<Obstacle> obstacles = new List<Obstacle>();

            SortedList<Obstacle, List<Coordinates>> point_splits = new SortedList<Obstacle, List<Coordinates>>();
            List<Coordinates> unclaimed_points = new List<Coordinates>(1500);

            foreach (SceneEstimatorUntrackedCluster cluster in clusters.clusters) {
                // clear out stored variables

                // now determine if the point belongs to an old obstacle
                ObstacleClass targetClass;
                if (cluster.clusterClass == SceneEstimatorClusterClass.SCENE_EST_HighObstacle)
                    targetClass = ObstacleClass.StaticLarge;
                    targetClass = ObstacleClass.StaticSmall;

                // only add points that are not within a tracked obstacle's extruded polygon
                for (int i = 0; i < cluster.points.Length; i++) {
                    Coordinates pt = cluster.points[i];
                    // iterate over all tracked cluster
                    bool did_hit = false;
                    if (useOccupancyGrid && Services.OccupancyGrid.GetOccupancy(pt) == OccupancyStatus.Free) {
                        did_hit = true;
                    else if (vehicleBox.IsInside(pt)) {
                        did_hit = true;
                    else if (trackedObstacles != null) {
                        foreach (Obstacle trackedObs in trackedObstacles) {
                            if (trackedObs.extrudedPolygon != null && trackedObs.extrudedPolygon.BoundingCircle.IsInside(pt) && trackedObs.extrudedPolygon.IsInside(pt)) {
                                did_hit = true;

                    // if there was a hit, skip this point
                    if (!did_hit) {
                    //if (did_hit)
                    //  continue;

                    //Obstacle oldObstacle = FindIntersectingCluster(pt, targetClass, previousObstacles);

                    //if (oldObstacle != null) {
                    //  List<Coordinates> obstacle_points;
                    //  if (!point_splits.TryGetValue(oldObstacle, out obstacle_points)) {
                    //    obstacle_points = new List<Coordinates>(100);
                    //    point_splits.Add(oldObstacle, obstacle_points);
                    //  }

                    //  obstacle_points.Add(pt);
                    //else {
                    //  unclaimed_points.Add(pt);

                // we've split up all the points appropriately
                // now construct the obstacles

                // we'll start with the obstacle belonging to an existing polygon
                //foreach (KeyValuePair<Obstacle, List<Coordinates>> split in point_splits) {
                //  if (split.Value != null && split.Value.Count >= 3) {
                //    // the obstacle will inherit most of the properties of the old obstacle
                //    Obstacle obs = new Obstacle();
                //    obs.age = split.Key.age+1;
                //    obs.obstacleClass = split.Key.obstacleClass;

                //    // don't bother doing a split operation on these clusters -- they have already been split
                //    obs.obstaclePolygon = Polygon.GrahamScan(split.Value);

                //    obstacles.Add(obs);
                //  }

                // handle the unclaimed points
                IList<Polygon> polygons = WrapAndSplit(unclaimed_points, split_area_threshold, split_length_threshold);

                foreach (Polygon poly in polygons) {
                    // create a new obstacle
                    Obstacle obs = new Obstacle();
                    obs.age = 1;
                    obs.obstacleClass = targetClass;

                    obs.obstaclePolygon = poly;



            // test all old obstacles and see if they intersect any new obstacles
            // project the previous static obstacles to the current time frame

            if (processedObstacles != null) {
                try {
                    // get the relative transform
                    List<Obstacle> carryOvers = new List<Obstacle>();
                    Circle mergeCircle = new Circle(merge_expansion_size, Coordinates.Zero);
                    Polygon mergePolygon = mergeCircle.ToPolygon(24);

                    RelativeTransform transform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(processedObstacles.timestamp, clusters.timestamp);
                    foreach (Obstacle prevObs in processedObstacles.obstacles) {
                        if (prevObs.obstacleClass == ObstacleClass.StaticLarge || prevObs.obstacleClass == ObstacleClass.StaticSmall) {
                            prevObs.obstaclePolygon = prevObs.obstaclePolygon.Transform(transform);

                            if (prevObs.age < 20) {
                                Coordinates centroid = prevObs.obstaclePolygon.GetCentroid();
                                double dist = GetObstacleDistance(prevObs.obstaclePolygon);
                                double angle = centroid.ArcTan;
                                if (dist < 30 && dist > 6 && Math.Abs(centroid.Y) < 15 && Math.Abs(angle) < Math.PI/2.0) {
                                    try {
                                        prevObs.mergePolygon = Polygon.ConvexMinkowskiConvolution(mergePolygon, prevObs.obstaclePolygon);
                                        if (!TestIntersection(prevObs.mergePolygon, obstacles)) {
                                            bool dropObstacle = false;
                                            for (int i = 0; i < prevObs.obstaclePolygon.Count; i++) {
                                                Coordinates pt = prevObs.obstaclePolygon[i];
                                                // iterate over all tracked cluster

                                                if (vehicleBox.IsInside(pt)) {
                                                    dropObstacle = true;
                                                else if (useOccupancyGrid && externalUseOccupancyGrid && Services.OccupancyGrid.GetOccupancy(pt) == OccupancyStatus.Free) {
                                                  dropObstacle = true;
                                                else if (trackedObstacles != null) {
                                                    foreach (Obstacle trackedObs in trackedObstacles) {
                                                        if (trackedObs.obstacleClass == ObstacleClass.DynamicCarlike) {
                                                            Polygon testPoly = trackedObs.extrudedPolygon ?? trackedObs.mergePolygon;

                                                            if (testPoly != null && testPoly.BoundingCircle.IsInside(pt) && testPoly.IsInside(pt)) {
                                                                dropObstacle = true;

                                                if (dropObstacle) {

                                            if (!dropObstacle) {
                                    catch (Exception) {

                catch (Exception) {

            // create the merge polygon for all these duder
            /*Circle mergeCircle = new Circle(merge_expansion_size, Coordinates.Zero);
            Polygon mergePolygon = mergeCircle.ToPolygon(24);

            foreach (Obstacle obs in obstacles) {
                obs.mergePolygon = Polygon.ConvexMinkowskiConvolution(mergePolygon, obs.obstaclePolygon);

            return obstacles;
        private void ObstacleThread()
            for (;;) {
                try {
                    SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection newUntrackedClusters = Interlocked.Exchange(ref currentUntrackedClusters, null);
                    SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection newTrackedClusters = Interlocked.Exchange(ref currentTrackedClusters, null);

                    if (newUntrackedClusters == null && newTrackedClusters == null) {
                        if (!Services.DebuggingService.StepMode) {
                        else {


                    // check if we have a matching pair
                    if (newUntrackedClusters != null) {
                        queuedUntrackedClusters = newUntrackedClusters;

                    if (newTrackedClusters != null) {
                        haveReceivedTrackedClusters = true;
                        queuedTrackedClusters = newTrackedClusters;

                    if (queuedUntrackedClusters == null || (haveReceivedTrackedClusters && (queuedTrackedClusters == null || queuedTrackedClusters.timestamp != queuedUntrackedClusters.timestamp))) {

                    Rect vehicleBox = DetermineVehicleEraseBox();

                    // load in the appropriate stuff to the occupancy grid
                    useOccupancyGrid = (Services.OccupancyGrid != null && !Services.OccupancyGrid.IsDisposed);
                    if (useOccupancyGrid) {
                        double occup_ts = Services.OccupancyGrid.LoadNewestGrid();
                        if (occup_ts < 0) {
                            useOccupancyGrid = false;
                        else {
                            double delta_ts = occup_ts - queuedUntrackedClusters.timestamp;
                            Services.Dataset.ItemAs<double>("occupancy delta ts").Add(delta_ts, queuedUntrackedClusters.timestamp);
                    occupancyDeletedCount = 0;

                    List<Obstacle> trackedObstacles;
                    if (queuedTrackedClusters == null) {
                        trackedObstacles = new List<Obstacle>();
                    else {
                        trackedObstacles = ProcessTrackedClusters(queuedTrackedClusters, vehicleBox);
                    List<Obstacle> untrackedObstacles = ProcessUntrackedClusters(queuedUntrackedClusters, trackedObstacles, vehicleBox);
                    List<Obstacle> finalObstacles = FinalizeProcessing(trackedObstacles, untrackedObstacles, queuedUntrackedClusters.timestamp);
                    processedObstacles = new ObstacleCollection(queuedUntrackedClusters.timestamp, finalObstacles);

                    Services.Dataset.ItemAs<int>("occupancy deleted count").Add(occupancyDeletedCount, queuedUntrackedClusters.timestamp);

                    queuedUntrackedClusters = null;
                    queuedTrackedClusters = null;

                    if (Services.DebuggingService.StepMode) {

                    Services.Dataset.MarkOperation("obstacle rate", LocalCarTimeProvider.LocalNow);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    OperationalTrace.WriteError("error processing obstacles: {0}", ex);
 public void OnUntrackedClustersReceived(SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection clusters)
     currentUntrackedClusters = clusters;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when message sent to us
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="channelName"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 public void MessageArrived(string channelName, object message)
     if (channelName == "ArbiterSceneEstimatorPositionChannel" + RemoraCommon.Communicator.RemotingSuffix
         && message is VehicleState)
         // cast and set
         vehicleState = (VehicleState)message;
     else if (channelName == "ObservedObstacleChannel" + RemoraCommon.Communicator.RemotingSuffix
         && message is SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection)
         // cast and set
         observedObstacles = (SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection)message;
     else if (channelName == "ObservedVehicleChannel" + RemoraCommon.Communicator.RemotingSuffix
         && message is SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection)
         // cast and set
         observedVehicles = (SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection)message;
     else if (channelName == "VehicleSpeedChannel" + RemoraCommon.Communicator.RemotingSuffix
         && message is double)
         // cast and set
         vehicleSpeed = (double)message;
     else if (channelName == "ArbiterOutputChannel" + RemoraCommon.Communicator.RemotingSuffix
         && message is string)
         // output
         RemoraOutput.WriteLine((string)message, OutputType.Arbiter);
     else if (channelName == "ArbiterInformationChannel" + RemoraCommon.Communicator.RemotingSuffix
         && message is ArbiterInformation)
         // set info
         RemoraCommon.aiInformation.information = (ArbiterInformation)message;
     else if (channelName == "SideObstacleChannel" + RemoraCommon.Communicator.RemotingSuffix
      && message is SideObstacles)
         SideObstacles sideSickObstacles = (SideObstacles)message;
         if (sideSickObstacles.side == SideObstacleSide.Driver)
             this.sideSickObstaclesDriver = sideSickObstacles;
             this.sideSickObstaclesPass = sideSickObstacles;
        /// <summary>
        /// Plans what maneuer we should take next
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planningState"></param>
        /// <param name="navigationalPlan"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicles"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="blockage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver Plan(IState planningState, INavigationalPlan navigationalPlan, VehicleState vehicleState,
            SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection vehicles, SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection obstacles, List<ITacticalBlockage> blockages)
            #region Waiting At Intersection Exit

            if (planningState is WaitingAtIntersectionExitState)
                // state
                WaitingAtIntersectionExitState waies = (WaitingAtIntersectionExitState)planningState;

                // get intersection plan
                IntersectionPlan ip = (IntersectionPlan)navigationalPlan;

                // nullify turn reasoning
                this.TurnReasoning = null;

                #region Intersection Monitor Updates

                // check correct intersection monitor
                if (CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.IntersectionLookup.ContainsKey(waies.exitWaypoint.AreaSubtypeWaypointId) &&
                    (IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor == null ||
                    // create new intersection monitor
                    IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = new IntersectionMonitor(

                // update if exists
                if (IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor != null)
                    // update monitor

                    // print current


                #region Desired Behavior

                // get best option from previously saved
                IConnectAreaWaypoints icaw = null;

                if (waies.desired != null)
                    ArbiterInterconnect tmpInterconnect = waies.desired;
                    if (waies.desired.InitialGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                        ArbiterWaypoint init = (ArbiterWaypoint)waies.desired.InitialGeneric;
                        if (init.NextPartition != null && init.NextPartition.Final.Equals(tmpInterconnect.FinalGeneric))
                            icaw = init.NextPartition;
                            icaw = waies.desired;
                        icaw = waies.desired;
                    icaw = ip.BestOption;
                    waies.desired = icaw.ToInterconnect;


                #region Turn Feasibility Reasoning

                // check uturn
                if (waies.desired.TurnDirection == ArbiterTurnDirection.UTurn)
                    waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;

                // check already determined feasible
                if (waies.turnTestState == TurnTestState.Unknown ||
                    waies.turnTestState == TurnTestState.Failed)
                    #region Determine Behavior to Accomplish Turn

                    // get default turn behavior
                    TurnBehavior testTurnBehavior = this.DefaultTurnBehavior(icaw);

                    // set saudi decorator
                    if (waies.saudi != SAUDILevel.None)
                        testTurnBehavior.Decorators.Add(new ShutUpAndDoItDecorator(waies.saudi));

                    // set to ignore all vehicles
                    testTurnBehavior.VehiclesToIgnore = new List<int>(new int[]{-1});


                    #region Check Turn Feasible

                    // check if we have completed
                    CompletionReport turnCompletionReport;
                    bool completedTest = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(testTurnBehavior, out turnCompletionReport);//CoreCommon.Communications.AsynchronousTestHasCompleted(testTurnBehavior, out turnCompletionReport, true);

                    // if we have completed the test
                    if(completedTest || ((TrajectoryBlockedReport)turnCompletionReport).BlockageType != BlockageType.Dynamic)
                        #region Can Complete

                        // check success
                        if (turnCompletionReport.Result == CompletionResult.Success)
                            // set completion state of the turn
                            waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;


                        #region No Saudi Level, Found Initial Blockage

                        // otherwise we cannot do the turn, check if saudi is still none
                        else if(waies.saudi == SAUDILevel.None)
                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Increased Saudi Level of Turn to L1");

                            // up the saudi level, set as turn failed and no other option
                            waies.saudi = SAUDILevel.L1;
                            waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Failed;


                        #region Already at L1 Saudi

                        else if(waies.saudi == SAUDILevel.L1)
                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Turn with Saudi L1 Level failed");

                            // get an intersection plan without this interconnect
                            IntersectionPlan testPlan = CoreCommon.Navigation.PlanIntersectionWithoutInterconnect(

                            // check that the plan exists
                            if (!testPlan.BestOption.ToInterconnect.Equals(waies.desired) &&
                                testPlan.BestRouteTime < double.MaxValue - 1.0)
                                // get the desired interconnect
                                ArbiterInterconnect reset = testPlan.BestOption.ToInterconnect;

                                #region Check that the reset interconnect is feasible

                                // test the reset interconnect
                                TurnBehavior testResetTurnBehavior = this.DefaultTurnBehavior(reset);

                                // set to ignore all vehicles
                                testResetTurnBehavior.VehiclesToIgnore = new List<int>(new int[] { -1 });

                                // check if we have completed
                                CompletionReport turnResetCompletionReport;
                                bool completedResetTest = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(testResetTurnBehavior, out turnResetCompletionReport);

                                // check to see if this is feasible
                                if (completedResetTest && turnResetCompletionReport is SuccessCompletionReport && reset.Blockage.ProbabilityExists < 0.95)
                                    // notify
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Found clear interconnect: " + reset.ToString() + " adding blockage to current interconnect: " + waies.desired.ToString());

                                    // set the interconnect as being blocked

                                    // reset all
                                    waies.desired = reset;
                                    waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;
                                    waies.saudi = SAUDILevel.None;
                                    waies.useTurnBounds = true;


                                #region No Lane Bounds

                                // otherwise try without lane bounds
                                    // notify
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Had to fallout to using no turn bounds");

                                    // up the saudi level, set as turn failed and no other option
                                    waies.saudi = SAUDILevel.L1;
                                    waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;
                                    waies.useTurnBounds = false;


                            #region No Lane Bounds

                            // otherwise try without lane bounds
                                // up the saudi level, set as turn failed and no other option
                                waies.saudi = SAUDILevel.L1;
                                waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Unknown;
                                waies.useTurnBounds = false;



                        // want to reset ourselves
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);



                #region Entry Monitor Blocked

                // checks the entry monitor vehicle for failure
                if (IntersectionMonitor != null && IntersectionMonitor.EntryAreaMonitor != null &&
                    IntersectionMonitor.EntryAreaMonitor.Vehicle != null && IntersectionMonitor.EntryAreaMonitor.Failed)
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Entry area blocked");

                    // get an intersection plan without this interconnect
                    IntersectionPlan testPlan = CoreCommon.Navigation.PlanIntersectionWithoutInterconnect(

                    // check that the plan exists
                    if (!testPlan.BestOption.ToInterconnect.Equals(waies.desired) &&
                        testPlan.BestRouteTime < double.MaxValue - 1.0)
                        // get the desired interconnect
                        ArbiterInterconnect reset = testPlan.BestOption.ToInterconnect;

                        #region Check that the reset interconnect is feasible

                        // test the reset interconnect
                        TurnBehavior testResetTurnBehavior = this.DefaultTurnBehavior(reset);

                        // set to ignore all vehicles
                        testResetTurnBehavior.VehiclesToIgnore = new List<int>(new int[] { -1 });

                        // check if we have completed
                        CompletionReport turnResetCompletionReport;
                        bool completedResetTest = CoreCommon.Communications.TestExecute(testResetTurnBehavior, out turnResetCompletionReport);

                        // check to see if this is feasible
                        if (reset.TurnDirection == ArbiterTurnDirection.UTurn || (completedResetTest && turnResetCompletionReport is SuccessCompletionReport && reset.Blockage.ProbabilityExists < 0.95))
                            // notify
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Found clear interconnect: " + reset.ToString() + " adding blockage to all possible turns into final");

                            // set all the interconnects to the final as being blocked
                            if (((ITraversableWaypoint)waies.desired.FinalGeneric).IsEntry)
                                foreach (ArbiterInterconnect toBlock in ((ITraversableWaypoint)waies.desired.FinalGeneric).Entries)

                            // check if exists previous partition to block
                            if (waies.desired.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                                ArbiterWaypoint finWaypoint = (ArbiterWaypoint)waies.desired.FinalGeneric;
                                if (finWaypoint.PreviousPartition != null)
                                    CoreCommon.Navigation.AddBlockage(finWaypoint.PreviousPartition, finWaypoint.Position, false);

                            // reset all
                            waies.desired = reset;
                            waies.turnTestState = TurnTestState.Completed;
                            waies.saudi = SAUDILevel.None;
                            waies.useTurnBounds = true;

                            // want to reset ourselves
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Entry area blocked, but no otehr valid route found");


                // check if can traverse
                if (IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor == null || IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor.CanTraverse(icaw, vehicleState))
                    #region If can traverse the intersection

                    // quick check not interconnect
                    if (!(icaw is ArbiterInterconnect))
                        icaw = icaw.ToInterconnect;

                    // get interconnect
                    ArbiterInterconnect ai = (ArbiterInterconnect)icaw;

                    // clear all old completion reports

                    // check if uturn
                    if (ai.InitialGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint && ai.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint && ai.TurnDirection == ArbiterTurnDirection.UTurn)
                        // go into turn
                        List<ArbiterLane> involvedLanes = new List<ArbiterLane>();
                        uTurnState nextState = new uTurnState(((ArbiterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric).Lane,
                            IntersectionToolkit.uTurnBounds(vehicleState, involvedLanes));
                        nextState.Interconnect = ai;

                        // hold brake
                        Behavior b = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                        // return maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(b, nextState, nextState.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        if (ai.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                            ArbiterWaypoint finalWaypoint = (ArbiterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric;

                            // get turn params
                            LinePath finalPath;
                            LineList leftLL;
                            LineList rightLL;
                            IntersectionToolkit.TurnInfo(finalWaypoint, out finalPath, out leftLL, out rightLL);

                            // go into turn
                            IState nextState = new TurnState(ai, ai.TurnDirection, finalWaypoint.Lane, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.5), waies.saudi, waies.useTurnBounds);

                            // hold brake
                            Behavior b = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                            // return maneuver
                            return new Maneuver(b, nextState, nextState.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                            // final perimeter waypoint
                            ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint apw = (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric;

                            // get turn params
                            LinePath finalPath;
                            LineList leftLL;
                            LineList rightLL;
                            IntersectionToolkit.ZoneTurnInfo(ai, apw, out finalPath, out leftLL, out rightLL);

                            // go into turn
                            IState nextState = new TurnState(ai, ai.TurnDirection, null, finalPath, leftLL, rightLL, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.5), waies.saudi, waies.useTurnBounds);

                            // hold brake
                            Behavior b = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                            // return maneuver
                            return new Maneuver(b, nextState, nextState.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                // otherwise need to wait
                    IState next = waies;
                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), next, next.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Stopping At Exit

            else if (planningState is StoppingAtExitState)
                // cast to exit stopping
                StoppingAtExitState saes = (StoppingAtExitState)planningState;
                saes.currentPosition = vehicleState.Front;

                // get intersection plan
                IntersectionPlan ip = (IntersectionPlan)navigationalPlan;

                // if has an intersection
                if (CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.IntersectionLookup.ContainsKey(saes.waypoint.AreaSubtypeWaypointId))
                    // create new intersection monitor
                    IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = new IntersectionMonitor(

                    // update it
                    IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = null;

                // otherwise update the stop parameters
                saes.currentPosition = vehicleState.Front;
                Behavior b = saes.Resume(vehicleState, CoreCommon.Communications.GetVehicleSpeed().Value);
                return new Maneuver(b, saes, saes.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region In uTurn

            else if (planningState is uTurnState)
                // get state
                uTurnState uts = (uTurnState)planningState;

                // check if in other lane
                if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new UTurnBehavior(null, null, null, null)).GetType()))
                    // quick check
                    if (uts.Interconnect != null && uts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                        // get the closest partition to the new lane
                        ArbiterLanePartition alpClose = uts.TargetLane.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Front);

                        // waypoints
                        ArbiterWaypoint partitionInitial = alpClose.Initial;
                        ArbiterWaypoint uturnEnd = (ArbiterWaypoint)uts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric;

                        // check initial past end
                        if (partitionInitial.WaypointId.Number > uturnEnd.WaypointId.Number)
                            // get waypoints inclusive
                            List<ArbiterWaypoint> inclusive = uts.TargetLane.WaypointsInclusive(uturnEnd, partitionInitial);
                            bool found = false;

                            // loop through
                            foreach (ArbiterWaypoint aw in inclusive)
                                if (!found && aw.WaypointId.Equals(CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId))
                                    // notiofy
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().CheckpointNumber.ToString() + " as passed over in uturn");

                                    // remove

                                    // set found
                                    found = true;
                        // default check
                        else if (uts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric.Equals(CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId]))
                            // notiofy
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("removed checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().CheckpointNumber.ToString() + " as end of uturn");

                            // remove
                    // check if the uturn is for a blockage
                    else if (uts.Interconnect == null)
                        // get final lane
                        ArbiterLane targetLane = uts.TargetLane;

                        // check has opposing
                        if (targetLane.Way.Segment.Lanes.Count > 1)
                            // check the final checkpoint is in our lane
                            if (CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.AreaSubtypeId.Equals(targetLane.LaneId))
                                // check that the final checkpoint is within the uturn polygon
                                if (uts.Polygon != null &&
                                    // remove the checkpoint
                                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Found checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.ToString() + " inside blockage uturn area, dequeuing");

                    // stay in target lane
                    IState nextState = new StayInLaneState(uts.TargetLane, new Probability(0.8, 0.2), true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);
                    Behavior b = new StayInLaneBehavior(uts.TargetLane.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0), new List<int>(), uts.TargetLane.LanePath(), uts.TargetLane.Width, uts.TargetLane.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, true), uts.TargetLane.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, true));
                    return new Maneuver(b, nextState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                // otherwise continue uturn
                    // get polygon
                    Polygon p = uts.Polygon;

                    // add polygon to observable
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(p, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.uTurnPolygon));

                    // check the type of uturn
                    if (!uts.singleLaneUturn)
                        // get ending path
                        LinePath endingPath = uts.TargetLane.LanePath();

                        // next state is current
                        IState nextState = uts;

                        // behavior
                        Behavior b = new UTurnBehavior(p, endingPath, uts.TargetLane.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0));

                        // maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(b, nextState, null, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // get ending path
                        LinePath endingPath = uts.TargetLane.LanePath().Clone();
                        endingPath = endingPath.ShiftLateral(-2.0);//uts.TargetLane.Width);

                        // add polygon to observable
                        CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(endingPath, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));

                        // next state is current
                        IState nextState = uts;

                        // behavior
                        Behavior b = new UTurnBehavior(p, endingPath, uts.TargetLane.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0));

                        // maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(b, nextState, null, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region In Turn

            else if (planningState is TurnState)
                // get state
                TurnState ts = (TurnState)planningState;

                // add bounds to observable
                if (ts.LeftBound != null && ts.RightBound != null)
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(ts.LeftBound, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(ts.RightBound, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.rightBound));

                // create current turn reasoning
                if(this.TurnReasoning == null)
                    this.TurnReasoning = new TurnReasoning(ts.Interconnect,
                    IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor != null ? IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor.EntryAreaMonitor : null);

                // get primary maneuver
                Maneuver primary = this.TurnReasoning.PrimaryManeuver(vehicleState, blockages, ts);

                // get secondary maneuver
                Maneuver? secondary = this.TurnReasoning.SecondaryManeuver(vehicleState, (IntersectionPlan)navigationalPlan);

                // return the manevuer
                return secondary.HasValue ? secondary.Value : primary;


            #region Itnersection Startup

            else if (planningState is IntersectionStartupState)
                // state and plan
                IntersectionStartupState iss = (IntersectionStartupState)planningState;
                IntersectionStartupPlan isp = (IntersectionStartupPlan)navigationalPlan;

                // initial path
                LinePath vehiclePath = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { vehicleState.Rear, vehicleState.Front });
                List<ITraversableWaypoint> feasibleEntries = new List<ITraversableWaypoint>();

                // vehicle polygon forward of us
                Polygon vehicleForward = vehicleState.ForwardPolygon;

                // best waypoint
                ITraversableWaypoint best = null;
                double bestCost = Double.MaxValue;

                // given feasible choose best, no feasible choose random
                if (feasibleEntries.Count == 0)
                    foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in iss.Intersection.AllEntries.Values)
                        if (vehicleForward.IsInside(itw.Position))

                    if (feasibleEntries.Count == 0)
                        foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in iss.Intersection.AllEntries.Values)

                // get best
                foreach (ITraversableWaypoint itw in feasibleEntries)
                    if (isp.NodeTimeCosts.ContainsKey(itw))
                        KeyValuePair<ITraversableWaypoint, double> lookup = new KeyValuePair<ITraversableWaypoint, double>(itw, isp.NodeTimeCosts[itw]);

                        if (best == null || lookup.Value < bestCost)
                            best = lookup.Key;
                            bestCost = lookup.Value;

                // get something going to this waypoint
                ArbiterInterconnect interconnect = null;
                    ArbiterInterconnect closest = null;
                    double closestDistance = double.MaxValue;

                    foreach (ArbiterInterconnect ai in best.Entries)
                        double dist = ai.InterconnectPath.GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location.DistanceTo(vehicleState.Front);
                        if (closest == null || dist < closestDistance)
                            closest = ai;
                            closestDistance = dist;

                    interconnect = closest;
                else if(best is ArbiterWaypoint && ((ArbiterWaypoint)best).PreviousPartition != null)
                    interconnect = ((ArbiterWaypoint)best).PreviousPartition.ToInterconnect;

                // get state
                if (best is ArbiterWaypoint)
                    // go to this turn state
                    LinePath finalPath;
                    LineList leftBound;
                    LineList rightBound;
                    IntersectionToolkit.TurnInfo((ArbiterWaypoint)best, out finalPath, out leftBound, out rightBound);
                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new TurnState(interconnect, interconnect.TurnDirection, ((ArbiterWaypoint)best).Lane,
                        finalPath, leftBound, rightBound, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0)), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // go to this turn state
                    LinePath finalPath;
                    LineList leftBound;
                    LineList rightBound;
                    IntersectionToolkit.ZoneTurnInfo(interconnect, (ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)best, out finalPath, out leftBound, out rightBound);
                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new TurnState(interconnect, interconnect.TurnDirection, null,
                        finalPath, leftBound, rightBound, new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.0)), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Unknown

                throw new Exception("Unknown planning state in intersection tactical plan: " + planningState.ToString());

 /// <summary>
 /// Update sensor states
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
 /// <param name="vehicles"></param>
 /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
 public void Update(VehicleState vehicleState, SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection vehicles, SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection obstacles, double speed, LocalRoadEstimate lre, PathRoadModel prm)
     if (prm != null) {
        /// <summary>
        /// Turn sim obstacle states into obstacles
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection ObstaclesFromWorld(SimVehicleId ours, Coordinates vehiclePosition, double vehicleHeading, double ts)
            SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection seucc = new SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection();
            seucc.timestamp = (double)SimulatorClient.GetCurrentTimestamp;

            List<Polygon> obstaclePolygons = new List<Polygon>(worldState.Obstacles.Count);
            foreach (SimObstacleState obstacle in worldState.Obstacles.Values) {
                if(obstacle.ObstacleId.Number != ours.Number)

            // use the lidar to get the hits
            lidar.GetHits(obstaclePolygons, vehiclePosition, vehicleHeading, seucc);
            lidar2.GetHits(obstaclePolygons, vehiclePosition, vehicleHeading, seucc);

            return seucc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Plans over the zone
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="planningState"></param>
        /// <param name="navigationalPlan"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicles"></param>
        /// <param name="obstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="blockages"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver Plan(IState planningState, INavigationalPlan navigationalPlan, 
            VehicleState vehicleState, SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection vehicles,
            SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection obstacles, List<ITacticalBlockage> blockages)
            #region Zone Travelling State

            if (planningState is ZoneTravelingState)
                // check blockages
                /*if (blockages != null && blockages.Count > 0 && blockages[0] is ZoneBlockage)
                    // create the blockage state
                    EncounteredBlockageState ebs = new EncounteredBlockageState(blockages[0], CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                    // go to a blockage handling tactical
                    return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), ebs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                // cast state
                ZoneState zs = (ZoneState)planningState;

                // plan over state and zone
                ZonePlan zp = (ZonePlan)navigationalPlan;

                // check zone path does not exist
                if (zp.RecommendedPath.Count < 2)
                    // zone startup again
                    ZoneStartupState zss = new ZoneStartupState(zs.Zone, true);
                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), zss, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                // final path seg
                LinePath.PointOnPath endBack = zp.RecommendedPath.AdvancePoint(zp.RecommendedPath.EndPoint, -TahoeParams.VL);
                LinePath lp = zp.RecommendedPath.SubPath(endBack, zp.RecommendedPath.EndPoint);
                LinePath lB = lp.ShiftLateral(TahoeParams.T);
                LinePath rB = lp.ShiftLateral(-TahoeParams.T);

                // add to info
                CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(lB, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));
                CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(rB, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.rightBound));

                // get speed command
                ScalarSpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.24);

                // Behavior
                Behavior b = new ZoneTravelingBehavior(zp.Zone.ZoneId, zp.Zone.Perimeter.PerimeterPolygon, zp.Zone.StayOutAreas.ToArray(),
                    sc, zp.RecommendedPath, lB, rB);

                // maneuver
                return new Maneuver(b, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Parking State

            else if (planningState is ParkingState)
                // get state
                ParkingState ps = (ParkingState)planningState;

                // determine stay out areas to use
                List<Polygon> stayOuts = new List<Polygon>();
                foreach (Polygon p in ps.Zone.StayOutAreas)
                    if (!p.IsInside(ps.ParkingSpot.NormalWaypoint.Position) && !p.IsInside(ps.ParkingSpot.Checkpoint.Position))

                LinePath rB = ps.ParkingSpot.GetRightBound();
                LinePath lB = ps.ParkingSpot.GetLeftBound();

                // add to info
                CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(lB, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));
                CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(rB, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.rightBound));

                // create behavior
                ZoneParkingBehavior zpb = new ZoneParkingBehavior(ps.Zone.ZoneId, ps.Zone.Perimeter.PerimeterPolygon, stayOuts.ToArray(), new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.24),
                    ps.ParkingSpot.GetSpotPath(), lB, rB, ps.ParkingSpot.SpotId, 1.0);

                // maneuver
                return new Maneuver(zpb, ps, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Pulling Out State

            else if (planningState is PullingOutState)
                // get state
                PullingOutState pos = (PullingOutState)planningState;

                // plan over state and zone
                ZonePlan zp = (ZonePlan)navigationalPlan;

                // final path seg
                Coordinates endVec = zp.RecommendedPath[0] - zp.RecommendedPath[1];
                Coordinates endBack = zp.RecommendedPath[0] + endVec.Normalize(TahoeParams.VL * 2.0);
                LinePath rp = new LinePath(new Coordinates[]{pos.ParkingSpot.Checkpoint.Position, pos.ParkingSpot.NormalWaypoint.Position,
                    zp.RecommendedPath[0], endBack});
                LinePath lp = new LinePath(new Coordinates[]{zp.RecommendedPath[0], endBack});
                LinePath lB = lp.ShiftLateral(TahoeParams.T * 2.0);
                LinePath rB = lp.ShiftLateral(-TahoeParams.T * 2.0);

                // add to info
                CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(lB, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));
                CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(rB, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.rightBound));
                CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(rp, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));

                // determine stay out areas to use
                List<Polygon> stayOuts = new List<Polygon>();
                foreach (Polygon p in pos.Zone.StayOutAreas)
                    if (!p.IsInside(pos.ParkingSpot.NormalWaypoint.Position) && !p.IsInside(pos.ParkingSpot.Checkpoint.Position))

                // get speed command
                ScalarSpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(2.24);

                // Behavior
                Behavior b = new ZoneParkingPullOutBehavior(zp.Zone.ZoneId, zp.Zone.Perimeter.PerimeterPolygon, stayOuts.ToArray(),
                    sc, pos.ParkingSpot.GetSpotPath(), pos.ParkingSpot.GetLeftBound(), pos.ParkingSpot.GetRightBound(), pos.ParkingSpot.SpotId,
                    rp, lB, rB);

                // maneuver
                return new Maneuver(b, pos, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Zone Startup State

            else if (planningState is ZoneStartupState)
                // state
                ZoneStartupState zss = (ZoneStartupState)planningState;

                // get the zone
                ArbiterZone az = zss.Zone;

                // navigational edge
                INavigableNode inn = CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId];

                // check over all the parking spaces
                foreach (ArbiterParkingSpot aps in az.ParkingSpots)
                    // inside both parts of spot
                    if ((vehicleState.VehiclePolygon.IsInside(aps.NormalWaypoint.Position) && vehicleState.VehiclePolygon.IsInside(aps.Checkpoint.Position)) ||
                        // want to just park in it again
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new ParkingState(az, aps), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                Polygon forwardPolygon = vehicleState.ForwardPolygon;
                Polygon rearPolygon = vehicleState.RearPolygon;

                Navigator nav = CoreCommon.Navigation;
                List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort> forwardForward = new List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort>();
                List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort> reverseReverse = new List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort>();
                List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort> perpendicularPerpendicular = new List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort>();
                List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort> allEdges = new List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort>();
                List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort> allEdgesNoLimits = new List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort>();
                foreach (NavigableEdge ne in az.NavigableEdges)
                    if (!(ne.End is ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint) && !(ne.Start is ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint))
                        // get distance to edge
                        LinePath lp = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { ne.Start.Position, ne.End.Position });
                        double distTmp = lp.GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location.DistanceTo(vehicleState.Front);

                        // get direction along segment
                        DirectionAlong da = vehicleState.DirectionAlongSegment(lp);

                        // check dist reasonable
                        if (distTmp > TahoeParams.VL)
                            // zone navigation edge sort item
                            ZoneNavigationEdgeSort znes = new ZoneNavigationEdgeSort(distTmp, ne, lp);

                            // add to lists
                            if (da == DirectionAlong.Forwards &&
                                (forwardPolygon.IsInside(ne.Start.Position) || forwardPolygon.IsInside(ne.End.Position)))
                            /*else if (da == DirectionAlong.Perpendicular &&
                                !(forwardPolygon.IsInside(ne.Start.Position) || forwardPolygon.IsInside(ne.End.Position)) &&
                                !(rearPolygon.IsInside(ne.Start.Position) || rearPolygon.IsInside(ne.End.Position)))
                            else if (rearPolygon.IsInside(ne.Start.Position) || rearPolygon.IsInside(ne.End.Position))

                            // add to all edges

                // sort by distance

                ZoneNavigationEdgeSort bestZnes = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < allEdges.Count; i++)
                    // get line to initial
                    Line toInitial = new Line(vehicleState.Front, allEdges[i].edge.Start.Position);
                    Line toFinal = new Line(vehicleState.Front, allEdges[i].edge.End.Position);
                    bool intersects = false;
                    Coordinates[] interPts;
                    foreach (Polygon sop in az.StayOutAreas)
                        if (!intersects &&
                            (sop.Intersect(toInitial, out interPts) && sop.Intersect(toFinal, out interPts)))
                            intersects = true;

                    if (!intersects)
                        allEdges[i].zp = nav.PlanZone(az, allEdges[i].edge.End, inn);
                        allEdges[i].zp.Time += vehicleState.Front.DistanceTo(allEdges[i].lp.GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location) / 2.24;
                        ZoneNavigationEdgeSort tmpZnes = allEdges[i];
                        if ((bestZnes == null && tmpZnes.zp.RecommendedPath.Count > 1) ||
                                (bestZnes != null && tmpZnes.zp.RecommendedPath.Count > 1 && tmpZnes.zp.Time < bestZnes.zp.Time))
                            bestZnes = tmpZnes;

                    if (i > allEdges.Count / 2 && bestZnes != null)

                if (bestZnes != null)
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Found good edge to start in zone");
                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new ZoneOrientationState(az, bestZnes.edge), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    ArbiterOutput.Output("Could not find good edge to start, choosing random not blocked");

                    List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort> okZnes = new List<ZoneNavigationEdgeSort>();
                    foreach (NavigableEdge tmpOk in az.NavigableEdges)
                        // get line to initial
                        LinePath edgePath = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { tmpOk.Start.Position, tmpOk.End.Position });
                        double dist = edgePath.GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location.DistanceTo(vehicleState.Front);
                        ZoneNavigationEdgeSort tmpZnes = new ZoneNavigationEdgeSort(dist, tmpOk, edgePath);
                        tmpZnes.zp = nav.PlanZone(az, tmpZnes.edge.End, inn);
                        tmpZnes.zp.Time += vehicleState.Front.DistanceTo(tmpZnes.lp.GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location) / 2.24;
                        if (tmpZnes.zp.RecommendedPath.Count >= 2)

                    if (okZnes.Count == 0)
                        okZnes = allEdges;

                    // get random close edge
                    Random rand = new Random();
                    int chosen = rand.Next(Math.Min(5, okZnes.Count));

                    // get closest edge not part of a parking spot, get on it
                    NavigableEdge closest = okZnes[chosen].edge;//null;
                    //double distance = Double.MaxValue;
                    /*foreach (NavigableEdge ne in az.NavigableEdges)
                        if (!(ne.End is ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint) && !(ne.Start is ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint))
                            // get distance to edge
                            LinePath lp = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { ne.Start.Position, ne.End.Position });
                            double distTmp = lp.GetClosestPoint(vehicleState.Front).Location.DistanceTo(vehicleState.Front);
                            if (closest == null || distTmp < distance)
                                closest = ne;
                                distance = distTmp;
                    return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new ZoneOrientationState(az, closest), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


            #region Unknown

                // non-handled state
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown state", "CoreCommon.CorePlanningState");

		/// <summary>
		/// Plans what maneuer we should take next
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="planningState"></param>
		/// <param name="navigationalPlan"></param>
		/// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
		/// <param name="vehicles"></param>
		/// <param name="obstacles"></param>
		/// <param name="blockage"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public Maneuver Plan(IState planningState, RoadPlan navigationalPlan, VehicleState vehicleState,
			SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection vehicles, SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection obstacles, 
			List<ITacticalBlockage> blockages, double vehicleSpeed)
			// assign vehicles to their lanes

			// navigation tasks
			this.taskReasoning.navigationPlan = navigationalPlan;

			#region Stay in lane

			// maneuver given we are in a lane
			if (planningState is StayInLaneState)
				// get state
				StayInLaneState sils = (StayInLaneState)planningState;

				// check reasoning if needs to be different
				if (this.forwardReasoning == null || !this.forwardReasoning.Lane.Equals(sils.Lane))
					if (sils.Lane.LaneOnLeft == null)
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
					else if (sils.Lane.LaneOnLeft.Way.Equals(sils.Lane.Way))
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(sils.Lane.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(sils.Lane.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

					if (sils.Lane.LaneOnRight == null)
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
					else if (sils.Lane.LaneOnRight.Way.Equals(sils.Lane.Way))
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(sils.Lane.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(sils.Lane.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
					this.forwardReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(this.leftLateralReasoning, this.rightLateralReasoning, sils.Lane);

				// populate navigation with road plan
				taskReasoning.SetRoadPlan(navigationalPlan, sils.Lane);

				// as penalties for lane changes already taken into account, can just look at
				// best lane plan to figure out what to do
				TypeOfTasks bestTask = taskReasoning.Best;

				// get the forward lane plan
				Maneuver forwardManeuver = forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(sils.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sils.WaypointsToIgnore);

				// get the secondary
				Maneuver? secondaryManeuver = forwardReasoning.AdvancedSecondary(sils.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sils.WaypointsToIgnore, bestTask);  //forwardReasoning.SecondaryManeuver(sils.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sils.WaypointsToIgnore, bestTask);

				// check behavior type for uturn
				if (secondaryManeuver.HasValue && secondaryManeuver.Value.PrimaryBehavior is UTurnBehavior)
					return secondaryManeuver.Value;

				// check if we wish to change lanes here
				if (bestTask != TypeOfTasks.Straight)
					// parameters
					LaneChangeParameters parameters;
					secondaryManeuver = this.forwardReasoning.AdvancedDesiredLaneChangeManeuver(sils.Lane, bestTask == TypeOfTasks.Left ? true : false, navigationalPlan.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.PointOfInterest,
						navigationalPlan, vehicleState, blockages, sils.WaypointsToIgnore, new LaneChangeInformation(LaneChangeReason.Navigation, this.forwardReasoning.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle), secondaryManeuver, out parameters);

				// final maneuver
				Maneuver finalManeuver = secondaryManeuver.HasValue ? secondaryManeuver.Value : forwardManeuver;

				// set opposing vehicle flag
				if (false && this.leftLateralReasoning != null && this.leftLateralReasoning is OpposingLateralReasoning && finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior is StayInLaneBehavior)
					StayInLaneBehavior silb = (StayInLaneBehavior)finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior;
					OpposingLateralReasoning olr = (OpposingLateralReasoning)this.leftLateralReasoning;
					olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.Update(olr.lane, vehicleState);
					if (olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle != null)
						ForwardVehicleTrackingControl fvtc = olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.GetControl(olr.lane, vehicleState);
						BehaviorDecorator[] bds = new BehaviorDecorator[finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior.Decorators.Count];
						finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior.Decorators = new List<BehaviorDecorator>(bds);
						silb.Decorators.Add(new OpposingLaneDecorator(fvtc.xSeparation, olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.Speed));
						ArbiterOutput.Output("Added Opposing Lane Decorator: " + fvtc.xSeparation.ToString("F2") + "m, " + olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.Speed.ToString("f2") + "m/s");
					finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior = silb;					

				// return the final
				return finalManeuver;


			#region Stay in supra lane

			else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is StayInSupraLaneState)
				// get state
				StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)planningState;

				// check reasoning
				if (this.forwardReasoning == null || !this.forwardReasoning.Lane.Equals(sisls.Lane))
					if (sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnLeft == null)
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
					else if (sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnLeft.Way.Equals(sisls.Lane.Initial.Way))
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

					if (sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnRight == null)
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
					else if (sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnRight.Way.Equals(sisls.Lane.Initial.Way))
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(sisls.Lane.Initial.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);

					this.forwardReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(this.leftLateralReasoning, this.rightLateralReasoning, sisls.Lane);

				// populate navigation with road plan
				taskReasoning.SetSupraRoadPlan(navigationalPlan, sisls.Lane);

				// as penalties for lane changes already taken into account, can just look at
				// best lane plan to figure out what to do
				TypeOfTasks bestTask = taskReasoning.Best;

				// get the forward lane plan
				Maneuver forwardManeuver = forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(sisls.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sisls.WaypointsToIgnore);

				// get hte secondary
				Maneuver? secondaryManeuver = forwardReasoning.AdvancedSecondary(sisls.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, new List<ArbiterWaypoint>(), bestTask);//forwardReasoning.SecondaryManeuver(sisls.Lane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, sisls.WaypointsToIgnore, bestTask);

				// final maneuver
				Maneuver finalManeuver = secondaryManeuver.HasValue ? secondaryManeuver.Value : forwardManeuver;

				// check if stay in lane
				if (false && this.leftLateralReasoning != null && this.leftLateralReasoning is OpposingLateralReasoning && finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior is SupraLaneBehavior)
					SupraLaneBehavior silb = (SupraLaneBehavior)finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior;
					OpposingLateralReasoning olr = (OpposingLateralReasoning)this.leftLateralReasoning;
					olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.Update(olr.lane, vehicleState);
					if (olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle != null)
						ForwardVehicleTrackingControl fvtc = olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.GetControl(olr.lane, vehicleState);
						BehaviorDecorator[] bds = new BehaviorDecorator[finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior.Decorators.Count];
						finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior.Decorators = new List<BehaviorDecorator>(bds);
						silb.Decorators.Add(new OpposingLaneDecorator(fvtc.xSeparation, olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.Speed));
						ArbiterOutput.Output("Added Opposing Lane Decorator: " + fvtc.xSeparation.ToString("F2") + "m, " + olr.ForwardMonitor.ForwardVehicle.CurrentVehicle.Speed.ToString("f2") + "m/s");
					finalManeuver.PrimaryBehavior = silb;

				// return the final
				return finalManeuver;

				// notify
				/*if (secondaryManeuver.HasValue)
					ArbiterOutput.Output("Secondary Maneuver");

				// check for forward's secondary maneuver for desired behavior other than going straight
				if (secondaryManeuver.HasValue)
					// return the secondary maneuver
					return secondaryManeuver.Value;
				// otherwise our default behavior and posibly desired is going straight
					// return default forward maneuver
					return forwardManeuver;


			#region Change Lanes State

			// maneuver given we are changing lanes
			else if (planningState is ChangeLanesState)
				// get state
				ChangeLanesState cls = (ChangeLanesState)planningState;
				LaneChangeReasoning lcr = new LaneChangeReasoning();
				Maneuver final = lcr.PlanLaneChange(cls, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages, new List<ArbiterWaypoint>());
				#warning need to filter through waypoints to ignore so don't get stuck by a stop line
				//Maneuver final = new Maneuver(cls.Resume(vehicleState, vehicleSpeed), cls, cls.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

				// return the final planned maneuver
				return final;

				/*if (!cls.parameters..TargetIsOnComing)
					// check reasoning
					if (this.forwardReasoning == null || !this.forwardReasoning.Lane.Equals(cls.TargetLane))
						if (cls.TargetLane.LaneOnLeft.Way.Equals(cls.TargetLane.Way))
							this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(cls.TargetLane.LaneOnLeft);
							this.leftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(cls.TargetLane.LaneOnLeft);

						if (cls.TargetLane.LaneOnRight.Way.Equals(cls.TargetLane.Way))
							this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(cls.TargetLane.LaneOnRight);
							this.rightLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(cls.TargetLane.LaneOnRight);

						this.forwardReasoning = new ForwardReasoning(this.leftLateralReasoning, this.rightLateralReasoning, cls.TargetLane);

					// get speed command
					double speed;
					double distance;
					this.forwardReasoning.ForwardMonitor.StoppingParams(new ArbiterWaypoint(, null), cls.TargetLane, vehicleState.Front, vehicleState.ENCovariance, out speed, out distance);
					SpeedCommand sc = new ScalarSpeedCommand(Math.Max(speed, 0.0));
					cls.distanceLeft = distance;

					// get behavior
					ChangeLaneBehavior clb = new ChangeLaneBehavior(cls.InitialLane.LaneId, cls.TargetLane.LaneId, cls.InitialLane.LaneOnLeft != null && cls.InitialLane.LaneOnLeft.Equals(cls.TargetLane),
						distance, sc, new List<int>(), cls.InitialLane.PartitionPath, cls.TargetLane.PartitionPath, cls.InitialLane.Width, cls.TargetLane.Width);
					// plan over the target lane
					//Maneuver targetManeuver = forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(cls.TargetLane, vehicleState, !cls.TargetIsOnComing, blockage, cls.InitialLaneState.IgnorableWaypoints);

					// plan over the initial lane
					//Maneuver initialManeuver = forwardReasoning.ForwardManeuver(cls.InitialLane, vehicleState, !cls.InitialIsOncoming, blockage, cls.InitialLaneState.IgnorableWaypoints);

					// generate the change lanes command
					//Maneuver final = laneChangeReasoning.PlanLaneChange(cls, initialManeuver, targetManeuver);
					throw new Exception("Change lanes into oncoming not supported yet by road tactical");


			#region Opposing Lanes State

			// maneuver given we are in an opposing lane
			else if (planningState is OpposingLanesState)
				// get state
				OpposingLanesState ols = (OpposingLanesState)planningState;
				ArbiterWayId opposingWay = ols.OpposingWay;

				ols.ResetLaneAgent = false;

				// check reasoning
				if (this.opposingReasoning == null || !this.opposingReasoning.Lane.Equals(ols.OpposingLane))
					if (ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnRight == null)
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
					else if (!ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnRight.Way.Equals(ols.OpposingLane.Way))
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Driver);
						this.leftLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnRight, SideObstacleSide.Driver);

					if (ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnLeft == null)
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(null, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
					else if (!ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnLeft.Way.Equals(ols.OpposingLane.Way))
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new LateralReasoning(ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);
						this.rightLateralReasoning = new OpposingLateralReasoning(ols.OpposingLane.LaneOnLeft, SideObstacleSide.Passenger);

					this.opposingReasoning = new OpposingReasoning(this.leftLateralReasoning, this.rightLateralReasoning, ols.OpposingLane);

				// get the forward lane plan
				Maneuver forwardManeuver = this.opposingReasoning.ForwardManeuver(ols.OpposingLane, ols.ClosestGoodLane, vehicleState, navigationalPlan, blockages);

				// get the secondary maneuver
				Maneuver? secondaryManeuver = null;
				if(ols.ClosestGoodLane != null)
					secondaryManeuver = this.opposingReasoning.SecondaryManeuver(ols.OpposingLane, ols.ClosestGoodLane, vehicleState, blockages, ols.EntryParameters);

				// check for reasonings secondary maneuver for desired behavior other than going straight
				if (secondaryManeuver != null)
					// return the secondary maneuver
					return secondaryManeuver.Value;
				// otherwise our default behavior and posibly desired is going straight
					// return default forward maneuver
					return forwardManeuver;


			#region not imp
			#region Uturn

			// we are making a uturn
			else if (planningState is uTurnState)
				// get the uturn state
				uTurnState uts = (uTurnState)planningState;

				// get the final lane we wish to be in
				ArbiterLane targetLane = uts.TargetLane;

				// get operational state
				Type operationalBehaviorType = CoreCommon.Communications.GetCurrentOperationalBehavior();

				// check if we have completed the uturn
				bool complete = operationalBehaviorType == typeof(StayInLaneBehavior);

				// default next behavior
				Behavior nextBehavior = new StayInLaneBehavior(targetLane.LaneId, new ScalarSpeedCommand(CoreCommon.OperationalStopSpeed), new List<int>());
				nextBehavior.Decorators = TurnDecorators.NoDecorators;

				// check if complete
				if (complete)
					// stay in lane
					List<ArbiterLaneId> aprioriLanes = new List<ArbiterLaneId>();
					return new Maneuver(nextBehavior, new StayInLaneState(targetLane), null, null, aprioriLanes, true);
				// otherwise keep same
					// set abort behavior
					((StayInLaneBehavior)nextBehavior).SpeedCommand = new ScalarSpeedCommand(0.0);

					// maneuver
					return new Maneuver(uts.DefaultBehavior, uts, nextBehavior, new StayInLaneState(targetLane));



			#region Unknown

			// unknown state
				throw new Exception("Unknown Travel State type: planningState: " + planningState.ToString() + "\n with type: " + planningState.GetType().ToString());

        /// <summary>
        /// Plans the next maneuver
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roads"></param>
        /// <param name="mission"></param>
        /// <param name="vehicleState"></param>
        /// <param name="CoreCommon.CorePlanningState"></param>
        /// <param name="observedVehicles"></param>
        /// <param name="observedObstacles"></param>
        /// <param name="coreState"></param>
        /// <param name="carMode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Maneuver Plan(VehicleState vehicleState, double vehicleSpeed,
            SceneEstimatorTrackedClusterCollection observedVehicles, SceneEstimatorUntrackedClusterCollection observedObstacles,
            CarMode carMode, INavigableNode goal)
            // set blockages
            List<ITacticalBlockage> blockages = this.blockageHandler.DetermineBlockages(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

            #region Travel State

            if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is TravelState)
                #region Stay in Lane State

                if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is StayInLaneState)
                    // get lane state
                    StayInLaneState sils = (StayInLaneState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    #region Blockages

                    // check blockages
                    if (blockages != null && blockages.Count > 0 && blockages[0] is LaneBlockage)
                        // create the blockage state
                        EncounteredBlockageState ebs = new EncounteredBlockageState(blockages[0], CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                        // check not from a dynamicly moving vehicle
                        if (blockages[0].BlockageReport.BlockageType != BlockageType.Dynamic)
                            // go to a blockage handling tactical
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), ebs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane blockage reported for moving vehicle, ignoring");


                    // update the total time ignorable have been seen

                    // nav plan to find poi
                    RoadPlan rp = navigation.PlanNavigableArea(sils.Lane, vehicleState.Position, goal, sils.WaypointsToIgnore);

                    // check for unreachable route
                    if (rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.BestRoute != null &&
                        rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.BestRoute.Count == 0 &&
                        rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.RouteTime >= Double.MaxValue - 1.0)
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Removed Unreachable Checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().CheckpointNumber.ToString());
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    else if (rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.TimeCostToPoint >= Double.MaxValue - 1.0)
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Best Lane Waypoint of Interest is END OF LANE WITH NO INTERCONNECTS, LEADING NOWHERE");
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Removed Unreachable Checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().CheckpointNumber.ToString());
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                    #region Check Supra Lane Availability

                    // if the poi is at the end of this lane, is not stop, leads to another lane, and has no overlapping lanes
                    // or if the poi's best exit is an exit in this lane, is not a stop, has no overlapping lanes and leads to another lane
                    // create supralane

                    // check if navigation is corrent in saying we want to continue on the current lane and we're far enough along the lane, 30m for now
                        // get navigation poi
                        DownstreamPointOfInterest dpoi = rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest;

                        // check that the poi is not stop and is not the current checkpoint
                        if(!dpoi.PointOfInterest.IsStop && !(CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.Equals(dpoi.PointOfInterest.WaypointId)))
                            // get the best exit or the poi
                            ArbiterInterconnect ai = dpoi.BestExit;

                            // check if exit goes into a lane and not a uturn
                            if(ai != null && ai.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint && ai.TurnDirection != ArbiterTurnDirection.UTurn)
                                // final lane or navigation poi interconnect
                                ArbiterLane al = ((ArbiterWaypoint)ai.FinalGeneric).Lane;

                                // check not same lane
                                if (!al.Equals(sils.Lane))
                                    // check if enough room to start
                                    bool enoughRoom = !sils.Lane.Equals(al) || sils.Lane.LanePath(sils.Lane.WaypointList[0].Position, vehicleState.Front).PathLength > 30;
                                    if (enoughRoom)
                                        // try to get intersection associated with the exit
                                        ArbiterIntersection aInter = CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.IntersectionLookup.ContainsKey(dpoi.PointOfInterest.WaypointId) ?
                                            CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.IntersectionLookup[dpoi.PointOfInterest.WaypointId] : null;

                                        // check no intersection or no overlapping lanes
                                        if (aInter == null || !aInter.PriorityLanes.ContainsKey(ai) || aInter.PriorityLanes[ai].Count == 0)
                                            // create the supra lane
                                            SupraLane sl = new SupraLane(sils.Lane, ai, al);

                                            // switch to the supra lane state
                                            StayInSupraLaneState sisls = new StayInSupraLaneState(sl, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                                            // set
                                            return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), sisls, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                    // plan final tactical maneuver
                    Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, rp, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                    // return final maneuver
                    return final;


                #region Stay in Supra Lane State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is StayInSupraLaneState)
                    // state
                    StayInSupraLaneState sisls = (StayInSupraLaneState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    #region Blockages

                    // check blockages
                    if (blockages != null && blockages.Count > 0 && blockages[0] is LaneBlockage)
                        // create the blockage state
                        EncounteredBlockageState ebs = new EncounteredBlockageState(blockages[0], CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                        // check not from a dynamicly moving vehicle
                        if (blockages[0].BlockageReport.BlockageType != BlockageType.Dynamic)
                            // go to a blockage handling tactical
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), ebs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane blockage reported for moving vehicle, ignoring");


                    // check if we are in the final lane
                    if (sisls.Lane.ClosestComponent(vehicleState.Position) == SLComponentType.Final)
                        // go to stay in lane
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), new StayInLaneState(sisls.Lane.Final, sisls), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                    // update ignorable

                    // nav plan to find points
                    RoadPlan rp = navigation.PlanNavigableArea(sisls.Lane, vehicleState.Position, goal, sisls.WaypointsToIgnore);

                    // check for unreachable route
                    if (rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.BestRoute != null &&
                        rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.BestRoute.Count == 0 &&
                        rp.BestPlan.laneWaypointOfInterest.RouteTime >= Double.MaxValue - 1.0)
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Removed Unreachable Checkpoint: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().CheckpointNumber.ToString());
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                    // plan
                    Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, rp, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                    // update current state

                    // return final maneuver
                    return final;


                #region Stopping At Stop State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is StoppingAtStopState)
                    // get state
                    StoppingAtStopState sass = (StoppingAtStopState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // check to see if we're stopped
                    // check if in other lane
                    if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new StayInLaneBehavior(null, null, null)).GetType()))
                        // update intersection monitor
                        if (CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.IntersectionLookup.ContainsKey(sass.waypoint.AreaSubtypeWaypointId))
                            // nav plan
                            IntersectionPlan ip = navigation.PlanIntersection(sass.waypoint, goal);

                            // update intersection monitor
                            this.tactical.Update(observedVehicles, vehicleState);
                            IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = new IntersectionMonitor(
                                vehicleState, ip.BestOption);
                            IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = null;

                        // check if we've hit goal if stop is cp
                        if (sass.waypoint.WaypointId.Equals(CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId))
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Stopped at current goal: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.ToString() + ", Removing");

                            if (CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Count == 0)
                                return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new NoGoalsLeftState(), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                        // move to the intersection
                        IState next = new WaitingAtIntersectionExitState(sass.waypoint, sass.turnDirection, new IntersectionDescription(), sass.desiredExit);
                        Behavior b = new HoldBrakeBehavior();
                        return new Maneuver(b, next, sass.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // otherwise update the stop parameters
                        Behavior b = sass.Resume(vehicleState, vehicleSpeed);
                        return new Maneuver(b, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, sass.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Change Lanes State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is ChangeLanesState)
                    // get state
                    ChangeLanesState cls = (ChangeLanesState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    #region Blockages

                    // check blockages
                    if (blockages != null && blockages.Count > 0 && blockages[0] is LaneChangeBlockage)
                        // create the blockage state
                        EncounteredBlockageState ebs = new EncounteredBlockageState(blockages[0], CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                        // check not from a dynamicly moving vehicle
                        if (blockages[0].BlockageReport.BlockageType != BlockageType.Dynamic)
                            // go to a blockage handling tactical
                            return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), ebs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Lane Change blockage reported for moving vehicle, ignoring");


                    // get a good lane
                    ArbiterLane goodLane = null;
                        goodLane = cls.Parameters.Initial;
                    else if(!cls.Parameters.TargetOncoming)
                        goodLane = cls.Parameters.Target;
                        throw new Exception("not going from or to good lane");

                    // nav plan to find poi
                    #warning make goal better if there is none come to stop
                    RoadPlan rp = navigation.PlanNavigableArea(goodLane, vehicleState.Front,
                        CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId], new List<ArbiterWaypoint>());

                    // check current behavior type
                    bool done = CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new ChangeLaneBehavior(null, null, false, 0, null, null)).GetType());

                    if (done)
                        if (cls.Parameters.TargetOncoming)
                            return new Maneuver(
                                new StayInLaneBehavior(cls.Parameters.Target.LaneId,
                                    new ScalarSpeedCommand(cls.Parameters.Parameters.RecommendedSpeed),
                                    cls.Parameters.Target.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, !cls.Parameters.InitialOncoming),
                                    cls.Parameters.Target.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, !cls.Parameters.InitialOncoming)),
                                new OpposingLanesState(cls.Parameters.Target, true, cls, vehicleState), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                            return new Maneuver(
                                new StayInLaneBehavior(cls.Parameters.Target.LaneId,
                                    new ScalarSpeedCommand(cls.Parameters.Parameters.RecommendedSpeed),
                                    cls.Parameters.Target.NumberOfLanesLeft(vehicleState.Front, !cls.Parameters.InitialOncoming),
                                    cls.Parameters.Target.NumberOfLanesRight(vehicleState.Front, !cls.Parameters.InitialOncoming)),
                                new StayInLaneState(cls.Parameters.Target, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        return tactical.Plan(cls, rp, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);


                #region Opposing Lanes State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is OpposingLanesState)
                    // get state
                    OpposingLanesState ols = (OpposingLanesState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    #region Blockages

                    // check blockages
                    if (blockages != null && blockages.Count > 0 && blockages[0] is OpposingLaneBlockage)
                        // create the blockage state
                        EncounteredBlockageState ebs = new EncounteredBlockageState(blockages[0], CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);

                        // check not from a dynamicly moving vehicle
                        if (blockages[0].BlockageReport.BlockageType != BlockageType.Dynamic)
                            // go to a blockage handling tactical
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), ebs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Opposing Lane blockage reported for moving vehicle, ignoring");


                    // check closest good null
                    if (ols.ClosestGoodLane != null)
                        // nav plan to find poi
                        RoadPlan rp = navigation.PlanNavigableArea(ols.ClosestGoodLane, vehicleState.Position, goal, new List<ArbiterWaypoint>());

                        // plan final tactical maneuver
                        Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, rp, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                        // return final maneuver
                        return final;
                    // otherwise need to make a uturn
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("in opposing lane with no closest good, making a uturn");
                        ArbiterLanePartition alp = ols.OpposingLane.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Front);
                        Coordinates c1 = vehicleState.Front + alp.Vector().Normalize(8.0);
                        Coordinates c2 = vehicleState.Front - alp.Vector().Normalize(8.0);
                        LinePath lpTmp = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] { c1, c2 });
                        List<Coordinates> pCoords = new List<Coordinates>();
                        pCoords.AddRange(lpTmp.ShiftLateral(ols.OpposingLane.Width)); //* 1.5));
                        pCoords.AddRange(lpTmp.ShiftLateral(-ols.OpposingLane.Width));// / 2.0));
                        Polygon uturnPoly = Polygon.GrahamScan(pCoords);
                        uTurnState uts = new uTurnState(ols.OpposingLane, uturnPoly, true);
                        uts.Interconnect = alp.ToInterconnect;

                        // plan final tactical maneuver
                        Maneuver final = new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), uts, TurnDecorators.LeftTurnDecorator, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                        // return final maneuver
                        return final;


                #region Starting up off of chute state

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is StartupOffChuteState)
                    // cast the type
                    StartupOffChuteState socs = (StartupOffChuteState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // check if in lane part of chute
                    if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new TurnBehavior(null, null, null, null, null, null)).GetType()))
                        // go to lane state
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), new StayInLaneState(socs.Final.Lane, new Probability(0.8, 0.2), true, socs), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // otherwise continue
                        // simple maneuver generation
                        TurnBehavior tb = (TurnBehavior)socs.Resume(vehicleState, 1.4);

                        // add bounds to observable
                        CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(tb.LeftBound, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));
                        CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(tb.RightBound, ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.rightBound));

                        // final maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(tb, socs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Unknown

                    // non-handled state
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown state", "CoreCommon.CorePlanningState");



            #region Intersection State

            else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is IntersectionState)
                #region Waiting at Intersection Exit State

                if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is WaitingAtIntersectionExitState)
                    // get state
                    WaitingAtIntersectionExitState waies = (WaitingAtIntersectionExitState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // nav plan
                    IntersectionPlan ip = navigation.PlanIntersection(waies.exitWaypoint, goal);

                    // plan
                    Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(waies, ip, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                    // return final maneuver
                    return final;


                #region Stopping At Exit State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is StoppingAtExitState)
                    // get state
                    StoppingAtExitState saes = (StoppingAtExitState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // check to see if we're stopped
                    if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new StayInLaneBehavior(null, null, null)).GetType()))
                        // check if we've hit goal if stop is cp
                        if (saes.waypoint.WaypointId.Equals(CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId))
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Stopped at current goal: " + CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.ToString() + ", Removing");

                            if (CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Count == 0)
                                return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new NoGoalsLeftState(), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                        // move to the intersection
                        IState next = new WaitingAtIntersectionExitState(saes.waypoint, saes.turnDirection, new IntersectionDescription(), saes.desiredExit);
                        Behavior b = new HoldBrakeBehavior();
                        return new Maneuver(b, next, saes.DefaultStateDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // nav plan
                        IntersectionPlan ip = navigation.PlanIntersection(saes.waypoint, goal);

                        // update the intersection monitor
                        if (CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.IntersectionLookup.ContainsKey(saes.waypoint.AreaSubtypeWaypointId))
                            IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = new IntersectionMonitor(
                                vehicleState, ip.BestOption);
                            IntersectionTactical.IntersectionMonitor = null;

                        // plan final tactical maneuver
                        Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(saes, ip, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                        // return final maneuver
                        return final;


                #region Turn State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is TurnState)
                    // get state
                    TurnState ts = (TurnState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // check if in other lane
                    if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new TurnBehavior(null, null, null, null, null, null)).GetType()))
                        if (ts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                            // get final wp, and if next cp, remove
                            ArbiterWaypoint final = (ArbiterWaypoint)ts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric;
                            if (CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId.Equals(final.AreaSubtypeWaypointId))

                            // stay in target lane
                            IState nextState = new StayInLaneState(ts.TargetLane, new Probability(0.8, 0.2), true, CoreCommon.CorePlanningState);
                            Behavior b = new NullBehavior();
                            return new Maneuver(b, nextState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        else if (ts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric is ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)
                            // stay in target lane
                            IState nextState = new ZoneTravelingState(((ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)ts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric).Perimeter.Zone, (INavigableNode)ts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric);
                            Behavior b = new NullBehavior();
                            return new Maneuver(b, nextState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                            throw new Exception("unhandled unterconnect final wp type");

                    // get interconnect
                    if (ts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric is ArbiterWaypoint)
                        // nav plan
                        IntersectionPlan ip = navigation.PlanIntersection((ITraversableWaypoint)ts.Interconnect.InitialGeneric, goal);

                        // plan
                        Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, ip, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                        // return final maneuver
                        return final;
                    // else to zone
                    else if (ts.Interconnect.FinalGeneric is ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)
                        // plan
                        Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, null, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                        // return final maneuver
                        return final;
                        throw new Exception("method not imp");


                #region uTurn State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is uTurnState)
                    // get state
                    uTurnState uts = (uTurnState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // plan over the target segment, ignoring the initial waypoint of the target lane
                    ArbiterWaypoint initial = uts.TargetLane.GetClosestPartition(vehicleState.Position).Initial;
                    List<ArbiterWaypoint> iws = RoadToolkit.WaypointsClose(initial.Lane.Way, vehicleState.Front, initial);
                    RoadPlan rp = navigation.PlanRoads(uts.TargetLane, vehicleState.Front, goal, iws);

                    // plan
                    Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, rp, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                    // return final maneuver
                    return final;


                #region Intersection Startup State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is IntersectionStartupState)
                    // get startup state
                    IntersectionStartupState iss = (IntersectionStartupState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // get intersection
                    ArbiterIntersection ai = iss.Intersection;

                    // get plan
                    IEnumerable<ITraversableWaypoint> entries = ai.AllEntries.Values;
                    IntersectionStartupPlan isp = navigation.PlanIntersectionStartup(entries, goal);

                    // plan tac
                    Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(iss, isp, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                    // return
                    return final;


                #region Unknown

                    // non-handled state
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown state", "CoreCommon.CorePlanningState");



            #region Zone State

            else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is ZoneState)
                #region Zone Travelling State

                if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is ZoneTravelingState)
                    // set state
                    ZoneTravelingState zts = (ZoneTravelingState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // check to see if we're stopped
                    if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new ZoneTravelingBehavior(null, null, new Polygon[0], null, null, null, null)).GetType()))
                        // plan over state and zone
                        ZonePlan zp = this.navigation.PlanZone(zts.Zone, zts.Start, CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId]);

                        if (zp.ZoneGoal is ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint)
                            // move to parking state
                            ParkingState ps = new ParkingState(zp.Zone, ((ArbiterParkingSpotWaypoint)zp.ZoneGoal).ParkingSpot);
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), ps, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);

                        else if(zp.ZoneGoal is ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)
                            // get plan
                            IntersectionPlan ip = navigation.GetIntersectionExitPlan((ITraversableWaypoint)zp.ZoneGoal, goal);

                            // move to exit
                            WaitingAtIntersectionExitState waies = new WaitingAtIntersectionExitState((ITraversableWaypoint)zp.ZoneGoal, ip.BestOption.ToInterconnect.TurnDirection, new IntersectionDescription(), ip.BestOption.ToInterconnect);
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), waies, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // plan over state and zone
                        ZonePlan zp = this.navigation.PlanZone(zts.Zone, zts.Start, CoreCommon.RoadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints[CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().WaypointId]);

                        // plan
                        Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, zp, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                        // return final maneuver
                        return final;


                #region Parking State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is ParkingState)
                    // set state
                    ParkingState ps = (ParkingState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // check to see if we're stopped
                    if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new ZoneParkingBehavior(null, null, new Polygon[0], null, null, null, null, null, 0.0)).GetType()))
                        if (ps.ParkingSpot.Checkpoint.CheckpointId.Equals(CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Peek().CheckpointNumber))
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Reached Goal, cp: " + ps.ParkingSpot.Checkpoint.CheckpointId.ToString());

                        // pull out of the space
                        PullingOutState pos = new PullingOutState(ps.Zone, ps.ParkingSpot);
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), pos, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // plan
                        Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, null, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                        // return final maneuver
                        return final;


                #region Pulling Out State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is PullingOutState)
                    // set state
                    PullingOutState pos = (PullingOutState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // plan over state and zone
                    ZonePlan zp = this.navigation.PlanZone(pos.Zone, pos.ParkingSpot.Checkpoint, goal);

                    // check to see if we're stopped
                    if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new ZoneParkingPullOutBehavior(null, null, new Polygon[0], null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)).GetType()))
                        // maneuver to next place to go
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new ZoneTravelingState(pos.Zone, pos.ParkingSpot.Checkpoint), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // plan
                        Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, zp, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                        // return final maneuver
                        return final;


                #region Zone Startup State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is ZoneStartupState)
                    // feed through the plan from the zone tactical
                    Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, null, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                    // return final maneuver
                    return final;


                #region Zone Orientation

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is ZoneOrientationState)
                    ZoneOrientationState zos = (ZoneOrientationState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // add bounds to observable
                    LinePath lp = new LinePath(new Coordinates[] {, });
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(lp.ShiftLateral(TahoeParams.T), ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.leftBound));
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.DisplayObjects.Add(new ArbiterInformationDisplayObject(lp.ShiftLateral(-TahoeParams.T), ArbiterInformationDisplayObjectType.rightBound));

                    // check to see if we're stopped
                    //if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new UTurnBehavior(null, null, null, null)).GetType()))
                        // maneuver to next place to go
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new ZoneTravelingState(zos.Zone,, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // not stopped doing hte maneuver
                    //	return new Maneuver(zos.Resume(vehicleState, 1.4), zos, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Unknown

                    // non-handled state
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown state", "CoreCommon.CorePlanningState");



            #region Other State

            else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is OtherState)
                #region Start Up State

                if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is StartUpState)
                    // get state
                    StartUpState sus = (StartUpState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // make a new startup agent
                    StartupReasoning sr = new StartupReasoning(this.laneAgent);

                    // get final state
                    IState nextState = sr.Startup(vehicleState, carMode);

                    // return no op ad zero all decorators
                    Behavior nextBehavior = sus.Resume(vehicleState, vehicleSpeed);

                    // return maneuver
                    return new Maneuver(nextBehavior, nextState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Paused State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is PausedState)
                    // if switch back to run
                    if (carMode == CarMode.Run)
                        // get state
                        PausedState ps = (PausedState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                        // get what we were previously doing
                        IState previousState = ps.PreviousState();

                        // check if can resume
                        if (previousState != null && previousState.CanResume())
                            // resume state is next
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new ResumeState(previousState), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // otherwise go to startup
                            // next state is startup
                            IState nextState = new StartUpState();

                            // return no op
                            Behavior nextBehavior = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                            // return maneuver
                            return new Maneuver(nextBehavior, nextState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // otherwise stay stopped
                        // stay stopped and paused
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Human State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is HumanState)
                    // change to startup
                    if (carMode == CarMode.Run)
                        // next is startup
                        IState next = new StartUpState();

                        // next behavior just stay iin place for now
                        Behavior behavior = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                        // return startup maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(behavior, next, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // in human mode still
                        // want to remove old behavior stuff
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Resume State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is ResumeState)
                    // get state
                    ResumeState rs = (ResumeState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // make sure can resume (this is simple action)
                    if (rs.StateToResume != null && rs.StateToResume.CanResume())
                        // return old behavior
                        Behavior nextBehavior = rs.Resume(vehicleState, vehicleSpeed);

                        // return maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(nextBehavior, rs.StateToResume, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // otherwise just startup
                        // startup
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new StartUpState(), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region No Goals Left State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is NoGoalsLeftState)
                    // check if goals available
                    if (CoreCommon.Mission.MissionCheckpoints.Count > 0)
                        // startup
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), new StartUpState(), TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                        // stay paused
                        return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region eStopped State

                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is eStoppedState)
                    // change to startup
                    if (carMode == CarMode.Run)
                        // next is startup
                        IState next = new StartUpState();

                        // next behavior just stay iin place for now
                        Behavior behavior = new HoldBrakeBehavior();

                        // return startup maneuver
                        return new Maneuver(behavior, next, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                    // in human mode still
                        // want to remove old behavior stuff
                        return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), CoreCommon.CorePlanningState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                #region Unknown

                    // non-handled state
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown OtherState type", "CoreCommon.CorePlanningState");



            #region Blockage State

            else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is BlockageState)
                #region Blockage State

                // something is blocked, in the encountered state we want to filter to base components of state
                if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is EncounteredBlockageState)
                    // cast blockage state
                    EncounteredBlockageState bs = (EncounteredBlockageState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    // plan through the blockage state with no road plan as just a quick filter
                    Maneuver final = tactical.Plan(bs, null, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                    // return the final maneuver
                    return final;


                #region Blockage Recovery State

                // recover from blockages
                else if (CoreCommon.CorePlanningState is BlockageRecoveryState)
                    // get the blockage recovery state
                    BlockageRecoveryState brs = (BlockageRecoveryState)CoreCommon.CorePlanningState;

                    #region Check Various Statuses of Completion

                    // check successful completion report of behavior
                    if (brs.RecoveryBehavior != null && CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted(brs.RecoveryBehavior.GetType()))
                        // set updated status
                        ArbiterOutput.Output("Successfully received completion of behavior: " + brs.RecoveryBehavior.ToShortString() + ", " + brs.RecoveryBehavior.ShortBehaviorInformation());
                        brs.RecoveryStatus = BlockageRecoverySTATUS.COMPLETED;

                        // move to the tactical plan
                        return this.tactical.Plan(brs, null, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);
                    // check operational startup
                    else if (CoreCommon.Communications.HasCompleted((new OperationalStartupBehavior()).GetType()))
                        // check defcon types
                        if (brs.Defcon == BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.REVERSE)
                            // abort maneuver as operational has no state information
                            return new Maneuver(new NullBehavior(), brs.AbortState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                    #region Information

                    // set recovery information
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.FQMState = brs.EncounteredState.ShortDescription();
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.FQMStateInfo = brs.EncounteredState.StateInformation();
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.FQMBehavior = brs.RecoveryBehavior != null ? brs.RecoveryBehavior.ToShortString() : "NONE";
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.FQMBehaviorInfo = brs.RecoveryBehavior != null ? brs.RecoveryBehavior.ShortBehaviorInformation() : "NONE";
                    CoreCommon.CurrentInformation.FQMSpeed = brs.RecoveryBehavior != null ? brs.RecoveryBehavior.SpeedCommandString() : "NONE";


                    #region Blocked

                    if (brs.RecoveryStatus == BlockageRecoverySTATUS.BLOCKED)
                        if (brs.RecoveryBehavior is ChangeLaneBehavior)
                            brs.RecoveryStatus = BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED;
                            brs.Defcon = BlockageRecoveryDEFCON.CHANGELANES_FORWARD;
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), brs, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);
                            ArbiterOutput.Output("Recovery behavior blocked, reverting to abort state: " + brs.AbortState.ToString());
                            return new Maneuver(new HoldBrakeBehavior(), brs.AbortState, TurnDecorators.NoDecorators, vehicleState.Timestamp);


                    #region Navigational Plan

                    // set navigational plan
                    INavigationalPlan navPlan = null;

                    #region Encountered

                    // blockage
                    if (brs.RecoveryStatus == BlockageRecoverySTATUS.ENCOUNTERED)
                        // get state
                        if (brs.AbortState is StayInLaneState)
                            // lane state
                            StayInLaneState sils = (StayInLaneState)brs.AbortState;
                            navPlan = navigation.PlanNavigableArea(sils.Lane, vehicleState.Position, goal, sils.WaypointsToIgnore);


                    #region Completion

                    // blockage
                    if (brs.RecoveryStatus == BlockageRecoverySTATUS.COMPLETED)
                        // get state
                        if (brs.CompletionState is StayInLaneState)
                            // lane state
                            StayInLaneState sils = (StayInLaneState)brs.CompletionState;
                            navPlan = navigation.PlanNavigableArea(sils.Lane, vehicleState.Position, goal, sils.WaypointsToIgnore);



                    // move to the tactical plan
                    Maneuver final = this.tactical.Plan(brs, navPlan, vehicleState, observedVehicles, observedObstacles, blockages, vehicleSpeed);

                    // return the final maneuver
                    return final;



            #region Unknown

                // non-handled state
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown state", "CoreCommon.CorePlanningState");

            // for now, return null
            return new Maneuver();
