Exemplo n.º 1
 // keep in sync with System.Core version
 internal static bool IsNumeric(Type type) {
     type = GetNonNullableType(type);
     if (!type.IsEnum()) {
         return IsNumeric(type.GetTypeCode());
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void ArgumentTypeIsEnum(Type enumType, string parameterName)
            ArgumentNotNull(enumType, "enumType");

            if (!enumType.IsEnum())
                throw new ArgumentException("Type {0} is not an Enum.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, enumType), parameterName);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static Instruction Create(Type type)
            // Boxed enums can be unboxed as their underlying types:
            switch ((type.IsEnum() ? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type) : type).GetTypeCode()) {
                case TypeCode.Boolean: return _Boolean ?? (_Boolean = new NotEqualBoolean());
                case TypeCode.SByte: return _SByte ?? (_SByte = new NotEqualSByte());
                case TypeCode.Byte: return _Byte ?? (_Byte = new NotEqualByte());
                case TypeCode.Char: return _Char ?? (_Char = new NotEqualChar());
                case TypeCode.Int16: return _Int16 ?? (_Int16 = new NotEqualInt16());
                case TypeCode.Int32: return _Int32 ?? (_Int32 = new NotEqualInt32());
                case TypeCode.Int64: return _Int64 ?? (_Int64 = new NotEqualInt64());

                case TypeCode.UInt16: return _UInt16 ?? (_UInt16 = new NotEqualInt16());
                case TypeCode.UInt32: return _UInt32 ?? (_UInt32 = new NotEqualInt32());
                case TypeCode.UInt64: return _UInt64 ?? (_UInt64 = new NotEqualInt64());

                case TypeCode.Single: return _Single ?? (_Single = new NotEqualSingle());
                case TypeCode.Double: return _Double ?? (_Double = new NotEqualDouble());

                case TypeCode.Object:
                    if (!type.IsValueType()) {
                        return _Reference ?? (_Reference = new NotEqualReference());
                    // TODO: Nullable<T>
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                    throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static EnumMapping Create(Type enumType)
            if (enumType == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("enumType");
            if (!enumType.IsEnum()) throw Error.Argument("enumType", "Type {0} is not an enumerated type", enumType.Name);

            var result = new EnumMapping();

            result.Name = getEnumName(enumType);
            result.EnumType = enumType;
            result._enumToLiteral = new Dictionary<Enum, string>();
            result._literalToEnum = new Dictionary<string, Enum>();

            foreach(var enumValue in ReflectionHelper.FindEnumFields(enumType))
                var attr = ReflectionHelper.GetAttribute<EnumLiteralAttribute>(enumValue);

                string literal = enumValue.Name;
                if (attr != null) literal = attr.Literal;

                Enum value = (Enum)enumValue.GetValue(null);

                result._enumToLiteral.Add(value, literal);
                result._literalToEnum.Add(literal, value);

            return result;
        private object read(Type nativeType)
            object primitiveValue = _current.GetPrimitiveValue();
            if (nativeType.IsEnum() && primitiveValue.GetType() == typeof(string))
                var enumMapping = _inspector.FindEnumMappingByType(nativeType);

                if (enumMapping != null)
                    var enumLiteral = (string)primitiveValue;
                    if (enumMapping.ContainsLiteral(enumLiteral))
                        return enumMapping.ParseLiteral((string)primitiveValue);
                        throw Error.Format("Literal {0} is not a valid value for enumeration {1}", _current, enumLiteral, enumMapping.Name);
                    throw Error.Format("Cannot find an enumeration mapping for enum " + nativeType.Name, _current);

                return PrimitiveTypeConverter.ConvertTo(primitiveValue, nativeType);
            catch (NotSupportedException exc)
                // thrown when an unsupported conversion was required
                throw Error.Format(exc.Message, _current);
 public static void AddModelType(Type type)
     if (type.IsEnum())
Exemplo n.º 7
        internal static Enum GetEnumValue(System.Type enumType, string s)
            if (!enumType.IsEnum())
                throw new ArgumentException("Not an enumeration type", "enumType");

            // We only want to parse single named constants
            if (s.Length > 0 && char.IsLetter(s[0]) && s.IndexOf(',') < 0)
                s = s.Replace('-', '_');

#if NETCF_1_0
                FieldInfo field = enumType.GetField(s, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
                if (field != null)
                return((Enum)Enum.Parse(enumType, s, false));

            throw new ArgumentException();
            public override object ExtractObject(Type requestedType)
                if (requestedType == null)
                    return m_value;

                if (requestedType.IsEnum())
                    return ConvertEnum(requestedType, m_value);

                object v = Convert.ChangeType(m_value, requestedType);
                return v;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static Type GetEnumerationType(Type enumType)
            if (enumType.IsNullableType())
                enumType = enumType.GetTypeInfo().GenericTypeArguments[0];

            if (!enumType.IsEnum())
                return null;

            return enumType;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static TypeCode GetTypeCode(Type type)
            if (type == null) return TypeCode.Empty;
            TypeCode result;
            if (typeCodeLookup.TryGetValue(type, out result)) return result;

            if (type.IsEnum())
                type = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type);
                if (typeCodeLookup.TryGetValue(type, out result)) return result;
            return TypeCode.Object;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static Instruction Create(Type type) {
            switch (type.GetTypeCode()) {
                case TypeCode.Int16: return _Int16 ?? (_Int16 = new AddInt16());
                case TypeCode.Int32: return _Int32 ?? (_Int32 = new AddInt32());
                case TypeCode.Int64: return _Int64 ?? (_Int64 = new AddInt64());
                case TypeCode.UInt16: return _UInt16 ?? (_UInt16 = new AddUInt16());
                case TypeCode.UInt32: return _UInt32 ?? (_UInt32 = new AddUInt32());
                case TypeCode.UInt64: return _UInt64 ?? (_UInt64 = new AddUInt64());
                case TypeCode.Single: return _Single ?? (_Single = new AddSingle());
                case TypeCode.Double: return _Double ?? (_Double = new AddDouble());

                    throw Assert.Unreachable;
Exemplo n.º 12
 // keep in sync with System.Core version
 internal static bool IsArithmetic(Type type) {
     type = GetNonNullableType(type);
     if (!type.IsEnum()) {
         switch (type.GetTypeCode()) {
             case TypeCode.Int16:
             case TypeCode.Int32:
             case TypeCode.Int64:
             case TypeCode.Double:
             case TypeCode.Single:
             case TypeCode.UInt16:
             case TypeCode.UInt32:
             case TypeCode.UInt64:
                 return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        internal static NonGenericEnumInfo GetNonGenericEnumInfo(Type enumType)
            Preconditions.NotNull(enumType, nameof(enumType));

            var nonGenericEnumInfos = _nonGenericEnumInfos;
            NonGenericEnumInfo info;
            if (!nonGenericEnumInfos.TryGetValue(enumType, out info))
                if (enumType.IsEnum())
                    var closedEnumsType = typeof(Enums<>).MakeGenericType(enumType);
                    info = new NonGenericEnumInfo((IEnumInfo)closedEnumsType.
                        GetField("Info", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                    .GetValue(null), false);
                    var nonNullableEnumType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(enumType);
                    if (nonNullableEnumType?.IsEnum() != true)
                        throw new ArgumentException("must be an enum type", nameof(enumType));
                    info = new NonGenericEnumInfo(GetInfo(nonNullableEnumType), true);
                Dictionary<Type, NonGenericEnumInfo> oldNonGenericEnumInfos;
                    NonGenericEnumInfo foundInfo;
                    if (nonGenericEnumInfos.TryGetValue(enumType, out foundInfo))
                        return foundInfo;
                    oldNonGenericEnumInfos = nonGenericEnumInfos;
                    nonGenericEnumInfos = new Dictionary<Type, NonGenericEnumInfo>(nonGenericEnumInfos);
                    nonGenericEnumInfos.Add(enumType, info);
                } while ((nonGenericEnumInfos = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _nonGenericEnumInfos, nonGenericEnumInfos, oldNonGenericEnumInfos)) != oldNonGenericEnumInfos);
            return info;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static Instruction Create(Type type)
            switch (type.GetTypeCode()) {
                case TypeCode.SByte: return _SByte ?? (_SByte = new LessThanSByte());
                case TypeCode.Byte: return _Byte ?? (_Byte = new LessThanByte());
                case TypeCode.Char: return _Char ?? (_Char = new LessThanChar());
                case TypeCode.Int16: return _Int16 ?? (_Int16 = new LessThanInt16());
                case TypeCode.Int32: return _Int32 ?? (_Int32 = new LessThanInt32());
                case TypeCode.Int64: return _Int64 ?? (_Int64 = new LessThanInt64());
                case TypeCode.UInt16: return _UInt16 ?? (_UInt16 = new LessThanUInt16());
                case TypeCode.UInt32: return _UInt32 ?? (_UInt32 = new LessThanUInt32());
                case TypeCode.UInt64: return _UInt64 ?? (_UInt64 = new LessThanUInt64());
                case TypeCode.Single: return _Single ?? (_Single = new LessThanSingle());
                case TypeCode.Double: return _Double ?? (_Double = new LessThanDouble());

                    throw Assert.Unreachable;
Exemplo n.º 15
        internal static Array GetEnumValues(System.Type enumType)
            if (!enumType.IsEnum())
                throw new ArgumentException("Not an enumeration type", "enumType");

            IList       result = Platform.CreateArrayList();
            FieldInfo[] fields = enumType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
            object[] arr = new object[result.Count];
            result.CopyTo(arr, 0);
        public override string ToQuotedString(Type fieldType, object value)
            var isEnumAsInt = fieldType.HasAttribute<EnumAsIntAttribute>();
            if (isEnumAsInt)
                return this.ConvertNumber(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(fieldType), value).ToString();

            var isEnumFlags = fieldType.IsEnumFlags() ||
                (!fieldType.IsEnum() && fieldType.IsNumericType()); //i.e. is real int && not Enum

            long enumValue;
            if (!isEnumFlags && long.TryParse(value.ToString(), out enumValue))
                value = Enum.ToObject(fieldType, enumValue);

            var enumString = DialectProvider.StringSerializer.SerializeToString(value);
            if (enumString == null || enumString == "null")
                enumString = value.ToString();

            return !isEnumFlags 
                ? DialectProvider.GetQuotedValue(enumString.Trim('"')) 
                : enumString;
        private object read(Type nativeType)
            object primitiveValue = _current.GetPrimitiveValue();
            if (nativeType.IsEnum() && primitiveValue.GetType() == typeof(string))
                var enumMapping = _inspector.FindEnumMappingByType(nativeType);

                if (enumMapping != null)
                    return enumMapping.ParseLiteral((string)primitiveValue);

                return PrimitiveTypeConverter.Convert(primitiveValue, nativeType);
            catch (NotSupportedException exc)
                // thrown when an unsupported conversion was required
                throw Error.Format(exc.Message, _current);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static string GetCoarseType(Type type)
            Debug.Assert(type != null);

            if (type.IsTimeSpan())
                return "timespan";
            if (type.IsDateTime())
                return "datetime";
            if (type.IsEnum())
                return "enumeration";
            if (type.IsNumeric())
                return "number";
            if (type.IsString())
                return "string";
            if (type.IsBool())
                return "bool";
            if (type.IsGuid())
                return "guid";

            type = type.IsNullable() ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) : type;
            return type.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
        public override object ToDbValue(Type fieldType, object value)
            var isIntEnum = fieldType.IsEnumFlags() || 
                fieldType.HasAttribute<EnumAsIntAttribute>() ||
                (!fieldType.IsEnum() && fieldType.IsNumericType()); //i.e. is real int && not Enum

            if (isIntEnum && value.GetType().IsEnum())
                return Convert.ChangeType(value, Enum.GetUnderlyingType(fieldType));

            long enumValue;
            if (long.TryParse(value.ToString(), out enumValue))
                if (isIntEnum)
                    return enumValue;

                value = Enum.ToObject(fieldType, enumValue);

            var enumString = DialectProvider.StringSerializer.SerializeToString(value);
            return enumString != null && enumString != "null"
                ? enumString.Trim('"') 
                : value.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 20
        public object GetValue(Type targetType)
            var stringValue = _underlyingValue as string;
            if (_underlyingValue == null)
                if (targetType.IsValueType() && !(targetType.IsGenericType() && targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))
                    var valueAsString = string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue) ? "<null>" : string.Format("\"{0}\"", _underlyingValue);
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot convert {0} to {1} (Column: '{2}', Row: {3})", valueAsString, targetType.Name, Header, Row));

                ValueHasBeenUsed = true;
                return null;

            ValueHasBeenUsed = true;
            if (targetType.IsInstanceOfType(_underlyingValue))
                return _underlyingValue;

            if (targetType.IsEnum() && _underlyingValue is string)
                return Enum.Parse(targetType, (string)_underlyingValue);

            if (targetType == typeof(DateTime))
                return DateTime.Parse(stringValue);

                return Convert.ChangeType(_underlyingValue, targetType);
            catch (InvalidCastException ex)
                throw new UnassignableExampleException(string.Format(
                    "{0} cannot be assigned to {1} (Column: '{2}', Row: {3})", 
                    _underlyingValue == null ? "<null>" : _underlyingValue.ToString(),
                    targetType.Name, Header, Row), ex, this);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        ///   Emits a load indirect opcode of the appropriate type for a value or object reference.
        ///   Pops a pointer off the evaluation stack, dereferences it and loads
        ///   a value of the specified type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "gen"></param>
        /// <param name = "type"></param>
        public static void EmitLoadIndirectOpCodeForType(ILGenerator gen, Type type)
            if (type.IsEnum())
                EmitLoadIndirectOpCodeForType(gen, GetUnderlyingTypeOfEnum(type));

            if (type.IsByRef)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot load ByRef values");
            else if (type.IsPrimitive() && type != typeof(IntPtr))
                var opCode = LdindOpCodesDictionary.Instance[type];

                if (opCode == LdindOpCodesDictionary.EmptyOpCode)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Type " + type + " could not be converted to a OpCode");

            else if (type.IsValueType())
                gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldobj, type);
            else if (type.IsGenericParameter)
                gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldobj, type);
        public static object ConvertFromReturnCode(this string returnCode, Type destinationType)
            if (destinationType == typeof(int))
                return Convert.ToInt32(returnCode);

            if (destinationType == typeof(short))
                return Convert.ToInt16(returnCode);

            if (destinationType == typeof(long))
                return Convert.ToInt64(returnCode);

            if (destinationType.IsEnum())
                return Enum.Parse(destinationType, returnCode);

            throw new ArgumentException("The return code can only be an enum or an integer.", nameof(destinationType));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
     return objectType.IsEnum() || (objectType.IsGenericType() && objectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(SafeEnum<>));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static Instruction CreateLifted(Type type) {
            switch (type.GetTypeCode()) {
                case TypeCode.SByte: return _SByteLifted ?? (_SByteLifted = new LessThanSByte() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.Byte: return _ByteLifted ?? (_ByteLifted = new LessThanByte() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.Char: return _CharLifted ?? (_CharLifted = new LessThanChar() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.Int16: return _Int16Lifted ?? (_Int16Lifted = new LessThanInt16() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.Int32: return _Int32Lifted ?? (_Int32Lifted = new LessThanInt32() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.Int64: return _Int64Lifted ?? (_Int64Lifted = new LessThanInt64() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.UInt16: return _UInt16Lifted ?? (_UInt16Lifted = new LessThanUInt16() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.UInt32: return _UInt32Lifted ?? (_UInt32Lifted = new LessThanUInt32() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.UInt64: return _UInt64Lifted ?? (_UInt64Lifted = new LessThanUInt64() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.Single: return _SingleLifted ?? (_SingleLifted = new LessThanSingle() { LiftedToNull = true });
                case TypeCode.Double: return _DoubleLifted ?? (_DoubleLifted = new LessThanDouble() { LiftedToNull = true });

                    throw Assert.Unreachable;
Exemplo n.º 25
        internal JsonContract(Type underlyingType)
            ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(underlyingType, nameof(underlyingType));

            UnderlyingType = underlyingType;

            IsNullable = ReflectionUtils.IsNullable(underlyingType);
            NonNullableUnderlyingType = (IsNullable && ReflectionUtils.IsNullableType(underlyingType)) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(underlyingType) : underlyingType;

            CreatedType = NonNullableUnderlyingType;

            IsConvertable = ConvertUtils.IsConvertible(NonNullableUnderlyingType);
            IsEnum = NonNullableUnderlyingType.IsEnum();

            InternalReadType = ReadType.Read;
Exemplo n.º 26
        internal JsonContract(Type underlyingType)
            ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(underlyingType, "underlyingType");

            UnderlyingType = underlyingType;

            IsNullable = ReflectionUtils.IsNullable(underlyingType);
            NonNullableUnderlyingType = (IsNullable && ReflectionUtils.IsNullableType(underlyingType)) ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(underlyingType) : underlyingType;

            CreatedType = NonNullableUnderlyingType;

            IsConvertable = ConvertUtils.IsConvertible(NonNullableUnderlyingType);
            IsEnum = NonNullableUnderlyingType.IsEnum();

            if (NonNullableUnderlyingType == typeof(byte[]))
                InternalReadType = ReadType.ReadAsBytes;
            else if (NonNullableUnderlyingType == typeof(int))
                InternalReadType = ReadType.ReadAsInt32;
            else if (NonNullableUnderlyingType == typeof(decimal))
                InternalReadType = ReadType.ReadAsDecimal;
            else if (NonNullableUnderlyingType == typeof(string))
                InternalReadType = ReadType.ReadAsString;
            else if (NonNullableUnderlyingType == typeof(DateTime))
                InternalReadType = ReadType.ReadAsDateTime;
#if !NET20
            else if (NonNullableUnderlyingType == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                InternalReadType = ReadType.ReadAsDateTimeOffset;
                InternalReadType = ReadType.Read;
Exemplo n.º 27
        // Helpers/Type
        private static IEnumerable <string> GetKeywords(this Type type)
            if (!type.IsNested)
                if (type.IsPublic)
                    yield return("public");
                    yield return("internal");
                if (type.IsNestedPublic)
                    yield return("public");
                if (type.IsNestedAssembly)
                    yield return("internal");
                if (type.IsNestedFamily)
                    yield return("protected");
                if (type.IsNestedFamORAssem)
                    yield return("protected internal");                         // Can be accessed by any code in the assembly in which it's declared, or from within a derived class in another assembly.
                if (type.IsNestedFamANDAssem)
                    yield return("private protected");                          // Can be accessed only within its declaring assembly, by code in the same class or in a type that is derived from that class.
                if (type.IsNestedPrivate)
                    yield return("private");

            if (type.IsClass())
                if (type.IsStatic())
                    yield return("static");
                if (type.IsAbstract())
                    yield return("abstract");
                if (type.IsSealed())
                    yield return("sealed");

            if (type.IsInterface())
                yield return("interface");
            if (type.IsClass())
                yield return("class");
            if (type.IsStruct())
                yield return("struct");
            if (type.IsEnum())
                yield return("enum");
            if (type.IsDelegate())
                yield return("delegate");
    private JsonSchema GenerateInternal(Type type, Required valueRequired, bool required)
      ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(type, "type");

      string resolvedId = GetTypeId(type, false);
      string explicitId = GetTypeId(type, true);

      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolvedId))
        JsonSchema resolvedSchema = _resolver.GetSchema(resolvedId);
        if (resolvedSchema != null)
          // resolved schema is not null but referencing member allows nulls
          // change resolved schema to allow nulls. hacky but what are ya gonna do?
          if (valueRequired != Required.Always && !HasFlag(resolvedSchema.Type, JsonSchemaType.Null))
            resolvedSchema.Type |= JsonSchemaType.Null;
          if (required && resolvedSchema.Required != true)
            resolvedSchema.Required = true;

          return resolvedSchema;

      // test for unresolved circular reference
      if (_stack.Any(tc => tc.Type == type))
        throw new Exception("Unresolved circular reference for type '{0}'. Explicitly define an Id for the type using a JsonObject/JsonArray attribute or automatically generate a type Id using the UndefinedSchemaIdHandling property.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, type));

      JsonContract contract = ContractResolver.ResolveContract(type);
      JsonConverter converter;
      if ((converter = contract.Converter) != null || (converter = contract.InternalConverter) != null)
        JsonSchema converterSchema = converter.GetSchema();
        if (converterSchema != null)
          return converterSchema;

      Push(new TypeSchema(type, new JsonSchema()));

      if (explicitId != null)
        CurrentSchema.Id = explicitId;

      if (required)
        CurrentSchema.Required = true;
      CurrentSchema.Title = GetTitle(type);
      CurrentSchema.Description = GetDescription(type);

      if (converter != null)
        // todo: Add GetSchema to JsonConverter and use here?
        CurrentSchema.Type = JsonSchemaType.Any;
        switch (contract.ContractType)
          case JsonContractType.Object:
            CurrentSchema.Type = AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.Object, valueRequired);
            CurrentSchema.Id = GetTypeId(type, false);
            GenerateObjectSchema(type, (JsonObjectContract) contract);
          case JsonContractType.Array:
            CurrentSchema.Type = AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.Array, valueRequired);

            CurrentSchema.Id = GetTypeId(type, false);

            JsonArrayAttribute arrayAttribute = JsonTypeReflector.GetJsonContainerAttribute(type) as JsonArrayAttribute;
            bool allowNullItem = (arrayAttribute == null || arrayAttribute.AllowNullItems);

            Type collectionItemType = ReflectionUtils.GetCollectionItemType(type);
            if (collectionItemType != null)
              CurrentSchema.Items = new List<JsonSchema>();
              CurrentSchema.Items.Add(GenerateInternal(collectionItemType, (!allowNullItem) ? Required.Always : Required.Default, false));
          case JsonContractType.Primitive:
            CurrentSchema.Type = GetJsonSchemaType(type, valueRequired);

            if (CurrentSchema.Type == JsonSchemaType.Integer && type.IsEnum() && !type.IsDefined(typeof (FlagsAttribute), true))
              CurrentSchema.Enum = new List<JToken>();
              CurrentSchema.Options = new Dictionary<JToken, string>();

              EnumValues<long> enumValues = EnumUtils.GetNamesAndValues<long>(type);
              foreach (EnumValue<long> enumValue in enumValues)
                JToken value = JToken.FromObject(enumValue.Value);

                CurrentSchema.Options.Add(value, enumValue.Name);
          case JsonContractType.String:
            JsonSchemaType schemaType = (!ReflectionUtils.IsNullable(contract.UnderlyingType))
                                          ? JsonSchemaType.String
                                          : AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.String, valueRequired);

            CurrentSchema.Type = schemaType;
          case JsonContractType.Dictionary:
            CurrentSchema.Type = AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.Object, valueRequired);

            Type keyType;
            Type valueType;
            ReflectionUtils.GetDictionaryKeyValueTypes(type, out keyType, out valueType);

            if (keyType != null)
              // can be converted to a string
              if (ConvertUtils.IsConvertible(keyType))
                CurrentSchema.AdditionalProperties = GenerateInternal(valueType, Required.Default, false);
          case JsonContractType.Serializable:
            CurrentSchema.Type = AddNullType(JsonSchemaType.Object, valueRequired);
            CurrentSchema.Id = GetTypeId(type, false);
            GenerateISerializableContract(type, (JsonISerializableContract) contract);
#if !(NET35 || NET20 || WINDOWS_PHONE)
          case JsonContractType.Dynamic:
          case JsonContractType.Linq:
            CurrentSchema.Type = JsonSchemaType.Any;
            throw new Exception("Unexpected contract type: {0}".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contract));

      return Pop().Schema;
Exemplo n.º 29
        bool InnerTryConvert(Type returnType, out object result)
            if (returnType == typeof(object))
                result = this;
                return true;

            if (returnType.IsNullableType())
                returnType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(returnType);

            switch (Type)
                case JsonObjectType.False:
                    result = false;
                    return returnType == typeof(bool);
                case JsonObjectType.True:
                    result = true;
                    return returnType == typeof(bool);
                case JsonObjectType.FastNumber:
                    if (returnType == typeof(double))
                        double res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToDouble(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(float))
                        float res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToFloat(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(decimal))
                        decimal res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToDecimal(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(byte))
                        byte res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToByte(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(sbyte))
                        sbyte res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToSByte(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(short))
                        short res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToShort(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(ushort))
                        ushort res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToUShort(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(int))
                        int res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToInt(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(uint))
                        uint res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToUInt(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(long))
                        long res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToLong(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(ulong))
                        ulong res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToULong(out res);
                        result = res;
                        return ret;
                    if (returnType == typeof(DateTime))
                        long res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToLong(out res);
                        if (!ret)
                            result = null;
                            return false;
                            case DateTimeFormat.MillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                result = Methods.UnixEpoch + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(res);
                                return true;
                            case DateTimeFormat.SecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                result = Methods.UnixEpoch + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(res);
                                return true;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                    if(returnType == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                        long res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToLong(out res);
                        if (!ret)
                            result = null;
                            return false;
                        switch (Options.UseDateTimeFormat)
                            case DateTimeFormat.MillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                result = Methods.UnixEpochOffset + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(res);
                                return true;
                            case DateTimeFormat.SecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                result = Methods.UnixEpochOffset + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(res);
                                return true;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                    if(returnType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        const double TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
                        const double TicksPerSecond = 10000000;

                        double res;
                        var ret = FastNumberToDouble(out res);
                        if (!ret)
                            result = null;
                            return false;
                        switch (Options.UseDateTimeFormat)
                            case DateTimeFormat.MillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                var msTicksDouble = res * TicksPerMillisecond;
                                var msTicks = (long)msTicksDouble;

                                if (msTicksDouble >= TimeSpan.MaxValue.Ticks)
                                    msTicks = TimeSpan.MaxValue.Ticks;

                                if(msTicksDouble <= TimeSpan.MinValue.Ticks)
                                    msTicks = TimeSpan.MinValue.Ticks;

                                result = new TimeSpan(msTicks);
                                return true;
                            case DateTimeFormat.SecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                var sTicksDouble = res * TicksPerSecond;
                                var sTicks = (long)sTicksDouble;

                                if (sTicksDouble >= TimeSpan.MaxValue.Ticks)
                                    sTicks = TimeSpan.MaxValue.Ticks;

                                if(sTicksDouble <= TimeSpan.MinValue.Ticks)
                                    sTicks = TimeSpan.MinValue.Ticks;

                                result = new TimeSpan(sTicks);
                                return true;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                case JsonObjectType.Number:
                    if (returnType == typeof(double))
                        result = NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(float))
                        result = (float)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(decimal))
                        result = (decimal)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(byte))
                        result = (byte)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(sbyte))
                        result = (sbyte)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(short))
                        result = (short)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(ushort))
                        result = (ushort)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(int))
                        result = (int)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(uint))
                        result = (uint)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(long))
                        result = (long)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(ulong))
                        result = (ulong)NumberValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(DateTime))
                        var res = (long)NumberValue;
                        switch (Options.UseDateTimeFormat)
                            case DateTimeFormat.MillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                result = Methods.UnixEpoch + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(res);
                                return true;
                            case DateTimeFormat.SecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                result = Methods.UnixEpoch + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(res);
                                return true;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                    if (returnType == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                        var res = (long)NumberValue;
                        switch (Options.UseDateTimeFormat)
                            case DateTimeFormat.MillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                result = Methods.UnixEpochOffset + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(res);
                                return true;
                            case DateTimeFormat.SecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                result = Methods.UnixEpochOffset + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(res);
                                return true;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                    if (returnType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        const double TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
                        const double TicksPerSecond = 10000000;

                        var res = NumberValue;
                        switch (Options.UseDateTimeFormat)
                            case DateTimeFormat.MillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                var msTicksDouble = res * TicksPerMillisecond;
                                var msTicks = (long)msTicksDouble;

                                if (msTicksDouble >= TimeSpan.MaxValue.Ticks)
                                    msTicks = TimeSpan.MaxValue.Ticks;

                                if (msTicksDouble <= TimeSpan.MinValue.Ticks)
                                    msTicks = TimeSpan.MinValue.Ticks;

                                result = new TimeSpan(msTicks);
                                return true;
                            case DateTimeFormat.SecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                var sTicksDouble = res * TicksPerSecond;
                                var sTicks = (long)sTicksDouble;

                                if (sTicksDouble >= TimeSpan.MaxValue.Ticks)
                                    sTicks = TimeSpan.MaxValue.Ticks;

                                if (sTicksDouble <= TimeSpan.MinValue.Ticks)
                                    sTicks = TimeSpan.MinValue.Ticks;

                                result = new TimeSpan(sTicks);
                                return true;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                case JsonObjectType.String:
                    if (returnType == typeof(string))
                        result = StringValue;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType.IsEnum())
                        if (returnType.IsFlagsEnum())
                            return ParseFlagsEnum(returnType, out result);

                        return EnumValues.TryParse(returnType, StringValue, out result);
                    if (returnType == typeof(Guid))
                        Guid guid;
                        if (!Guid.TryParseExact(StringValue, "D", out guid))
                            result = null;
                            return false;

                        result = guid;
                        return true;
                    if (returnType == typeof(DateTime))
                        DateTime res;
                        bool ret;

                            case DateTimeFormat.MicrosoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                ret = Methods.ReadMicrosoftStyleDateTime(StringValue, out res);
                                result = res;
                                return ret;
                            case DateTimeFormat.ISO8601:
                                ret = Methods.ReadISO8601DateTime(StringValue, out res);
                                result = res;
                                return ret;
                            case DateTimeFormat.RFC1123:
                                ret = Methods.ReadRFC1123DateTime(StringValue, out res);
                                result = res;
                                return ret;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                    if (returnType == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                        DateTime dt;
                        DateTimeOffset res;
                        bool ret;

                        switch (Options.UseDateTimeFormat)
                            case DateTimeFormat.MicrosoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                ret = Methods.ReadMicrosoftStyleDateTime(StringValue, out dt);
                                res = dt;
                                result = res;
                                return ret;
                            case DateTimeFormat.ISO8601:
                                ret = Methods.ReadISO8601DateWithOffset(StringValue, out res);
                                result = res;
                                return ret;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                    if(returnType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        TimeSpan ts;
                        bool ret;

                        switch (Options.UseDateTimeFormat)
                            case DateTimeFormat.MicrosoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch:
                                ret = Methods.ReadMicrosoftStyleTimeSpan(StringValue, out ts);
                                result = ts;
                                return ret;
                            case DateTimeFormat.ISO8601:
                                ret = Methods.ReadISO8601TimeSpan(StringValue, out ts);
                                result = ts;
                                return ret;
                                result = null;
                                return false;
                case JsonObjectType.Object:
                    if (returnType == typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable))
                        result = EnumerableObjectWrapper.MakeAsIEnumerable(ObjectMembers);
                        return true;

                    if (returnType.IsGenericDictionary())
                        var args = returnType.GetGenericArguments();
                        var keyType = args[0];
                        var valType = args[1];

                        var stringKeys = keyType == typeof(string);
                        var enumKeys = keyType.IsEnum();

                        // only strings and enums can be keys
                        if (!(stringKeys || enumKeys))
                            result = null;
                            return false;

                        var coerced = new Dictionary<object, object>(ObjectMembers.Count);
                        foreach (var kv in ObjectMembers)
                            object innerResult = null;
                            if (kv.Value != null && !kv.Value.InnerTryConvert(valType, out innerResult))
                                result = null;
                                return false;

                            if (stringKeys)
                                coerced[kv.Key] = innerResult;
                                object @enum = Enum.Parse(keyType, kv.Key, ignoreCase: true);
                                coerced[@enum] = innerResult;

                        if (stringKeys)
                            result = Utils.ProjectStringDictionary(coerced, valType);
                            // enum keys
                            result = Utils.ProjectEnumDictionary(coerced, keyType, valType);

                        return true;
                case JsonObjectType.Array:
                    if (returnType == typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable))
                        result = EnumerableArrayWrapper.MakeAsIEnumerable(ArrayValue);
                        return true;

                    if (returnType.IsGenericEnumerable())
                        var castTo = returnType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

                        if (castTo == typeof(object))
                            result = EnumerableArrayWrapper.MakeAsIEnumerableOfT(ArrayValue);
                            return true;

                        bool bail = false;

                        var dynamicProjection =
                                val =>
                                    object innerResult;
                                    if (!val.InnerTryConvert(castTo, out innerResult))
                                        bail = true;
                                        return Activator.CreateInstance(castTo);

                                    return innerResult;

                        result = Utils.DynamicProject(dynamicProjection, castTo);

                        if (bail)
                            result = null;
                            return false;

                        return true;

            result = null;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public override JsonSchema GetSchema(Type objectType)
            if (!objectType.IsEnum())
                return null;
            var schema = new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String };

            schema.Enum = new List<JToken>();

            var enumNames = EnumUtils.GetNames(objectType);
            foreach (var enumName in enumNames)
                string resolvedEnumName = enumName;

                if (CamelCaseText)
                    resolvedEnumName = StringUtils.ToCamelCase(resolvedEnumName);

                JToken value = JToken.FromObject(resolvedEnumName);


            return schema;
Exemplo n.º 31
        //public Type GetChoiceType(string choiceSuffix)
        //    string suffix = choiceSuffix.ToUpperInvariant();
        //    if(!HasChoices) return null;
        //    return _choices
        //                .Where(cattr => cattr.TypeName.ToUpperInvariant() == suffix)
        //                .Select(cattr => cattr.Type)
        //                .FirstOrDefault();
        private static bool isAllowedNativeTypeForDataTypeValue(Type type)
            // Special case, allow Nullable<enum>
            if (ReflectionHelper.IsNullableType(type))
                type = ReflectionHelper.GetNullableArgument(type);

            return type.IsEnum(); // ||             PrimitiveTypeConverter.CanConvert(type);
Exemplo n.º 32
        public static Instruction CreateLifted(Type type) {
            switch (type.GetTypeCode()) {
                case TypeCode.Int16: return _Int16Lifted ?? (_Int16Lifted = new NegateOvfInt16Lifted());
                case TypeCode.Int32: return _Int32Lifted ?? (_Int32Lifted = new NegateOvfInt32Lifted());
                case TypeCode.Int64: return _Int64Lifted ?? (_Int64Lifted = new NegateOvfInt64Lifted());
                case TypeCode.UInt16: return _UInt16Lifted ?? (_UInt16Lifted = new NegateOvfUInt16Lifted());
                case TypeCode.UInt32: return _UInt32Lifted ?? (_UInt32Lifted = new NegateOvfUInt32Lifted());
                case TypeCode.Single: return _SingleLifted ?? (_SingleLifted = new NegateOvfSingleLifted());
                case TypeCode.Double: return _DoubleLifted ?? (_DoubleLifted = new NegateOvfDoubleLifted());

                    throw Assert.Unreachable;
        public MetadataType ToType(Type type)
            if (type == null) 
                return null;

            if (type.IsGenericType())
                type = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();

            var metaType = new MetadataType
                Name = type.GetOperationName(),
                Namespace = type.Namespace,
                GenericArgs = type.IsGenericType() ? GetGenericArgs(type) : null,
                Implements = ToInterfaces(type),
                Attributes = ToAttributes(type),
                Properties = ToProperties(type),
                IsNested = type.IsNested ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsEnum = type.IsEnum() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsEnumInt = JsConfig.TreatEnumAsInteger || type.IsEnumFlags() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsInterface = type.IsInterface() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsAbstract = type.IsAbstract() ? true : (bool?)null,

            if (type.BaseType() != null && type.BaseType() != typeof(object) && !type.IsEnum()
                && !type.HasInterface(typeof(IService)))
                metaType.Inherits = ToTypeName(type.BaseType());

            if (type.GetTypeWithInterfaceOf(typeof(IReturnVoid)) != null)
                metaType.ReturnVoidMarker = true;
                var genericMarker = type != typeof(IReturn<>)
                    ? type.GetTypeWithGenericTypeDefinitionOf(typeof(IReturn<>))
                    : null;

                if (genericMarker != null)
                    var returnType = genericMarker.GetGenericArguments().First();
                    metaType.ReturnMarkerTypeName = ToTypeName(returnType);

            var routeAttrs = HostContext.AppHost.GetRouteAttributes(type).ToList();
            if (routeAttrs.Count > 0)
                metaType.Routes = routeAttrs.ConvertAll(x =>
                    new MetadataRoute
                        Path = x.Path,
                        Notes = x.Notes,
                        Summary = x.Summary,
                        Verbs = x.Verbs,

            metaType.Description = type.GetDescription();

            var dcAttr = type.GetDataContract();
            if (dcAttr != null)
                metaType.DataContract = new MetadataDataContract
                    Name = dcAttr.Name,
                    Namespace = dcAttr.Namespace,

            if (type.IsEnum())
                metaType.EnumNames = new List<string>();
                metaType.EnumValues = new List<string>();

                var isDefaultLayout = true;
                var values = Enum.GetValues(type);
                for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    var value = values.GetValue(i);
                    var name = value.ToString();
                    var enumValue = Convert.ToInt64(value).ToString();

                    if (enumValue != i.ToString())
                        isDefaultLayout = false;


                if (isDefaultLayout)
                    metaType.EnumValues = null;

            var innerTypes = type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            foreach (var innerType in innerTypes)
                if (metaType.InnerTypes == null)
                    metaType.InnerTypes = new List<MetadataTypeName>();

                metaType.InnerTypes.Add(new MetadataTypeName
                    Name = innerType.GetOperationName(),
                    Namespace = innerType.Namespace,
                    GenericArgs = innerType.IsGenericType()
                        ? innerType.GetGenericArguments().Select(x => x.GetOperationName()).ToArray()
                        : null,

            return metaType;