Exemplo n.º 1
        private Assembly GetModelsAssembly(bool forceRebuild)
            var modelsDirectory = UmbracoConfig.For.ModelsBuilder().ModelsDirectory;

            if (!Directory.Exists(modelsDirectory))

            // must filter out *.generated.cs because we haven't deleted them yet!
            var ourFiles = Directory.Exists(modelsDirectory)
                ? Directory.GetFiles(modelsDirectory, "*.cs")
                           .Where(x => !x.EndsWith(".generated.cs"))
                           .ToDictionary(x => x, File.ReadAllText)
                : new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var umbraco        = Application.GetApplication();
            var typeModels     = umbraco.GetAllTypes();
            var currentHash    = HashHelper.Hash(ourFiles, typeModels);
            var modelsHashFile = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "models.hash");
            var modelsSrcFile  = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "models.generated.cs");
            var projFile       = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "all.generated.cs");

            // caching the generated models speeds up booting
            // if you change your own partials, delete the .generated.cs file to force a rebuild

            if (!forceRebuild)
                _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Looking for cached models.");
                if (File.Exists(modelsHashFile) && File.Exists(projFile))
                    var cachedHash = File.ReadAllText(modelsHashFile);
                    if (currentHash != cachedHash)
                        _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Found obsolete cached models.");
                        forceRebuild = true;
                    _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Could not find cached models.");
                    forceRebuild = true;

            if (forceRebuild == false)
                _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Loading cached models.");

                // mmust reset the version in the file else it would keep growing
                // loading cached modules only happens when the app restarts
                var text  = File.ReadAllText(projFile);
                var match = AssemblyVersionRegex.Match(text);
                if (match.Success)
                    text = text.Replace(match.Value, "AssemblyVersion(\"0.0.0." + _ver + "\")");
                    File.WriteAllText(projFile, text);

                // generate a marker file that will be a dependency
                // see note in RazorBuildProvider_CodeGenerationStarted
                // NO: using all.generated.cs as a dependency
                //File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "models.dep"), "VER:" + _ver);


            // need to rebuild
            _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Rebuilding models.");

            // generate code, save
            var code = GenerateModelsCode(ourFiles, typeModels);

            // add extra attributes,
            //  PureLiveAssembly helps identifying Assemblies that contain PureLive models
            //  AssemblyVersion is so that we have a different version for each rebuild
            code = code.Replace("//ASSATTR", $@"[assembly: PureLiveAssembly]
[assembly:ModelsBuilderAssembly(PureLive = true, SourceHash = ""{currentHash}"")]
            File.WriteAllText(modelsSrcFile, code);

            // generate proj, save
            ourFiles["models.generated.cs"] = code;
            var proj = GenerateModelsProj(ourFiles);

            File.WriteAllText(projFile, proj);

            // compile and register
            var assembly = BuildManager.GetCompiledAssembly(ProjVirt);

            // assuming we can write and it's not going to cause exceptions...
            File.WriteAllText(modelsHashFile, currentHash);

            _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Done rebuilding.");
        private Assembly GetModelsAssembly(bool forceRebuild)
            var modelsDirectory = UmbracoConfig.For.ModelsBuilder().ModelsDirectory;

            if (!Directory.Exists(modelsDirectory))

            // must filter out *.generated.cs because we haven't deleted them yet!
            var ourFiles = Directory.Exists(modelsDirectory)
                ? Directory.GetFiles(modelsDirectory, "*.cs")
                           .Where(x => !x.EndsWith(".generated.cs"))
                           .ToDictionary(x => x, File.ReadAllText)
                : new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var umbraco        = Application.GetApplication();
            var typeModels     = umbraco.GetAllTypes();
            var currentHash    = HashHelper.Hash(ourFiles, typeModels);
            var modelsHashFile = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "models.hash");
            var modelsSrcFile  = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "models.generated.cs");
            var projFile       = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "all.generated.cs");
            var dllPathFile    = Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "all.dll.path");

            // caching the generated models speeds up booting
            // currentHash hashes both the types & the user's partials

            if (!forceRebuild)
                _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Looking for cached models.");
                if (File.Exists(modelsHashFile) && File.Exists(projFile))
                    var cachedHash = File.ReadAllText(modelsHashFile);
                    if (currentHash != cachedHash)
                        _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Found obsolete cached models.");
                        forceRebuild = true;

                    // else cachedHash matches currentHash, we can try to load an existing dll
                    _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Could not find cached models.");
                    forceRebuild = true;

            Assembly assembly;

            if (!forceRebuild)
                // try to load the dll directly (avoid rebuilding)
                // ensure that the .dll file does not have a corresponding .dll.delete file
                // as that would mean the the .dll file is going to be deleted and should not
                // be re-used - that should not happen in theory, but better be safe
                // ensure that the .dll file is in the curreng codegen directory - when IIS
                // or Express does a full restart, it can switch to an entirely new codegen
                // directory, and then we end up referencing a dll which is *not* in that
                // directory, and BuildManager fails to instanciate views ("the view found
                // at ... was not created").
                if (File.Exists(dllPathFile))
                    var dllPath = File.ReadAllText(dllPathFile);
                    var codegen = HttpRuntime.CodegenDir;

                    _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>($"Cached models dll at {dllPath}.");

                    if (File.Exists(dllPath) && !File.Exists(dllPath + ".delete") && dllPath.StartsWith(codegen))
                        assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(dllPath);
                        var attr = assembly.GetCustomAttribute <ModelsBuilderAssemblyAttribute>();
                        if (attr != null && attr.PureLive && attr.SourceHash == currentHash)
                            // if we were to resume at that revision, then _ver would keep increasing
                            // and that is probably a bad idea - so, we'll always rebuild starting at
                            // ver 1, but we remember we want to skip that one - so we never end up
                            // with the "same but different" version of the assembly in memory
                            _skipver = assembly.GetName().Version.Revision;

                            _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Loading cached models (dll).");

                        _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Cached models dll cannot be loaded (invalid assembly).");
                    else if (!File.Exists(dllPath))
                        _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Cached models dll does not exist.");
                    else if (File.Exists(dllPath + ".delete"))
                        _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Cached models dll is marked for deletion.");
                    else if (!dllPath.StartsWith(codegen))
                        _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Cached models dll is in a different codegen directory.");
                        _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Cached models dll cannot be loaded (why?).");

                // must reset the version in the file else it would keep growing
                // loading cached modules only happens when the app restarts
                var text  = File.ReadAllText(projFile);
                var match = AssemblyVersionRegex.Match(text);
                if (match.Success)
                    text = text.Replace(match.Value, "AssemblyVersion(\"0.0.0." + _ver + "\")");
                    File.WriteAllText(projFile, text);

                // generate a marker file that will be a dependency
                // see note in RazorBuildProvider_CodeGenerationStarted
                // NO: using all.generated.cs as a dependency
                //File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(modelsDirectory, "models.dep"), "VER:" + _ver);

                    assembly = BuildManager.GetCompiledAssembly(ProjVirt);
                    File.WriteAllText(dllPathFile, assembly.Location);
                    _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Failed to compile.");

                    // the dll file reference still points to the previous dll, which is obsolete
                    // now and will be deleted by ASP.NET eventually, so better clear that reference.
                    // also touch the proj file to force views to recompile - don't delete as it's
                    // useful to have the source around for debuggin.
                        if (File.Exists(dllPathFile))
                        if (File.Exists(modelsHashFile))
                        if (File.Exists(projFile))
                            File.SetLastWriteTime(projFile, DateTime.Now);
                    catch { /* enough */ }

                _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Loading cached models (source).");

            // need to rebuild
            _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Rebuilding models.");

            // generate code, save
            var code = GenerateModelsCode(ourFiles, typeModels);
            // add extra attributes,
            //  PureLiveAssembly helps identifying Assemblies that contain PureLive models
            //  AssemblyVersion is so that we have a different version for each rebuild
            var ver = _ver == _skipver ? ++_ver : _ver;

            code = code.Replace("//ASSATTR", $@"[assembly: PureLiveAssembly]
[assembly:ModelsBuilderAssembly(PureLive = true, SourceHash = ""{currentHash}"")]
            File.WriteAllText(modelsSrcFile, code);

            // generate proj, save
            ourFiles["models.generated.cs"] = code;
            var proj = GenerateModelsProj(ourFiles);

            File.WriteAllText(projFile, proj);

            // compile and register
                assembly = BuildManager.GetCompiledAssembly(ProjVirt);
                File.WriteAllText(dllPathFile, assembly.Location);
                File.WriteAllText(modelsHashFile, currentHash);
                _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Failed to compile.");

                // the dll file reference still points to the previous dll, which is obsolete
                // now and will be deleted by ASP.NET eventually, so better clear that reference.
                // also touch the proj file to force views to recompile - don't delete as it's
                // useful to have the source around for debuggin.
                    if (File.Exists(dllPathFile))
                    if (File.Exists(modelsHashFile))
                    if (File.Exists(projFile))
                        File.SetLastWriteTime(projFile, DateTime.Now);
                catch { /* enough */ }

            _logger.Logger.Debug <PureLiveModelFactory>("Done rebuilding.");