public AntispamTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
     options.AntiSpamTriggerOptions.groups = new Dictionary<SteamID, Dictionary<SteamID, int>>();
     Timer reducePenT = new Timer(options.AntiSpamTriggerOptions.ptimer.resolution);
     reducePenT.Elapsed += ReducePenT_Tick;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public BaseTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
            if (options.AntiSpamTriggerOptions != null) OptionsType = OptionType.AntiSpamTrigger;
            else if (options.ChatCommand != null) OptionsType = OptionType.ChatCommand;
            else if (options.ChatCommandApi != null) OptionsType = OptionType.ChatCommandAPI;
            else if (options.ChatReply != null) OptionsType = OptionType.ChatReply;
            else if (options.DiscordOptions != null) OptionsType = OptionType.DiscordTrigger;
            else if (options.NoCommand != null) OptionsType = OptionType.NoCommand;
            else if (options.TriggerLists != null && options.TriggerNumbers != null) OptionsType = OptionType.ListsAndNumbers;
            else if (options.TriggerLists != null) OptionsType = OptionType.JustLists;
            else if (options.NoteTriggerOptions != null) OptionsType = OptionType.NoteTriggerOptions;
            else if (options.NotificationOptions != null) OptionsType = OptionType.NotificationOptions;

            Type = type;
            Name = name;
            Options = options;
 public AcceptChatInviteTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase tl)
     : base(type, name, tl)
Exemplo n.º 4
 public GoogleTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Save current trigger to file
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveTrigger()
            if (!Directory.Exists(Bot.username + "/triggers/"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Bot.username + "/triggers/");

            if (Options != null)
                TriggerOptionsBase options = new TriggerOptionsBase
                    Name = Options.Name,
                    Type = Options.Type,
                    ChatCommand = Options.ChatCommand,
                    ChatCommandApi = Options.ChatCommandApi,
                    ChatReply = Options.ChatReply,
                    NoCommand = Options.NoCommand,
                    TriggerLists = Options.TriggerLists,
                    TriggerNumbers = Options.TriggerNumbers,
                    AntiSpamTriggerOptions = Options.AntiSpamTriggerOptions,
                    DiscordOptions = Options.DiscordOptions,
                    NoteTriggerOptions = Options.NoteTriggerOptions,
                    NotificationOptions = Options.NotificationOptions,
                    MessageIntervalOptions = Options.MessageIntervalOptions
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(options, Formatting.Indented);
                File.WriteAllText(Bot.username + "/triggers/" + Name + ".json", json);
            else if (Options == null)
                TriggerOptionsBase options = new TriggerOptionsBase();
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(options, Formatting.Indented);
                File.WriteAllText(Bot.username + "/triggers/" + Name + ".json", json);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public DiscordTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
 public AutojoinChatTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase tl)
     : base(type, name, tl)
 public ChatReplyTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public WeatherTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void plusTriggerButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string selected = "";
            TriggerType type;
                selected = ((ListBoxItem)triggerListBox.SelectedValue).Name;
            catch (Exception err) { return; }

            ChatCommand cc = new ChatCommand();
            ChatCommandApi cca = new ChatCommandApi();
            ChatReply cr = new ChatReply();
            NoCommand nc = new NoCommand();
            TriggerLists tl = new TriggerLists();
            TriggerNumbers tn = new TriggerNumbers();
            AntiSpamTriggerOptions asto = new AntiSpamTriggerOptions();
            DiscordOptions _do = new DiscordOptions(); // "do" is a keyword
            NoteTriggerOptions nto = new NoteTriggerOptions();
            NotificationOptions no = new NotificationOptions();
            MessageIntervalOptions mio = new MessageIntervalOptions();

            TriggerOptionsBase tob = new TriggerOptionsBase();

            if (selected == "isUpTrigger" || selected == "leaveChatTrigger" || selected == "kickTrigger"
                || selected == "banTrigger" || selected == "unbanTrigger" || selected == "lockTrigger"
                || selected == "unlockTrigger" || selected == "moderateTrigger" || selected == "unmoderateTrigger"
                || selected == "playGameTrigger" || selected == "changeNameTrigger" || selected == "googleTrigger")
                ChatCommandWindow ccw = new ChatCommandWindow();
                if (ccw.DialogResult.HasValue && ccw.DialogResult.Value)
                    cc = ccw.CC;

                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", cc.Name, type.ToString()));

                    tob.ChatCommand = cc;
                    tob.Name = cc.Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, cc.Name, tob);
            else if (selected == "chatReplyTrigger")
                ChatReplyWindow crw = new ChatReplyWindow();
                if (crw.DialogResult.HasValue && crw.DialogResult.Value)
                    cr = crw.CR;
                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.ChatReply = cr;
                    tob.Name = cr.Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", cr.Name, type.ToString()));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, cr.Name, tob);
            else if (selected == "linkNameTrigger" || selected == "doormatTrigger")
                NoCommandWindow ncw = new NoCommandWindow();
                if (ncw.DialogResult.HasValue && ncw.DialogResult.Value)
                    nc = ncw.NC;
                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.NoCommand = nc;
                    tob.Name = nc.Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", nc.Name, type.ToString()));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, nc.Name, tob);
            else if (selected == "banCheckTrigger" || selected == "weatherTrigger" || selected == "youtubeTrigger")
                ChatCommandApiWindow ccaw = new ChatCommandApiWindow();
                switch (selected)
                    case "banCheckTrigger":
                        ccaw.apiBlock.PreviewMouseDown += (sender1, e1) => Ccaw_PreviewMouseDown_Steam(sender1, e1, ccaw);
                    case "weatherTrigger":
                        ccaw.apiBlock.PreviewMouseDown += (sender1, e1) => Ccaw_PreviewMouseDown_Wunderground(sender1, e1, ccaw);
                    case "youtubeTrigger":
                        ccaw.apiBlock.PreviewMouseDown += (sender1, e1) => Ccaw_PreviewMouseDown1_Google(sender1, e1, ccaw);
                if (ccaw.DialogResult.HasValue && ccaw.DialogResult.Value)
                    cca = ccaw.CCA;
                    cc = ccaw.CC;

                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.ChatCommandApi = cca;
                    tob.ChatCommandApi.ChatCommand = cc;
                    tob.Name = cca.Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", cc.Name, type.ToString()));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, cc.Name, tob);
            else if (selected == "acceptFriendRequestTrigger" || selected == "autojoinChatTrigger" || selected == "acceptChatInviteTrigger")
                TriggerListWindow tlw = new TriggerListWindow(selected);
                if(tlw.DialogResult.HasValue && tlw.DialogResult.Value)
                    tl = tlw.TL;
                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.TriggerLists = tl;
                    tob.Name = tl.Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", tl.Name, type));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, tl.Name, tob);
            else if(selected == "antispamTrigger")
                AntiSpamTriggerOptionsWindow astow = new AntiSpamTriggerOptionsWindow();
                if(astow.DialogResult.HasValue && astow.DialogResult.Value)
                    asto = astow.ASTO;
                    nc = astow.NC;

                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.AntiSpamTriggerOptions = asto;
                    tob.AntiSpamTriggerOptions.NoCommand = nc;
                    tob.Name = asto.Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", asto.Name, type));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, asto.Name, tob);

            else if(selected == "discordTrigger")
                DiscordTriggerOptionsWindow dtow = new DiscordTriggerOptionsWindow();
                if(dtow.DialogResult.HasValue && dtow.DialogResult.Value)
                    _do = dtow.DO;
                    nc = dtow.NC;
                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.DiscordOptions = _do;
                    tob.DiscordOptions.NoCommand = nc;
                    tob.Name = _do.Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", _do.Name, type));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, _do.Name, tob);
            else if(selected == "noteTrigger")
                NoteTriggerOptionsWindow ntow = new NoteTriggerOptionsWindow();
                if(ntow.DialogResult.HasValue && ntow.DialogResult == true)
                    nc = ntow.NC;
                    nto = ntow.NTO;
                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.NoteTriggerOptions = nto;
                    tob.NoteTriggerOptions.NoCommand = nc;
                    tob.Name = nto.Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", nto.Name, type));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, nto.Name, tob);
            else if(selected == "notificationTrigger")
                NotificationOptionsWindow now = new NotificationOptionsWindow();
                if(now.DialogResult.HasValue && now.DialogResult == true)
                    nc = now.NC;
                    no = now.NO;
                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.NotificationOptions = no;
                    tob.NotificationOptions.NoCommand = nc;
                    tob.Name = Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", no.Name, type));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, no.Name, tob);
            else if(selected == "messageIntervalTrigger")
                MessageIntervalOptionsWindow miow = new MessageIntervalOptionsWindow();
                if(miow.DialogResult.HasValue && miow.DialogResult == true)
                    mio = miow.MIO;
                    type = (TriggerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerType), char.ToUpper(selected[0]) + selected.Substring(1));

                    tob.MessageIntervalOptions = mio;
                    tob.Name = Name;
                    tob.Type = type;
                    addedTriggersListBox.Items.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", mio.Name, type));
                    BaseTrigger trigger = (BaseTrigger)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("SteamChatBot.Triggers." + type.ToString()), type, mio.Name, tob);

                MessageBox.Show("Unknown Trigger. Please contact the developer.", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information, MessageBoxResult.OK);
 public UnmoderateChatTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
 public MessageIntervalTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
Exemplo n.º 13
 public BanCheckTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
Exemplo n.º 14
 public LockChatTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
Exemplo n.º 15
 public PlayGameTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase cc)
     : base(type, name, cc)
 public NotificationTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase options)
     : base(type, name, options)
     saveTimer = new Timer(Options.NotificationOptions.SaveTimer);
     saveTimer.Elapsed += SaveTimer_Elapsed;
 public AcceptFriendRequestTrigger(TriggerType type, string name, TriggerOptionsBase tl)
     : base(type, name, tl)