Exemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateTaskLauncherTasks(FactionEntity sourceEntity, TaskLauncher taskLauncher)
            if (taskLauncher == null || taskLauncher.Initiated == false || taskLauncher.GetTasksCount() == 0) //if the task launcher is invalid or the source can't manage a task

            for (int taskID = 0; taskID < taskLauncher.GetTasksCount(); taskID++) //go through all tasks
                FactionEntityTask task = taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID);
                if (task.IsEnabled() == true)
                    TaskUI taskUI = Add(new TaskUIAttributes
                        ID           = taskID,
                        type         = task.GetTaskType(),
                        icon         = task.GetIcon(),
                        source       = sourceEntity,
                        taskLauncher = taskLauncher
                    }, task.GetTaskPanelCategory());

                    if (task.GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.createUnit) //if this is a unit creation task, check if it has reached its limit and change task ui image color accordinly
                        taskUI.GetComponent <Image>().color = sourceEntity.FactionMgr.HasReachedLimit(task.UnitCode, task.UnitCategory) == true ? Color.red : Color.white;

            UpdateInProgressTasks(taskLauncher); //show the in progress tasks
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a TaskLauncher instance to be tracked by the NPCUnitRegulator if it includes tasks that allow the regulated unit type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskLauncher">TaskLauncher instance to add.</param>
        public void AddTaskLauncher(TaskLauncher taskLauncher)
            if (unitCreators.ContainsKey(taskLauncher) || //if the task launcher is already registered
                taskLauncher.FactionEntity.FactionID != factionMgr.FactionID)    //or the task launcher doesn't belong to the same NPC faction.

            for (int taskID = 0; taskID < taskLauncher.GetTasksCount(); taskID++)
                FactionEntityTask nextTask = taskLauncher.GetTask(taskID);
                //if the task's type is unit creation and it the unit to create code matches the code of unit type that is regulated by this component
                if (nextTask.GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.createUnit && nextTask.UnitCode == Code)
                    if (unitCreators.TryGetValue(taskLauncher, out List <int> taskIDList)) //task launcher already is registered as key, just append value list
                    else //register task launcher as new key and task ID as the only element in the value list.
                        unitCreators.Add(taskLauncher, new List <int>(new int[] { taskID }));
Exemplo n.º 3
        //checks whether a task can be added or not and if not, provide the reason in the return value
        public ErrorMessage CanAddTaskToLauncher(TaskLauncher taskLauncher, FactionEntityTask task)
            if (Status.IsTaskEnabled(task.GetCode(), taskLauncher.FactionEntity.FactionID, task.IsAvailable) == false) //if the task is disabled

            if (taskLauncher.FactionEntity.EntityHealthComp.CurrHealth < taskLauncher.GetMinHealth()) //if the task holder does not have enough health to launch task

            if (taskLauncher.GetMaxTasksAmount() <= taskLauncher.GetTaskQueueCount()) //if the maximum amount of pending tasks has been reached

            if (task.HasRequiredResources() == false)

            if (task.GetTaskType() == TaskTypes.createUnit) //if this is a unit creation task..
                int nextPopulation = task.UnitPopulationSlots + gameMgr.GetFaction(taskLauncher.FactionEntity.FactionID).GetCurrentPopulation();
                if (nextPopulation > gameMgr.GetFaction(taskLauncher.FactionEntity.FactionID).GetMaxPopulation()) //check the population slots

                if (taskLauncher.FactionEntity.FactionMgr.HasReachedLimit(task.UnitCode, task.UnitCode)) //did the unit type to create reach its limit,
