Exemplo n.º 1
        public void AddProgramToFirewallFact()
            // Arrange
            var mockProcessRunner = new Mock<IProcessRunner>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            mockProcessRunner.Setup(m => m.Start(It.Is<Process>(
                                    p => p.StartInfo.FileName == "netsh.exe" && p.StartInfo.Arguments == @"firewall add allowedprogram ""mytool.exe"" TestEasyTool enable")))
            mockProcessRunner.Setup(m => m.WaitForExit(It.Is<Process>(
                                    p => p.StartInfo.FileName == "netsh.exe" && p.StartInfo.Arguments == @"firewall add allowedprogram ""mytool.exe"" TestEasyTool enable"), 60000))

            // Act     
            // Assert  
            var helper = new FirewallHelper(mockProcessRunner.Object);
            helper.AddProgramToFirewall("mytool.exe", "TestEasyTool");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void AddPortToFirewallFact()
            // Arrange
            var mockProcessRunner = new Mock<IProcessRunner>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            mockProcessRunner.Setup(m => m.Start(It.Is<Process>(
                                    p => p.StartInfo.FileName == "netsh.exe" && p.StartInfo.Arguments == @"firewall add portopening tcp 444 TestEasyTool")))
            mockProcessRunner.Setup(m => m.WaitForExit(It.Is<Process>(
                                    p => p.StartInfo.FileName == "netsh.exe" && p.StartInfo.Arguments == @"firewall add portopening tcp 444 TestEasyTool"), 60000))

            // Act     
            // Assert  
            var helper = new FirewallHelper(mockProcessRunner.Object);
            helper.AddPortToFirewall(444, "TestEasyTool");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Try to download tools from (if they don't exist):
        ///         - the path in the tool element in the configuration corresponding to tool name
        ///         - default tools path specified in tools defaultRemoteToolsPath=""
        ///     and copies it into tools defaultLocalToolsPath="" 
        /// </summary>
        public string DownloadTool(
            string toolName,
            string sourcePath = "",
            string targetPath = "",
            bool addToFirewall = false)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(toolName);

            // set default values
            sourcePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath)
                            ? TestEasyConfig.Instance.Tools.DefaultRemoteToolsPath
                            : sourcePath;

            targetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath)
                            ? TestEasyConfig.Instance.Tools.DefaultLocalToolsPath
                            : targetPath;

            // see if tool is registered in config and get config's path
            var toolElement = TestEasyConfig.Instance.Tools.Tools[toolName.ToLowerInvariant()];
            toolName = toolElement != null ? toolElement.Path : toolName;

            if (FileSystem.FileExists(toolName))
                // if tool path is provided, then use it instead of default tools path 
                sourcePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(toolName) ?? "";

            toolName = Path.GetFileName(toolName) ?? toolName;

            // prepare target path
            var currentDirectory = FileSystem.GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory();
            targetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath) ? currentDirectory : EnvironmentSystem.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(targetPath);

            if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(targetPath))

            var fullPathSource = Path.Combine(sourcePath, toolName);
            var fullPathTarget = Path.Combine(targetPath, toolName);

            // if tool was not copied before - copy it
            if (!FileSystem.FileExists(fullPathTarget) || WasFileModified(fullPathSource, fullPathTarget))
                if (!FileSystem.FileExists(fullPathSource))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(
                            "Tool '{0}' was not found and can not be copied to current folder. Please make sure path '{1}' exists or use another Browser to work around.",
                            toolName, sourcePath));

                FileSystem.FileCopy(fullPathSource, fullPathTarget, true);

                if (addToFirewall)
                    var firewallHelper = new FirewallHelper(ProcessRunner);
                    firewallHelper.AddProgramToFirewall(fullPathTarget, "TestEasyTool");

            return fullPathTarget;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Try to download tools from (if they don't exist):
        ///         - the path in the tool element in the configuration corresponding to tool name
        ///         - default tools path specified in tools defaultRemoteToolsPath=""
        ///     and copies it into tools defaultLocalToolsPath=""
        /// </summary>
        public string DownloadTool(
            string toolName,
            string sourcePath  = "",
            string targetPath  = "",
            bool addToFirewall = false)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(toolName);

            // set default values
            sourcePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath)
                            ? TestEasyConfig.Instance.Tools.DefaultRemoteToolsPath
                            : sourcePath;

            targetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath)
                            ? TestEasyConfig.Instance.Tools.DefaultLocalToolsPath
                            : targetPath;

            // see if tool is registered in config and get config's path
            var toolElement = TestEasyConfig.Instance.Tools.Tools[toolName.ToLowerInvariant()];

            toolName = toolElement != null ? toolElement.Path : toolName;

            if (FileSystem.FileExists(toolName))
                // if tool path is provided, then use it instead of default tools path
                sourcePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(toolName) ?? "";

            toolName = Path.GetFileName(toolName) ?? toolName;

            // prepare target path
            var currentDirectory = FileSystem.GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory();

            targetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath) ? currentDirectory : EnvironmentSystem.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(targetPath);

            if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(targetPath))

            var fullPathSource = Path.Combine(sourcePath, toolName);
            var fullPathTarget = Path.Combine(targetPath, toolName);

            // if tool was not copied before - copy it
            if (!FileSystem.FileExists(fullPathTarget) || WasFileModified(fullPathSource, fullPathTarget))
                if (!FileSystem.FileExists(fullPathSource))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(
                                  "Tool '{0}' was not found and can not be copied to current folder. Please make sure path '{1}' exists or use another Browser to work around.",
                                  toolName, sourcePath));

                FileSystem.FileCopy(fullPathSource, fullPathTarget, true);

                if (addToFirewall)
                    var firewallHelper = new FirewallHelper(ProcessRunner);
                    firewallHelper.AddProgramToFirewall(fullPathTarget, "TestEasyTool");
