Exemplo n.º 1
        Future <string> join(string separator = "")
            _Future                result       = new _Future();
            StringBuilder          buffer       = new StringBuilder();
            StreamSubscription <T> subscription = null;
            bool first = true;

            subscription = listen(
                (T element) => {
                if (!first)

                first = false;
                try {
                catch (Exception e) {
                    _stream._cancelAndErrorWithReplacement(subscription, result, e);
                onError: (e, _) => result._completeError((Exception)e),
                onDone: () => { result._complete(buffer.ToString()); },
                cancelOnError: true);
            return(result.to <string>());
Exemplo n.º 2
        Future <S> fold <S>(S initialValue, Func <S, T, S> combine)
            _Future result = new _Future();
            S       value  = initialValue;
            StreamSubscription <T> subscription = null;

            subscription = listen(
                (T element) => {
                _stream._runUserCode(() => combine(value, element), (S newValue) => { value = newValue; },
                                     e => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result)(e));
                onError: (e, s) => result._completeError((Exception)e),
                onDone: () => { result._complete(FutureOr.value(value)); },
                cancelOnError: true);
            return(result.to <S>());
Exemplo n.º 3
        Future <bool> contains(object needle)
            _Future future = new _Future();
            StreamSubscription <T> subscription = null;

            subscription = listen(
                (T element) => {
                _stream._runUserCode(() => (Equals(element, needle)), (bool isMatch) => {
                    if (isMatch)
                        _stream._cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true);
                }, (e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)(e));
                onError: (e, _) => future._completeError((Exception)e),
                onDone: () => { future._complete(false); },
                cancelOnError: true);
            return(future.to <bool>());
Exemplo n.º 4
        Future <T> reduce(Func <T, T, T> combine)
            _Future result    = new _Future();
            bool    seenFirst = false;
            T       value     = default;
            StreamSubscription <T> subscription = null;

            subscription = listen(
                (T element) => {
                if (seenFirst)
                    _stream._runUserCode(() => combine(value, element), (T newValue) => { value = newValue; },
                                         onError: (e) => _stream._cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result)(e));
                    value     = element;
                    seenFirst = true;
                onError: (e, s) => result._completeError((Exception)e),
                onDone: () => {
                if (!seenFirst)
                    try {
                        // Throw and recatch, instead of just doing
                        //  _completeWithErrorCallback, e, theError, StackTrace.current),
                        // to ensure that the stackTrace is set on the error.
                        throw new Exception("IterableElementError.noElement()");
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        async_._completeWithErrorCallback(result, e);
                    // TODO: need check
                cancelOnError: true);
            return(result.to <T>());