private SongNote2014 GetNoteInfo(SongNote songNote)
            SongNote2014 songNote2014 = new SongNote2014();
            songNote2014.Bend = (float)songNote.Bend;

            // tested ... BendValue time causing in game hangs if off by 0.001f
            if (songNote.Bend > 0)
                var bendValues = new List<BendValue>();
                bendValues.Add(new BendValue { Step = songNote.Bend, Time = (float)Math.Round((songNote.Sustain * 0.3333 / songNote.Bend) + songNote.Time, 3), Unk5 = 0 });
                songNote2014.BendValues = bendValues.ToArray();

            songNote2014.Fret = (sbyte)songNote.Fret;
            songNote2014.HammerOn = (byte)songNote.HammerOn;
            songNote2014.Harmonic = (byte)songNote.Harmonic;
            songNote2014.Hopo = (byte)songNote.Hopo;
            songNote2014.Ignore = (byte)songNote.Ignore;
            songNote2014.PalmMute = (byte)songNote.PalmMute;
            songNote2014.Pluck = (sbyte)songNote.Pluck; // -1; // EOF is non-compliant
            songNote2014.PullOff = (byte)songNote.PullOff;
            songNote2014.Slap = (sbyte)songNote.Slap; //  -1; // EOF is non-compliant
            songNote2014.SlideTo = (sbyte)songNote.SlideTo;
            songNote2014.String = (byte)songNote.String;
            songNote2014.Sustain = (float)songNote.Sustain;
            songNote2014.Time = (float)songNote.Time;
            songNote2014.Tremolo = (byte)songNote.Tremolo;
            // initialize elements not present in RS1
            songNote2014.LinkNext = 0;
            songNote2014.Accent = 0;
            songNote2014.LeftHand = -1;
            songNote2014.Mute = 0;
            songNote2014.HarmonicPinch = 0;
            songNote2014.PickDirection = 0;
            songNote2014.RightHand = -1;
            songNote2014.SlideUnpitchTo = -1;
            songNote2014.Tap = 0;
            songNote2014.Vibrato = 0;

            return songNote2014;
        private void ParseChordNotes(Sng2014HSL.Chord template, Sng2014HSL.ChordNotes chordNotes = null)
            var notes = new List<SongNote2014>();
            var notSetup = unchecked((sbyte)-1);

            for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                if ((chordNotes != null && chordNotes.NoteMask[i] != 0) || //notes with techniques
                    (chordNotes == null && template.Frets[i] != 255)) { // Notes without techniques

                    var cnote = new SongNote2014();

                    // SETUP DEFAULT VALUES
                    cnote.RightHand = notSetup;
                    cnote.LeftHand = notSetup;
                    cnote.SlideTo = notSetup;
                    cnote.SlideUnpitchTo = notSetup;
                    cnote.Tap = (byte)0;
                    cnote.Slap = notSetup;
                    cnote.Pluck = notSetup;

                    if ((chordNotes != null && chordNotes.NoteMask[i] != 0)) {
                        // SETUP FROM OWN PROPERTIES
                        cnote.SlideTo = (sbyte)chordNotes.SlideTo[i];
                        cnote.SlideUnpitchTo = (sbyte)chordNotes.SlideUnpitchTo[i];
                        cnote.Vibrato = chordNotes.Vibrato[i];
                        cnote.BendValues = BendValue.Parse(chordNotes.BendData[i].BendData32);
                        //Fix bend status from step in bendvalues
                        if (cnote.BendValues != null && cnote.BendValues.Length > 0)
                            foreach (var bend in cnote.BendValues)
                                if (cnote.Bend < bend.Step)
                                    cnote.Bend = (byte)Math.Round(bend.Step);

                    // BASIC INFO
                    cnote.Time = this.Time;
                    cnote.Fret = (sbyte)template.Frets[i];
                    cnote.LeftHand = (sbyte)template.Fingers[i];
                    cnote.String = (byte)i;


            this.ChordNotes = notes.ToArray();
        private SongNote2014 DecodeChordTemplate(SongChord songChord, int gString, int fret)
            // RS2014
            //<chord time="83.366" linkNext="0" accent="0" chordId="19" fretHandMute="0" highDensity="0" ignore="0" palmMute="0" hopo="0" strum="down">
            //  <chordNote time="83.366" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="3" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="4" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0"/>
            //  <chordNote time="83.366" linkNext="0" accent="0" bend="0" fret="3" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="5" sustain="0.000" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0"/>

            // RS1
            //<chord time="83.366" chordId="1" highDensity="0" ignore="0" strum="down"/>
            //<chordTemplate chordName="A" finger0="-1" finger1="0" finger2="1" finger3="1" finger4="1" finger5="-1" fret0="-1" fret1="0" fret2="2" fret3="2" fret4="2" fret5="-1"/>

            // finger > -1 is actual string

            SongNote2014 songNote2014 = new SongNote2014();
            songNote2014.Time = songChord.Time;
            songNote2014.LinkNext = 0;
            songNote2014.Accent = 0;
            songNote2014.Bend = 0;
            songNote2014.Fret = (sbyte)fret;
            songNote2014.HammerOn = 0;
            songNote2014.Hopo = 0;
            songNote2014.Ignore = songChord.Ignore;
            songNote2014.LeftHand = -1;
            songNote2014.Mute = 0;
            songNote2014.PalmMute = 0;
            songNote2014.Pluck = -1;
            songNote2014.PullOff = 0;
            songNote2014.Slap = -1;
            songNote2014.SlideTo = -1;
            songNote2014.String = (byte)gString;
            songNote2014.Sustain = 0.000f;
            songNote2014.Tremolo = 0;
            songNote2014.HarmonicPinch = 0;
            songNote2014.PickDirection = 0;
            songNote2014.RightHand = -1;
            songNote2014.SlideUnpitchTo = -1;
            songNote2014.Tap = 0;
            songNote2014.Vibrato = 0;

            return songNote2014;
        private void parseNote(Song2014 xml, SongNote2014 note, Notes n, Notes prev)
            n.NoteMask = parseNoteMask(note, true);
            // numbering (NoteFlags) will be set later
            n.Time = note.Time;
            n.StringIndex = note.String;
            // actual fret number
            n.FretId = (Byte)note.Fret;
            // anchor fret will be set later
            n.AnchorFretId = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            // will be overwritten
            n.AnchorWidth = unchecked((Byte)(-1));
            n.ChordId = -1;
            n.ChordNotesId = -1;
            n.PhraseIterationId = getPhraseIterationId(xml, n.Time, false);
            n.PhraseId = xml.PhraseIterations[n.PhraseIterationId].PhraseId;
            // these will be overwritten
            n.FingerPrintId[0] = -1;
            n.FingerPrintId[1] = -1;
            // these will be overwritten
            n.NextIterNote = -1;
            n.PrevIterNote = -1;
            n.ParentPrevNote = -1;
            n.SlideTo = unchecked((Byte)note.SlideTo);
            n.SlideUnpitchTo = unchecked((Byte)note.SlideUnpitchTo);
            n.LeftHand = unchecked((Byte)note.LeftHand);
            // 'bvibrato' and 'rchords8' are using 0 value but without TAP mask
            if (note.Tap != 0)
                n.Tap = unchecked((Byte)note.Tap);
                n.Tap = unchecked((Byte)(-1));

            n.PickDirection = (Byte)note.PickDirection;
            n.Slap = (Byte)note.Slap;
            n.Pluck = (Byte)note.Pluck;
            n.Vibrato = note.Vibrato;
            n.Sustain = note.Sustain;
            n.MaxBend = note.Bend;
            n.BendData = new BendDataSection();
            n.BendData.BendData = parseBendData(note, true);
            n.BendData.Count = n.BendData.BendData.Length;
        internal static SongNote2014[] Parse(Sng2014HSL.NotesSection notesSection)
            var notes = new List<SongNote2014>();

            for (var i = 0; i < notesSection.Count; i++) {
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].ChordId != -1)
                    continue; //Skip chord notes (get only single notes)

                var note = new SongNote2014();

                // BASIC INFO
                note.Time = notesSection.Notes[i].Time;
                note.Fret = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].FretId;
                note.String = notesSection.Notes[i].StringIndex;

                // TECHNIQUES
                note.PickDirection = notesSection.Notes[i].PickDirection;
                note.parseNoteMask(notesSection.Notes[i].NoteMask); //NOTE MASK need to be setup previous get property values
                // Techniques with own properties
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].LeftHand != 255) note.LeftHand = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].LeftHand;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].SlideTo != 255) note.SlideTo = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].SlideTo;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].SlideUnpitchTo != 255) note.SlideUnpitchTo = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].SlideUnpitchTo;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Tap != 255) note.Tap = notesSection.Notes[i].Tap;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Slap != 255) note.Slap = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].Slap;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Pluck != 255) note.Pluck = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].Pluck;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Vibrato != 0) note.Vibrato = notesSection.Notes[i].Vibrato;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Sustain != 0) note.Sustain = notesSection.Notes[i].Sustain;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].MaxBend != 0) note.Bend = (byte)notesSection.Notes[i].MaxBend;
                note.BendValues = BendValue.Parse(notesSection.Notes[i].BendData.BendData);


            return notes.ToArray();
        private UInt32 parseNoteMask(SongNote2014 note, bool single)
            if (note == null)
                return CON.NOTE_MASK_UNDEFINED;

            // single note
            UInt32 mask = 0;

            if (single)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_SINGLE;

            if (note.Fret == 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_OPEN;

            if (note.LinkNext != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_PARENT;

            if (note.Accent != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_ACCENT;
            if (note.Bend != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_BEND;
            if (note.HammerOn != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_HAMMERON;
            if (note.Harmonic != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_HARMONIC;

            // TODO: seems to have no effect
            // hopo = 0

            if (single && note.Ignore != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_IGNORE;
            if (single && note.LeftHand != -1)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_LEFTHAND;
            if (note.Mute != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_MUTE;
            if (note.PalmMute != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_PALMMUTE;
            if (note.Pluck != -1)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_PLUCK;
            if (note.PullOff != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_PULLOFF;
            if (note.Slap != -1)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_SLAP;
            if (note.SlideTo != -1)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_SLIDE;
            if (note.Sustain != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_SUSTAIN;
            if (note.Tremolo != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_TREMOLO;
            if (note.HarmonicPinch != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_PINCHHARMONIC;

            // TODO: seems to have no effect
            // pickDirection = 0

            if (note.RightHand != -1)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_RIGHTHAND;
            if (note.SlideUnpitchTo != -1)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_SLIDEUNPITCHEDTO;
            if (note.Tap != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_TAP;
            if (note.Vibrato != 0)
                mask |= CON.NOTE_MASK_VIBRATO;

            return mask;
        private BendData32[] parseBendData(SongNote2014 note, bool single)
            // single can be any size, otherwise 32x BendData32 are allocated
            Int32 count = 32;

            // count of available values
            Int32 bend_values = 0;
            if (note != null && note.BendValues != null)
                bend_values = note.BendValues.Length;

            if (single)
                count = bend_values;

            var bd = new BendData32[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                bd[i] = new BendData32();

            // intentionally not using "count"
            for (int i = 0; i < bend_values; i++)
                var b = bd[i];
                b.Time = note.BendValues[i].Time;
                b.Step = note.BendValues[i].Step;
                // these are always zero for lessons and songs
                // TODO unknown meaning, added attribute to XML for testing
                b.Unk5 = note.BendValues[i].Unk5;

            return bd;
        private static SongNote2014 GetNote(ZpeChord chord, ZpeChord nextChord, int zNoteIndex = 0)
            SongNote2014 note = new SongNote2014();
            ZpeNote zNote = chord.Notes[zNoteIndex];
            note.Fret = (sbyte)zNote.Fret;
            note.String = (byte)zNote.StringNo;
            note.Time = (float)chord.StartTime;
            note.Accent = 0;
            note.Bend = 0;
            note.HammerOn = (zNote.IsTapNote || chord.IsHammerOn) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
            note.Harmonic = 0;
            note.HarmonicPinch = 0;
            note.Hopo = note.HammerOn;
            note.Ignore = 0;
            note.LinkNext = 0;
            note.LeftHand = -1;
            note.Mute = 0;
            note.PalmMute = (zNote.IsXNote || chord.IsMute) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
            note.Pluck = -1;
            note.PullOff = 0;
            note.RightHand = -1;
            note.Slap = -1;
            note.SlideUnpitchTo = -1;
            note.Sustain = (chord.EndTime - chord.StartTime > .5) ? chord.EndTime - chord.StartTime : 0;
            note.Tap = 0;
            note.Tremolo = 0;
            note.Vibrato = 0;

            if (chord.IsSlide && nextChord != null)
                note.SlideTo = (sbyte)Math.Max(nextChord.Notes[0].Fret, 1);
                note.Sustain = chord.EndTime - chord.StartTime;
                note.HammerOn = note.Hopo = note.PalmMute = 0;
                note.SlideTo = -1;

            //// no advanced techniques for now
            //note.SlideTo = -1;
            //note.Sustain = 0;
            //note.PalmMute = 0;
            //note.HammerOn = 0;
            //note.Hopo = 0;

            return note;
        static List<int> getNoteTech(SongNote2014 n)
            // TODO: adjust these values

            var t = new List<int>();
            if (1 == n.Accent)
            if (0 != n.Bend)
            if (1 == n.Mute)
            if (1 == n.HammerOn)
            if (1 == n.Harmonic)
            if (1 == n.HarmonicPinch)
            if (1 == n.Hopo)
            if (1 == n.PalmMute)
            if (1 == n.Pluck)
            if (1 == n.PullOff)
            if (1 == n.Slap)
            if (n.SlideTo > 0)
            if (n.SlideUnpitchTo > 0)
            if (n.Sustain > 0)
            if (1 == n.Tap)
            if (1 == n.Tremolo)
            if (1 == n.Vibrato)

            // TODO: determine other dependencies

            return t;
Exemplo n.º 10
 static Chord CreateChord(SongNote2014 note, int capo)
     var chord = new Chord();
     chord.Start = note.Time;
     var convertedNote = CreateNote(note, capo);
     chord.Notes.Add(note.String, convertedNote);
     chord.Tremolo = convertedNote.Tremolo;
     chord.Slapped = convertedNote.Slapped;
     chord.Popped = convertedNote.Popped;
     return chord;
Exemplo n.º 11
        static Note CreateNote(SongNote2014 rsNote, int capo)
            var note = new Note()
                Start = rsNote.Time,
                String = rsNote.String,
                Fret = rsNote.Fret,
                PalmMuted = rsNote.PalmMute != 0,
                Muted = rsNote.Mute != 0,
                Hopo = rsNote.HammerOn != 0 || rsNote.PullOff != 0,
                Vibrato = rsNote.Vibrato > 0,
                LinkNext = rsNote.LinkNext != 0,
                Accent = rsNote.Accent != 0,
                Harmonic = rsNote.Harmonic != 0,
                PinchHarmonic = rsNote.HarmonicPinch != 0,
                Tremolo = rsNote.Tremolo != 0,
                Tapped = rsNote.Tap != 0,
                Slapped = rsNote.Slap == 1,
                Popped = rsNote.Pluck == 1,
                LeftFingering = rsNote.LeftHand,
                RightFingering = rsNote.RightHand,
                Sustain = rsNote.Sustain
            if (rsNote.SlideTo != -1)
                note.Slide = Note.SlideType.ToNext;
                note.SlideTarget = rsNote.SlideTo;
            else if (rsNote.SlideUnpitchTo != -1)
                if (rsNote.SlideUnpitchTo > rsNote.Fret)
                    note.Slide = Note.SlideType.UnpitchUp;
                    note.Slide = Note.SlideType.UnpitchDown;
            if (rsNote.BendValues != null)
                foreach (var val in rsNote.BendValues)
                    note.BendValues.Add(new Note.BendValue()
                        Start = val.Time,
                        Step = val.Step
                note.BendValues = note.BendValues.OrderBy(x => x.Start).ToList();
            // adjust for capo
            if (note.Fret > 0)
                note.Fret -= capo;

            return note;
        private static void AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(Voice voice, SongNote2014 note, Duration duration, Single durationTime)
            var beat = new Beat();
            beat.Duration = duration;
            if (note != null)
                var destNote = NoteFromNote(note, durationTime);

                if (note.HammerOn == 1 && _prevConvertedNote != null)
                    _prevConvertedNote.IsHammerPullOrigin = true;
                    //_prevConvertedNote.slideTarget = destNote;
                    //_prevConvertedNote.slideType = SlideType.Shift;
                    destNote.IsHammerPullOrigin = false;
                    destNote.IsGhost = true;
                    //_prevConvertedNote.hammerPullOrigin = destNote;// _prevConvertedNote;
                    destNote.HammerPullOrigin = _prevConvertedNote;
                _prevConvertedNote = destNote;
 public SongNoteChordWrapper(SongNote2014 wrappedObject)
     _wrappedObject = wrappedObject;
     Time = wrappedObject.Time;
        private static Note NoteFromNote(SongNote2014 srcNote, Single durationTime)
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.LinkNext == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Bend == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.HammerOn == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Harmonic == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Hopo == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Ignore == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Mute == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.PalmMute == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Pluck == -1);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.PullOff == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Slap == -1);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Tremolo == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.HarmonicPinch == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.PickDirection == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Tap == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Vibrato == 0);

            var note1 = new Note();
            note1.Fret = srcNote.Fret;
            note1.String = srcNote.String + 1;
            note1.Accentuated = srcNote.Accent == 1 ? AccentuationType.Normal : AccentuationType.None;

            if (srcNote.BendValues != null )
                foreach(var srcBend in srcNote.BendValues)
                    var bp = new BendPoint();
                    var srcBendOffset = srcBend.Time - srcNote.Time;
                    bp.Offset = (int)Math.Round((srcBendOffset / durationTime) * 60);
                    bp.Value = (int)(srcBend.Step * 4);
                    note1.BendPoints.Insert(note1.BendPoints.Count, bp);
                if (note1.BendPoints.Count > 0)
                    var lastbp = note1.BendPoints[note1.BendPoints.Count-1] as BendPoint;
                    if (lastbp.Offset < 60)
                        var bp = new BendPoint();
                        bp.Offset = 60;
                        bp.Value = lastbp.Value;
                        note1.BendPoints.Insert(note1.BendPoints.Count, bp);

                    var firstBp = note1.BendPoints[0] as BendPoint;
                    if (firstBp.Offset > 0)
                        var bp = new BendPoint();
                        bp.Offset = 0;
                        bp.Value = 0;
                        note1.BendPoints.Insert(0, bp);

            if (srcNote.SlideTo > -1)
                note1.SlideType = SlideType.Shift;

            if (srcNote.SlideUnpitchTo > -1)
                if (srcNote.SlideUnpitchTo > srcNote.Fret)
                    note1.SlideType = SlideType.OutUp;
                    note1.SlideType = SlideType.OutDown;


            return note1;
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static Note NoteFromNote(SongNote2014 srcNote)
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.LinkNext == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Bend == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.HammerOn == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Harmonic == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Hopo == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Ignore == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Mute == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.PalmMute == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Pluck == -1);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.PullOff == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Slap == -1);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Tremolo == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.HarmonicPinch == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.PickDirection == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Tap == 0);
            //DbgAssert(srcNote.Vibrato == 0);

            var note1 = new Note();
            note1.fret = srcNote.Fret;
            note1.@string = srcNote.String + 1;
            note1.accentuated = srcNote.Accent == 1 ? AccentuationType.Normal : AccentuationType.None;
            if (srcNote.SlideTo > -1)
                note1.slideType = SlideType.Shift;

            if (srcNote.SlideUnpitchTo > -1)
                if (srcNote.SlideUnpitchTo > srcNote.Fret)
                    note1.slideType = SlideType.OutUp;
                    note1.slideType = SlideType.OutDown;

            //note1.bendPoints          src.bend

            return note1;

        internal static SongNote2014[] Parse(Sng2014HSL.NotesSection notesSection)
            var notes = new List <SongNote2014>();

            for (var i = 0; i < notesSection.Count; i++)
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].ChordId != -1)
                    continue; //Skip chord notes (get only single notes)
                var note = new SongNote2014();

                // BASIC INFO
                note.Time   = notesSection.Notes[i].Time;
                note.Fret   = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].FretId;
                note.String = notesSection.Notes[i].StringIndex;

                // TECHNIQUES
                note.PickDirection = notesSection.Notes[i].PickDirection;
                note.parseNoteMask(notesSection.Notes[i].NoteMask); //NOTE MASK need to be setup previous get property values
                // Techniques with own properties
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].LeftHand != 255)
                    note.LeftHand = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].LeftHand;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].SlideTo != 255)
                    note.SlideTo = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].SlideTo;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].SlideUnpitchTo != 255)
                    note.SlideUnpitchTo = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].SlideUnpitchTo;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Tap != 255)
                    note.Tap = notesSection.Notes[i].Tap;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Slap != 255)
                    note.Slap = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].Slap;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Pluck != 255)
                    note.Pluck = (sbyte)notesSection.Notes[i].Pluck;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Vibrato != 0)
                    note.Vibrato = notesSection.Notes[i].Vibrato;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].Sustain != 0)
                    note.Sustain = notesSection.Notes[i].Sustain;
                if (notesSection.Notes[i].MaxBend != 0)
                    note.Bend = notesSection.Notes[i].MaxBend;
                note.BendValues = BendValue.Parse(notesSection.Notes[i].BendData.BendData);

