Exemplo n.º 1
 public void SetWorkableDays()
         Employee employee   = GetEmployee();
         int      employeeid = Reader.GetEmployeeId(employee.FirstName, employee.LastName);
         while (Reader.DoesWorkablebyEIDExist(employeeid))
             Console.WriteLine("Sorry but that employee's workable days have been set, try a different employee.");
             employee   = GetEmployee();
             employeeid = Reader.GetEmployeeId(employee.FirstName, employee.LastName);
         int  mon = 0;
         int  tues = 0;
         int  wed = 0;
         int  thurs = 0;
         int  fri = 0;
         bool monFact = false, tuesFact = false, wedFact = false, thursFact = false, friFact = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
             string day = GetDay(i + 1);
             if (i == 0)
                 if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Is the employee " + employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName + " able to work " + day))
                     mon     = 1;
                     monFact = true;
             else if (i == 1)
                 if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Is the employee " + employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName + " able to work " + day))
                     tues     = 1;
                     tuesFact = true;
             else if (i == 2)
                 if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Is the employee " + employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName + " able to work " + day))
                     wed     = 1;
                     wedFact = true;
             else if (i == 3)
                 if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Is the employee " + employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName + " able to work " + day))
                     thurs     = 1;
                     thursFact = true;
             else if (i == 4)
                 if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Is the employee " + employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName + " able to work " + day))
                     fri     = 1;
                     friFact = true;
         if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to set the days for " + employee.FirstName + " " + employee.LastName + " and their workable late days to be Monday: " + monFact + " Tuesday:" + tuesFact + " Wednesday: " + wedFact + " Thursday: " + thursFact + " Friday: " + friFact))
             Creator.AddWorkableDays(employeeid, mon, tues, wed, thurs, fri);
     } while (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to set the workable days for another employee"));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void AddSickDay(Employee employee, int year = 0, int month = 0)
         List <DateTime> dates = GetDates("sick-leave");
         if (year == 0 && month == 0)
             dates = GetDates("sick-leave");
         else if (year > 0 && month == 0)
             dates = GetDates("sick-leave", year);
         else if (month > 0 && year > 0)
             dates = GetDates("sick-leave", year, month);
         DateTime startdate = dates[0];
         DateTime enddate   = dates[1];
         DateTime date      = startdate;
         bool     fact      = true;
             var day = date.DayOfWeek.ToString();
             int notworkingemployees = Reader.GetNumberOfOffEmployees(date) + Reader.GetNumberOfSickEmployees(date) + Reader.GetNumberOfVacaEmployees(date);
             int workableemployees   = Reader.GetNumberOfWorkableEmployees(date);
             if ((day != "Saturday") && (day != "Sunday"))
                 if ((notworkingemployees - workableemployees) > (GetEmployees() / 2) - 3)
                     Console.WriteLine("Sorry but there is a conflict with this day:" + date.ToString());
                     fact = false;
             date = date.AddDays(1.0);
         } while ((!(date > enddate)) && fact);
         bool conflictfact = DoesConflictExist(employee.ID, startdate, enddate);
         if (fact && !(conflictfact))
             if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to add the sick day/s of " + employee.PrintName() + " from " + startdate.ToLongDateString() + " to " + enddate.ToLongDateString()))
                 Creator.AddSickDay(employee.ID, startdate, enddate);
         else if (conflictfact)
             Console.WriteLine("Sorry but there was a conflict with trying to schedule this employee for the given sick days.");
         else if (!fact)
             Console.WriteLine("Not enough workers some how");
         if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to add sick days for the same employee?"))
             if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to add sick days for this employee using the same year?"))
                 if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to add sick days for this employee using the same month?"))
                     AddSickDay(employee, int.Parse(date.Year.ToString()), int.Parse(date.Month.ToString()));
                     AddSickDay(employee, int.Parse(date.Year.ToString()));
     } while (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to add a sick days for another employee?"));