Exemplo n.º 1
        private void buttonFind_ByIVRange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint year_ivrange = 0;
            uint month_ivrange = 1;
            uint date_ivrange = 1;
            uint hours_ivrange = 0;
            uint minutes_ivrange = 0;

            var nature = (Nature) comboBoxNature_IVRange.SelectedValue;

            if (maskedTextBoxYear_IVRange.Text != "")
                year_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxYear_IVRange.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMonth_IVRange.Text != "")
                month_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMonth_IVRange.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxDate_IVRange.Text != "")
                date_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDate_IVRange.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxHours_IVRange.Text != "")
                hours_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHours_IVRange.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMinutes_IVRange.Text != "")
                minutes_ivrange = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinutes_IVRange.Text);

            bool showMonster = checkBoxShowMonster.Checked;

            var Possibilities =
                new List<List<uint>>
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>(),
                        new List<uint>()

            var minIvs = new uint[6];
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinHP.Text, out minIvs[0]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinAtk.Text, out minIvs[1]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinDef.Text, out minIvs[2]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinSpAtk.Text, out minIvs[3]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinSpDef.Text, out minIvs[4]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinSpeed.Text, out minIvs[5]);
            var maxIvs = new uint[6];
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxHP.Text, out maxIvs[0]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxAtk.Text, out maxIvs[1]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxDef.Text, out maxIvs[2]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxSpAtk.Text, out maxIvs[3]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxSpDef.Text, out maxIvs[4]);
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxSpeed.Text, out maxIvs[5]);

            uint minDefaultDelay;
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_IVRange.Text, out minDefaultDelay);
            uint maxDefaultDelay;
            uint.TryParse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_IVRange.Text, out maxDefaultDelay);

            for (int statCnt = 0; statCnt <= 5; statCnt++)
                for (uint charCnt = minIvs[statCnt]; charCnt <= maxIvs[statCnt]; charCnt++)

            int combinations =

            //  If there are too many different combinations we need
            //  to notify the user that they may not proceed.
            if (combinations > 100)
                    "There were too many combinations of IV possibilities to accurately find your intitial seed (" +
                    combinations + ") please try with a higher level Pokemon,", "Too many IV Combinations");
                var allSeeds = new List<Seed>();

                //  Iterate through all of the combinations of IVs and check
                //  so something good, first using the IvToPID.
                foreach (uint combo_HP in Possibilities[0])
                    foreach (uint combo_Atk in Possibilities[1])
                        foreach (uint combo_Def in Possibilities[2])
                            foreach (uint combo_SpA in Possibilities[3])
                                foreach (uint combo_SpD in Possibilities[4])
                                    foreach (uint combo_Spe in Possibilities[5])
                                        List<Seed> startingSeeds =
                                                combo_HP, combo_Atk, combo_Def,
                                                combo_SpA, combo_SpD, combo_Spe,
                                                (uint) nature.Number, 0);


                //  We now have a complete list of starting seeds so we can run the
                //  same logic that we normally run here, but we might want to tone
                //  down how much we actually search.

                //  Now that we have developed a list of possible seeds we need to
                //  start working those backwards and then building a list of
                //  initial seeds that may have been possible.
                var seeds = new List<SeedInitial>();

                bool monsterFound = false;
                bool initialFound = false;

                foreach (Seed seed in allSeeds)
                    if (seed.FrameType == FrameType.Method1)
                        if (showMonster)
                            seeds.Add(new SeedInitial(seed.MonsterSeed, 0, "Monster", 0, 0));

                        monsterFound = true;

                        //  start backing up, we are going to back up
                        //  a grand totol of 10,000 times max for the
                        //  time being,
                        var rng = new PokeRngR(seed.MonsterSeed);

                        //  back to 500
                        for (uint backCount = 1; backCount < 500; backCount++)
                            uint testSeed = rng.Seed;

                            uint seedAB = testSeed >> 24;
                            uint seedCD = (testSeed & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
                            uint seedEFGH = testSeed & 0x0000FFFF;

                            if (seedEFGH > (minDefaultDelay + year_ivrange - 2000) &&
                                seedEFGH < (maxDefaultDelay + year_ivrange - 2000))
                                //  Disqualify on hours second as it is very likely
                                //  to be a poor choice for use to work with.
                                //wfy back to exact hour
                                if (seedCD == hours_ivrange)
                                    for (uint secondsCount = 0; secondsCount < 60; secondsCount++)
                                        if (((month_ivrange*date_ivrange + minutes_ivrange + secondsCount)%0x100) ==
                                            var initialSeed =
                                                new SeedInitial(
                                                    seedEFGH - (year_ivrange - 2000));


                                            initialFound = true;

                dataGridViewSeeds_IVRange.DataSource = seeds;

                if (!monsterFound)
                    MessageBox.Show("No matches found for the IVs entered.  Please check and try again.",
                                    "No Data Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                else if (!initialFound)
                    MessageBox.Show("No reasonable initial seed found. Please check your DATE and TIME.",
                                    "No Data Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                Settings.Default.YearIVR = year_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.MonthIVR = month_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.DateIVR = date_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.MinutesIVR = minutes_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.HoursIVR = hours_ivrange.ToString();
                Settings.Default.DelayMinIVR = minDefaultDelay.ToString();
                Settings.Default.DelayMaxIVR = maxDefaultDelay.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public List<Frame> Generate(
            FrameCompare frameCompare,
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            List<uint> natures,
            uint minEfgh,
            uint maxEfgh,
            uint id,
            uint sid)
            frames = new List<Frame>();
            var candidates = new List<Frame>();

            var rng = new PokeRngR(0);

            uint x_test = spe | (spa << 5) | (spd << 10);
            uint y_test = hp | (atk << 5) | (def << 10);


            // Experimentally derived
            // Any possible test seed will have at most
            // a difference of 0x31 from the target seed.
            // If it's close enough, we can then modify it
            // to match.

            for (uint cnt = 0xFFFF; cnt > 0xF2CC; cnt--)
                uint seed = (x_test << 16) | cnt;

                // Do a quick search for matching seeds
                // with a lower 16-bits between 0xFFFF and 0xF2CD.
                // We'll take the closest matches and subtract 0xD33
                // until it produces the correct seed (or doesn't).

                // Best we can do until we find a way to
                // calculate them directly.

                rng.Seed = seed;
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                // We don't have to worry about unsigned overflow
                // because y_test is never more than 0x7FFF
                if (y_test < 0x31)
                    if (rng1 <= (y_test - 0x31))
                        while ((seed & 0xFFFF) > 0xD32 && (rng1 & 0x7FFF) < y_test)
                            seed = seed - 0xD33;
                            rng.Seed = seed;
                            rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                    if (rng1 >= (y_test - 0x31))
                        while ((seed & 0xFFFF) > 0xD32 && (rng1 & 0x7FFF) < y_test)
                            seed = seed - 0xD33;
                            rng.Seed = seed;
                            rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();


            for (uint cnt = 0x0; cnt < 0xFFFF; cnt++)
                uint seed = (x_test << 16) | cnt;

                rng.Seed = seed;
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                // Check to see if the next frame yields
                // the HP, Attack, and Defense IVs we're searching for
                // If not, skip 'em.
                if ((rng1 & 0x7FFF) != y_test)

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                uint seedWondercard = rng.GetNext32BitNumber();
                var rng2 = (ushort) (seedWondercard >> 16);
                ushort rng3 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                // Instead of re-searching the entire space for seeds that are
                // basically identical except for the upper bit, we'll
                // just flip the upper seed bits instead.
                for (int upperBit = 0; upperBit < 2; upperBit++)
                    rng2 = (ushort) (rng2 ^ 0x8000);
                    rng3 = (ushort) (rng3 ^ 0x8000);
                    rng4 = (ushort) (rng4 ^ 0x8000);
                    method1Seed = method1Seed ^ 0x80000000;
                    rng.Seed = rng.Seed ^ 0x80000000;

                    if (frameType == FrameType.WondercardIVs)
                        seedWondercard = seedWondercard ^ 0x80000000;
                        frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(seedWondercard,
                                                    frameType, EncounterType,
                                                    0, 0,
                                                    rng1, x_test,
                                                    id, sid,
                                                    0, 0);


                    foreach (uint nature in natures)
                        if (frameType == FrameType.ChainedShiny)
                            var testRng = new PokeRngR(rng.Seed);
                            var rngCalls = new uint[15];

                            rngCalls[0] = rng2;
                            rngCalls[1] = rng3;
                            rngCalls[2] = rng4;

                            for (int calls = 3; calls < 15; calls++)
                                rngCalls[calls] = testRng.GetNext16BitNumber();


                            uint chainedPIDLower = Functions.ChainedPIDLower(

                            uint chainedPIDUpper = Functions.ChainedPIDUpper(rngCalls[13], chainedPIDLower, id, sid);

                            if (IVtoSeed.CheckPID(chainedPIDUpper, chainedPIDLower, nature))
                                frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(testRng.Seed,
                                                            frameType, EncounterType,
                                                            chainedPIDLower, chainedPIDUpper,
                                                            rng1, x_test,
                                                            id, sid,
                                                            0, 0);


                        if (frameType == FrameType.Method1)
                            //  Check Method 1
                            // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                            // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                            if (IVtoSeed.CheckPID(rng2, rng3, nature))
                                frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(method1Seed,
                                                            frameType, EncounterType,
                                                            rng3, rng2,
                                                            rng1, x_test,
                                                            id, sid,
                                                            0, 0);


                        if (frameType == FrameType.MethodJ)
                            //  Check Method 1, then roll back to see if it is a hittable frame
                            if (IVtoSeed.CheckPID(rng2, rng3, nature))
                                var testRng = new PokeRngR(rng.Seed);

                                uint testPid;
                                uint nextRng = rng4;
                                uint nextRng2 = testRng.GetNext32BitNumber();
                                uint slot = 0;

                                // A spread is only made accessible if there are no other PIDs between
                                // it and the calling frame that have the same nature as the spread.

                                    bool skipFrame = false;
                                    // Check to see if this is a valid non-Synch calling frame
                                    // If it is, we won't bother checking it with Synch because it works either way

                                    if (nextRng/0xA3E == nature)
                                        uint testSeed = testRng.Seed;
                                        var encounterMod = EncounterMod.None;

                                        if (EncounterType != EncounterType.Stationary)
                                            testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            slot = nextRng2;
                                            if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSurfing)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildOldRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;
                                                if (nibble <= 48)
                                                    if (nibble > 24)
                                                        encounterMod = EncounterMod.SuctionCups;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildGoodRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;
                                                if (nibble <= 98)
                                                    if (nibble > 49)
                                                        encounterMod = EncounterMod.SuctionCups;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSuperRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;
                                                if (nibble <= 99)
                                                    if (nibble > 74)
                                                        encounterMod = EncounterMod.SuctionCups;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                    skipFrame = true;

                                        if (!skipFrame)
                                            frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(testSeed,
                                                                        frameType, EncounterType,
                                                                        rng3, rng2,
                                                                        rng1, x_test,
                                                                        id, sid,
                                                                        0, 0);

                                            frame.EncounterSlot = EncounterSlotCalc.encounterSlot(slot, frameType,
                                            frame.EncounterMod = encounterMod;

                                        // Check if the frame appears as the result of a failed Synch
                                        if (nextRng2 >> 31 == 1)
                                            if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildOldRod)
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;
                                                if (nibble > 24)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildGoodRod)
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;
                                                if (nibble > 49)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSuperRod)
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;
                                                if (nibble > 74)
                                                    skipFrame = true;

                                            slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                            if (!skipFrame)
                                                frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(testSeed,
                                                                            frameType, EncounterType,
                                                                            rng3, rng2,
                                                                            rng1, x_test,
                                                                            id, sid,
                                                                            0, 0);

                                                frame.EncounterSlot = EncounterSlotCalc.encounterSlot(slot, frameType,

                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.Synchronize;
                                        // Check to see if the spread is hittable with Synchronize
                                    else if (nextRng >> 15 == 0)
                                        uint testSeed = testRng.Seed;

                                        if (EncounterType != EncounterType.Stationary)
                                            testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            slot = nextRng2;
                                            if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSurfing)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildOldRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;
                                                if (nibble > 24)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildGoodRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;

                                                if (nibble > 49)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSuperRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)/656;
                                                if (nibble > 74)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                        if (!skipFrame)
                                            frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(testSeed,
                                                                        frameType, EncounterType,
                                                                        rng3, rng2,
                                                                        rng1, x_test,
                                                                        id, sid,
                                                                        0, 0);

                                            frame.Synchable = true;
                                            frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.Synchronize;
                                            frame.EncounterSlot = EncounterSlotCalc.encounterSlot(slot, frameType,

                                    testPid = (nextRng << 16) | nextRng2 >> 16;

                                    nextRng = testRng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                                    nextRng2 = testRng.GetNext32BitNumber();
                                } while (testPid%25 != nature);

                            //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (female)
                            //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                            //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                            if (rng3/0x5556 != 0)
                                uint CCSeed;
                                uint slot = 0;
                                bool skipFrame = false;

                                if (EncounterType == EncounterType.Stationary)
                                    CCSeed = method1Seed;
                                    CCSeed = method1Seed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                    slot = method1Seed;
                                    if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSurfing)
                                        CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                        slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                    else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildOldRod)
                                        CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                        slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                        if ((CCSeed >> 16)/656 > 24)
                                            skipFrame = true;
                                            CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                    else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildGoodRod)
                                        CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                        slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                        if ((CCSeed >> 16)/656 > 49)
                                            skipFrame = true;
                                            CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                    else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSuperRod)
                                        CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                        slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                        if ((CCSeed >> 16)/656 > 74)
                                            skipFrame = true;
                                            CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                // Each gender ratio has a different
                                // unbiased (non-nature-affective) number that is
                                // added to the PID
                                var choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E);
                                if (!skipFrame && IVtoSeed.CheckPID(0, choppedPID, nature))
                                    foreach (uint buffer in Functions.UnbiasedBuffer)
                                        frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(CCSeed,
                                                                    frameType, EncounterType, 0,
                                                                    choppedPID + buffer, 0,
                                                                    rng1, x_test,
                                                                    id, sid,
                                                                    0, 0);

                                        frame.EncounterSlot = EncounterSlotCalc.encounterSlot(slot, frameType,
                                        switch (buffer)
                                            case 0x0:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharmFemale;
                                            case 0x96:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm50M;
                                            case 0xC8:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm25M;
                                            case 0x4B:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm75M;
                                            case 0x32:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm875M;
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm;
                        else if (frameType == FrameType.MethodK)
                            //  Check Method 1, then roll back to see if it is a hittable frame
                            if (IVtoSeed.CheckPID(rng2, rng3, nature))
                                var testRng = new PokeRngR(rng.Seed);

                                uint testPid;
                                uint nextRng = rng4;
                                uint nextRng2 = testRng.GetNext32BitNumber();
                                uint slot = 0;

                                // A spread is only made accessible if there are no other PIDs between
                                // it and the calling frame that have the same nature as the spread.

                                    bool skipFrame = false;
                                    // Check to see if this is a valid non-Synch calling frame
                                    // If it is, we won't bother checking it with Synch because it works either way

                                    if (nextRng%25 == nature)
                                        uint testSeed = testRng.Seed;
                                        var encounterMod = EncounterMod.None;

                                        if (EncounterType != EncounterType.Stationary)
                                            testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            slot = nextRng2;
                                            if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSurfing ||
                                                EncounterType == EncounterType.BugCatchingContest ||
                                                EncounterType == EncounterType.Headbutt)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildOldRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;
                                                if (nibble <= 48)
                                                    if (nibble > 24)
                                                        encounterMod = EncounterMod.SuctionCups;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildGoodRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;
                                                if (nibble <= 98)
                                                    if (nibble > 49)
                                                        encounterMod = EncounterMod.SuctionCups;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSuperRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;
                                                if (nibble <= 99)
                                                    if (nibble > 74)
                                                        encounterMod = EncounterMod.SuctionCups;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                    skipFrame = true;

                                        if (!skipFrame)
                                            frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(testSeed,
                                                                        frameType, EncounterType,
                                                                        rng3, rng2,
                                                                        rng1, x_test,
                                                                        id, sid,
                                                                        0, 0);

                                            frame.EncounterSlot = EncounterSlotCalc.encounterSlot(slot, frameType,
                                            frame.EncounterMod = encounterMod;

                                        // Check if the frame appears as the result of a failed Synch
                                        if (((nextRng2 >> 16) & 1) == 1)
                                            if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildOldRod)
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;
                                                if (nibble > 24)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildGoodRod)
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;
                                                if (nibble > 49)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSuperRod)
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;
                                                if (nibble > 74)
                                                    skipFrame = true;

                                            slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                            if (!skipFrame)
                                                frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(testSeed,
                                                                            frameType, EncounterType,
                                                                            rng3, rng2,
                                                                            rng1, x_test,
                                                                            id, sid,
                                                                            0, 0);

                                                frame.EncounterSlot = EncounterSlotCalc.encounterSlot(slot, frameType,

                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.Synchronize;
                                        // Check to see if the spread is hittable with Synchronize
                                    else if ((nextRng & 1) == 0)
                                        uint testSeed = testRng.Seed;

                                        if (EncounterType != EncounterType.Stationary)
                                            testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            slot = nextRng2;
                                            if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSurfing ||
                                                EncounterType == EncounterType.BugCatchingContest ||
                                                EncounterType == EncounterType.Headbutt)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildOldRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;
                                                if (nibble > 24)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildGoodRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;

                                                if (nibble > 49)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                            else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSuperRod)
                                                slot = testSeed;
                                                testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                                uint nibble = (testSeed >> 16)%100;
                                                if (nibble > 74)
                                                    skipFrame = true;
                                                    testSeed = testSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                        if (!skipFrame)
                                            frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(testSeed,
                                                                        frameType, EncounterType,
                                                                        rng3, rng2,
                                                                        rng1, x_test,
                                                                        id, sid,
                                                                        0, 0);

                                            frame.Synchable = true;
                                            frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.Synchronize;
                                            frame.EncounterSlot = EncounterSlotCalc.encounterSlot(slot, frameType,

                                    testPid = (nextRng << 16) | nextRng2 >> 16;

                                    nextRng = testRng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                                    nextRng2 = testRng.GetNext32BitNumber();
                                } while (testPid%25 != nature);

                            if (rng3%3 != 0)
                                uint CCSeed;
                                uint slot = 0;
                                bool skipFrame = false;

                                if (EncounterType == EncounterType.Stationary)
                                    CCSeed = method1Seed;
                                    CCSeed = method1Seed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                    slot = method1Seed;
                                    if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSurfing ||
                                        EncounterType == EncounterType.BugCatchingContest)
                                        CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                        slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                    else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildOldRod)
                                        CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                        slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                        if ((CCSeed >> 16)%100 > 24)
                                            skipFrame = true;
                                            CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                    else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildGoodRod)
                                        CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                        slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                        if ((CCSeed >> 16)%100 > 49)
                                            skipFrame = true;
                                            CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                    else if (EncounterType == EncounterType.WildSuperRod)
                                        CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;
                                        slot = slot*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                        if ((CCSeed >> 16)%100 > 74)
                                            skipFrame = true;
                                            CCSeed = CCSeed*0xeeb9eb65 + 0xa3561a1;

                                //  Check HGSS Cute Charm
                                //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                                //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                                // Each gender ratio has a different
                                // unbiased (non-nature-affective) number that is
                                // added to the PID
                                var choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25);
                                if (!skipFrame && IVtoSeed.CheckPID(0, choppedPID, nature))
                                    foreach (uint buffer in Functions.UnbiasedBuffer)
                                        frame = Frame.GenerateFrame(CCSeed,
                                                                    frameType, EncounterType, 0,
                                                                    choppedPID + buffer, 0,
                                                                    rng1, x_test,
                                                                    id, sid,
                                                                    0, 0);

                                        frame.EncounterSlot = EncounterSlotCalc.encounterSlot(slot, frameType,
                                        switch (buffer)
                                            case 0x0:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharmFemale;
                                            case 0x96:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm50M;
                                            case 0xC8:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm25M;
                                            case 0x4B:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm75M;
                                            case 0x32:
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm875M;
                                                frame.EncounterMod = EncounterMod.CuteCharm;

            // Now that we have some possibilities for frames,
            // We'll filter out ones that don't meet user criteria
            // Then roll back the RNG for each of them to make sure
            // each is within the user-specified maximum frames
            // from a DPPtHGSS-style seed.
            foreach (Frame candidate in candidates)
                if (frameCompare.Compare(candidate))
                    // start backing up frames until the user-specified max
                    rng.Seed = candidate.Seed;

                    const uint start = 1;

                    for (uint backCount = start; backCount <= MaxResults; backCount++)
                        uint testSeed = rng.Seed;

                        //uint seedAB = testSeed >> 24;
                        uint seedCD = (testSeed & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
                        uint seedEFGH = testSeed & 0x0000FFFF;

                        // Check to see if seed follows ABCDEFGH format
                        // And matches-user specified delay
                        if (seedEFGH > minEfgh && seedEFGH < maxEfgh)
                            // CD must be between 0-23
                            if (seedCD < 23)
                                if (backCount >= InitialFrame)
                                    Frame frameCopy = Frame.Clone(candidate);

                                    frameCopy.Seed = testSeed;
                                    frameCopy.Number = backCount;


            return frames;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void buttonFind_Stat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint year_stat = 0;
            uint month_stat = 1;
            uint date_stat = 1;
            uint hours_stat = 0;
            uint minutes_stat = 0;

            uint hp = 0;
            uint atk = 0;
            uint def = 0;
            uint spa = 0;
            uint spd = 0;
            uint spe = 0;

            uint level = 1;

            var pokemon = (Pokemon) comboBoxPokemon_Stat.SelectedValue;
            var nature = (Nature) comboBoxNature_Stat.SelectedValue;

            if (maskedTextBoxHP_Stat.Text != "")
                hp = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHP_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxAtk_Stat.Text != "")
                atk = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxAtk_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxDef_Stat.Text != "")
                def = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDef_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxSpA_Stat.Text != "")
                spa = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpA_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxSpD_Stat.Text != "")
                spd = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpD_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxSpe_Stat.Text != "")
                spe = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpe_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxLevel_Stat.Text != "")
                level = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxLevel_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxYear_Stat.Text != "")
                year_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxYear_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMonth_Stat.Text != "")
                month_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMonth_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxDate_Stat.Text != "")
                date_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDate_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxHours_Stat.Text != "")
                hours_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHours_Stat.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMinutes_Stat.Text != "")
                minutes_stat = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinutes_Stat.Text);

            bool showMonster = checkBoxShowMonster.Checked;

            var stats = new[] {hp, atk, def, spa, spd, spe};

            Characteristic characteristic = null;

            if (comboBoxCharacteristic_Stat.SelectedItem.ToString() != "NONE")
                characteristic = (Characteristic) comboBoxCharacteristic_Stat.SelectedItem;

            //  Run the IV checker with the stats and monster information
            //  that were entered into the intial seed finder,
            var ivCheck = new IVCheck(pokemon, level, nature, characteristic, stats);

            //  If there are any invalid IVs we need to notify the user
            //  what we may not proceed.
            if (!ivCheck.IsValid)
                    "There was a problem with the stats/nature/Pokemon you have entered.  Please check them and try again. " +
                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ivCheck, "Invalid Stats");
                uint minDefaultDelay = 550;
                if (radioButton_SS_HGSS.Checked)
                    minDefaultDelay = 400;

                uint maxDefaultDelay = 1200;

                if (maskedTextBoxMinDelay_Stat.Text != "" && radioButton_SS_CUSTOM.Checked)
                    minDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_Stat.Text);
                if (maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_Stat.Text != "" && radioButton_SS_CUSTOM.Checked)
                    maxDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_Stat.Text);

                int combinations =

                //  If there are too many different combinations we need
                //  to notify the user that they may not proceed.
                if (combinations > 100)
                        "There were too many combinations of IV possibilities to accurately find your intitial seed (" +
                        combinations + ") please try with a higher level Pokemon,", "To many IV Combinations");
                    var allSeeds = new List<Seed>();

                    //  Iterate through all of the combinations of IVs and check
                    //  so something good, first using the IvToPID.
                    foreach (uint combo_HP in ivCheck.Possibilities[0])
                        foreach (uint combo_Atk in ivCheck.Possibilities[1])
                            foreach (uint combo_Def in ivCheck.Possibilities[2])
                                foreach (uint combo_SpA in ivCheck.Possibilities[3])
                                    foreach (uint combo_SpD in ivCheck.Possibilities[4])
                                        foreach (uint combo_Spe in ivCheck.Possibilities[5])
                                            List<Seed> startingSeeds =
                                                    combo_HP, combo_Atk, combo_Def,
                                                    combo_SpA, combo_SpD, combo_Spe,
                                                    (uint) nature.Number, 0);


                    //  We now have a complete list of starting seeds so we can run the
                    //  same logic that we normally run here, but we might want to tone
                    //  down how much we actually search.

                    //  Now that we have developed a list of possible seeds we need to
                    //  start working those backwards and then building a list of
                    //  initial seeds that may have been possible.
                    var seeds = new List<SeedInitial>();

                    bool monsterFound = false;
                    bool initialFound = false;

                    foreach (Seed seed in allSeeds)
                        if (seed.FrameType == FrameType.Method1)
                            if (showMonster)
                                seeds.Add(new SeedInitial(seed.MonsterSeed, 0, "Monster", 0, 0));

                            monsterFound = true;

                            //  start backing up, we are going to back up
                            //  a grand totol of 10,000 times max for the
                            //  time being,
                            var rng = new PokeRngR(seed.MonsterSeed);

                            //  back to 500
                            for (uint backCount = 1; backCount < 500; backCount++)
                                uint testSeed = rng.Seed;

                                uint seedAB = testSeed >> 24;
                                uint seedCD = (testSeed & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
                                uint seedEFGH = testSeed & 0x0000FFFF;

                                if (seedEFGH > (minDefaultDelay + year_stat - 2000) &&
                                    seedEFGH < (maxDefaultDelay + year_stat - 2000))
                                    //  Disqualify on hours second as it is very likely
                                    //  to be a poor choice for use to work with.
                                    //wfy back to exact hour
                                    if (seedCD == hours_stat)
                                        for (uint secondsCount = 0; secondsCount < 60; secondsCount++)
                                            if (((month_stat*date_stat + minutes_stat + secondsCount)%0x100) == seedAB)
                                                var initialSeed =
                                                    new SeedInitial(
                                                        seedEFGH - (year_stat - 2000));


                                                initialFound = true;

                    dataGridViewValues_Stat.DataSource = seeds;

                    if (!monsterFound)
                        MessageBox.Show("No matches found for the IVs entered.  Please check and try again.",
                                        "No Data Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    else if (!initialFound)
                        MessageBox.Show("No reasonable initial seed found. Please check your DATE and TIME.",
                                        "No Data Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                    //  Save our information for the next run
                    Settings.Default.YearS = year_stat.ToString();
                    Settings.Default.MonthS = month_stat.ToString();
                    Settings.Default.DateS = date_stat.ToString();
                    Settings.Default.MinutesS = minutes_stat.ToString();
                    Settings.Default.HoursS = hours_stat.ToString();

                    if (maskedTextBoxMinDelay_Stat.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                        minDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_Stat.Text);
                        Settings.Default.DelayMinS = minDefaultDelay.ToString();
                    if (maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_Stat.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                        maxDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_Stat.Text);
                        Settings.Default.DelayMaxS = maxDefaultDelay.ToString();

                    string SS_Mode = "DPP";

                    if (radioButton_SS_DPP.Checked)
                        SS_Mode = "DPP";
                    else if (radioButton_SS_HGSS.Checked)
                        SS_Mode = "HGSS";
                    else if (radioButton_SS_CUSTOM.Checked)
                        SS_Mode = "CUSTOM";
                    Settings.Default.SSMode = SS_Mode;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint hp = 0;
            uint atk = 0;
            uint def = 0;
            uint spa = 0;
            uint spd = 0;
            uint spe = 0;

            if (maskedTextBoxHP_A.Text != "")
                hp = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHP_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxAtk_A.Text != "")
                atk = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxAtk_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxDef_A.Text != "")
                def = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDef_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxSpA_A.Text != "")
                spa = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpA_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxSpD_A.Text != "")
                spd = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpD_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxSpe_A.Text != "")
                spe = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxSpe_A.Text);

            uint year_a = 0;
            uint month_a = 1;
            uint date_a = 1;
            uint hours_a = 0;
            uint minutes_a = 0;

            if (maskedTextBoxYear_A.Text != "")
                year_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxYear_A.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMonth_A.Text != "")
                month_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMonth_A.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxDate_A.Text != "")
                date_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxDate_A.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxHours_A.Text != "")
                hours_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxHours_A.Text);

            if (maskedTextBoxMinutes_A.Text != "")
                minutes_a = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinutes_A.Text);

            var nature = (Nature) comboBoxNature_A.SelectedValue;

            bool showMonster = checkBoxShowMonster.Checked;

            //  Get a list of possible starting seeds that we are going to use
            //  to work backwards and find probable initial seeds.
            List<Seed> startingSeeds =
                IVtoSeed.GetSeeds(hp, atk, def, spa, spd, spe, (uint) nature.Number);

            //  Now that we have developed a list of possible seeds we need to
            //  start working those backwards and then building a list of
            //  initial seeds that may have been possible.
            var seeds = new List<SeedInitial>();

            bool monsterFound = false;
            bool initialFound = false;

            uint minDefaultDelay = 550;
            if (radioButton_SIV_HGSS.Checked)
                minDefaultDelay = 400;

            uint maxDefaultDelay = 3600;

            if (maskedTextBoxMinDelay_A.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                minDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_A.Text);
            if (maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_A.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                maxDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_A.Text);

            foreach (Seed seed in startingSeeds)
                if (seed.FrameType == FrameType.Method1)
                    if (showMonster)
                        seeds.Add(new SeedInitial(seed.MonsterSeed, 0, "Monster", 0, 0));

                    monsterFound = true;

                    //  start backing up, we are going to back up
                    //  a grand totol of 1000 times max for the
                    //  time being,
                    var rng = new PokeRngR(seed.MonsterSeed);

                    for (uint backCount = 1; backCount < 2000; backCount++)
                        uint testSeed = rng.Seed;

                        uint seedAB = testSeed >> 24;
                        uint seedCD = (testSeed & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
                        uint seedEFGH = testSeed & 0x0000FFFF;

                        if ((seedEFGH > (minDefaultDelay + year_a - 2000) &&
                             seedEFGH < (maxDefaultDelay + year_a - 2000)) ||
                            //  Disqualify on hours second as it is very likely
                            //  to be a poor choice for use to work with.
                            if ((seedCD == hours_a) || radioButton_SIV_OPEN.Checked)
                                if (!radioButton_SIV_OPEN.Checked)
                                    for (uint secondsCount = 0; secondsCount < 60; secondsCount++)
                                        if (((month_a*date_a + minutes_a + secondsCount)%0x100) == seedAB)
                                            var initialSeed =
                                                new SeedInitial(
                                                    seedEFGH - (year_a - 2000));


                                            initialFound = true;
                                else // if (!checkBoxOpenSearch.Checked)
                                    //  Do the open search, which is completely open and does not
                                    //  honor the min/max delay of the advanced search, so we should
                                    //  likely make the selection of those mutially exclusive.
                                    if (seedCD < 24)
                                        if ((checkBoxLowDelay.Checked && seedEFGH < 10000) || !checkBoxLowDelay.Checked)
                                            var initialSeed =
                                                new SeedInitial(
                                                    seedEFGH - (year_a - 2000));


                                            initialFound = true;

            dataGridViewValues.DataSource = seeds;

            if (!monsterFound)
                MessageBox.Show("No matches found for the IVs entered.  Please check and try again.", "No Data Found",
            else if (!initialFound)
                MessageBox.Show("No reasonable initial seed found. Please check your DATE and TIME.", "No Data Found",

            Settings.Default.YearA = year_a.ToString();
            Settings.Default.MonthA = month_a.ToString();
            Settings.Default.DateA = date_a.ToString();
            Settings.Default.MinutesA = minutes_a.ToString();
            Settings.Default.HoursA = hours_a.ToString();

            if (maskedTextBoxMinDelay_A.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                minDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMinDelay_A.Text);
                Settings.Default.DelayMinA = minDefaultDelay.ToString();
            if (maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_A.Text != "" && radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                maxDefaultDelay = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxDelay_A.Text);
                Settings.Default.DelayMaxA = maxDefaultDelay.ToString();

            string SIV_Mode = "DPP";
            if (radioButton_SIV_DPP.Checked)
                SIV_Mode = "DPP";
            else if (radioButton_SIV_HGSS.Checked)
                SIV_Mode = "HGSS";
            else if (radioButton_SIV_CUSTOM.Checked)
                SIV_Mode = "CUSTOM";
            else if (radioButton_SIV_OPEN.Checked)
                SIV_Mode = "OPEN";
            Settings.Default.SIVMode = SIV_Mode;
            Settings.Default.SIVLowDelay = checkBoxLowDelay.Checked;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static List <Seed> GetSeeds(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            uint nature,
            uint id)
            var seeds = new List <Seed>();

            uint ivs2 = spe | (spa << 5) | (spd << 10);
            uint ivs1 = hp | (atk << 5) | (def << 10);

            uint x_test = ivs2 << 16;
            uint x_testXD = ivs1 << 16;
            uint pid, pidXor, sid;
            bool pass = false;

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0xFFFF; cnt++)
                //Check to see if the iv calls line up
                uint seedXD = x_testXD | cnt;
                var  rngXD  = new XdRng(seedXD);
                var  rngXDR = new XdRngR(seedXD);
                uint rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                if ((rng1XD & 0x7FFF) == ivs2)
                    //Grab rest of RNG calls for XDColo
                    uint rng2XD        = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                    uint rng3XD        = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                    uint rng4XD        = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                    uint XDColoSeed    = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();
                    uint XDColoSeedXor = XDColoSeed ^ 0x80000000;
                    sid = (rng4XD ^ rng3XD ^ id) & 0xFFF8;

                    //  Check Colosseum\XD
                    // [IVs] [IVs] [xxx] [PID] [PID]
                    // [START] [rng1] [rng3]
                    pid = (rng3XD << 16) | rng4XD;
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Colosseum/XD",
                            Pid         = pid,
                            MonsterSeed = XDColoSeed,
                            Sid         = sid

                    //  Check Colosseum\XD XOR
                    // [IVs] [IVs] [xxx] [PID] [PID]
                    // [START] [rng1] [rng3]
                    pidXor = pid ^ 0x80008000;
                    if (pidXor % 25 == nature)
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Colosseum/XD",
                            Pid         = pidXor,
                            MonsterSeed = XDColoSeedXor,
                            Sid         = sid

                //  Now test rest of methods
                uint seed = x_test | cnt;
                var  rng  = new PokeRngR(seed);
                uint rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                uint rng2           = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                uint rng3           = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                uint rng4           = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                uint method1Seed    = rng.Seed;
                uint method1SeedXor = method1Seed ^ 0x80000000;
                sid = (rng2 ^ rng3 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;

                uint method234Seed    = rng.Seed;
                uint method234SeedXor = method234Seed ^ 0x80000000;

                //Checks that ivs line up
                if ((rng1 & 0x7FFF) == ivs1)
                    uint choppedPID;

                    //  Check Method 1
                    // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                    pid = (rng2 << 16) + rng3;
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Method 1",
                            Pid         = pid,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = sid

                    //  Check Method 1 XOR
                    // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                    pidXor = pid ^ 0x80008000;
                    if (pidXor % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Method 1",
                            Pid         = pidXor,
                            MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                            Sid         = sid

                    //  Check Reverse Method 1
                    // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng2] [rng3] [rng1] [START]
                    pid = (rng3 << 16) + rng2;
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Reverse Method 1",
                            Pid         = pid,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = sid

                    //  Check Reverse Method 1 XOR
                    // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng2] [rng3] [rng1] [START]
                    pid = pid ^ 0x80008000;
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Reverse Method 1",
                            Pid         = pid,
                            MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                            Sid         = sid

                    //  Check Wishmkr
                    // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        if (method1Seed < 0x10000)
                            //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Pid         = pid,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = sid
                            newSeed.Method = Functions.Shiny(newSeed.Pid, 20043, 0) ? "Wishmkr Shiny" : "Wishmkr";

                    //  Check Wishmkr XOR
                    // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                    if (pidXor % 25 == nature)
                        if (method1SeedXor < 0x10000)
                            //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Pid         = pidXor,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = sid
                            newSeed.Method = Functions.Shiny(newSeed.Pid, 20043, 0) ? "Wishmkr Shiny" : "Wishmkr";

                    //  Check Method 2
                    // [PID] [PID] [xxxx] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng4] [rng3] [xxxx] [rng1] [START]
                    pid = (rng3 << 16) + rng4;
                    sid = (rng3 ^ rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Method 2",
                            Pid         = pid,
                            MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                            Sid         = sid

                    //  Check Method 2
                    // [PID] [PID] [xxxx] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng4] [rng3] [xxxx] [rng1] [START]
                    pidXor = pid ^ 0x80008000;
                    if (pidXor % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Method 2",
                            Pid         = pidXor,
                            MonsterSeed = method234SeedXor,
                            Sid         = sid

                    /* Removed because Method 3 doesn't exist in-game
                     * //  Check Method 3
                     * //  [PID] [xxxx] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                     * //  [rng4] [xxxx] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                     * if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                     * {
                     *  //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                     *  Seed newSeed = new Seed();
                     *  newSeed.Method = "Method 3";
                     *  newSeed.Pid = (rng2 << 16) + rng4;
                     *  newSeed.MonsterSeed = method234Seed;
                     *  newSeed.Sid = (rng2 ^ rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;
                     *  seeds.Add(newSeed);
                     * } */

                    //  DPPt Cute Charm
                    if (rng3 / 0x5556 != 0)
                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E;
                        pass       = choppedPID % 25 == nature;
                        if (pass)
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (50% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x96;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID += 0x96;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (25% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E + 0xC8;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID += 0x32;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (75% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x4B;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID -= 0x7D;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x32;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID -= 0x19;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                    //  HGSS Cute Charm
                    if (rng3 % 3 != 0)
                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        choppedPID = rng2 % 25;
                        pass       = choppedPID == nature;
                        if (pass)
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (50% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 % 25 + 0x96;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID += 0x96;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (25% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 % 25 + 0xC8;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID += 0x32;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (75% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 % 25 + 0x4B;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID -= 0x7D;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 % 25 + 0x32;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID -= 0x19;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                    //  DPPt Cute Charm XOR
                    uint rng3Xor = rng3 ^ 0x8000;
                    uint rng2Xor = rng2 ^ 0x8000;
                    if (rng3Xor / 0x5556 != 0)
                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        choppedPID = rng2Xor / 0xA3E;
                        pass       = choppedPID % 25 == nature;
                        if (pass)
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (50% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x96;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID += 0x96;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (25% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E + 0xC8;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID += 0x32;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (75% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x4B;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID -= 0x7D;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x32;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID -= 0x19;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                    //  HGSS Cute Charm XOR
                    if (rng3Xor % 3 != 0)
                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        choppedPID = rng2Xor % 25;
                        pass       = choppedPID == nature;
                        if (pass)
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (50% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 % 25 + 0x96;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID += 0x96;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (25% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 % 25 + 0xC8;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID += 0x32;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (75% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 % 25 + 0x4B;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID -= 0x7D;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                        //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                        //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                        //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                        //choppedPID = rng2 % 25 + 0x32;
                        if (pass)
                            choppedPID -= 0x19;
                            var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid         = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1SeedXor,
                                Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8

                if ((rng2 & 0x7FFF) == ivs1)
                    //  Check Method 4
                    //  [PID] [PID] [IVs] [xxxx] [IVs]
                    //  [rng4] [rng3] [rng2] [xxxx] [START]
                    pid = (rng3 << 16) + rng4;
                    sid = (rng3 ^ rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Method 4",
                            Pid         = pid,
                            MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                            Sid         = sid

                    //  Check Method 4 XOR
                    //  [PID] [PID] [IVs] [xxxx] [IVs]
                    //  [rng4] [rng3] [rng2] [xxxx] [START]
                    pidXor = pid ^ 0x80008000;
                    if (pidXor % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Method 4",
                            Pid         = pidXor,
                            MonsterSeed = method234SeedXor,
                            Sid         = sid
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Overloaded method for SeedFinder's Open Search
        public static List <Seed> GetSeeds(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            uint nature)
            var seeds = new List <Seed>();

            uint ivs2 = spe | (spa << 5) | (spd << 10);

            uint ivs1 = hp | (atk << 5) | (def << 10);

            uint x_test = ivs2 << 16;

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0xFFFF; cnt++)
                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed = x_test | cnt;

                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                uint rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                //Check if ivs line up
                if ((rng1 & 0x7FFF) == ivs1)
                    //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                    //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                    //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                    uint rng2        = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                    uint rng3        = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                    uint rng4        = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                    uint pid         = (rng2 << 16) | rng3;
                    uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                    //  Check Method 1
                    // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Method 1",
                            Pid         = pid,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed

                    // Check Method 1 XOR
                    // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                    pid ^= 0x80008000;
                    if (pid % 25 == nature)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Method 1",
                            Pid         = pid,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed ^ 0x80000000
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Overloaded method for SeedFinder's Open Search
        public static List<Seed> GetSeeds(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            uint nature)
            var seeds = new List<Seed>();

            uint x4 = 0;
            uint x4_2 = 0;

            x4 = spe + (spa << 5) + (spd << 10);
            x4_2 = x4 ^ 0x8000;

            uint x8 = 0;
            uint x8_2 = 0;

            x8 = hp + (atk << 5) + (def << 10);
            x8_2 = x8 ^ 0x8000;

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0x1FFFE; cnt++)
                uint x_test;
                uint x_testXD;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                x_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x4 : x4_2;

                x_testXD = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x8 : x8_2;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed = (x_test << 16) + (cnt%0xFFFF);
                uint seedXD = (x_testXD << 16) + (cnt%0xFFFF);
                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                var rngXD = new XdRng(seedXD);
                var rngXDR = new XdRngR(seedXD);
                uint XDColoSeed = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                ushort rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                uint method234Seed = rng.Seed;

                //  Check Method 1
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng3, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method = "Method 1",
                            Pid = ((uint) rng2 << 16) + rng3,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed


            return seeds;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static List<Seed> GetSeeds(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            uint nature,
            uint id)
            var seeds = new List<Seed>();

            uint x4 = 0;
            uint x4_2 = 0;

            x4 = spe + (spa << 5) + (spd << 10);
            x4_2 = x4 ^ 0x8000;

            uint x8 = 0;
            uint x8_2 = 0;

            x8 = hp + (atk << 5) + (def << 10);
            x8_2 = x8 ^ 0x8000;

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0x1FFFE; cnt++)
                uint x_test;
                uint x_testXD;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                x_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x4 : x4_2;

                x_testXD = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x8 : x8_2;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed = (x_test << 16) + (cnt%0xFFFF);
                uint seedXD = (x_testXD << 16) + (cnt%0xFFFF);
                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                var rngXD = new XdRng(seedXD);
                var rngXDR = new XdRngR(seedXD);
                uint XDColoSeed = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                ushort rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                uint method234Seed = rng.Seed;
                ushort choppedPID;

                //  Check Method 1
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng3, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed();
                    newSeed.Method = "Method 1";
                    newSeed.Pid = ((uint) rng2 << 16) + rng3;
                    newSeed.MonsterSeed = method1Seed;
                    newSeed.Sid = (rng2 ^ (uint) rng3 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;


                //  Check Method 2
                // [PID] [PID] [xxxx] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng4] [rng3] [xxxx] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng3, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method = "Method 2",
                            Pid = ((uint) rng3 << 16) + rng4,
                            MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                            Sid = (rng3 ^ (uint) rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                 * Removed because Method 3 doesn't exist in-game
                //  Check Method 3
                //  [PID] [xxxx] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                //  [rng4] [xxxx] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    Seed newSeed = new Seed();
                    newSeed.Method = "Method 3";
                    newSeed.Pid = ((uint)rng2 << 16) + (uint)rng4;
                    newSeed.MonsterSeed = method234Seed;
                    newSeed.Sid = ((uint)rng2 ^ (uint)rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;


                //  Check Method 4
                //  [PID] [PID] [IVs] [xxxx] [IVs]
                //  [rng4] [rng3] [rng2] [xxxx] [START]
                if (Check(rng2, rng3, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method = "Method 4",
                            Pid = ((uint) rng3 << 16) + rng4,
                            MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                            Sid = (rng3 ^ (uint) rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                //  Check Colosseum\XD
                // [IVs] [IVs] [xxx] [PID] [PID]
                // [START] [rng1] [rng3]

                if (Check(rng1XD, rng3XD, rng4XD, spe, spa, spd, nature))
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method = "Colosseum/XD",
                            Pid = ((uint) rng3XD << 16) + rng4XD,
                            MonsterSeed = XDColoSeed,
                            Sid = (rng4XD ^ (uint) rng3XD ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                if (rng3/0x5556 != 0)
                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (50% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E + 0x96);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (25% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E + 0xC8);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (75% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E + 0x4B);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2/0xA3E + 0x32);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                if (rng3%3 != 0)
                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (50% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25 + 0x96);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (25% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25 + 0xC8);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (75% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25 + 0x4B);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort) (rng2%25 + 0x32);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                                Method = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                                Pid = choppedPID,
                                MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                                Sid = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


            return seeds;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //  Initial seed that we are going to used for our frame generation
            ulong seed = 0;
            if (textBoxSeed.Text != "")
                seed = ulong.Parse(textBoxSeed.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            uint maxFrames = 1000;
            if (maskedTextBoxMaxFrames.Text != "")
                maxFrames = uint.Parse(maskedTextBoxMaxFrames.Text);

            //  Generic RNG Interface
            IRNG rng = null;
            IRNG64 rng64 = null;

            //  Instantiate based on the type that
            //  the user has selected ------------
            if (radioButtonCommon.Checked)
                switch (comboBoxRNG.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:
                        rng = new PokeRng((uint) seed);
                    case 1:
                        rng = new PokeRngR((uint) seed);
                    case 2:
                        // if the given seed is 64 bit, remove the lower 32 bits.
                        if (seed >= 0x100000000) seed >>= 32;
                        rng = new MersenneTwister((uint) seed);
                    case 3:
                        rng64 = new BWRng(seed);
                    case 4:
                        rng64 = new BWRngR(seed);
                    case 5:
                        rng = new XdRng((uint) seed);
                    case 6:
                        rng = new XdRngR((uint) seed);
                    case 7:
                        rng = new ARng((uint) seed);
                    case 8:
                        rng = new ARngR((uint) seed);
                    case 9:
                        rng = new GRng((uint) seed);
                    case 10:
                        rng = new GRngR((uint) seed);
                    case 11:
                        rng = new EncounterRng((uint) seed);
                    case 12:
                        rng = new EncounterRngR((uint) seed);
                    case 13:
                        rng = new MersenneTwisterUntempered((int) seed);
                    case 14:
                        rng = new MersenneTwisterFast((uint) seed, (int) maxFrames);
                    case 15:
                        rng = new MersenneTwisterTable((uint) seed);

            if (radioButtonCustom.Checked)
                //  Check to see if we had valid values in the entry fields, and if so
                //  covert them over to the adding and multiplier so we can instantiate
                //  a generic LCRNG.

                ulong mult = 0;
                ulong add = 0;

                if (textBoxMult.Text != "")
                    mult = ulong.Parse(textBoxMult.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                if (textBoxAdd.Text != "")
                    add = ulong.Parse(textBoxAdd.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber);

                if (checkBox64bit.Checked)
                    rng64 = new GenericRng64(seed, mult, add);
                    rng = new GenericRng((uint) seed, (uint) mult, (uint) add);

            //  This is our collection of operators. At some point, if this gets
            //  fancy, we may want to break it off and have it in it's own class
            var calculators = new Dictionary<string, Calculator>();

            calculators["%"] = (x, y) => x%y;
            calculators["*"] = (x, y) => x*y;
            calculators["/"] = (x, y) => y == 0 ? 0 : x/y;
            calculators["&"] = (x, y) => x & y;
            calculators["^"] = (x, y) => x ^ y;
            calculators["|"] = (x, y) => x | y;
            calculators["+"] = (x, y) => x + y;
            calculators["-"] = (x, y) => x - y;
            calculators[">>"] = (x, y) => x >> (int) y;
            calculators["<<"] = (x, y) => x << (int) y;

            bool calcCustom1 =
                textBoxRValue1.Text != "" &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator1.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue1.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom2 =
                (textBoxRValue2.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue2.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator2.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue2.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom3 =
                (textBoxRValue3.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue3.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator3.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue3.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom4 =
                (textBoxRValue4.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue4.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator4.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue4.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom5 =
                (textBoxRValue5.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue5.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator5.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue5.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom6 =
                (textBoxRValue6.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue6.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator6.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue6.SelectedItem != null;
            bool calcCustom7 =
                (textBoxRValue7.Text != "" || comboBoxRValue7.SelectedIndex != 0) &&
                (string) comboBoxOperator7.SelectedItem != null &&
                (string) comboBoxLValue7.SelectedItem != null;

            //  Build our custom item transform classes so that we can use them in
            //  the future without having to do a parse of all of the items.

            ulong customRValue1;
            ulong customRValue2;
            ulong customRValue3;
            ulong customRValue4;
            ulong customRValue5;
            ulong customRValue6;
            ulong customRValue7;

                customRValue1 = (textBoxRValue1.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom1Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue1.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue1.Text)));
                customRValue2 = (textBoxRValue2.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom2Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue2.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue2.Text)));
                customRValue3 = (textBoxRValue3.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom3Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue3.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue3.Text)));
                customRValue4 = (textBoxRValue4.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom4Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue4.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue4.Text)));
                customRValue5 = (textBoxRValue5.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom5Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue5.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue5.Text)));
                customRValue6 = (textBoxRValue6.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom6Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue6.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue6.Text)));
                customRValue7 = (textBoxRValue7.Text == ""
                                     ? 0
                                     : (checkBoxCustom7Hex.Checked
                                            ? ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue7.Text, NumberStyles.HexNumber)
                                            : ulong.Parse(textBoxRValue7.Text)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("You must check off the Hex box in order to calculate using hex values.", ex.Message);

            Calculator custom1Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator1.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator1.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom2Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator2.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator2.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom3Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator3.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator3.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom4Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator4.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator4.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom5Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator5.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator5.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom6Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator6.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator6.SelectedItem]);
            Calculator custom7Calc = ((string) comboBoxOperator7.SelectedItem == null
                                          ? null
                                          : calculators[(string) comboBoxOperator7.SelectedItem]);

            //  Decide on whether we are going to display each of these items as
            //  decimal or hex. Can be very useful either way, so it is an option.
            Custom1.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom1Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";

            Custom2.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom2Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";

            Custom3.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom3Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";

            Custom4.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom4Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";
            Custom5.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom5Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";
            Custom6.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom6Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";
            Custom7.DefaultCellStyle.Format = checkBoxCustom7Hex.Checked ? "X8" : "";

            var frames = new List<FrameResearch>();

            bool rngIs64Bit = (comboBoxRNG.SelectedIndex == 3 || comboBoxRNG.SelectedIndex == 4 ||
                               checkBox64bit.Checked && radioButtonCustom.Checked);
            //  Loop through X times and create our research frames.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt < maxFrames; cnt++)
                FrameResearch frame;
                if (!rngIs64Bit)
                    Column64Bit.Visible = false;
                    Column32Bit.Visible = true;
                    Column32BitHigh.Visible = false;
                    Column32BitLow.Visible = false;

                    uint rngResult = rng.Next();

                    //  Start building the research frame that we are going to use
                    frame = new FrameResearch {RNG64bit = rngIs64Bit, FrameNumber = cnt + 1, Full32 = rngResult};
                    Column64Bit.Visible = true;
                    Column32Bit.Visible = false;
                    Column32BitHigh.Visible = true;
                    Column32BitLow.Visible = true;

                    ulong rngResult = rng64.Next();

                    //  Start building the research frame that we are going to use
                    frame = new FrameResearch {RNG64bit = rngIs64Bit, FrameNumber = cnt + 1, Full64 = rngResult};

                //  Call Custom 1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom1)
                    ulong customLValue1 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue1, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue1 = (uint) customLValue1;

                    frame.Custom1 = custom1Calc(customLValue1, customRValue1);

                //  Call Custom 2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom2)
                    ulong customLValue2 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue2, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue2.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue2 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue2, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue2 = (uint) customLValue2;

                    frame.Custom2 = custom2Calc(customLValue2, customRValue2);

                //  Call Custom 3 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom3)
                    ulong customLValue3 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue3, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue3.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue3 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue3, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue3 = (uint) customLValue3;

                    frame.Custom3 = custom3Calc(customLValue3, customRValue3);

                //  Call Custom 4 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom4)
                    ulong customLValue4 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue4, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue4.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue4 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue4, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue4 = (uint) customLValue4;

                    frame.Custom4 = custom4Calc(customLValue4, customRValue4);

                //  Call Custom 5 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom5)
                    ulong customLValue5 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue5, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue5.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue5 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue5, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue5 = (uint) customLValue5;

                    frame.Custom5 = custom5Calc(customLValue5, customRValue5);

                //  Call Custom 6 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom6)
                    ulong customLValue6 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue6, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue6.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue6 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue6, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue6 = (uint) customLValue6;

                    frame.Custom6 = custom6Calc(customLValue6, customRValue6);

                //  Call Custom 7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                if (calcCustom7)
                    ulong customLValue7 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxLValue7, frame, frames);
                    if ((string) comboBoxRValue7.SelectedItem != "None")
                        customRValue7 = CustomCalcs(comboBoxRValue7, frame, frames);

                    if (!rngIs64Bit)
                        customLValue7 = (uint) customLValue7;

                    frame.Custom7 = custom7Calc(customLValue7, customRValue7);


            //  Bind to the grid
            dataGridViewValues.DataSource = frames;
Exemplo n.º 10
        //  Add a list new Pokemon and do the breakdown
        public void Add(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            Nature nature,
            string ability,
            GenderGenderRatio gender)
            string ivs = hp + " / " + atk + " / " + def + " / " + spa + " / " + spd + " / " + spe;

            Pokemon.Add(new CalculateChainSidPokemon(ivs, nature.Name, ability, gender.ShortName));

            // Build the block for the 2nd IV here.
            uint iv2    = spe + (spa << 5) + (spd << 10);
            uint iv2set = iv2 ^ 0x8000;

            uint iv1    = hp + (atk << 5) + (def << 10);
            uint iv1set = iv1 ^ 0x8000;

            var candidatePids = new List <CandidatePid>();

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0x1FFFE; cnt++)
                uint iv2_test;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                iv2_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? iv2 : iv2set;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed = (iv2_test << 16) + (cnt % 0xFFFF);

                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                uint iv1_rng = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                //  Check for a canididate here
                if (iv1_rng == iv1 || iv1_rng == iv1set)
                    //  Get the whole adjust number in a loop
                    uint adjust = 0x0;

                    for (int adjustCnt = 0; adjustCnt < 13; adjustCnt++)
                        uint adjustRng = rng.GetNext16BitNumber() & 1U;
                        adjust |= (adjustRng << (15 - adjustCnt));

                    //  Get what we think was the initial PID
                    uint pid2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber(); //  HIGHID
                    uint pid1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber(); //  LOWID

                    uint adjustedLow = adjust | (pid1 & 7);

                    uint abilityNumber = adjustedLow & 1;
                    uint genderNumber  = adjustedLow & 0xFF;

                    // lol make this not suck
                    if ((ability == "Single Ability" ||
                             (abilityNumber == 0 && ability == "Ability 0") ||
                             (abilityNumber == 1 && ability == "Ability 1")
                         )) &&
                        var candidatePid = new CandidatePid {
                            AdjustedLow = adjustedLow, NaturalHigh = pid2

            var newSids = new List <uint>();

            foreach (uint sid in CandidateSids)
                //  Check each candiate pid that we found for the
                //  IV values and then see if the final PID with
                //  a particular nature/gender is a match.  If so
                //  we can go ahead and add the sid to the new
                //  list and exit early.
                foreach (CandidatePid candidatePid in candidatePids)
                    //  Build our full adjusted PID
                    uint adjustedHigh = candidatePid.AdjustedLow ^ Id ^ sid;
                    adjustedHigh &= 0xFFF8;
                    adjustedHigh += (candidatePid.NaturalHigh & 7);

                    //  for testing out the nature comparison
                    uint pid = (adjustedHigh << 16) + candidatePid.AdjustedLow;

                    //  If any of them work, we will add this to
                    //  the new candidateSids list and break to
                    //  go to the next seed.  Check the nature.
                    uint pidNature = pid % 25;

                    if (nature.Number == pidNature)

            CandidateSids = newSids;
Exemplo n.º 11
        // Overloaded method for SeedFinder's Open Search
        public static List <Seed> GetSeeds(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            uint nature)
            var seeds = new List <Seed>();

            uint x4   = spe + (spa << 5) + (spd << 10);
            uint x4_2 = x4 ^ 0x8000;

            uint x8   = hp + (atk << 5) + (def << 10);
            uint x8_2 = x8 ^ 0x8000;

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0xFFFE; cnt++)
                uint x_test;
                uint x_testXD;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                x_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x4 : x4_2;

                x_testXD = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x8 : x8_2;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed   = (x_test << 16) + (cnt & 0xFFFF);
                uint seedXD = (x_testXD << 16) + (cnt & 0xFFFF);

                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                var  rngXD      = new XdRng(seedXD);
                var  rngXDR     = new XdRngR(seedXD);
                uint XDColoSeed = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                ushort rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                uint method234Seed = rng.Seed;

                //  Check Method 1
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng3, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                        Method      = "Method 1",
                        Pid         = ((uint)rng2 << 16) + rng3,
                        MonsterSeed = method1Seed


            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0xFFFF; cnt <= 0x1FFFE; cnt++)
                uint x_test;
                uint x_testXD;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                x_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x4 : x4_2;

                x_testXD = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x8 : x8_2;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed   = (x_test << 16) + ((cnt + 1) & 0xFFFF);
                uint seedXD = (x_testXD << 16) + ((cnt + 1) & 0xFFFF);

                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                var  rngXD      = new XdRng(seedXD);
                var  rngXDR     = new XdRngR(seedXD);
                uint XDColoSeed = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                ushort rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                uint method234Seed = rng.Seed;

                //  Check Method 1
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng3, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                        Method      = "Method 1",
                        Pid         = ((uint)rng2 << 16) + rng3,
                        MonsterSeed = method1Seed


Exemplo n.º 12
        public static List <Seed> GetSeeds(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            uint nature,
            uint id)
            var seeds = new List <Seed>();

            uint x4   = spe + (spa << 5) + (spd << 10);
            uint x4_2 = x4 ^ 0x8000;

            uint x8   = hp + (atk << 5) + (def << 10);
            uint x8_2 = x8 ^ 0x8000;

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0xFFFE; cnt++)
                uint x_test;
                uint x_testXD;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                x_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x4 : x4_2;

                x_testXD = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x8 : x8_2;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed   = (x_test << 16) + cnt;
                uint seedXD = (x_testXD << 16) + cnt;
                var  rng    = new PokeRngR(seed);

                var  rngXD      = new XdRng(seedXD);
                var  rngXDR     = new XdRngR(seedXD);
                uint XDColoSeed = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                ushort rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                uint   method234Seed = rng.Seed;
                ushort choppedPID;

                //  Check Method 1
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng3, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed();
                    newSeed.Method      = "Method 1";
                    newSeed.Pid         = ((uint)rng2 << 16) + rng3;
                    newSeed.MonsterSeed = method1Seed;
                    newSeed.Sid         = (rng2 ^ (uint)rng3 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;


                //  Check Wishmkr
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng3, rng2, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    if (method1Seed < 0x10000)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed();
                        newSeed.Pid         = ((uint)rng3 << 16) + rng2;
                        newSeed.MonsterSeed = method1Seed;
                        newSeed.Sid         = (rng2 ^ (uint)rng3 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;
                        if (Functions.Shiny(newSeed.Pid, 20043, 0))
                            newSeed.Method = "Wishmkr Shiny";
                            newSeed.Method = "Wishmkr";

                //  Check Method 2
                // [PID] [PID] [xxxx] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng4] [rng3] [xxxx] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng3, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                        Method      = "Method 2",
                        Pid         = ((uint)rng3 << 16) + rng4,
                        MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                        Sid         = (rng3 ^ (uint)rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                 * Removed because Method 3 doesn't exist in-game
                 * //  Check Method 3
                 * //  [PID] [xxxx] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                 * //  [rng4] [xxxx] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                 * if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                 * {
                 *  //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                 *  Seed newSeed = new Seed();
                 *  newSeed.Method = "Method 3";
                 *  newSeed.Pid = ((uint)rng2 << 16) + (uint)rng4;
                 *  newSeed.MonsterSeed = method234Seed;
                 *  newSeed.Sid = ((uint)rng2 ^ (uint)rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;
                 *  seeds.Add(newSeed);
                 * }

                //  Check Method 4
                //  [PID] [PID] [IVs] [xxxx] [IVs]
                //  [rng4] [rng3] [rng2] [xxxx] [START]
                if (Check(rng2, rng3, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                        Method      = "Method 4",
                        Pid         = ((uint)rng3 << 16) + rng4,
                        MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                        Sid         = (rng3 ^ (uint)rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                //  Check Colosseum\XD
                // [IVs] [IVs] [xxx] [PID] [PID]
                // [START] [rng1] [rng3]

                if (Check(rng1XD, rng3XD, rng4XD, spe, spa, spd, nature))
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                        Method      = "Colosseum/XD",
                        Pid         = ((uint)rng3XD << 16) + rng4XD,
                        MonsterSeed = XDColoSeed,
                        Sid         = (rng4XD ^ (uint)rng3XD ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                if (rng3 / 0x5556 != 0)
                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (50% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x96);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (25% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E + 0xC8);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (75% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x4B);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x32);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                if (rng3 % 3 != 0)
                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (50% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25 + 0x96);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (25% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25 + 0xC8);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (75% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25 + 0x4B);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25 + 0x32);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0xFFFF; cnt <= 0x1FFFE; cnt++)
                uint x_test;
                uint x_testXD;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                x_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x4 : x4_2;

                x_testXD = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? x8 : x8_2;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed   = (x_test << 16) + ((cnt + 1) & 0xFFFF);
                uint seedXD = (x_testXD << 16) + ((cnt + 1) & 0xFFFF);

                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                var  rngXD      = new XdRng(seedXD);
                var  rngXDR     = new XdRngR(seedXD);
                uint XDColoSeed = rngXDR.GetNext32BitNumber();

                //  Right now, this simply assumes method
                //  1 and gets the value previous to check
                //  for  match.  We need a clean way to do
                //  this for all of our methods.

                //  We have a max of 5 total RNG calls
                //  to make a pokemon and we already have
                //  one so lets go ahead and get 4 more.
                ushort rng1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                ushort rng1XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng2XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng3XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();
                ushort rng4XD = rngXD.GetNext16BitNumber();

                uint method1Seed = rng.Seed;

                uint   method234Seed = rng.Seed;
                ushort choppedPID;

                //  Check Method 1
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng3, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed();
                    newSeed.Method      = "Method 1";
                    newSeed.Pid         = ((uint)rng2 << 16) + rng3;
                    newSeed.MonsterSeed = method1Seed;
                    newSeed.Sid         = (rng2 ^ (uint)rng3 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;


                //  Check Wishmkr
                // [PID] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng3, rng2, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    if (method1Seed < 0x10000)
                        //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                        var newSeed = new Seed();
                        newSeed.Pid         = ((uint)rng3 << 16) + rng2;
                        newSeed.MonsterSeed = method1Seed;
                        newSeed.Sid         = (rng2 ^ (uint)rng3 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;
                        if (Functions.Shiny(newSeed.Pid, 20043, 0))
                            newSeed.Method = "Wishmkr Shiny";
                            newSeed.Method = "Wishmkr";

                //  Check Method 2
                // [PID] [PID] [xxxx] [IVs] [IVs]
                // [rng4] [rng3] [xxxx] [rng1] [START]
                if (Check(rng1, rng3, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                        Method      = "Method 2",
                        Pid         = ((uint)rng3 << 16) + rng4,
                        MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                        Sid         = (rng3 ^ (uint)rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                 * Removed because Method 3 doesn't exist in-game
                 * //  Check Method 3
                 * //  [PID] [xxxx] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                 * //  [rng4] [xxxx] [rng2] [rng1] [START]
                 * if (Check(rng1, rng2, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                 * {
                 *  //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                 *  Seed newSeed = new Seed();
                 *  newSeed.Method = "Method 3";
                 *  newSeed.Pid = ((uint)rng2 << 16) + (uint)rng4;
                 *  newSeed.MonsterSeed = method234Seed;
                 *  newSeed.Sid = ((uint)rng2 ^ (uint)rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8;
                 *  seeds.Add(newSeed);
                 * }

                //  Check Method 4
                //  [PID] [PID] [IVs] [xxxx] [IVs]
                //  [rng4] [rng3] [rng2] [xxxx] [START]
                if (Check(rng2, rng3, rng4, hp, atk, def, nature))
                    //  Build a seed to add to our collection
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                        Method      = "Method 4",
                        Pid         = ((uint)rng3 << 16) + rng4,
                        MonsterSeed = method234Seed,
                        Sid         = (rng3 ^ (uint)rng4 ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                //  Check Colosseum\XD
                // [IVs] [IVs] [xxx] [PID] [PID]
                // [START] [rng1] [rng3]

                if (Check(rng1XD, rng3XD, rng4XD, spe, spa, spd, nature))
                    var newSeed = new Seed
                        Method      = "Colosseum/XD",
                        Pid         = ((uint)rng3XD << 16) + rng4XD,
                        MonsterSeed = XDColoSeed,
                        Sid         = (rng4XD ^ (uint)rng3XD ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                if (rng3 / 0x5556 != 0)
                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (50% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x96);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (25% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E + 0xC8);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (75% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x4B);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check DPPt Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 / 0xA3E + 0x32);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (DPPt)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                if (rng3 % 3 != 0)
                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (50% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25 + 0x96);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (25% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25 + 0xC8);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (75% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25 + 0x4B);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


                    //  Check HGSS Cute Charm (87.5% male)
                    //  [CC Check] [PID] [IVs] [IVs]
                    //  [rng3] [rng2] [rng1] [START]

                    choppedPID = (ushort)(rng2 % 25 + 0x32);
                    if (Check(rng1, 0, choppedPID, hp, atk, def, nature))
                        var newSeed = new Seed
                            Method      = "Cute Charm (HGSS)",
                            Pid         = choppedPID,
                            MonsterSeed = method1Seed,
                            Sid         = (choppedPID ^ id) & 0xFFF8


Exemplo n.º 13
        //  Add a list new Pokemon and do the breakdown
        public void Add(
            uint hp,
            uint atk,
            uint def,
            uint spa,
            uint spd,
            uint spe,
            Nature nature,
            string ability,
            GenderGenderRatio gender)
            string ivs = hp + " / " + atk + " / " + def + " / " + spa + " / " + spd + " / " + spe;
            Pokemon.Add(new CalculateChainSidPokemon(ivs, nature.Name, ability, gender.ShortName));

            // Build the block for the 2nd IV here.
            uint iv2 = spe + (spa << 5) + (spd << 10);
            uint iv2set = iv2 ^ 0x8000;

            uint iv1 = hp + (atk << 5) + (def << 10);
            uint iv1set = iv1 ^ 0x8000;

            var candidatePids = new List<CandidatePid>();

            //  Now we want to start with IV2 and call the RNG for
            //  values between 0 and FFFF in the low order bits.
            for (uint cnt = 0; cnt <= 0x1FFFE; cnt++)
                uint iv2_test;

                //  We want to test with the high bit
                //  both set and not set, so we're going
                //  to sneakily do them both.  god help
                //  me if i ever have to figure this out
                //  in the future.
                iv2_test = (cnt & 1) == 0 ? iv2 : iv2set;

                //  Set our test seed here so we can start
                //  working backwards to see if the rest
                //  of the information we were provided
                //  is a match.

                uint seed = (iv2_test << 16) + (cnt%0xFFFF);

                var rng = new PokeRngR(seed);

                uint iv1_rng = rng.GetNext16BitNumber();

                //  Check for a canididate here
                if (iv1_rng == iv1 || iv1_rng == iv1set)
                    //  Get the whole adjust number in a loop
                    uint adjust = 0x0;

                    for (int adjustCnt = 0; adjustCnt < 13; adjustCnt++)
                        uint adjustRng = rng.GetNext16BitNumber()%2U;
                        adjust |= (adjustRng << (15 - adjustCnt));

                    //  Get what we think was the initial PID
                    uint pid2 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber(); //  HIGHID
                    uint pid1 = rng.GetNext16BitNumber(); //  LOWID

                    uint adjustedLow = adjust | (pid1 & 7);

                    uint abilityNumber = adjustedLow%0x2;
                    uint genderNumber = adjustedLow & 0xFF;

                    // lol make this not suck
                    if ((ability == "Single Ability" ||
                             (abilityNumber == 0 && ability == "Ability 0") ||
                             (abilityNumber == 1 && ability == "Ability 1")
                         )) &&
                        var candidatePid = new CandidatePid {AdjustedLow = adjustedLow, NaturalHigh = pid2};

            var newSids = new List<uint>();

            foreach (uint sid in CandidateSids)
                //  Check each candiate pid that we found for the
                //  IV values and then see if the final PID with
                //  a particular nature/gender is a match.  If so
                //  we can go ahead and add the sid to the new
                //  list and exit early.
                foreach (CandidatePid candidatePid in candidatePids)
                    //  Build our full adjusted PID
                    uint adjustedHigh = candidatePid.AdjustedLow ^ Id ^ sid;
                    adjustedHigh &= 0xFFF8;
                    adjustedHigh += (candidatePid.NaturalHigh & 7);

                    //  for testing out the nature comparison
                    uint pid = (adjustedHigh << 16) + candidatePid.AdjustedLow;

                    //  If any of them work, we will add this to
                    //  the new candidateSids list and break to
                    //  go to the next seed.  Check the nature.
                    uint pidNature = pid%25;

                    if (nature.Number == pidNature)

            CandidateSids = newSids;