Exemplo n.º 1
 private bool IgnoreGestureToMousePromotion(StylusSystemGestureEventArgs gestureArgs, StylusTouchDevice touchDevice)
     if (gestureArgs != null && touchDevice.DownHandled)
         // If touchDevice's down event is already handled 
         // and if this gesture is a candidate for mouse
         // left button down promotion, then such a 
         // promotion should be ignored.
         SystemGesture gesture = gestureArgs.SystemGesture;
         if (gesture == SystemGesture.Tap ||
             gesture == SystemGesture.Drag) 
             return true; 
     return false; 
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal void PromoteStoredItemsToMouse(StylusTouchDevice touchDevice) 
            if (!ShouldPromoteToMouse(touchDevice.StylusDevice)) 
            IList<StagingAreaInputItem> storedItems = touchDevice.StoredStagingAreaItems;
            int count = storedItems.Count; 
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
                // A stored item could be a Stylus input staging item queued to be promoted to mouse 
                // OR a raw mouse input report staging item for Button1Press delayed from
                // StylusLogic.PreProcessInput. If this staging item is of such a raw mouse
                // input report call StylusDevice's PlaybackCachedDownInputReport OR else
                // call PromoteMainToMouse method. 
                StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem = storedItems[i];
                InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = stagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs; 
                if (inputReportArgs != null && 
                    inputReportArgs.Report.Type == InputType.Mouse &&
                    !(inputReportArgs.Device is StylusDevice)) 