Exemplo n.º 1
        private static dynamic BooleanConstructor(this JS js, dynamic value)
            dynamic b = new JSObject();
            b.JSTypeName = "Boolean";

            // Set up prototype
            dynamic p = new JSObject();
            b.Prototype = b.GetPrototype(p);

            // Calculate the primitive value
            bool _primitiveValue = true; //default to true and only set to false when needed
            dynamic v = (value is JSObject && !(value is JSUndefined || value is JSNaN)) ? value.valueOf() : value;
            if (v == null ||
                (v is String && (v == "" || v == "false")) ||
                (v is Boolean && v == false) ||
                ((v is Int32 || v is Int64 || v is Int16) && v == 0) ||
                v is JSNaN ||
                v is JSUndefined)
                _primitiveValue = false;

            // Set up instance items
            b.valueOf = new Func<bool>(() => _primitiveValue);
            b.toString = new Func<string>(() => _primitiveValue ? "true" : "false"); //Consider using String() here

            return b;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static dynamic StringConstructor(this JS js, dynamic value)
            dynamic s = new JSObject();
            s.JSTypeName = "String";

            // Set up the prototype first
            dynamic p = new JSObject();
            s.Prototype = s.GetPrototype(p);

            // Set up the instance behavior
            var _primitiveValue = (value == null) ? null : (value is JSObject && JS.cs.Boolean(value.toString as string)) ? value.toString() : value.ToString();

            s.toString = s.valueOf = new Func<string>(() => _primitiveValue);

            return s;