Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static unsafe void VerifyFirst(UIntPtr previousObjectAddr,
                                                UIntPtr objectAddr)
            UIntPtr page = PageTable.Page(objectAddr);

            if (previousObjectAddr != UIntPtr.Zero)
                UIntPtr previousPage = PageTable.Page(previousObjectAddr);
                UIntPtr pageCursor   = previousPage + 1;
                while (pageCursor < page)
                    uint    cursorOffset = PageTable.Extra(pageCursor);
                    UIntPtr objAddr      = (PageTable.PageAddr(pageCursor) +
                                            cursorOffset - OFFSET_SKEW);
                    if (!(cursorOffset <= OFFSET_NO_DATA ||
                          BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(objAddr) ||
                          Allocator.IsAlignment(objAddr) ||
                            ("cursorOffset={0:x} OFFSET_NO_DATA={1:x} objAddr={2:x} unused={3} isalign={4} iszero={5}\n",
                    VTable.Assert(cursorOffset <= OFFSET_NO_DATA ||
                                  BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(objAddr) ||
                                  Allocator.IsAlignment(objAddr) ||
                                  "VerifyFirst 1");
            uint offset = PageTable.Extra(page);

            if (offset > OFFSET_NO_DATA)
                UIntPtr firstAddr =
                    PageTable.PageAddr(page) + offset - OFFSET_SKEW;
                if (!(firstAddr == objectAddr ||
                      (firstAddr + UIntPtr.Size == objectAddr &&
                        ("firstAddr={0:x} objectAddr={1:x} isalign={2}\n",
                VTable.Assert(firstAddr == objectAddr ||
                              (firstAddr + 4 == objectAddr &&
                              "VerifyFirst 2");
Exemplo n.º 2
            internal void ProcessPinnedPages(ReferenceVisitor ptrVisitor)
                if (pinnedPageList == null || pinnedPageList.Count == 0)
                int limit = pinnedPageList.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                    UIntPtr  page          = (UIntPtr)pinnedPageList[i];
                    PageType fromSpaceType = PageTable.Type(page);
                    PageType toSpaceType =
                    PageTable.SetType(page, toSpaceType);
                int pageIndex = 0;

                while (pageIndex < limit)
                    UIntPtr startPage = (UIntPtr)pinnedPageList[pageIndex];
                    UIntPtr endPage   = startPage + 1;
                    while (pageIndex < limit &&
                           (UIntPtr)pinnedPageList[pageIndex] == endPage)
                    UIntPtr objectAddr = FirstPinnedObjectAddr(startPage);
                    UIntPtr pastAddr   = PostPinnedObjectAddr(endPage);
                    while (objectAddr < pastAddr)
                        if (Allocator.IsAlignment(objectAddr))
                            objectAddr += UIntPtr.Size;
                        else if (BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(objectAddr))
                            objectAddr = (PageTable.PagePad(objectAddr) +
                            Object obj = Magic.fromAddress(objectAddr);
                            objectAddr += ptrVisitor.VisitReferenceFields(obj);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Finds the object base for an interior pointer.  In the case of a
        // pointer to the tail of an object and the head of another, it will
        // return the former object (the one whose tail we point at).  To
        // get the base pointer for a pointer into the pre-header, you should
        // add PreHeader.Size before calling this.
        internal static UIntPtr Find(UIntPtr addr)
            UIntPtr page     = PageTable.Page(addr);
            UIntPtr currAddr = InteriorPtrTable.First(page);

            // Look out for the unused space token: this page may not
            // have been completely allocated: its "first" object might not
            // be valid.
            if (BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(currAddr) || currAddr > addr)
                // Back up to the previous object.  Should be fast
                // since First updated the InteriorPtrTable entries.
                currAddr = Before(PageTable.PageAddr(page));
                          "InteriorPtrTable.Find 0");
            VTable.Assert(currAddr <= addr, "InteriorPtrTable.Find 1");
            while (true)
                // Watch out for alignment padding; advance the pointer if
                // it points to a syncblock index rather than a vtable
                // pointer.  Note that we must do this before scrolling,
                // since the page table value was set before we knew the
                // required alignment.
                if (Allocator.IsAlignment(currAddr))
                    currAddr += UIntPtr.Size;
                else if (BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(currAddr))
                    UIntPtr postAddr =
                        PageTable.PagePad(currAddr) + PreHeader.Size;
                    VTable.Assert(postAddr <= addr, "InteriorPtrTable.Find 2");
                    currAddr = postAddr;
                    VTable.Assert(currAddr <= addr, "InteriorPtrTable.Find 3");
                    UIntPtr size = ObjectSize(currAddr);
                    VTable.Assert(size >= UIntPtr.Zero,
                                  "InteriorPtrTable.Find 4");
                    UIntPtr postAddr = currAddr + size;
                    if (postAddr > addr)
                        currAddr = postAddr;
Exemplo n.º 4
            private static UIntPtr PostPinnedObjectAddr(UIntPtr endPage)
                UIntPtr endAddr            = PageTable.PageAddr(endPage);
                UIntPtr postLastObjectAddr = InteriorPtrTable.Last(endPage - 1);

                if (postLastObjectAddr < endAddr &&
                    // If the next object straddles into the next page,
                    // return the location just past the object
                    Object  lastObject     = Magic.fromAddress(postLastObjectAddr);
                    UIntPtr lastObjectSize =
                    postLastObjectAddr += lastObjectSize;
                return(postLastObjectAddr - PreHeader.Size);
Exemplo n.º 5
         * Returns a pointer to the first object on the given page.
         * N.B. If called on a page with no ~allocated~ first object it may
         * return a pointer to the unused space token.
        internal static UIntPtr First(UIntPtr page)
            uint    offset   = PageTable.Extra(page);
            UIntPtr pageAddr = PageTable.PageAddr(page);
            UIntPtr currAddr;

            if (offset != OFFSET_NO_DATA)
                currAddr = pageAddr + (offset - OFFSET_SKEW);
                currAddr = Before(pageAddr);
                VTable.Assert(currAddr <= pageAddr);
                UIntPtr nextPageStart = PageTable.PagePad(currAddr + 1);
                while (currAddr < pageAddr)
                    if (Allocator.IsAlignment(currAddr))
                        currAddr += UIntPtr.Size;
                    else if (BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(currAddr))
                        currAddr = PageTable.PagePad(currAddr) + PreHeader.Size;
                        if (currAddr >= nextPageStart)
                            nextPageStart = PageTable.PagePad(currAddr + 1);
                        currAddr += ObjectSize(currAddr);
            currAddr = Allocator.SkipAlignment(currAddr);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static UIntPtr FirstPtrFromInteriorTable(UIntPtr c)
            UIntPtr cardAddr     = CardTable.CardAddr(c);
            UIntPtr nextCardAddr = CardTable.NextCardAddr(c);
            UIntPtr page         = PageTable.Page(cardAddr);
            UIntPtr pageAddr     = PageTable.PageAddr(page);
            UIntPtr currAddr;

            if (page == 0)
                currAddr = PtrToNextObject(pageAddr,
                                           (UIntPtr)PreHeader.Size, nextCardAddr);
                short offset = PageTable.Extra(page);
                currAddr = UIntPtr.Zero;
                if (offset != InteriorPtrTable.OFFSET_NO_DATA)
                    currAddr = pageAddr + (offset - InteriorPtrTable.OFFSET_SKEW);

                // In general, we expect currAddr <= cardAddr. Or in the extreme
                // case, when the object starts from the page boundary,
                // currAddr - Object.HEADER_BYTES <= cardAddr. The contrary
                // cases has to be handled by searching previous pages.

                if (currAddr == UIntPtr.Zero ||
                    (currAddr > cardAddr &&
                     currAddr - PreHeader.Size > cardAddr))
                    // look from previous pages, in case that an object on
                    // them spans to the current page. In that case, we should
                    // should use that object's ptr.

                    currAddr = InteriorPtrTable.Last(page - 1);

                    // Usually, Last() returns a pointer before or at the page
                    // boundary. However, there is one exception: when an object
                    // exactly fits to the last byte of the previous page, and the next
                    // object starts right from the page boundary (the first byte of
                    // the next page), then the pointer to this next object is returned.
                    // Example found: objPtr =3d09fa8, size=60, pageboundary=
                    // 3d0a000, next objPtr=3d0a008. Then returned pointer is
                    // 3d0a008, which is beyond the page boundary.

                    VTable.Assert(currAddr <= pageAddr ||
                                  currAddr - PreHeader.Size <= pageAddr,
                                  "object is expected before page or right at the beginning of it");
            VTable.Assert(currAddr < nextCardAddr, "object is expected before next card");

            while (currAddr < nextCardAddr)
                if (Allocator.IsAlignment(currAddr))
                    currAddr += UIntPtr.Size;
                else if (BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(currAddr))
                    currAddr = PageTable.PagePad(currAddr) + PreHeader.Size;
                    UIntPtr size = InteriorPtrTable.ObjectSize(currAddr);
                    if (currAddr + size - PreHeader.Size > cardAddr)
                    currAddr += size;
            VTable.Assert(false, "No obj ptr found by looking at interior table");
Exemplo n.º 7
            private static void CleanPageTail(UIntPtr postPinnedAddr)
                if (!PageTable.PageAligned(postPinnedAddr))
                    // If postPinnedAddr points to the first object on its page,
                    // then we are removing all objects (specifically the part
                    // of the object that the InteriorPtrTable tracks, the
                    // vtables) from the page, so we should clear the page's
                    // entry in the InteriorPtrTable.

                    UIntPtr page        = PageTable.Page(postPinnedAddr);
                    UIntPtr firstObjPtr = InteriorPtrTable.First(page);
                    if (firstObjPtr > postPinnedAddr)
                            (firstObjPtr - PreHeader.Size >= postPinnedAddr,
                            "postPinnedAddr should not point to the "
                            + "interior of an object (1)");
                    else if (!BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(firstObjPtr))
                        UIntPtr firstObjSize =
                            (firstObjPtr + firstObjSize - PreHeader.Size
                            <= postPinnedAddr,
                            "postPinnedAddr should not point to the "
                            + "interior of an object (2)");

                    UIntPtr byteCount = PageTable.PagePad(postPinnedAddr)
                                        - postPinnedAddr;
                    Util.MemClear(postPinnedAddr, byteCount);

                    if (GC.remsetType == RemSetType.Cards && byteCount > 0)
                        UIntPtr firstCard = CardTable.CardNo(postPinnedAddr);
                        UIntPtr lastCard  =
                            CardTable.CardNo(postPinnedAddr + byteCount - 1);

                        if (!OffsetTable.NoObjectPtrToTheCard(firstCard))
                            UIntPtr offset = OffsetTable.GetOffset(firstCard);
                            UIntPtr objPtr =
                                CardTable.CardAddr(firstCard) + offset;
                            UIntPtr size = OffsetTable.ObjectSize(objPtr);

                                ((objPtr + size - PreHeader.Size
                                  <= postPinnedAddr) ||
                                (objPtr >= postPinnedAddr),
                                "Object should be totally "
                                + "above or below postPinnedAddr");
                            if (objPtr >= postPinnedAddr)
                                OffsetTable.ClearCards(firstCard, firstCard);

                        OffsetTable.ClearCards(firstCard + 1, lastCard);
Exemplo n.º 8
         * Returns a pointer past the last object _that_fits_completely_ on
         * the given page.  Note that the "last" object on a page may
         * actually start on a previous page.
        internal static UIntPtr Last(UIntPtr page)
            UIntPtr currAddr = InteriorPtrTable.First(page);
            UIntPtr endAddr  = PageTable.PageAddr(page + 1);

            // Look out for the unused space token: this page may not
            // have been completely allocated: its "first" object might not
            // be valid.
            if (BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(currAddr) || currAddr >= endAddr)
                // Back up to the previous object.  Should be fast
                // since First updated the InteriorPtrTable entries.
                currAddr = Before(PageTable.PageAddr(page));
            // REVIEW this is very similar to Find(addr) below.
            VTable.Assert(currAddr <= endAddr);
            while (true)
                // Watch out for alignment padding; advance the pointer if
                // it points to a syncblock index rather than a vtable
                // pointer.  Note that we must do this before scrolling,
                // since the page table value was set before we knew the
                // required alignment.
                if (Allocator.IsAlignment(currAddr))
                    currAddr += UIntPtr.Size;
                else if (BumpAllocator.IsUnusedSpace(currAddr))
                    UIntPtr nextAddr =
                        PageTable.PagePad(currAddr) + PreHeader.Size;
                    if (nextAddr >= endAddr)
                        currAddr = nextAddr;
                    VTable.Assert(currAddr <= endAddr);
                    UIntPtr size     = ObjectSize(currAddr);
                    UIntPtr postAddr = currAddr + size;
                    if (postAddr > endAddr)
                        if (postAddr - PreHeader.Size > endAddr)
                            // The object spills over onto the next page
                            // The object ended at or before the page boundary
                        currAddr = postAddr;