public void openEditEntry(JournalEntry editEntry)
     //open window
     var window = new ConnectWindow { Owner = this };
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Navigates the Journal instance forward to the next 
        /// JournalEntry item in the history stack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If CanGoForward is false, this method will throw an InvalidOperationException.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void GoForward()
            if (this.CanGoForward == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(

            lock (this._syncLock)
                this._currentEntry = this._forwardStack.Pop();

            this.UpdateObservables(this._currentEntry, NavigationMode.Forward);

        public void reWriteEntry(JournalEntry newVersion)
            int newVerstionID = newVersion.Id;

            //declare varible for oldversion
            JournalEntry OldVersion = null;

            //Locate old Version
            foreach (var entry in currentJournal.Entries)
                if(entry.Id == newVerstionID)
                    OldVersion = newVersion;

                //Resave New Version
                if(OldVersion != null)
                    //Remove Old Version

                    //Find location of newly modified entry
                    int modifiedEntry = currentJournal.Entries.Count;

                    //Move modified entry to previous location
                    currentJournal.Entries.Move(modifiedEntry, newVerstionID);

            //Refresh Grid
            dataGrid_JournalEntries.ItemsSource = null;
            dataGrid_JournalEntries.ItemsSource = currentJournal.Entries;
        private void CompleteNavigation(DependencyObject content)
            Uri uri = null;
            string pageTitle = null;
            Page existingContentPage = this._host.Content as Page;
            Page newContentPage = content as Page;

            pageTitle = JournalEntry.GetName(content ?? this._host.Content as DependencyObject);

            NavigationOperation navOp = this._currentNavigation;
            this._currentNavigation = null;
            if (navOp != null)
                // Set uri
                uri = navOp.UriBeforeMapping;


                // Used to suppress navigation notifications.
                navOp.SuppressNotifications = true;

                this.CurrentSource = navOp.UriForJournal;
                this._source = navOp.UriBeforeMapping;
                this._currentSourceAfterMapping = navOp.Uri;
                this.Host.CurrentSource = this.CurrentSource;

                // Check if this is a 'New' operation
                if (navOp.Mode == NavigationMode.New && navOp.Uri != null && navOp.SuppressJournalAdd == false)
                        this._journalIsAddingHistoryPoint = true;
                        JournalEntry je = new JournalEntry(pageTitle ?? uri.OriginalString, navOp.UriForJournal);
                        this._journalIsAddingHistoryPoint = false;

                this.Host.CanGoBack = this.CanGoBack;
                this.Host.CanGoForward = this.CanGoForward;

                navOp.SuppressNotifications = false;

            if (this.Journal.UseNavigationState && HtmlPage.IsEnabled)
                HtmlPage.Document.SetProperty("title", pageTitle ?? uri.OriginalString);
            if (content == null)
                // We're navigating to a fragment in the current page, so for WPF compatibility, fire FragmentNavigation THEN Navigated

                this.RaiseNavigated(content, uri, existingContentPage, newContentPage);
                // We're navigating to a fragment in the new content, so let the host load content, then for WPF compatibility,
                // fire Navigated THEN FragmentNavigation
                this.Host.Content = content;
                this.RaiseNavigated(content, uri, existingContentPage, newContentPage);
                string fragment = UriParsingHelper.InternalUriGetFragment(navOp.Uri);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fragment))
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal bool NavigateToEntry(JournalEntry entry) 
            if (entry == null)
                Debug.Fail("Tried to navigate to a null JournalEntry."); 
                return false;
            if (!Journal.IsNavigable(entry)) 
                Debug.Fail("Tried to navigate to a non-navigable journal entry."); 
                return false;

            NavigationService navigationService = _rootNavSvc.FindTarget(entry.NavigationServiceId); 
            Debug.Assert(navigationService != null, "NavigationService cannot be null for journal navigations");
            NavigationMode mode = Journal.GetNavigationMode(entry); 
            bool navigated = false;
                navigated = entry.Navigate(navigationService.INavigatorHost, mode);
                if (!navigated) 
            return navigated;
Exemplo n.º 6
 internal NavigateInfo(Uri source, NavigationMode navigationMode, JournalEntry journalEntry)
     _source = source;
     _navigationMode = navigationMode;
     _journalEntry = journalEntry;
Exemplo n.º 7
 // Token: 0x060028DA RID: 10458 RVA: 0x000BD669 File Offset: 0x000BB869
 internal void CommitJournalNavigation(JournalEntry navigated)
        private void ContentLoader_BeginLoad_Callback(IAsyncResult result)
            DependencyObject content = null;
            Uri uriBeingLoaded       = null;

                NavigationOperation asyncNavigationOperationCompleted = result.AsyncState as NavigationOperation;

                NavigationOperation navOp = this._currentNavigation;
                if (navOp == null || navOp.Uri != asyncNavigationOperationCompleted.Uri)
                    // We already fired NavigationStopped in NavigateCore(), so just return without doing anything

                uriBeingLoaded = navOp.UriBeforeMapping;

                LoadResult loadResult = this._contentLoader.EndLoad(result);
                if (loadResult == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(Resource.NavigationService_InvalidLoadResult, "LoadResult", this._contentLoader.GetType()));
                else if (loadResult.RedirectUri != null)
                    // If we get a Redirect, navigate again without storing any context
                    this.NavigateCore(loadResult.RedirectUri, NavigationMode.New, false /*suppressJournalAdd*/, true /*isRedirect*/);
                    content = loadResult.LoadedContent as DependencyObject;

                    // If the content is anything but a UserControl, we should throw.
                    // We support UserControls as they are a typical thing created in designers such as Blend,
                    // but for a full experience one would use Page to get to things like NavigationContext,
                    // NavigationService, Title, etc.
                    if (!(content is UserControl))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                                          content == null ? "null" : content.GetType().ToString(),

                    // Content loader was successful, so complete navigation

                    // Create a new navigation context
                    JournalEntry.SetNavigationContext(content, new NavigationContext(UriParsingHelper.InternalUriParseQueryStringToDictionary(asyncNavigationOperationCompleted.Uri, true /* decodeResults */)));
                    content.SetValue(NavigationServiceProperty, this);

                    // Complete navigation operation
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (this.RaiseNavigationFailed(uriBeingLoaded, ex))
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures current data about the current page is stored in the journal.
        /// This either updates an existing entry or adds a new one. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="journalEntry"></param> 
        internal void UpdateCurrentEntry(JournalEntry journalEntry) 
            if (journalEntry == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("journalEntry");
            Debug.Assert(journalEntry.ContentId != 0); 
            Debug.Assert(!(journalEntry.IsAlive() && journalEntry.JEGroupState.JournalDataStreams != null),
                "Keep-alive content state should not be serialized."); 
            if (_currentEntryIndex > -1 && _currentEntryIndex < TotalCount)
                // update existing entry using the old entry's index.
                // Note: the new entry can be for a different NavigationService.
                JournalEntry oldEntry = _journalEntryList[_currentEntryIndex];
                journalEntry.Id = oldEntry.Id; 
                _journalEntryList[_currentEntryIndex] = journalEntry;
                // add new entry to the front 
                journalEntry.Id = ++_journalEntryId;

            // If the next navigation is not #fragment or CustomContentState, this entry should be 
            // remembered as the "exit" entry for the group, so when navigating back to the same 
            // page, it will be shown. (It is not necessarily the last one in the group.)
            // Journal filtering will hide all other entries while at another page (different 
            // NavigationService.Content object).
            journalEntry.JEGroupState.GroupExitEntry = journalEntry;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates NavigationState to reflect the Journal state, if the Journal is using NavigationState.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="journalEntry">JournalEntry used to update the browser location.</param>
        private void UpdateNavigationState(JournalEntry journalEntry)
            if (this.UseNavigationState)
                if (this._suppressNavigationEvent == false)
                    string state = journalEntry.Source == null
                                    ? string.Empty
                                    : UriParsingHelper.InternalUriToExternalValue(journalEntry.Source);

                    Application.Current.Host.NavigationState = state;
                    if (HtmlPage.IsEnabled)
                        HtmlPage.Document.SetProperty("title", journalEntry.Name);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private static int JournalEntryCompare(JournalEntry a, JournalEntry b)
     return b.Date.CompareTo(a.Date);
 // Token: 0x060029FF RID: 10751 RVA: 0x000C1A81 File Offset: 0x000BFC81
 internal PageFunctionReturnInfo(PageFunctionBase finishingChildPageFunction, Uri source, NavigationMode navigationMode, JournalEntry journalEntry, object returnEventArgs) : base(source, navigationMode, journalEntry)
     this._returnEventArgs            = returnEventArgs;
     this._finishingChildPageFunction = finishingChildPageFunction;
        private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string title = textBox_Title.Text;
            string entry = textBox_Entry.Text;
            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;

            JournalEntry newEntry = new JournalEntry();
            newEntry.Id = currentJournal.Entries.Count + 1;
            newEntry.Title = title;
            newEntry.Entry = entry;
            newEntry.EntryDate = currentDate;

            textBox_Title.Text = String.Empty;
            textBox_Entry.Text = String.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates NavigationState to reflect the Journal state, if the Journal is using NavigationState.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="journalEntry">JournalEntry used to update the browser location.</param>
        private void UpdateNavigationState(JournalEntry journalEntry)
            if (this.UseNavigationState)
                if (this._suppressNavigationEvent == false)
                    string state = journalEntry.Source == null
                                    ? string.Empty
                                    : UriParsingHelper.InternalUriToExternalValue(journalEntry.Source);

                    // Title updates only occur when DOM access is enabled, so check this first.
                    if (HtmlPage.IsEnabled)
                        // In older versions of IE (6, 7, and 8 in 7 compat mode) we use an
                        // iframe to cause journal updates.  But this requires that the title
                        // be set before the navigation for the dropdowns for back/forward
                        // to show the correct titles at the correct places in these lists.
                        // In newer versions of IE, and in all other supported browsers, the
                        // title should be set after the navigation for correct behavior.
                        if (UsingIFrame())
                            HtmlPage.Document.SetProperty("title", journalEntry.Name);
                            Application.Current.Host.NavigationState = state;
                            Application.Current.Host.NavigationState = state;
                            HtmlPage.Document.SetProperty("title", journalEntry.Name);
                        // We don't have DOM access, so just update NavigationState
                        // without a title update
                        Application.Current.Host.NavigationState = state;
Exemplo n.º 15
 internal void CommitJournalNavigation(JournalEntry navigated) 
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates observable properties of the journal.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentEntry">The current journal entry.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of navigation that triggered the update.</param>
 private void UpdateObservables(JournalEntry currentEntry, NavigationMode mode)
     this.OnNavigated(currentEntry.Name, currentEntry.Source, mode);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// For jump navigation this determines if it is a backwards or forwards navigation 
        /// </summary>
        internal NavigationMode GetNavigationMode(JournalEntry entry)
            int index = _journalEntryList.IndexOf(entry); 

            if (index <= _currentEntryIndex) 
                // If index = _currentEntryIndex it means the application is being navigated back to
                // in the browser.  The browser has just loaded the journal and is restoring the 
                // current page.  This would also work if we chose "forward" but it must be one of the
                // two so that NavigationService will complete the navigation with CommitJournalNavigation()
                return NavigationMode.Back;
                return NavigationMode.Forward; 
        private void CompleteNavigation(DependencyObject content)
            Uri    uri                 = null;
            string pageTitle           = null;
            Page   existingContentPage = this._host.Content as Page;
            Page   newContentPage      = content as Page;

            pageTitle = JournalEntry.GetName(content ?? this._host.Content as DependencyObject);

            NavigationOperation navOp = this._currentNavigation;

            this._currentNavigation = null;
            if (navOp != null)
                // Set uri
                uri = navOp.UriBeforeMapping;

                // Used to suppress navigation notifications.
                navOp.SuppressNotifications = true;

                if (this.CurrentSource == navOp.UriForJournal)
                    // Do not record the navigation in the journal when moving to the same URI whether this
                    // is a redirection or not.
                    navOp.SuppressJournalAdd = true;
                this.CurrentSource = navOp.UriForJournal;
                this._source       = navOp.UriBeforeMapping;
                this._currentSourceAfterMapping = navOp.Uri;
                this.Host.CurrentSource = this.CurrentSource;

                // Check if this is a 'New' operation
                if (navOp.Mode == NavigationMode.New && navOp.Uri != null && navOp.SuppressJournalAdd == false)
                        this._journalIsAddingHistoryPoint = true;
                        JournalEntry je = new JournalEntry(pageTitle ?? uri.OriginalString, navOp.UriForJournal);
                        this._journalIsAddingHistoryPoint = false;

                this.Host.CanGoBack    = this.CanGoBack;
                this.Host.CanGoForward = this.CanGoForward;

                navOp.SuppressNotifications = false;

            if (this.Journal.UseNavigationState && HtmlPage.IsEnabled)
                HtmlPage.Document.SetProperty("title", pageTitle ?? (uri == null ? string.Empty : uri.OriginalString));
            if (content == null)
                // We're navigating to a fragment in the current page, so for WPF compatibility, fire FragmentNavigation THEN Navigated
                if (navOp != null)
                    this.RaiseNavigated(content, uri, existingContentPage, newContentPage);
                // We're navigating to a fragment in the new content, so let the host load content, then for WPF compatibility,
                // fire Navigated THEN FragmentNavigation
                this.Host.Content = content;
                this.RaiseNavigated(content, uri, existingContentPage, newContentPage);
                string fragment = navOp == null ? null : UriParsingHelper.InternalUriGetFragment(navOp.Uri);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fragment))
Exemplo n.º 19
        internal void NavigateTo(JournalEntry target)
            Debug.Assert(IsNavigable(target), "target must be navigable"); 
            int index = _journalEntryList.IndexOf(target); 

            // When navigating back to a page which contains a previously navigated frame a 
            // saved journal entry is replayed to restore the frame�s location, in many cases
            // this entry is not in the journal.
            if (index > -1)
                _currentEntryIndex = index;
                _uncommittedCurrentIndex = _currentEntryIndex; 
Exemplo n.º 20
        private JournalEntry UpdateJournal(
            NavigationMode navigationMode, JournalReason journalReason, JournalEntry destinationJournalEntry)
            Debug.Assert(navigationMode == NavigationMode.New ||
                navigationMode == NavigationMode.Back ||
                navigationMode == NavigationMode.Forward, "The journal should not be updated on Refresh.");
            // The point of this assert is that there should be no destinationJournalEntry for
            // navigationMode=New, but it is always required for Back/Fwd.
            Debug.Assert(destinationJournalEntry == null
                    ^ (navigationMode == NavigationMode.Back || navigationMode == NavigationMode.Forward));

            JournalEntry journalEntry = null;

            if (!_doNotJournalCurrentContent)
                journalEntry = MakeJournalEntry(journalReason);

            if (journalEntry == null)
                _doNotJournalCurrentContent = false;

                // This case will be true when we have navigated to null and then gone back.  We cannot add null to the journal
                // but we still need to commit the back navigation to the journal so the journal state stays sane.
                if ((navigationMode == NavigationMode.Back || navigationMode == NavigationMode.Forward)
                    && JournalScope != null)

                // There's no need to do anything here for a New navigation.
                return null;

            // EnsureJournal() should be called no earlier than here. Only the second navigation in a
            // NavigationService really requires a journal.
            // In particular, a child Frame should not be forced to create its own journal when it
            // is being re-navigated by DataStreams.Load(), because it doesn't yet have access to the
            // parent JournalNavigationScope.
            JournalNavigationScope journalScope = EnsureJournal();
            if (journalScope == null)
                return null;

            PageFunctionBase pfBase = _bp as PageFunctionBase;
            if (pfBase != null)
                // PageFunctions that don't show UI don't get navigated to in the journal
                // We still need to add it to the journal since we need to resume this when its child finishes
                // This codepath is not executed if this pagefunction finished without launching a child.
                // That case is handled in HandleFinish

                if (navigationMode == NavigationMode.New && pfBase.Content == null)
                    journalEntry.EntryType = JournalEntryType.UiLess;


            if (journalEntry.IsNavigable())
                CallUpdateTravelLog(navigationMode == NavigationMode.New);

            if (navigationMode == NavigationMode.New)
            else // Back or Forward

            _customContentStateToSave = null; // not needed anymore

            return journalEntry;
Exemplo n.º 21
 internal bool IsNavigable(JournalEntry entry)
     if (entry == null)
         return false; 
     // Fallback to entry.IsNavigable if the Filter hasn't been specified 
     return (Filter != null) ? Filter(entry) : entry.IsNavigable();
Exemplo n.º 22
 internal PageFunctionReturnInfo(PageFunctionBase finishingChildPageFunction, Uri source, NavigationMode navigationMode, JournalEntry journalEntry, object returnEventArgs)
     : base(source, navigationMode, journalEntry)
     _returnEventArgs = returnEventArgs;
     _finishingChildPageFunction = finishingChildPageFunction;
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates observable properties of the journal.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentEntry">The current journal entry.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode of navigation that triggered the update.</param>
 private void UpdateObservables(JournalEntry currentEntry, NavigationMode mode)
     this.OnNavigated(currentEntry.Name, currentEntry.Source, mode);
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary> 
 /// This is the filter callback for Journal. To keep a single code path and to avoid
 /// inconsistent results, use Journal.IsNavigable() instead of this method. 
 /// </summary>
 private bool IsEntryNavigable(JournalEntry entry)
     if (entry == null || !entry.IsNavigable()) 
         return false;
     // If the entry is associated with a child frame, the frame has to be currently available. 
     // For a given journal entry group, only the "exit" entry is made visible. Effectively, 
     // this collapses all fragment-navigation and CustomContentState-navigation entries for
     // a page (other than the current one) to a single entry. That's what IE does. 
     NavigationService ns = _rootNavSvc.FindTarget(entry.NavigationServiceId);
     return ns != null
         && (ns.ContentId == entry.ContentId || entry.JEGroupState.GroupExitEntry == entry);
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new JournalEntry to the history stack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="journalEntry">A new JournalEntry to add to the history stack.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Any JournalEntry items existing on the ForwardStack will be removed.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void AddHistoryPoint(JournalEntry journalEntry)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(journalEntry, "journalEntry");

            lock (this._syncLock)

                if (this._currentEntry != null)

                this._currentEntry = journalEntry;

            this.UpdateObservables(journalEntry, NavigationMode.New);

Exemplo n.º 26
 internal override void PrepareForSerialization()
     if (JournalEntry != null)
         if (JournalEntry.IsAlive()) // not serializable
             JournalEntry = null;
             // Only the NavigationService GUID will be restored.
             // See related case and explanation in Frame.GetJournalState().
     if (Journal != null)
Exemplo n.º 27
 // Token: 0x060029FA RID: 10746 RVA: 0x000C1A2A File Offset: 0x000BFC2A
 internal NavigateInfo(Uri source, NavigationMode navigationMode, JournalEntry journalEntry)
     this._source         = source;
     this._navigationMode = navigationMode;
     this._journalEntry   = journalEntry;