private static Res GetLoader()
     if (loader == null)
         Res res = new Res();
         Interlocked.CompareExchange<Res>(ref loader, res, null);
     return loader;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal XmlReader AddConformanceWrapper(XmlReader baseReader)
            XmlReaderSettings baseReaderSettings = baseReader.Settings;
            bool          checkChars             = false;
            bool          noWhitespace           = false;
            bool          noComments             = false;
            bool          noPIs    = false;
            DtdProcessing dtdProc  = (DtdProcessing)(-1);
            bool          needWrap = false;

            if (baseReaderSettings == null)
#pragma warning disable 618

                // Starting from Windows phone 8.1 (TargetsAtLeast_Desktop_V4_5_1) we converge with the desktop behavior so we'll let the reader
                // not throw exception if has different conformance level than Auto.
                if (BinaryCompatibility.TargetsAtLeast_Desktop_V4_5_1)
                    if (this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto && this.conformanceLevel != XmlReader.GetV1ConformanceLevel(baseReader))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));
                else if (this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));
                if (this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto && this.conformanceLevel != XmlReader.GetV1ConformanceLevel(baseReader))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));

                // get the V1 XmlTextReader ref
                XmlTextReader v1XmlTextReader = baseReader as XmlTextReader;
                if (v1XmlTextReader == null)
                    XmlValidatingReader vr = baseReader as XmlValidatingReader;
                    if (vr != null)
                        v1XmlTextReader = (XmlTextReader)vr.Reader;

                // assume the V1 readers already do all conformance checking;
                // wrap only if IgnoreWhitespace, IgnoreComments, IgnoreProcessingInstructions or ProhibitDtd is true;
                if (this.ignoreWhitespace)
                    WhitespaceHandling wh = WhitespaceHandling.All;
                    // special-case our V1 readers to see if whey already filter whitespaces
                    if (v1XmlTextReader != null)
                        wh = v1XmlTextReader.WhitespaceHandling;
                    if (wh == WhitespaceHandling.All)
                        noWhitespace = true;
                        needWrap     = true;
                if (this.ignoreComments)
                    noComments = true;
                    needWrap   = true;
                if (this.ignorePIs)
                    noPIs    = true;
                    needWrap = true;
                // DTD processing
                DtdProcessing baseDtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse;
                if (v1XmlTextReader != null)
                    baseDtdProcessing = v1XmlTextReader.DtdProcessing;
                if ((this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit && baseDtdProcessing != DtdProcessing.Prohibit) ||
                    (this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Ignore && baseDtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Parse))
                    dtdProc  = this.dtdProcessing;
                    needWrap = true;
#pragma warning restore 618
                if (this.conformanceLevel != baseReaderSettings.ConformanceLevel && this.conformanceLevel != ConformanceLevel.Auto)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_IncompatibleConformanceLevel, this.conformanceLevel.ToString()));
                if (this.checkCharacters && !baseReaderSettings.CheckCharacters)
                    checkChars = true;
                    needWrap   = true;
                if (this.ignoreWhitespace && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreWhitespace)
                    noWhitespace = true;
                    needWrap     = true;
                if (this.ignoreComments && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreComments)
                    noComments = true;
                    needWrap   = true;
                if (this.ignorePIs && !baseReaderSettings.IgnoreProcessingInstructions)
                    noPIs    = true;
                    needWrap = true;

                if ((this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Prohibit && baseReaderSettings.DtdProcessing != DtdProcessing.Prohibit) ||
                    (this.dtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Ignore && baseReaderSettings.DtdProcessing == DtdProcessing.Parse))
                    dtdProc  = this.dtdProcessing;
                    needWrap = true;

            if (needWrap)
                IXmlNamespaceResolver readerAsNSResolver = baseReader as IXmlNamespaceResolver;
                if (readerAsNSResolver != null)
                    return(new XmlCharCheckingReaderWithNS(baseReader, readerAsNSResolver, checkChars, noWhitespace, noComments, noPIs, dtdProc));
                    return(new XmlCharCheckingReader(baseReader, checkChars, noWhitespace, noComments, noPIs, dtdProc));