Exemplo n.º 1
        public TVDoc([CanBeNull] FileInfo settingsFile, CommandLineArgs args)
            Args = args;

            Library         = new ShowLibrary();
            CurrentStats    = new TVRenameStats();
            actionManager   = new ActionEngine(CurrentStats);
            cacheManager    = new CacheUpdater();
            localFinders    = new FindMissingEpisodesLocally(this);
            downloadFinders = new FindMissingEpisodesDownloading(this);
            searchFinders   = new FindMissingEpisodesSearch(this);

            mDirty        = false;
            TheActionList = new ItemList();

            scanProgDlg = null;

            downloadIdentifiers = new DownloadIdentifiersController();

            LoadOk = (settingsFile is null || LoadXMLSettings(settingsFile)) && TheTVDB.Instance.LoadOk;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public RenameAndMissingMovieCheck(TVDoc doc) : base(doc)
     downloadIdentifiers = new DownloadIdentifiersController();
Exemplo n.º 3
        private bool ReviewFile(ItemMissing me, ItemList addTo, DirCacheEntry dce)
            if (ActionCancel)

            int  season  = me.Episode.AppropriateSeasonNumber;
            int  epnum   = me.Episode.AppropriateEpNum;
            bool matched = false;

                if (FileHelper.IgnoreFile(dce.TheFile))

                //do any of the possible names for the series match the filename?
                matched = (me.Episode.Show.GetSimplifiedPossibleShowNames()
                           .Any(name => FileHelper.SimplifyAndCheckFilename(dce.SimplifiedFullName, name)));

                if (matched)
                    bool regularMatch = TVDoc.FindSeasEp(dce.TheFile, out int seasF, out int epF, out int maxEp, me.Episode.Show) &&
                                        seasF == season &&
                                        epF == epnum;

                    bool sequentialMatch = me.Episode.Show.UseSequentialMatch &&
                                           TVDoc.MatchesSequentialNumber(dce.TheFile.Name, ref seasF, ref epF, me.Episode) &&
                                           seasF == season &&
                                           epF == epnum;

                    if (regularMatch || sequentialMatch)
                        if (maxEp != -1 && TVSettings.Instance.AutoMergeDownloadEpisodes)
                            ShowRule sr = new ShowRule
                                DoWhatNow = RuleAction.kMerge,
                                First     = epF,
                                Second    = maxEp
                            me.Episode.Show?.AddSeasonRule(seasF, sr);

                                $"Looking at {me.Episode.Show.ShowName} and have identified that episode {epF} and {maxEp} of season {seasF} have been merged into one file {dce.TheFile.FullName}");
                            LOGGER.Info($"Added new rule automatically for {sr}");

                            //Regenerate the episodes with the new rule added

                            //Get the newly created processed episode we are after
                            // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
                            ProcessedEpisode newPE = me.Episode;
                            foreach (ProcessedEpisode pe in me.Episode.Show.SeasonEpisodes[seasF])
                                if (pe.AppropriateEpNum == epF && pe.EpNum2 == maxEp)
                                    newPE = pe;

                            me = new ItemMissing(newPE, me.TargetFolder,
                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(me.TheFileNoExt + dce.TheFile.Extension);

                        if (TVSettings.Instance.PreventMove)
                            //We do not want to move the file, just rename it
                            fi = new FileInfo(dce.TheFile.DirectoryName + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + me.Filename +

                        // don't remove the base search folders
                        bool doTidyup = true;
                        foreach (string folder in TVSettings.Instance.DownloadFolders)
                            if (folder.SameDirectoryLocation(fi.Directory.FullName))
                                doTidyup = false;

                        if (dce.TheFile.FullName != fi.FullName)
                            addTo.Add(new ActionCopyMoveRename(ActionCopyMoveRename.Op.copy, dce.TheFile, fi, me.Episode,
                                                               doTidyup ? TVSettings.Instance.Tidyup : null, me));

                        DownloadIdentifiersController di = new DownloadIdentifiersController();

                        // if we're copying/moving a file across, we might also want to make a thumbnail or NFO for it
                        addTo.Add(di.ProcessEpisode(me.Episode, fi));

            catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException e)
                string t = "Path too long. " + dce.TheFile.FullName + ", " + e.Message;
                LOGGER.Warn(e, "Path too long. " + dce.TheFile.FullName);

                t += ".  More information is available in the log file";
                if ((!Doc.Args.Unattended) && (!Doc.Args.Hide))
                    MessageBox.Show(t, "Path too long", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                t  = "DirectoryName " + dce.TheFile.DirectoryName + ", File name: " + dce.TheFile.Name;
                t += matched ? ", matched.  " : ", no match.  ";
                if (matched)
                    t += "Show: " + me.Episode.TheSeries.Name + ", Season " + season + ", Ep " + epnum + ".  ";
                    t += "To: " + me.TheFileNoExt;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // ReSharper disable once FunctionComplexityOverflow
        protected bool ReviewFile(ItemMissing me, ItemList addTo, FileInfo dce, TVDoc.ScanSettings settings, bool addMergeRules, bool preventMove, bool doExtraFiles, bool useFullPath)
            if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested)

            bool matched = false;

                if (dce.IgnoreFile())

                //do any of the possible names for the series match the filename?
                matched = me.Episode.Show.NameMatch(dce, useFullPath);

                if (!matched)

                (bool identifySuccess, int seasF, int epF, int maxEp) = IdentifyFile(me, dce);

                if (!identifySuccess)

                if (maxEp != -1 && addMergeRules)
                    me = UpdateMissingItem(me, dce, epF, maxEp, seasF);

                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(me.TheFileNoExt + dce.Extension);

                if (preventMove)
                    //We do not want to move the file, just rename it
                    fi = new FileInfo(dce.DirectoryName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + me.Filename +

                if (dce.FullName != fi.FullName && !FindExistingActionFor(addTo, dce))
                    // don't remove the base search folders
                    bool doTidyup =
                        !TVSettings.Instance.DownloadFolders.Any(folder =>

                    addTo.Add(new ActionCopyMoveRename(ActionCopyMoveRename.Op.copy, dce, fi, me.Episode, doTidyup,
                                                       me, MDoc));

                if (doExtraFiles)
                    DownloadIdentifiersController di = new DownloadIdentifiersController();

                    // if we're copying/moving a file across, we might also want to make a thumbnail or NFO for it
                    addTo.Add(di.ProcessEpisode(me.Episode, fi));

            catch (PathTooLongException e)
                WarnPathTooLong(me, dce, e, matched);
Exemplo n.º 5
                                       }; // TODO: move into settings, and allow user to edit these

        public TVDoc(FileInfo settingsFile, CommandLineArgs args)
            this.Args = args;

            this.Ignore = new List<IgnoreItem>();

            this.Workers = null;
            this.WorkerSemaphore = null;

            this.mStats = new TVRenameStats();
            this.mDirty = false;
            this.TheActionList = new ItemList();

            this.MonitorFolders = new List<String>();
            this.IgnoreFolders = new List<String>();
            this.SearchFolders = new List<String>();

            ShowItems = new List<ShowItem>();
            this.AddItems = new FolderMonitorEntryList();

            this.DownloadDone = true;
            this.DownloadOK = true;

            this.ActionCancel = false;
            this.ScanProgDlg = null;

            this.Finders = new List<Finder> ();
            this.Finders.Add(new FileFinder(this));
            this.Finders.Add(new RSSFinder(this));
            this.Finders.Add(new uTorrentFinder(this));
            this.Finders.Add(new SABnzbdFinder(this));

            this.LoadOK = ((settingsFile == null) || this.LoadXMLSettings(settingsFile)) && TheTVDB.Instance.LoadOK;

            this.DownloadIdentifiers = new DownloadIdentifiersController();

            //    StartServer();
Exemplo n.º 6
        // consider each of the files, see if it is suitable for series "ser" and episode "epi"
        // if so, add a rcitem for copy to "fi"
        public bool FindMissingEp(DirCache dirCache, ItemMissing me, ItemList addTo, ActionCopyMoveRename.Op whichOp)
            int season = me.Episode.SeasonNumber;

            //String ^toName = FilenameFriendly(Settings->NamingStyle->NameFor(me->PE));
            int epnum = me.Episode.EpNum;

            // TODO: find a 'best match', or use first ?

            foreach (DirCacheEntry dce in dirCache)
                if (this.ActionCancel)

                bool matched = false;

                    if (!dce.HasUsefulExtension_NotOthersToo) // not a usefile file extension
                    if (TVSettings.Instance.IgnoreSamples && dce.LowerName.Contains("sample") && ((dce.Length / (1024 * 1024)) < TVSettings.Instance.SampleFileMaxSizeMB))

                    //do any of the possible names for the series match the filename?
                    matched = (me.Episode.SI.getSimplifiedPossibleShowNames().Any(name => FileHelper.SimplifyAndCheckFilename(dce.SimplifiedFullName, name)));

                    if (matched)
                        int seasF;
                        int epF;

                        if ((TVDoc.FindSeasEp(dce.TheFile, out seasF, out epF, me.Episode.SI) && (seasF == season) && (epF == epnum)) || (me.Episode.SI.UseSequentialMatch && TVDoc.MatchesSequentialNumber(dce.TheFile.Name, ref seasF, ref epF, me.Episode) && (seasF == season) && (epF == epnum)))
                            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(me.TheFileNoExt + dce.TheFile.Extension);

                            // don't remove the base search folders
                            bool doTidyup = true;
                            foreach (String folder in this.mDoc.SearchFolders)
                                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1794025/how-to-check-whether-2-directoryinfo-objects-are-pointing-to-the-same-directory
                                if (String.Compare(folder.ToLower().TrimEnd('\\'), fi.Directory.FullName.ToLower().TrimEnd('\\'), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                    doTidyup = false;
                            addTo.Add(new ActionCopyMoveRename(whichOp, dce.TheFile, fi, me.Episode, doTidyup ? TVSettings.Instance.Tidyup : null));

                            DownloadIdentifiersController di = new DownloadIdentifiersController();

                            // if we're copying/moving a file across, we might also want to make a thumbnail or NFO for it
                            addTo.Add(di.ProcessEpisode(me.Episode, fi));

                catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException e)
                    string t = "Path too long. " + dce.TheFile.FullName + ", " + e.Message;
                    logger.Warn(e, "Path too long. " + dce.TheFile.FullName);

                    t += ".  More information is available in the log file";
                    if ((!this.mDoc.Args.Unattended) && (!this.mDoc.Args.Hide))
                        MessageBox.Show(t, "Path too long", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                    t  = "DirectoryName " + dce.TheFile.DirectoryName + ", File name: " + dce.TheFile.Name;
                    t += matched ? ", matched.  " : ", no match.  ";
                    if (matched)
                        t += "Show: " + me.Episode.TheSeries.Name + ", Season " + season + ", Ep " + epnum + ".  ";
                        t += "To: " + me.TheFileNoExt;

Exemplo n.º 7
        protected bool ReviewFile(MovieItemMissing me, ItemList addTo, FileInfo dce, TVDoc.ScanSettings settings, bool preventMove, bool doExtraFiles, bool useFullPath)
            if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested)

            bool matched = false;

                if (dce.IgnoreFile() || me.Movie is null)

                //do any of the possible names for the cachedSeries match the filename?
                matched = me.Show.NameMatch(dce, useFullPath);

                if (!matched)

                if (me.Show.LengthNameMatch(dce, useFullPath) != MDoc.FilmLibrary.Movies.MaxOrDefault(m => m.LengthNameMatch(dce, useFullPath), 0))
                    int c = 1;

                FileInfo fi = FinderHelper.GenerateTargetName(me, dce);

                if (preventMove)
                    //We do not want to move the file, just rename it
                    fi = new FileInfo(dce.DirectoryName.EnsureEndsWithSeparator() + me.Filename + dce.Extension);

                if (dce.FullName != fi.FullName && !FindExistingActionFor(addTo, dce))
                    // don't remove the base search folders
                    bool doTidyup =
                        !TVSettings.Instance.DownloadFolders.Any(folder =>

                    addTo.Add(new ActionCopyMoveRename(ActionCopyMoveRename.Op.copy, dce, fi, me.Movie, doTidyup, me, MDoc));

                if (doExtraFiles)
                    DownloadIdentifiersController di = new DownloadIdentifiersController();

                    // if we're copying/moving a file across, we might also want to make a thumbnail or NFO for it
                    addTo.Add(di.ProcessMovie(me.MovieConfig, fi));

            catch (PathTooLongException e)
                WarnPathTooLong(me, dce, e, matched);
Exemplo n.º 8
        // consider each of the files, see if it is suitable for series "ser" and episode "epi"
        // if so, add a rcitem for copy to "fi"
        public bool FindMissingEp(DirCache dirCache, ItemMissing me, ItemList addTo, ActionCopyMoveRename.Op whichOp)
            string showname = me.Episode.SI.ShowName;
            int season = me.Episode.SeasonNumber;

            //String ^toName = FilenameFriendly(Settings->NamingStyle->NameFor(me->PE));
            int epnum = me.Episode.EpNum;

            // TODO: find a 'best match', or use first ?

            showname = Helpers.SimplifyName(showname);

            foreach (DirCacheEntry dce in dirCache)
                if (this.ActionCancel)
                    return true;

                bool matched = false;

                    if (!dce.HasUsefulExtension_NotOthersToo) // not a usefile file extension
                    if (TVSettings.Instance.IgnoreSamples && dce.LowerName.Contains("sample") && ((dce.Length / (1024 * 1024)) < TVSettings.Instance.SampleFileMaxSizeMB))

                    matched = Regex.Match(dce.SimplifiedFullName, "\\b" + showname + "\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success;

                    // if we don't match the main name, then test the aliases
                    if (!matched)
                        foreach (string alias in me.Episode.SI.AliasNames)
                            string aliasName = Helpers.SimplifyName(alias);
                            matched = Regex.Match(dce.SimplifiedFullName, "\\b" + aliasName + "\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success;
                            if (matched)

                    if (matched)
                        int seasF;
                        int epF;

                        if ((TVDoc.FindSeasEp(dce.TheFile, out seasF, out epF, me.Episode.SI) && (seasF == season) && (epF == epnum)) || (me.Episode.SI.UseSequentialMatch && TVDoc.MatchesSequentialNumber(dce.TheFile.Name, ref seasF, ref epF, me.Episode) && (seasF == season) && (epF == epnum)))
                            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(me.TheFileNoExt + dce.TheFile.Extension);

                            // don't remove the base search folders
                            bool doTidyup = true;
                            foreach (String folder in this.mDoc.SearchFolders)
                                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1794025/how-to-check-whether-2-directoryinfo-objects-are-pointing-to-the-same-directory
                                if (String.Compare(folder.ToLower().TrimEnd('\\'), fi.Directory.FullName.ToLower().TrimEnd('\\'), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                    doTidyup = false;
                            addTo.Add(new ActionCopyMoveRename(whichOp, dce.TheFile, fi, me.Episode, doTidyup ? TVSettings.Instance.Tidyup : null));

                            DownloadIdentifiersController di = new DownloadIdentifiersController();

                            // if we're copying/moving a file across, we might also want to make a thumbnail or NFO for it
                            addTo.Add(di.ProcessEpisode(me.Episode, fi));

                            return true;
                catch (System.IO.PathTooLongException e)
                    string t = "Path too long. " + dce.TheFile.FullName + ", " + e.Message;
                    t += ".  Try to display more info?";
                    DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(t, "Path too long", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                        t = "DirectoryName " + dce.TheFile.DirectoryName + ", File name: " + dce.TheFile.Name;
                        t += matched ? ", matched.  " : ", no match.  ";
                        if (matched)
                            t += "Show: " + me.Episode.TheSeries.Name + ", Season " + season + ", Ep " + epnum + ".  ";
                            t += "To: " + me.TheFileNoExt;

                        MessageBox.Show(t, "Path too long", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            return false;