// Conversion String to GameCatalogue (not yet required/in use)
        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            GameCatalogue gc = new GameCatalogue(new Author("Unknown"), "-");
            string[] catInfo = Regex.Split((string)value, "\r\n");   // Stringinfo am Zeilenumbruch splitten --> enthaelt pro Zeile Info des Games (Title by Publisher)
            Console.WriteLine("Conversion String to GameCatalogue occured.");

            foreach (string s in catInfo)
                string[] gameInfo = Regex.Split(s, " by ");
                if (gameInfo.Length >= 2 && gameInfo[0].Length > 0 && gameInfo[1].Length > 0)
                    gc.Add(new Game(gameInfo[0], gameInfo[1]));
                    #region Info Ausgabe
                    Console.WriteLine("New game added to catalogue: {0} by {1}", gameInfo[0], gameInfo[1]);
                    #endregion Info Ausgabe
            return gc;
 public GameCatalogueViewModel(GameCatalogue model)
     Model = model;
     AuthorViewModel = new AuthorViewModel(model.Author);