Exemplo n.º 1
 private void OnPositionChangedForeground(object sender, CustomPositionChangedEventArgs args)
     IGPSTracker senderTracker = sender as IGPSTracker;
     double? argSpeed = args.Speed;
     if (argSpeed.HasValue)
         double speed = (double) argSpeed;
         //speed is NaN if connection is weak
         bool connectionIsWeak = double.IsNaN(speed);
         double totalPeriodCosts = 0;
         if (!connectionIsWeak)
             //Ignore very small speeds which usually aren't resulted by driving
             if (speed < 1)
                 speed = 0;
             //Calculate distances
             // ReSharper disable once PossibleLossOfFraction
             if (senderTracker != null)
                 _periodDistanceKm += (speed * (senderTracker.Interval / 1000)) / 1000;
             //unit of interval is millisecond
             _totalDistKm += _periodDistanceKm;
             totalPeriodCosts = _periodDistanceKm * CostsPerKm;
             //reset period distance because cost of it is added to users' bill
             _periodDistanceKm = 0;
         //Raise BillsChangedEvent via dispatcher
         if (BillsChanged != null)
             Action action =
                         new BillsChangedEventArgs(totalPeriodCosts, speed, _totalDistKm, connectionIsWeak));
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void OnPositionChangedBackground(object sender, CustomPositionChangedEventArgs args)
     //muutokset tulee tallentaa säännöllisesti siltä varalta, että käyttäjä
     //ei palaa enää ohjelmaan. Päivitysväli on yksi kaksi minuuttia
     if(_backgroundUpdateCounter >= 60)
         _backgroundUpdateCounter = 0;
         OnPositionChangedForeground(sender, args);
         double? argSpeed = args.Speed;
         if (argSpeed.HasValue)
             double speed = (double)argSpeed;
             if (!double.IsNaN(speed))
                 // ReSharper disable once PossibleLossOfFraction
                 double distKm = (speed * (_gpsTracker.Interval / 1000)) / 1000; //interval is milliseconds
                                                                                 //increase period distance so it can be added to users' bill when app is on foreground
                 _periodDistanceKm += distKm;