Exemplo n.º 1
 public static IEnumerable<Type> TypesToGenerateForType(Type type)
   foreach (var interfaceType in type.FindInterfaces((ignored, data) => true, null))
     yield return interfaceType;
   yield return type;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public RoleSet(Type _Class)
     TypeFilter filter = new TypeFilter(RoleFilter);
     Type[] Roles = _Class.FindInterfaces(filter, (object)__RoleTypes);
     _Set = new HashSet<Type>();
     foreach (Type r in Roles) {
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an array of System.Type objects representing a filtered list of interfaces
        //  implemented or inherited by the specified type.
        public static bool ImplementsInterface(this System.Type type, System.Type interfaceType)
            if (!interfaceType.IsInterface)
                throw new Exception("Expected an interface type.");

            return(type.FindInterfaces((i, j) => Equals(i, j) || i.IsSubclassOf((System.Type)j), interfaceType).Length != 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static bool TypeImplementsInterface(Type type, Type typeToImplement)
     Type[] interfaces = type.FindInterfaces(
             (typ, obj) => typ == typeToImplement,
     if (interfaces != null && interfaces.Length > 0)
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// InterfacePresentInClass check that an inteface is implimented for the specific dll type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="checkType">The type to check i.e the class</param>
        /// <param name="compareType">The interface type</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the interface is implemented in the class</returns>
        public static bool InterfacePresentInType(Type checkType, Type compareType)
            TypeFilter interfaceFilter = InterfaceFilter;
            Type[] list = checkType.FindInterfaces(interfaceFilter, compareType);
            if (list != null && list.Length > 0)
                return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private static Type FindCollectionInterface(Type type)
     Type[] array = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(CollectionUtils.IsCollectionInterface), null);
     if (array.Length == 1)
         return array[0];
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static bool ImplementsInterface <T>(this Type type)
            Type interfaceType = typeof(T);

            if (!interfaceType.IsInterface)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The type specified is not an interface type.");

            Type[] interfaces = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter((a, b) => a == interfaceType), null);

            return(interfaces != null && interfaces.Length != 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
 internal static System.Type GetGenericInterfaceElementType(System.Type type, TypeFilter typeFilter)
     if (typeFilter(type, null))
     System.Type[] typeArray = type.FindInterfaces(typeFilter, null);
     if ((typeArray != null) && (typeArray.Length == 1))
Exemplo n.º 9
        private Type GetInterfaceType(Type type)
            lock (_cacheLock)
                Type interfaceType;

                if (!_cache.TryGetValue(type, out interfaceType))
                    _cache[type] = interfaceType = type.FindInterfaces((t, o) => ((Type[])o).All(c => t == c || !t.IsAssignableFrom(c)), type.GetInterfaces()).Single();

                return interfaceType;
        private static Type ElementType(Type collectionType)
            Debug.Assert(collectionType != null);

            Type[] stronglyTypedInterfaces = collectionType.FindInterfaces((m, c) => m.IsConstructedGenericType && m.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>), null);

            if (stronglyTypedInterfaces == null || stronglyTypedInterfaces.Length == 0 || stronglyTypedInterfaces.Length > 1)
                return null;  // not a strongly typed collection, or a strongly typed collection of more than one thing (yikes)

            return stronglyTypedInterfaces[0].GetGenericArguments()[0];
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static Type FindGenericInterface(Type gType, Type gInterface)
            // maybe gType is generic interface?
            if (gType.IsGenericType && gType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == gInterface)
                return gType;

            string interfaceName = gInterface.Name;
            Type[] foundInterfaces = gType.FindInterfaces(Module.FilterTypeName, interfaceName);
            if (foundInterfaces != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < foundInterfaces.Length; i++) {
                    Type deff = foundInterfaces[i].GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    if (deff == gInterface)
                        return foundInterfaces[i];
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(Type IType, Type clazz)
            PropertyInfo[] pi = IType.GetProperties();
            Type[] interfaces = clazz.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(MyInterfaceFilter), IType);

            if (interfaces.Length == 0)
                return pi;

            PropertyInfo[] piChild = interfaces[0].GetProperties();
            if (piChild.Length == 0)
                return pi;

            PropertyInfo[] res = new PropertyInfo[pi.Length + piChild.Length];
            pi.CopyTo(res, 0);
            piChild.CopyTo(res, pi.Length);
            return res;
Exemplo n.º 13
		/// <summary>
		/// true if type is array, IEnumerable, etc
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static bool IsCollectionType(Type type)
			if (type.IsArray) return true;
			if (type == typeof(IList)) return true; 
			if (type == typeof(string)) return false;

			if (type.IsGenericType)
				if (type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (IEnumerable<>)) return true;

				var types = type.FindInterfaces((typ, cri) => (
					typ.IsGenericType && typ.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>)), null);
				return types.Length != 0;

			return false;
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 泛型匹配
        /// </summary>
        private static bool MatchGeneric(MicrosoftSystem.Type findType, MicrosoftSystem.Type type)
            if (findType.IsGenericTypeDefinition == false)
            var definition = findType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();

            foreach (var implementedInterface in type.FindInterfaces((filter, criteria) => true, null))
                if (implementedInterface.IsGenericType == false)
Exemplo n.º 15
		protected void CollectMethodsToProxy(ArrayList methodList, Type type, bool onlyVirtuals)
			CollectMethods(methodList, type, onlyVirtuals);

			if (type.IsInterface)
				Type[] typeChain = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(NoFilter), null);

				foreach(Type interType in typeChain)
					CollectMethods(methodList, interType, onlyVirtuals);
Exemplo n.º 16
		private static MethodInfo FindInterfaceMethod( Type targetType, Type interfaceType, string name, Type[] parameterTypes )
			if ( targetType.GetIsInterface() )
				return targetType.FindInterfaces( ( type, _ ) => type == interfaceType, null ).Single().GetMethod( name, parameterTypes );

			var map = targetType.GetInterfaceMap( interfaceType );

			int index = Array.FindIndex( map.InterfaceMethods, method => method.Name == name && method.GetParameters().Select( p => p.ParameterType ).SequenceEqual( parameterTypes ) );
			int index = map.InterfaceMethods.FindIndex( method => method.Name == name && method.GetParameters().Select( p => p.ParameterType ).SequenceEqual( parameterTypes ) );

			if ( index < 0 )
				Contract.Assert( false, interfaceType + "::" + name + "(" + String.Join( ", ", parameterTypes.Select( t => t.ToString() ).ToArray() ) + ") is not found in " + targetType );
				return null;
				return map.TargetMethods[ index ];
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the "T" in the IQueryable of T implementation of type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type to check.</param>
        /// <param name="typeFilter">filter against which the type is checked</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The element type for the generic IQueryable interface of the type,
        /// or null if it has none or if it's ambiguous.
        /// </returns>
        internal static Type GetGenericInterfaceElementType(Type type, TypeFilter typeFilter)
            Debug.Assert(type != null, "type != null");
            Debug.Assert(!type.IsGenericTypeDefinition, "!type.IsGenericTypeDefinition");

            if (typeFilter(type, null))
                return type.GetGenericArguments()[0];

            Type[] queriables = type.FindInterfaces(typeFilter, null);
            if (queriables != null && queriables.Length == 1)
                return queriables[0].GetGenericArguments()[0];
                return null;
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects the range of all the lists that are keyed on the type
        /// name given or the name of any parent class or interface. For
        /// example, giving typeof(string) will return any for
        /// "System.String" or "System.Object" and so on.
        /// </summary>
        public IList Select(Type type)
            // Create a list
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            // Ignore nulls (since that happens at the top-most object)
            if (type == null)
                return list;

            // Add this type's keys
            IList l = (IList) lists[type.FullName];

            if (l != null)

            // Add the base types

            // Add the interfaces, if any
            Type [] interfaces
                = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(FindAllTypes), null);

            foreach (Type iType in interfaces)

            // Return the list
            return list;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds and returns the constructed type of an interface 
        /// generic type definition if the type implements it. Otherwise
        /// returns a <c>null</c> reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// Either <paramref name="type"/> or <paramref name="genericTypeDefinition"/> 
        /// is a null reference.
        /// </exception>

        internal static Type FindConstructionOfGenericInterfaceDefinition(Type type, Type genericTypeDefinition)
            if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
            if (genericTypeDefinition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("genericTypeDefinition");

            Type[] interfaces = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(IsConstructionOfGenericInterfaceDefinition), genericTypeDefinition);
            return interfaces.Length == 0 ? null : interfaces[0];
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers the specified type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 /// <param name="locator">The locator.</param>
 public void Register(Type type, IServiceLocator locator)
     var interfaces = type.FindInterfaces((t, obj) => _binding.Invoke(t, type), null);
     if (interfaces.Length > 0)
         Register(interfaces[0], type, locator);
Exemplo n.º 21
 private static Type GetListItemType(Type listType)
     var listInterface =
         listType.FindInterfaces((type, args) => type.IsGenericType && typeof (IList<>) == type.GetGenericTypeDefinition(), null).FirstOrDefault();
     if (null == listInterface)
         return null;
     return listInterface.GetGenericArguments()[0];
Exemplo n.º 22
		private static MethodInfo FindInterfaceMethod( Type targetType, Type interfaceType, string name, Type[] parameterTypes )
			if ( targetType.GetIsInterface() )
				return targetType.FindInterfaces( ( type, _ ) => type == interfaceType, null ).Single().GetMethod( name, parameterTypes );

			var map = targetType.GetInterfaceMap( interfaceType );

			int index = Array.FindIndex( map.InterfaceMethods, method => method.Name == name && method.GetParameters().Select( p => p.ParameterType ).SequenceEqual( parameterTypes ) );
			int index = map.InterfaceMethods.FindIndex( method => method.Name == name && method.GetParameters().Select( p => p.ParameterType ).SequenceEqual( parameterTypes ) );

			if ( index < 0 )
#if !NETFX_35
				Contract.Assert( false, interfaceType + "::" + name + "(" + String.Join<Type>( ", ", parameterTypes ) + ") is not found in " + targetType );
				Contract.Assert( false, interfaceType + "::" + name + "(" + String.Join( ", ", parameterTypes.Select( t => t.ToString() ).ToArray() ) + ") is not found in " + targetType );
#endif // !NETFX_35
#endif // DEBUG && !UNITY
				// ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode
				return null;

			return map.TargetMethods[ index ];
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static bool InterfacePresentInType(Type checkType, Type compareType)
     TypeFilter filter = new TypeFilter(ReflectionHelper.InterfaceFilter);
     Type[] typeArray = checkType.FindInterfaces(filter, compareType);
     return ((typeArray != null) && (typeArray.Length > 0));
Exemplo n.º 24
        private static Type GetAppControlType(Type launchableType, IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies)
            var types = launchableType.FindInterfaces(filter, null).Where(type => type.Assembly == typeof(IListViewData).Assembly);
            //TODO: instead of assuming the first... look for a hierarchy
            //            if (types.Count() != 1) throw new Exception("Currently only supporting a DataProcessor to implement a single AppControlInterface");
            var appControlInterfaceType = types.First();

            //from there, look in assemblies for appControlInterfaceType

            return assemblies
                .Select(assembly => GetAppControlType(assembly, appControlInterfaceType, launchableType))
Exemplo n.º 25
 private static bool IsTypeOfIControlMapper(Type mapperType)
     return mapperType != null 
            && mapperType.FindInterfaces ((type, filterCriteria) => type == typeof (IControlMapper), "").Length > 0;
        protected virtual bool DoesTypeImplementOpenGeneric(Type type, Type openGeneric)
                var genericTypeDefinition = openGeneric.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                foreach (var implementedInterface in type.FindInterfaces((objType, objCriteria) => true, null))
                    if (!implementedInterface.IsGenericType)

                    var isMatch = genericTypeDefinition.IsAssignableFrom(implementedInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
                    return isMatch;
                return false;
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 27
		protected void CollectPropertyMethodsToProxy(
			ArrayList methodList, Type type, bool onlyVirtuals, ClassEmitter emitter, out PropertyToGenerate[] propsToGenerate)
			if (type.IsInterface)
				ArrayList toGenerateList = new ArrayList();

				toGenerateList.AddRange(CollectProperties(methodList, type, onlyVirtuals, emitter));

				Type[] typeChain = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(NoFilter), null);

				foreach(Type interType in typeChain)
					toGenerateList.AddRange(CollectProperties(methodList, interType, onlyVirtuals, emitter));

				propsToGenerate = (PropertyToGenerate[]) toGenerateList.ToArray(typeof(PropertyToGenerate));
				propsToGenerate = CollectProperties(methodList, type, onlyVirtuals, emitter);
Exemplo n.º 28
        private static bool HasInterface(Type type, string name)
            TypeFilter typeFilter = new TypeFilter(InterfaceFilter);
            Type[] interfaces = type.FindInterfaces(typeFilter, name);

            if (interfaces.Length != 1)
                return false;

            if (! interfaces[0].IsInterface) // should not occur
                return false;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 29
		private void CollectEventMethodsToProxy(
			ArrayList methodList, Type type, bool onlyVirtuals, ClassEmitter emitter, out EventToGenerate[] eventsToGenerates)
			if (type.IsInterface)
				ArrayList toGenerateList = new ArrayList();

				toGenerateList.AddRange(CollectEvents(methodList, type, onlyVirtuals, emitter));

				Type[] typeChain = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(NoFilter), null);

				foreach(Type interType in typeChain)
					toGenerateList.AddRange(CollectEvents(methodList, interType, onlyVirtuals, emitter));

				eventsToGenerates = (EventToGenerate[]) toGenerateList.ToArray(typeof(EventToGenerate));
				eventsToGenerates = CollectEvents(methodList, type, onlyVirtuals, emitter);
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates over the interfaces and generate implementation 
        /// for each method in it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type class</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreInterfaces">if true, we inspect the 
        /// type for implemented interfaces</param>
        protected void GenerateTypeImplementation(Type type, bool ignoreInterfaces)
            if (_generated.Contains(type)) return;
            if (Context.ShouldSkip(type)) return;


            if (!ignoreInterfaces)
                Type[] baseInterfaces = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(NoFilterImpl), type);

            EasyProperty[] properties = GenerateProperties(type);
            GenerateMethods(type, properties);
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterates over the interfaces and generate implementation 
        /// for each method in it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type class</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreInterfaces">Interface type</param>
        protected void GenerateTypeImplementation(Type type, bool ignoreInterfaces)
            if (m_generated.Contains(type))

            if (!ignoreInterfaces)
                Type[] baseInterfaces = type.FindInterfaces(new TypeFilter(NoFilterImpl), type);


            PropertyBuilder[] propertiesBuilder = GenerateProperties(type);
            GenerateMethods(type, propertiesBuilder);
Exemplo n.º 32
        public static Type GetIEnumerableImpl(Type type)
            // Get IEnumerable implementation. Either type is IEnumerable<T> for some T, 
            // or it implements IEnumerable<T> for some T. We need to find the interface.
            if (IsIEnumerable(type))
                return type;

            var interfaces = type.FindInterfaces((m, o) => IsIEnumerable(m), null);

            return interfaces.First();
        private static Type[] findGenericTypesForDefinition(Type type, Type genericTypeDefinition)
            if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
            if (genericTypeDefinition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("genericTypeDefinition");

            if (!genericTypeDefinition.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                                     "The type '{0}' is not a generic type definition.", genericTypeDefinition.FullName),

            Type matchingBaseType = getTypeHierarchy(type)
                .Where(t => t.IsGenericType && genericTypeDefinition == t.GetGenericTypeDefinition())

            if (matchingBaseType != null)
                return new[] { matchingBaseType };

            TypeFilter filter = (i, o) => i.IsGenericType && genericTypeDefinition == i.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
            return type
                .FindInterfaces(filter, null)
Exemplo n.º 34
 private static HashSet<Type> HandlerMessages(Type self)
     var findInterfaces = self.FindInterfaces((@interface, nomatter) => @interface.IsGenericType && @interface.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (IHandler<>), null);
     var messages = findInterfaces.Select(x => x.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
     return new HashSet<Type>(messages);