GetArgName() private method

private GetArgName ( int argNum ) : String
argNum int
return String
Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void GetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("info");

            if ((obj != null) && (obj != _rootObj))
                (new MessageSurrogate(_ss)).GetObjectData(obj, info, context);
                IMethodReturnMessage msg = obj as IMethodReturnMessage;
                if (null != msg)
                    if (msg.Exception == null)
                        String responseElementName;
                        String responseElementNS;
                        String returnElementName;

                        // obtain response element name namespace
                        MethodBase          mb   = msg.MethodBase;
                        SoapMethodAttribute attr = (SoapMethodAttribute)InternalRemotingServices.GetCachedSoapAttribute(mb);
                        responseElementName = attr.ResponseXmlElementName;
                        responseElementNS   = attr.ResponseXmlNamespace;
                        returnElementName   = attr.ReturnXmlElementName;

                        ArgMapper mapper = new ArgMapper(msg, true /*fOut*/);
                        Object[]  args   = mapper.Args;
                        info.FullTypeName = responseElementName;
                        info.AssemblyName = responseElementNS;
                        Type retType = ((MethodInfo)mb).ReturnType;
                        if (!((retType == null) || (retType == _voidType)))
                            info.AddValue(returnElementName, msg.ReturnValue, retType);
                        if (args != null)
                            Type[] types = mapper.ArgTypes;
                            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                                String name;
                                name = mapper.GetArgName(i);
                                if ((name == null) || (name.Length == 0))
                                    name = "__param" + i;
                        Object oClientIsClr = CallContext.GetData("__ClientIsClr");
                        bool   bClientIsClr = (oClientIsClr == null) ? true:(bool)oClientIsClr;
                        info.FullTypeName = "FormatterWrapper";
                        info.AssemblyName = DefaultFakeRecordAssemblyName;

                        Exception     ex = msg.Exception;
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        bool          bMustUnderstandError = false;
                        while (ex != null)
                            if (ex.Message.StartsWith("MustUnderstand"))
                                bMustUnderstandError = true;

                            sb.Append(" **** ");
                            sb.Append(" - ");

                            ex = ex.InnerException;

                        ServerFault serverFault = null;
                        if (bClientIsClr)
                            serverFault = new ServerFault(msg.Exception); // Clr is the Client use full exception
                            serverFault = new ServerFault(msg.Exception.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, sb.ToString(), msg.Exception.StackTrace);

                        String faultType = "Server";
                        if (bMustUnderstandError)
                            faultType = "MustUnderstand";

                        SoapFault soapFault = new SoapFault(faultType, sb.ToString(), null, serverFault);
                        info.AddValue("__WrappedObject", soapFault, _soapFaultType);
                    IMethodCallMessage mcm = (IMethodCallMessage)obj;

                    // obtain method namespace
                    MethodBase mb = mcm.MethodBase;
                    String     methodElementNS = SoapServices.GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall(mb);

                    Object[] args  = mcm.InArgs;
                    String[] names = GetInArgNames(mcm, args.Length);
                    Type[]   sig   = (Type[])mcm.MethodSignature;
                    info.FullTypeName = mcm.MethodName;
                    info.AssemblyName = methodElementNS;
                    RemotingMethodCachedData cache = (RemotingMethodCachedData)InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(mb);
                    int[] requestArgMap            = cache.MarshalRequestArgMap;

                        args != null || sig.Length == args.Length,
                        "Signature mismatch");

                    for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                        String paramName = null;
                        if ((names[i] == null) || (names[i].Length == 0))
                            paramName = "__param" + i;
                            paramName = names[i];

                        int  sigPosition = requestArgMap[i];
                        Type argType     = null;

                        if (sig[sigPosition].IsByRef)
                            argType = sig[sigPosition].GetElementType();
                            argType = sig[sigPosition];

                        info.AddValue(paramName, args[i], argType);
        } // GetObjectData
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated_required
        public virtual void GetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            if (info==null) 
               throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
            if ( (obj!=null) && (obj !=_rootObj))
                (new MessageSurrogate(_ss)).GetObjectData(obj, info, context);
                IMethodReturnMessage msg = obj as IMethodReturnMessage;
                if(null != msg)

                    if (msg.Exception == null)
                        String responseElementName;
                        String responseElementNS;
                        String returnElementName;                    

                        // obtain response element name namespace
                        MethodBase mb = msg.MethodBase;
                        SoapMethodAttribute attr = (SoapMethodAttribute)InternalRemotingServices.GetCachedSoapAttribute(mb);
                        responseElementName = attr.ResponseXmlElementName;
                        responseElementNS = attr.ResponseXmlNamespace;
                        returnElementName = attr.ReturnXmlElementName;

                        ArgMapper mapper = new ArgMapper(msg, true /*fOut*/);
                        Object[] args = mapper.Args;
                        info.FullTypeName = responseElementName;
                        info.AssemblyName = responseElementNS;
                        Type retType = ((MethodInfo)mb).ReturnType;                                         
                        if (!((retType == null) || (retType == _voidType)))
                            info.AddValue(returnElementName, msg.ReturnValue, retType);
                        if (args != null)
                            Type[] types = mapper.ArgTypes;
                            for (int i=0; i<args.Length; i++)
                                String name;
                                name = mapper.GetArgName(i);
                                if ((name == null) || (name.Length == 0))
                                    name = "__param" + i;
                        Object oClientIsClr = CallContext.GetData("__ClientIsClr");
                        bool bClientIsClr = (oClientIsClr == null) ? true:(bool)oClientIsClr;
                        info.FullTypeName = "FormatterWrapper";
                        info.AssemblyName = DefaultFakeRecordAssemblyName;

                        Exception ex = msg.Exception;
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        bool bMustUnderstandError = false;
                        while(ex != null)
                            if (ex.Message.StartsWith("MustUnderstand", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                bMustUnderstandError = true;

                            sb.Append(" **** ");
                            sb.Append(" - ");
                            ex = ex.InnerException;

                        ServerFault serverFault = null;
                        if (bClientIsClr)
                            serverFault = new ServerFault(msg.Exception); // Clr is the Client use full exception
                            serverFault = new ServerFault(msg.Exception.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, sb.ToString(), msg.Exception.StackTrace); 

                        String faultType = "Server";
                        if (bMustUnderstandError)
                            faultType = "MustUnderstand";

                        SoapFault soapFault = new SoapFault(faultType, sb.ToString(), null, serverFault);
                        info.AddValue("__WrappedObject", soapFault, _soapFaultType);                   

                    IMethodCallMessage mcm = (IMethodCallMessage)obj;

                    // obtain method namespace        
                    MethodBase mb = mcm.MethodBase;                
                    String methodElementNS = SoapServices.GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall(mb);       

                    Object[] args = mcm.InArgs;
                    String[] names = GetInArgNames(mcm, args.Length);
                    Type[] sig = (Type[])mcm.MethodSignature;
                    info.FullTypeName = mcm.MethodName;
                    info.AssemblyName = methodElementNS;
                    RemotingMethodCachedData cache = (RemotingMethodCachedData)InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(mb);
                    int[] requestArgMap = cache.MarshalRequestArgMap;

                        args!=null || sig.Length == args.Length, 
                        "Signature mismatch");

                    for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                        String paramName = null;
                        if ((names[i] == null) || (names[i].Length == 0))
                            paramName = "__param" + i;
                            paramName = names[i];

                        int sigPosition = requestArgMap[i];
                        Type argType = null;

                        if (sig[sigPosition].IsByRef)
                            argType = sig[sigPosition].GetElementType();
                            argType = sig[sigPosition];

                        info.AddValue(paramName, args[i], argType);
        } // GetObjectData
 public virtual void GetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     if (info == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
     if (obj != null && obj != this._rootObj)
         new MessageSurrogate(this._ss).GetObjectData(obj, info, context);
         IMethodReturnMessage methodReturnMessage = obj as IMethodReturnMessage;
         if (methodReturnMessage != null)
             if (methodReturnMessage.Exception == null)
                 MethodBase          methodBase          = methodReturnMessage.MethodBase;
                 SoapMethodAttribute soapMethodAttribute = (SoapMethodAttribute)InternalRemotingServices.GetCachedSoapAttribute((object)methodBase);
                 string    responseXmlElementName        = soapMethodAttribute.ResponseXmlElementName;
                 string    responseXmlNamespace          = soapMethodAttribute.ResponseXmlNamespace;
                 string    returnXmlElementName          = soapMethodAttribute.ReturnXmlElementName;
                 ArgMapper argMapper = new ArgMapper((IMethodMessage)methodReturnMessage, true);
                 object[]  args      = argMapper.Args;
                 info.FullTypeName = responseXmlElementName;
                 info.AssemblyName = responseXmlNamespace;
                 Type returnType = ((MethodInfo)methodBase).ReturnType;
                 if (!(returnType == (Type)null) && !(returnType == SoapMessageSurrogate._voidType))
                     info.AddValue(returnXmlElementName, methodReturnMessage.ReturnValue, returnType);
                 if (args == null)
                 Type[] argTypes = argMapper.ArgTypes;
                 for (int argNum = 0; argNum < args.Length; ++argNum)
                     string name = argMapper.GetArgName(argNum);
                     if (name == null || name.Length == 0)
                         name = "__param" + (object)argNum;
                     info.AddValue(name, args[argNum], argTypes[argNum].IsByRef ? argTypes[argNum].GetElementType() : argTypes[argNum]);
                 object data  = CallContext.GetData("__ClientIsClr");
                 bool   flag1 = data == null || (bool)data;
                 info.FullTypeName = "FormatterWrapper";
                 info.AssemblyName = this.DefaultFakeRecordAssemblyName;
                 Exception     exception     = methodReturnMessage.Exception;
                 StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                 bool          flag2         = false;
                 for (; exception != null; exception = exception.InnerException)
                     if (exception.Message.StartsWith("MustUnderstand", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                         flag2 = true;
                     stringBuilder.Append(" **** ");
                     stringBuilder.Append(" - ");
                 ServerFault serverFault = !flag1 ? new ServerFault(methodReturnMessage.Exception.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, stringBuilder.ToString(), methodReturnMessage.Exception.StackTrace) : new ServerFault(methodReturnMessage.Exception);
                 string      faultCode   = "Server";
                 if (flag2)
                     faultCode = "MustUnderstand";
                 SoapFault soapFault = new SoapFault(faultCode, stringBuilder.ToString(), (string)null, serverFault);
                 info.AddValue("__WrappedObject", (object)soapFault, SoapMessageSurrogate._soapFaultType);
             IMethodCallMessage m                      = (IMethodCallMessage)obj;
             MethodBase         methodBase             = m.MethodBase;
             string             namespaceForMethodCall = SoapServices.GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall(methodBase);
             object[]           inArgs                 = m.InArgs;
             string[]           inArgNames             = this.GetInArgNames(m, inArgs.Length);
             Type[]             typeArray              = (Type[])m.MethodSignature;
             info.FullTypeName = m.MethodName;
             info.AssemblyName = namespaceForMethodCall;
             int[] marshalRequestArgMap = InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(methodBase).MarshalRequestArgMap;
             for (int index1 = 0; index1 < inArgs.Length; ++index1)
                 string name   = inArgNames[index1] == null || inArgNames[index1].Length == 0 ? "__param" + (object)index1 : inArgNames[index1];
                 int    index2 = marshalRequestArgMap[index1];
                 Type   type   = !typeArray[index2].IsByRef ? typeArray[index2] : typeArray[index2].GetElementType();
                 info.AddValue(name, inArgs[index1], type);
 public virtual void GetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     if (info == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
     if ((obj != null) && (obj != this._rootObj))
         new MessageSurrogate(this._ss).GetObjectData(obj, info, context);
         IMethodReturnMessage mm = obj as IMethodReturnMessage;
         if (mm != null)
             if (mm.Exception != null)
                 object data = CallContext.GetData("__ClientIsClr");
                 bool   flag = (data == null) || ((bool)data);
                 info.FullTypeName = "FormatterWrapper";
                 info.AssemblyName = this.DefaultFakeRecordAssemblyName;
                 Exception     innerException = mm.Exception;
                 StringBuilder builder        = new StringBuilder();
                 bool          flag2          = false;
                 while (innerException != null)
                     if (innerException.Message.StartsWith("MustUnderstand", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                         flag2 = true;
                     builder.Append(" **** ");
                     builder.Append(" - ");
                     innerException = innerException.InnerException;
                 ServerFault serverFault = null;
                 if (flag)
                     serverFault = new ServerFault(mm.Exception);
                     serverFault = new ServerFault(mm.Exception.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, builder.ToString(), mm.Exception.StackTrace);
                 string faultCode = "Server";
                 if (flag2)
                     faultCode = "MustUnderstand";
                 SoapFault fault2 = new SoapFault(faultCode, builder.ToString(), null, serverFault);
                 info.AddValue("__WrappedObject", fault2, _soapFaultType);
                 MethodBase          methodBase          = mm.MethodBase;
                 SoapMethodAttribute cachedSoapAttribute = (SoapMethodAttribute)InternalRemotingServices.GetCachedSoapAttribute(methodBase);
                 string    responseXmlElementName        = cachedSoapAttribute.ResponseXmlElementName;
                 string    responseXmlNamespace          = cachedSoapAttribute.ResponseXmlNamespace;
                 string    returnXmlElementName          = cachedSoapAttribute.ReturnXmlElementName;
                 ArgMapper mapper = new ArgMapper(mm, true);
                 object[]  args   = mapper.Args;
                 info.FullTypeName = responseXmlElementName;
                 info.AssemblyName = responseXmlNamespace;
                 Type returnType = ((MethodInfo)methodBase).ReturnType;
                 if ((returnType != null) && !(returnType == _voidType))
                     info.AddValue(returnXmlElementName, mm.ReturnValue, returnType);
                 if (args != null)
                     Type[] argTypes = mapper.ArgTypes;
                     for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                         string argName = mapper.GetArgName(i);
                         if ((argName == null) || (argName.Length == 0))
                             argName = "__param" + i;
                         info.AddValue(argName, args[i], argTypes[i].IsByRef ? argTypes[i].GetElementType() : argTypes[i]);
             IMethodCallMessage m  = (IMethodCallMessage)obj;
             MethodBase         mb = m.MethodBase;
             string             xmlNamespaceForMethodCall = SoapServices.GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall(mb);
             object[]           inArgs          = m.InArgs;
             string[]           inArgNames      = this.GetInArgNames(m, inArgs.Length);
             Type[]             methodSignature = (Type[])m.MethodSignature;
             info.FullTypeName = m.MethodName;
             info.AssemblyName = xmlNamespaceForMethodCall;
             int[] marshalRequestArgMap = InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(mb).MarshalRequestArgMap;
             for (int j = 0; j < inArgs.Length; j++)
                 string name = null;
                 if ((inArgNames[j] == null) || (inArgNames[j].Length == 0))
                     name = "__param" + j;
                     name = inArgNames[j];
                 int  index = marshalRequestArgMap[j];
                 Type type  = null;
                 if (methodSignature[index].IsByRef)
                     type = methodSignature[index].GetElementType();
                     type = methodSignature[index];
                 info.AddValue(name, inArgs[j], type);
 public virtual void GetObjectData(object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     if (info == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
     if ((obj != null) && (obj != this._rootObj))
         new MessageSurrogate(this._ss).GetObjectData(obj, info, context);
         IMethodReturnMessage mm = obj as IMethodReturnMessage;
         if (mm != null)
             if (mm.Exception != null)
                 object data = CallContext.GetData("__ClientIsClr");
                 bool flag = (data == null) || ((bool) data);
                 info.FullTypeName = "FormatterWrapper";
                 info.AssemblyName = this.DefaultFakeRecordAssemblyName;
                 Exception innerException = mm.Exception;
                 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                 bool flag2 = false;
                 while (innerException != null)
                     if (innerException.Message.StartsWith("MustUnderstand", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                         flag2 = true;
                     builder.Append(" **** ");
                     builder.Append(" - ");
                     innerException = innerException.InnerException;
                 ServerFault serverFault = null;
                 if (flag)
                     serverFault = new ServerFault(mm.Exception);
                     serverFault = new ServerFault(mm.Exception.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, builder.ToString(), mm.Exception.StackTrace);
                 string faultCode = "Server";
                 if (flag2)
                     faultCode = "MustUnderstand";
                 SoapFault fault2 = new SoapFault(faultCode, builder.ToString(), null, serverFault);
                 info.AddValue("__WrappedObject", fault2, _soapFaultType);
                 MethodBase methodBase = mm.MethodBase;
                 SoapMethodAttribute cachedSoapAttribute = (SoapMethodAttribute) InternalRemotingServices.GetCachedSoapAttribute(methodBase);
                 string responseXmlElementName = cachedSoapAttribute.ResponseXmlElementName;
                 string responseXmlNamespace = cachedSoapAttribute.ResponseXmlNamespace;
                 string returnXmlElementName = cachedSoapAttribute.ReturnXmlElementName;
                 ArgMapper mapper = new ArgMapper(mm, true);
                 object[] args = mapper.Args;
                 info.FullTypeName = responseXmlElementName;
                 info.AssemblyName = responseXmlNamespace;
                 Type returnType = ((MethodInfo) methodBase).ReturnType;
                 if ((returnType != null) && !(returnType == _voidType))
                     info.AddValue(returnXmlElementName, mm.ReturnValue, returnType);
                 if (args != null)
                     Type[] argTypes = mapper.ArgTypes;
                     for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                         string argName = mapper.GetArgName(i);
                         if ((argName == null) || (argName.Length == 0))
                             argName = "__param" + i;
                         info.AddValue(argName, args[i], argTypes[i].IsByRef ? argTypes[i].GetElementType() : argTypes[i]);
             IMethodCallMessage m = (IMethodCallMessage) obj;
             MethodBase mb = m.MethodBase;
             string xmlNamespaceForMethodCall = SoapServices.GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall(mb);
             object[] inArgs = m.InArgs;
             string[] inArgNames = this.GetInArgNames(m, inArgs.Length);
             Type[] methodSignature = (Type[]) m.MethodSignature;
             info.FullTypeName = m.MethodName;
             info.AssemblyName = xmlNamespaceForMethodCall;
             int[] marshalRequestArgMap = InternalRemotingServices.GetReflectionCachedData(mb).MarshalRequestArgMap;
             for (int j = 0; j < inArgs.Length; j++)
                 string name = null;
                 if ((inArgNames[j] == null) || (inArgNames[j].Length == 0))
                     name = "__param" + j;
                     name = inArgNames[j];
                 int index = marshalRequestArgMap[j];
                 Type type = null;
                 if (methodSignature[index].IsByRef)
                     type = methodSignature[index].GetElementType();
                     type = methodSignature[index];
                 info.AddValue(name, inArgs[j], type);