Exemplo n.º 1
        public static CharacterLayout[] LayoutCharacters( RuntimeFont font, string str, int startX, int startY )
            CharacterLayout[] layout = new CharacterLayout[ str.Length ];

            int curX = startX;
            int curY = startY;

            for ( int i=0; i < str.Length; i++ )
                int whichCharacter = font.FindCharacter( str[i] );
                if ( whichCharacter == -1 )

                layout[i].SudoFontIndex = whichCharacter;
                layout[i].XOffset = (int)( curX + font.Characters[whichCharacter].XOffset * font.RuntimeScale );
                layout[i].YOffset = (int)( curY + font.Characters[whichCharacter].YOffset * font.RuntimeScale );

                float totalXAdvance = font.Characters[whichCharacter].XAdvance * font.RuntimeScale;

                if ( i+1 < str.Length )
                    totalXAdvance += font.Characters[whichCharacter].GetKerning( str[i+1] ) * font.RuntimeScale;

                curX += (int)Math.Ceiling( totalXAdvance );

            return layout;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Bitmap CreateBitmapFromString( RuntimeFont font, Bitmap pngBitmap, string testString, int startX, int startY, IFont comparisonFont=null )
            // Get the character positions.
            FontLayout.CharacterLayout[] layouts = FontLayout.LayoutCharacters( font, testString, 0, 0 );

            // Draw the character.
            int extraLineSpacing = 5;

            int width = 1;
            int height = 1;

            if ( layouts.Length > 0 )
                width = layouts[ layouts.Length - 1 ].XOffset + font.LineHeight * 2;
                height = layouts[ layouts.Length - 1 ].YOffset + font.LineHeight;

            if ( comparisonFont != null )
                height += font.LineHeight + extraLineSpacing;

            Color textColor = Color.White;

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap( width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb );
            using ( Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage( bitmap ) )
                g.Clear( Color.Transparent );

                foreach ( FontLayout.CharacterLayout layout in layouts )
                    int sfi = layout.SudoFontIndex;
                    Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle( font.Characters[sfi].PackedX, font.Characters[sfi].PackedY, font.Characters[sfi].PackedWidth, font.Characters[sfi].PackedHeight );
                    Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle( layout.XOffset, layout.YOffset, srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height );
                    g.DrawImage( pngBitmap, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel );

                int curY = startY + font.LineHeight + extraLineSpacing;
                if ( comparisonFont != null )
                    comparisonFont.DrawString( g, testString, new SolidBrush( textColor ), new Point( 0, curY ) );
                    curY += font.LineHeight + extraLineSpacing;

            return bitmap;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static int MeasureStringWidth( RuntimeFont font, string str )
            int width = 0;
            for ( int i=0; i < str.Length; i++ )
                Char ch = str[i];
                int ic = font.FindCharacter( ch );
                if ( ic != -1 )
                    float totalXAdvance = font.Characters[ic].XAdvance * font.RuntimeScale;

                    if ( i < str.Length-1 )
                        totalXAdvance += font.Characters[ic].GetKerning( str[i+1] ) * font.RuntimeScale;

                    width += (int)Math.Ceiling( totalXAdvance );

            return width;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // This is a test that creates a bitmap using a SudoFont.
        // This can be used as reference for code that uses SudoFonts to rasterize text.
        // If you set comparisonFont, it'll render the same string into the bitmap under the SudoFont output.
        // This is useful for verifying/checking how close SudoFonts compare to .NET Graphics text output.
        public static Bitmap CreateBitmapFromString( string fontFilename, string testString, int startX, int startY, IFont comparisonFont=null )
                // Open the font file.
                using ( BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader( File.OpenRead( fontFilename ) ) )
                    // Load the font.
                    RuntimeFont font = new RuntimeFont();
                    if ( !font.Load( reader ) )
                        return null;

                    // Load the associated PNG file.
                    Bitmap pngBitmap = new Bitmap( Path.ChangeExtension( fontFilename, null ) + "-texture.png" );

                    return CreateBitmapFromString( font, pngBitmap, testString, startX, startY, comparisonFont );
            catch ( Exception )
                return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void openMenuItem_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();

            dlg.InitialDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            dlg.Filter = "Font Files (*.sfn)|*.sfn|All files (*.*)|*.*" ;
            dlg.FilterIndex = 0;
            dlg.InitialDirectory = _dialogsInitialDirectory;

            if ( dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK )
                _dialogsInitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName( dlg.FileName );

                    // First, load the SudoFont.
                    RuntimeFont loadedFont = new RuntimeFont();
                    using ( Stream stream = File.OpenRead( dlg.FileName ) )
                        if ( !loadedFont.Load( new BinaryReader( stream ), keepConfigBlock: true ) )
                            MessageBox.Show( "Invalid font" );

                        // Then read the configuration out of it.
                        MemoryStream configBlock = loadedFont.ConfigurationBlockStream;
                        if ( ReadConfigurationFromStream( configBlock ) )
                            _prevFontFilename = dlg.FileName;
                            MessageBox.Show( "Unable to read configuration block" );


                catch ( Exception )
                    MessageBox.Show( "Error loading font" );
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Update _fontPreviewBitmap
        void BuildFontPreviewBitmap()
            // Save the font.
            Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter( stream );
            WriteFontFileDataToStream( writer, _packedImage.Width, _packedImage.Height );
            stream.Position = 0;

            // Load in the RuntimeFont.
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader( stream );
            RuntimeFont runtimeFont = new RuntimeFont();
            runtimeFont.Load( reader );

            // Draw the lines..
            _fontPreviewBitmap = SudoFontTest.CreateBitmapFromString( runtimeFont, _packedImage, _currentPreviewText, 0, 0 );
