public SteeringOutput LookWhereYoureGoing(AutonomousAgent character)
            // get direction then with tangent we can calculate the angle
            float toZAngle = 360f - Mathf.Atan2(character.Velocity.x, character.Velocity.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            return(Align(character, new Vector3(0, 0, toZAngle)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Pursue using the target's current position and it's last position. Plus the time between the two positions
        /// </summary>
        public SteeringOutput Pursue(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 targetPosition, Vector3 targetLastPosition, float timeBetween)
            // v = s / t
            Vector3 targetVelocity = (targetPosition - targetLastPostion).normalized / timeBetween;

            return(Pursue(character, targetPosition, targetVelocity));
        /// <summary>
        /// Evade using the target's current position and it's last position. Plus the time between the two positions
        /// </summary>
        public SteeringOutput Evade(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 targetPosition, Vector3 targetLastPostion, float timeBetween)
            // v = s / t
            Vector3 velocityOfTarget = (targetPosition - targetLastPostion) / timeBetween;

            return(Evade(character, targetPosition, velocityOfTarget));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public SteeringOutput Flee(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 targetPosition)
            SteeringOutput steering = new SteeringOutput();

            Vector3 direction = character.transform.position - targetPosition;
            float   distance  = direction.magnitude;

            Vector3 targetVelocity;

            // if the target is outside of detection radius stop
            if (distance > detectionRadius)
                targetVelocity = new Vector3();
            else if (distance / detectionRadius >= 0.9f)
                // () will be a [0;0.1] number, to get a [0;1] multiply it by ten
                // the reverse it so the most outer point gets the 0
                float slowdown = 1f - (distance / detectionRadius - 0.9f) * 10f;

                targetVelocity = direction.normalized * character.maxSpeed * slowdown;
                // go in that direction with tha max speed
                targetVelocity = direction.normalized * character.maxSpeed;

            // make it acceleration
            steering.linear  = targetVelocity - character.Velocity;
            steering.linear /= timeToTarget;

        public SteeringOutput Face(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 position)
            // get direction then with tangent we can calculate the angle
            Vector3 direction = position - character.transform.position;
            float   toZAngle  = 360f - Mathf.Atan2(direction.x, direction.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            return(Align(character, new Vector3(0, 0, toZAngle)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Velocity matching using the target's position and it's velocity
        /// </summary>
        public SteeringOutput VelocityMatch(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 velocity)
            SteeringOutput output = new SteeringOutput();

            // get acceleration a = deltaV / deltaT
            output.linear = (output.linear - character.Velocity) / timeToTarget;

Exemplo n.º 7
        public SteeringOutput Align(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 angle)
            SteeringOutput output = new SteeringOutput();

            // rotation between the target and the character
            // only accounts for the z rotation which counts in 2d
            float rotateOptionLeft = angle.z -
            // we count the right rotation like this because we get the ang between up and target
            // by subtracting it from 360f and we have to add target rotation to get the full right rotation
            float rotateOptionRight = character.transform.eulerAngles.z +
                                      (360f - angle.z);

            float rotation;

            // Decide which direction is better
            if (Mathf.Abs(rotateOptionLeft) > Mathf.Abs(rotateOptionRight))
                rotation = -rotateOptionRight;
                rotation = rotateOptionLeft;

            float rotationSize = Mathf.Abs(rotation);
            float targetRotation; // how much we can rotate

            // we reached our target and we are within the given radius
            if (rotationSize < targetRadius)
                output.angular = -character.RotationVelocity;
                // we are withing the slowdown radius -> start the slowdown
            else if (rotationSize < slowdownRadius)
                // we add target radius so it multiplies by 0 not when it is exactly at desired rotation
                // but when it is inside the target radius
                targetRotation = character.maxRotation * (rotationSize / (slowdownRadius + targetRadius));
                // normal aligning without anything
                targetRotation = character.maxRotation;

            // apply direction
            targetRotation *= rotation / rotationSize;

            // add acceleration
            output.angular = targetRotation / timeToTarget;

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void UpdateLastWeights(AutonomousAgent agent)
            lastVelocityWeights = new float[agent.steeringBehaviours.Count];
            lastRotationWeights = new float[agent.steeringBehaviours.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < agent.steeringBehaviours.Count; i++)
                lastVelocityWeights[i] = agent.steeringBehaviours[i].velocityWeight;
                lastRotationWeights[i] = agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight;
        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering(AutonomousAgent character, WeightedSteeringBehaviour agentLocalBehaviour)
            SteeringOutput output = new SteeringOutput();

            if (targetLastPosition != null)
                output = VelocityMatch(character,, targetLastPosition, Time.fixedDeltaTime);
            targetLastPosition =;

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the weight proportionally to each other
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agent">The agent in which we want to update the weights</param>
        /// <param name="amount">How much to update</param>
        /// <param name="except">To which we don't want to add</param>
        private void UpdateRotationWeightsProportionallyExcept(AutonomousAgent agent, float amount, int except)
            if (!proportionalEditing)

            int till = agent.steeringBehaviours.Count;

            // Add all the other weights together (excluding the except one)
            // We are going to use this to calculate how much the other weights should change
            float sumWithoutChanging = 0f;

            for (int k = 0; k < till; k++)
                if (except != k && agent.steeringBehaviours[k].behaviour.CanChangeRotation())
                    sumWithoutChanging += agent.steeringBehaviours[k].rotationWeight;

            // Update all the other weights
            for (int k = 0; k < till; k++)
                if (except != k && agent.steeringBehaviours[k].behaviour.CanChangeRotation())
                    agent.steeringBehaviours[k].rotationWeight += amount *
                                                                  agent.steeringBehaviours[k].rotationWeight / sumWithoutChanging;

            if (agent.steeringBehaviours.Count > 0)
                // If they don't sum up to 1 then add the missing amount to 0f
                float sum = 0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < agent.steeringBehaviours.Count; i++)
                    if (agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour.CanChangeRotation())
                        sum += agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight;

                for (int i = 0; i < agent.steeringBehaviours.Count; i++)
                    if (agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour.CanChangeRotation())
                        agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight += (1f - sum);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void DrawBehaviour(AutonomousAgent agent, int index)
                = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Behaviour: ", agent.steeringBehaviours[index].behaviour, typeof(SteeringBehaviour), false) as SteeringBehaviour;

            // Steering behaviour settings
            if (agent.steeringBehaviours[index].behaviour != null)
                // go through the corresponding types (to which class which attribute belongs)
                for (int j = 0; j < AttributeOfBehaviour.correspondingTypes.GetLength(0); j++)
                    // agent's behaviour has the same type as we are examining
                    if (agent.steeringBehaviours[index].behaviour.GetType().Equals(AttributeOfBehaviour.correspondingTypes[j, 0]))
                        // get all fields of the behaviour because we are going to check their attributes
                        var fields = agent.steeringBehaviours[index].GetType().GetFields();

                        for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                            // all attributes of the current field
                            var attributes = fields[i].GetCustomAttributes(false);

                            for (int k = 0; k < attributes.Length; k++)
                                // if the current field has the corresponding attribute (to the current class type)
                                if (attributes[k].GetType().Equals(AttributeOfBehaviour.correspondingTypes[j, 1]))
                                    // serialize the behaviour to get the current field as property and
                                    // be able to display it to the editor
                                    SerializedObject   serializedBehav = new SerializedObject(agent.steeringBehaviours[index]);
                                    SerializedProperty property        = serializedBehav.FindProperty(fields[i].Name);

                                    // display the property

                                    // set the property's value because for sme reason it doesn't update
                                    // even if I put the update after the field............................sjnosdjfdjfdjkdfsojfdojfdosko
                                    fields[i].SetValue(agent.steeringBehaviours[index], property.objectReferenceValue);

        /// <summary>
        /// Evade using the target's position and it's velocity
        /// </summary>
        public SteeringOutput Evade(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 targetPosition, Vector3 velocityOfTarget)
            SteeringOutput output = new SteeringOutput();

            // it calculates how long it would take the agent to get to the postion of the target
            // with the current speed. If that is too much it limits that down to maxPrediction.
            // We need that time to calculate where the target will be in the future in that time
            // so we can set the target to that position and flee from it.

            float distance   = (targetPosition - character.transform.position).magnitude;
            float agentSpeed = character.Velocity.magnitude;

            float prediction;

            if (agentSpeed <= distance / maxPrediction)
                prediction = maxPrediction;
                prediction = distance / agentSpeed;

            // in which direction to evade
            Vector3 evadeDirection = character.transform.position - (targetPosition + velocityOfTarget * prediction);

            // what velocity we want to reach
            Vector3 targetVelocity;

            // target is out of detection radius
            if (distance > detectionRadius)
                targetVelocity = new Vector3();
                targetVelocity = evadeDirection.normalized * character.maxSpeed;

            // make acceleration
            output.linear  = targetVelocity - character.Velocity;
            output.linear /= timeToTarget;

Exemplo n.º 13
        public SteeringOutput Seperate(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 targetPostion)
            SteeringOutput steering = new SteeringOutput();

            int count = Physics2D.OverlapCircleNonAlloc(character.transform.position, targetRadius, collidedWith, 1 << layerMask);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // not the same gameobject tht we are currently inspecting
                if (!collidedWith[i].gameObject.Equals(character.gameObject))
                    float distance = Vector3.Distance(character.transform.position, collidedWith[i].transform.position);
                    float strength = Mathf.Min(character.maxAcceleration, decayCoefficient * distance * distance);

                    steering.linear += strength * (character.transform.position - collidedWith[i].transform.position).normalized;

Exemplo n.º 14
        public SteeringOutput Seek(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 targetPostion)
            SteeringOutput steering = new SteeringOutput();

            // Get the direction
            Vector3 direction = targetPostion - character.transform.position;
            float   distance  = direction.magnitude;

            // We are inside stopping radius
            if (distance < targetRadius)
                steering.linear = -character.Velocity;

            float targetSpeed;

            // We are inside the slowdown radius but not the stopping radius
            if (distance < slowDownRadius)
                // start slowing down linearly
                targetSpeed = distance / (slowDownRadius - targetRadius) * character.maxSpeed;
            else     // we are outside of slow down radius
                targetSpeed = character.maxSpeed;

            // combines the direction and the speed
            Vector3 targetVelocity = direction.normalized;

            targetVelocity *= targetSpeed;

            // Calculate acceleration because we can't just change speed immediatly
            // Calculate delta v then divide it by t because a = v / t
            steering.linear  = targetVelocity - character.Velocity;
            steering.linear /= timeToTarget;

Exemplo n.º 15
        public SteeringOutput Wander(AutonomousAgent character, WeightedSteeringBehaviour agentLocalBehaviour)
            SteeringOutput output = new SteeringOutput();

            // update wander angle with [-wanderRate;wanderRate]
            agentLocalBehaviour.wanderAngle += (UnityEngine.Random.value * 2f - 1f) * wanderRate;

            Vector3 targetCircleCenter = character.transform.position + character.transform.up * wanderOffset;
            // move from center of circle by a vector with wanderAngle angle and wanderRadius length
            Vector3 targetOnCircleLocation = targetCircleCenter +
                                             Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, agentLocalBehaviour.wanderAngle) * character.transform.up * wanderRadius;

            if (character.showGizmos)
                Debug.DrawLine(character.transform.position, targetOnCircleLocation,;

            // get rotation
            output = Face(character, targetOnCircleLocation);
            // set linear to full acceleration ahead
            output.linear = character.transform.up * character.maxAcceleration;

        /// <summary>
        /// Pursue using the target's position and it's velocity
        /// </summary>
        public SteeringOutput Pursue(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 targetPosition, Vector3 targetVelocity)
            // it calculates how long it would take the agent to get to the postion of the target
            // with the current speed. If that is too much it limits that down to maxPrediction.
            // We need that time to calculate where the target will be in the future in that time
            // so we can set the target to that position.

            float distance   = (targetPosition - character.transform.position).magnitude;
            float agentSpeed = character.Velocity.magnitude;

            float prediction;

            if (agentSpeed <= distance / maxPrediction)
                prediction = maxPrediction;
                prediction = distance / agentSpeed;

            return(base.Seek(character, targetPosition + targetVelocity * prediction));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public override SteeringOutput GetSteering(AutonomousAgent character, WeightedSteeringBehaviour agentLocalBehaviour)
Exemplo n.º 18
        public SteeringOutput FollowPath(AutonomousAgent character, WeightedSteeringBehaviour agentLocalBehaviour)
            SteeringOutput output = new SteeringOutput();

            // Debug.Log(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation + " " + agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetNextStationIndex(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation));
            switch (followType)
            case FollowType.Station:
                #region Station
                // in agentLocalBehaviour we store the current station that is being followed
                // so we need to check whether the agent is closer to that station or the next one
                // to check that we need to get the position

                // if the current path is farther away then the next path
                if ((agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetDistanceFromPathTo(character.transform.position, agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation) >
                     agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetDistanceFromPathTo(character.transform.position, agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetNextStationIndex(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation)))
                    // or we have reached the station
                    || Vector3.Distance(character.transform.position, agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetStationPosition(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation)) <= targetRadius)
                    // make the next station the target
                    agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation = agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetNextStationIndex(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation);

                output = Seek(character, agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetStationPosition(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation));

            case FollowType.AlwaysReachStation:
                #region AlwaysReachStation
                // we have reached the station
                if (Vector3.Distance(character.transform.position, agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetStationPosition(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation)) <= targetRadius)
                    // make the next station the target
                    agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation = agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetNextStationIndex(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation);

                output = Seek(character, agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetStationPosition(agentLocalBehaviour.currentPathStation));

            case FollowType.Path:
                #region Path
                // here we look ahead on the path with followAheadPercent and set that as a target

                float   percent = agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetClosestPointOnPathPercent(character.transform.position);
                Vector3 target  = agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetPointOnPathPercent(percent + followAheadPercent);
                output = Seek(character, target);

                if (character.showGizmos)
                    Debug.DrawLine(character.transform.position, target,;

            case FollowType.PredictivePath:
                #region Predictive Path
                percent = agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetClosestPointOnPathPercent(character.transform.position + character.Velocity * predictTime);
                target  = agentLocalBehaviour.path.GetPointOnPathPercent(percent + followAheadPercent);
                output  = Seek(character, target);

                if (character.showGizmos)
                    Debug.DrawLine(character.transform.position, character.transform.position + character.Velocity * predictTime, Color.yellow);
                    Debug.DrawLine(character.transform.position, target,;

Exemplo n.º 19
 public override SteeringOutput GetSteering(AutonomousAgent character, WeightedSteeringBehaviour agentLocalBehaviour)
     return(FollowPath(character, agentLocalBehaviour));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override SteeringOutput GetSteering(AutonomousAgent character, WeightedSteeringBehaviour agentLocalBehaviour)
     return(Align(character, agentLocalBehaviour.transform.eulerAngles));
 /// <summary>
 /// Velocity matching using the target's current position and it's last position. Plus the time between the two positions
 /// </summary>
 public SteeringOutput VelocityMatch(AutonomousAgent character, Vector3 targetPosition, Vector3 targetLastPosition, float timeBetween)
     // get the velocity of the target based on last position v = s / t
     return(VelocityMatch(character, (targetPosition - targetLastPosition) / timeBetween));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            AutonomousAgent agent = (AutonomousAgent)target;

            // Attributes
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Agent attributes", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            agent.maxSpeed                = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max speed: ", agent.maxSpeed);
            agent.maxAcceleration         = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max acceleration: ", agent.maxAcceleration);
            agent.maxRotation             = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max rotation: ", agent.maxRotation);
            agent.maxAngularAcceleration  = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Max angular acceleration: ", agent.maxAngularAcceleration);
            agent.showGizmos              = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show gizmos", agent.showGizmos);
            agent.lookWhereGoingInstantly = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Look where going", agent.lookWhereGoingInstantly);

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Behaviour", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
            // Blending type
            agent.blendingType = (SteeringBlendingTypes)blendingTypeProp.enumValueIndex;

            GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(200f, 10f);

            // We don't need an add button which adds a behaviours because we only have one
            if ((SteeringBlendingTypes)blendingTypeProp.enumValueIndex == SteeringBlendingTypes.Single)
                #region Single custom editor
                // If we don't have only one behaviour then make it so
                if (agent.steeringBehaviours.Count > 1)
                    for (int i = agent.steeringBehaviours.Count - 1; i > 1; i--)
                else if (agent.steeringBehaviours.Count == 0)
                    agent.steeringBehaviours.Add(agent.gameObject.AddComponent <WeightedSteeringBehaviour>());

                // Set steering behaviour's weight to 1
                agent.steeringBehaviours[0].velocityWeight = 1f;
                agent.steeringBehaviours[0].rotationWeight = 1f;

                DrawBehaviour(agent, 0);
                #region Weighted custom editor

                if ((SteeringBlendingTypes)blendingTypeProp.enumValueIndex == SteeringBlendingTypes.WeightedWithGroups)

                proportionalEditing = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Proportional editing", proportionalEditing);

                // add behaviour button
                if (GUILayout.Button("Add new behaviour"))
                    agent.steeringBehaviours.Add(agent.gameObject.AddComponent <WeightedSteeringBehaviour>());

                    // Only the first element can start on 1 because they need to be 1 summed up
                    if (agent.steeringBehaviours.Count == 1)
                        agent.steeringBehaviours[agent.steeringBehaviours.Count - 1].velocityWeight = 1f;
                        agent.steeringBehaviours[agent.steeringBehaviours.Count - 1].velocityWeight = 0f;

                for (int i = agent.steeringBehaviours.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

                    if (agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour != null)
                        string className = agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour.GetType().Name;

                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField(className.Substring(0, className.Length - 17), EditorStyles.boldLabel);

                    // delete button
                        if (agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour != null)
                            if (agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour.CanChangeVelocity())
                                GUI.color = velocitySliderColor;
                                    // velocity weight slider
                                    agent.steeringBehaviours[i].velocityWeight =
                                        EditorGUILayout.Slider("Velocity weight: ", agent.steeringBehaviours[i].velocityWeight, 0.01f, 1f);
                                GUI.color = Color.white;
                            else if (agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour.CanChangeRotation() && !agent.lookWhereGoingInstantly)
                                GUI.color = rotationSliderColor;
                                    // rotation weight slider
                                    agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight =
                                        EditorGUILayout.Slider("Rotation weight: ", agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight, 0.01f, 1f);
                                GUI.color = Color.white;

                        GUI.color =;
                        if (agent.steeringBehaviours.Count > 1)
                            // DELETE
                            if (GUILayout.Button("X", GUILayout.Width(30f)))
                                float updateAmountVelocity = agent.steeringBehaviours[i].velocityWeight;
                                float updateAmountRotation = agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight;

                                // Update because we deleted
                                if (updateAmountVelocity != 0)
                                    UpdateVelocityWeightsProportionallyExcept(agent, updateAmountVelocity, -1);
                                if (updateAmountRotation != 0)
                                    UpdateRotationWeightsProportionallyExcept(agent, updateAmountRotation, -1);
                                // Update the last weights so it doesn't detect change later down the code
                        GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour != null &&
                        !agent.lookWhereGoingInstantly &&
                        agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour.CanChangeRotation() &&
                        agent.steeringBehaviours[i].behaviour.CanChangeVelocity())          // we check for this because if it can't
                    // rotation weight slider                                           // change velocity it drew
                        GUI.color = rotationSliderColor;                                    // the rotation weight before
                            agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight =
                                EditorGUILayout.Slider("Rotation weight: ", agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight, 0.01f, 1f);
                        GUI.color = Color.white;
                    DrawBehaviour(agent, i);

                    GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(200f, 10f);

                // Here we are doing the magic of updating all other weights when we change one
                if (lastVelocityWeights != null)
                    int till = Mathf.Min(lastVelocityWeights.Length, agent.steeringBehaviours.Count);

                    // Go through each one and check whether it has changed
                    for (int i = 0; i < till; i++)
                        if (!Mathf.Approximately(lastVelocityWeights[i], agent.steeringBehaviours[i].velocityWeight))
                            // If it has changed
                            // Calculate how much it did
                            float changeOthers = (lastVelocityWeights[i] - agent.steeringBehaviours[i].velocityWeight);

                            UpdateVelocityWeightsProportionallyExcept(agent, changeOthers, i);

                        if (!Mathf.Approximately(lastRotationWeights[i], agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight))
                            // If it has changed
                            // Calculate how much it did
                            float changeOthers = (lastRotationWeights[i] - agent.steeringBehaviours[i].rotationWeight);

                            UpdateRotationWeightsProportionallyExcept(agent, changeOthers, i);

                // Store what the weights are
 public override SteeringOutput GetSteering(AutonomousAgent character, WeightedSteeringBehaviour agentLocalBehaviour)
Exemplo n.º 24
 public abstract SteeringOutput GetSteering(AutonomousAgent character, WeightedSteeringBehaviour agentLocalBehaviour);